Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (11 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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She should have realized everyone knew what they’d done and were talking about it. What they needed was more mated couples so everyone wouldn’t be watching Zeus and her all the time. Doc really needed to stop punishing Hades for his stupidity and they could be mates. Hades had really fucked things up, hell, even he admitted it. He had made headway and they were having coffee together everyday. She was starting to relax around him and he became impatient. He decided to make her jealous by dating an opportunistic slut that
used to work in the cafeteria.

The date had ended in bed where Hades decided he might as well get a little relief while he waited for Doc to figure out she couldn’t live without him and c
ome after him. Dee, the little bitch he’d bedded, taped the whole thing and sent a copy to Doc. She was hurt, of course she was, but at that point she did decide she wanted a man in her life. The trouble was, it wasn’t Hades. She started dating a major who was temporarily assigned here and as soon as he wanted more, she dumped him. Right now she was dating Marlin, one of the extra men Mark had sent for security for the ball. He was in charge of Mark’s security here and a real nice guy. He was smart, attractive, and treated her like a lady. He was everything she should want, but even though he was a sexual athlete, Sierra knew she still cared for Hades. The trust had been lost but the feelings were still there.

It was why she had been sent on the mission with Hades, Zeus thought being stuck in each other’s company would force them to get past their problems. Instead, it had caused new ones.
Sierra just hoped they would work through it because she knew that no one else had the hope of ever making Doc happy, only Hades might do that if he learned how to treat a lady. If he just wanted sex, he might as well leave her alone for good.

She looked at the clock, in a few hours things would b
egin to happen and it would all be out of her hands.

Chapter 6


He was going to wring her pretty little neck
. Hermes and Hades sat in the back of the small military chopper squeezed into a space that wasn’t meant to hold people, much less big guys like them. It was set up to haul medical supplies in emergencies, the two medics were pilot and copilot. They flew in quickly stabilizing those they could while bigger transportation followed to haul victims to hospitals or haul out bodies when all efforts failed. He knew they had been lucky to get on anything at all. It was headed to Dallas anyway carrying a liver for transplant.

They might be lucky, but right now they didn’t feel lucky cramped in the back with the box carrying the lifesaving organ.  He would have just let her run if he didn’t think she might be in danger. It was that and this almost painful need he had developed for her. He had never felt such a strong attachment to a female even before that incredible
session of love making. After that, how could she deny him? How could she just leave him like he meant nothing to her? Maybe it hadn’t felt the same to her? They were circling the roof of the hospital in Dallas where they would land. A SUV would be waiting in the garage as near the door as they could find a parking spot.

The copter landed and he and Hades jumped off and ran for the door avoided the group on the roof waiting for the package. He ached all over and was surprised he could walk much less run. Sometimes it paid to be a god. The SUV wasn’t hard to find
, the keys were in the ignition, a necessary risk they had taken. They jumped in and they headed out to reclaim their women. He drove, since Hades had never been there before. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach alerting him to the danger that awaited them. How could Cher be so stupid and careless just because she wanted to get away from him? He wasn’t a bad guy and he feared he felt way too much for the little female. He glanced at Hades and saw the same concerns reflected on his face. He sped up a bit more but being stopped by a cop wouldn’t help their situation.

They finally got close and they stopped pulling into a spot beside the road that would accommodate the vehicle without it sticking out into the street. At this point they would hike to the house so if there was trouble, they could check it out before they took action. He just couldn’t wrap his head around her need to escape him at all costs and he was sure he wouldn’t ever understand it. They started out at a hard jog slowing the closer they got to Ben’s property.
His spine tingled the closer they got telling him trouble did await and it was worse than he had anticipated. They arrived at the house and he was sure they were undetected. A jeep sat in the drive which he was sure was Ben’s because it had been there when he was there before. An SUV was behind it, a rental no doubt, judging by the plates.

Even though there was no other vehicle in sight,
Hermes knew there was probably one somewhere because there was a sense of malicious intent in the air. He saw the same knowledge in Hades eyes, they would have to be careful to save their mates and any innocents there as well. They went in opposite directions, they would meet on the other side by then knowing if there was any sign of an enemy. Hermes moved to the barn, the perfect place to hide a car out of sight. There it was, an old sports car that had seen better days. He could smell the distinctive smells of three males. That wasn’t so bad, he and Hades could easily handle three human men. He moved on around to where Hades waited.

“Three men, one is Keven, Cher’s brother.

“Kill or capture?” Hades asked with a curious tilt of his head.

“We need to capture someone to question, but don’t endanger anyone for his sake.” Hermes wanted to be clear, take no chances but capture if you can. These men were all involved with Origin. He knew the only reason Hades asked him what to do, was that he knew about these man and one was his mate’s brother. Hades was in charge unless he gave up that right. He appreciated Hades thinking of him and even though they were brutal when teasing each other, they were brothers in a truer sense of the word than most that were born to the same parents.

They moved to the house where the
y used their keener senses to listen for conversation and attempt to sniff out locations. Hermes heard sounds going to the back door, one of the men was going to the car in the barn. He looked at the sprawling ranch house in front of him and he remembered where each door was. He moved quietly to where he could see the door nearest the barn. The yard was well appointed with trees, bushes, and flowers many of which were well established. There was a row of bushes that were eight foot high and he moved to hide in them.

The back patio door slid open and a man he recognized from Cher’s house came out. He had been the one that accompanied her brother the most often and brought out strong fear in her whenever she saw him. He was sure Keven had called him Stu. He wouldn’t bother Cher again because Hermes was about to remove him from the equation.

Hermes stalked behind Stu keeping to the bushes that hid him completely. Once Stu entered the barn, Hermes broke from his cover running to the opening in front of the barn. There wasn’t a door, just a ten foot opening in the front of the building that he followed Stu in through. It was dark inside and while Stu’s eyes adapted, Hermes came up behind him and caught him by the neck from behind. Just a hard twist, it was over, and now there were two.

Hades came up behind him. “Did you know him?” He really meant was this the brother.

“It was her brother’s buddy, Stu. He attacked her once and tried to rape her. He told her brother about it and said he’d take the fight right out of her once she was his. Can you believe her brother was going to give her to that asshole after he killed his little brother, Fabian?” Hades just shook his head. Hell, they all knew how cruel humans could be. They had lived with it all their lives and they were only finding out now that some humans were better than that. Some like Sierra and Cher were much better than that.

“What’s next?” Hades asked.

“I figure one of them will come out to see what’s taking Stu so long.”

“What if they don’t?”

“We can wait a while, but I bet they can’t. Let’s put Stu in the driver’s seat so they’ll come to the barn to see what’s up. Maybe we should put the hood up too. This car looks like it barely runs.”

Hades nodded and they opened the driver’s side door and picked up Stu sitting him in the seat and leaning him back against the head rest. Until they were beside the car they wouldn’t realize he was dead
, even then they might think he had just fallen asleep. Hermes popped the hood and Hades pulled it up and made sure it would stay that way. Hades stayed in the barn to take out the next guy while Hermes went back to his spot near the house to listen and watch. It wasn’t long before he heard arguing because neither man wanted to go check on Stu. He could hear the fear in their voices and he wanted to rush into the house as he heard Keven threaten Cher.

“If something has happened to Stu, you’re dead. You’re only good as a gift for a friend.”

“I’ll take her.” The other guy said and Hermes could hear the desire and the interest in his voice. Like hell he’d let another man touch what was his.

“You’re not a friend.”
Keven said in a hateful voice. Hermes bet he didn’t have many friends and he’d just lost one.

Keven final
ly convinced the guy he called Gary, to go out and check on Stu. Hermes hid carefully watching Gary walk nervously down the path from the patio doors to the barn. He seemed to release a breath he had held in when he caught sight of the car and thought it was just broke down. He sped up a little now more anxious to get to Stu to help him fix the car so they could get out of there. Hermes stayed where he was trusting Hades to do what was needed. Gods were the best at this kind of thing and eventually Zeus intended they would make a living out of it. He turned his attention back to the house. With only one adversary left, they would make their move quickly. Hopefully before Keven realized he was on his own.

Hermes slipped a little closer picking up the sounds of Keven yelling at Cher. “You stupid bitch. If you hadn’t let that bastard go, I would be counting my money in a week instead of trying to figure out how to avoid Origin agents who have already become suspicious of me. If it comes down to it, I’ll blame it on you and hand you over to them. They’re always looking for DNA or a slut to use for their captive gods.”

“I thought all the gods were free now.”

“You believe in unicorns and dragons too, don’t you Sis? Stupid bitch. They have many more labs and facilities around the world hidden in places they’ll never be found. Some in small numbers that won’t draw any attention. They’ve lost some of their funds now so they’re trying natural breeding and they
even got a whorehouse where rich woman can enjoy a god for the night. It’s funny, they’re paying for what my whore sister got for free. Was it worth your life and Fabian’s?”

“He has no interest in me. We’re just friends, that’s all.”

Keven laughed. “You stupid bitch, no man is your friend. Even when you looked like something the cat dragged in, my friends all noticed you. I told them to leave you alone. Not because I care about you, I was saving you as a prize for my best friend. It kept Stu in line, he wants you bad. I knew a big score would come around eventually and I wanted his loyalty. I needed to know I had one guy who would do whatever I asked for.”

“You really are a monster, aren’t you Keven?”

“I’m the thing that goes bump in the night.” Keven agreed with a chuckle.

Hermes knew he needed to get Keven off by himself, but he didn’t think it was possible. Hades slipped through the bushes to his side. “He’s restrained. Let’s hope he knows something that can help us.”

“Keven isn’t planning on going down easy and he has a lot of anger toward Cher and Fabian. It won’t be easy.”

“Why don’t we see if we can find a way into the house.” Hades suggested as he moved toward a door that Hermes thought led to the master suite.

They stood near the window listening and someone was in there but not Keven. Hades forced the door using all his strength breaking the lock with a snapping sound. He pulled it all the way open and they walked into the room cautiously. Ben, his son, and Fabian were there tied up sitting on the floor. They were freed quickly and seemed unharmed.

“What happened here?” Hermes asked.

“Keven and his buddies showed up the day before Cher and her friend did. He tied us up and put us back here and he hasn’t come back since. I’ve heard sounds like mumbling, but I haven’t made out anything they’re saying except when Cher and her friend came in the door. Keven was yelling at them telling them to get on their knees.” Ben said looking tired and maybe a bit scared.

figure out how to get the girls free.” Hermes said even though he feared dealing with Keven. You never knew what a crazy man might do.

Hades and Hermes moved down the hall until they were near the living room where Doc and Cher were being held. Hermes moved where he could see part of the room. Doc was near him and Cher was on the other side of the room with Keven. He had made her fix food for him and she was arguing with him.

“Let me fix the others some food, I’m sure they’re hungry.” Cher told him with her hands held out in front of her.

“I said no and that’s it. We’re about to leave so it doesn’t matter anyway. You and Fabian are coming with me, maybe this bitch too.” Keven said pointing in Doc’s general direction.

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