Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (7 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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Left to her own devices, Cher did the same but it wouldn’t have the same results because eventually Hermes would come to rest for the night since they shared a room. It would do him no good if she was asleep by then.
She got ready for bed undressing, removing her makeup, and putting on her sleep shirt. She would have taken a shower, but she couldn’t face Hermes and his accusations. She slipped into bed and the stresses of the day had worn her out causing her to fall into a deep sleep. She woke up being picked up in someone’s arms.

“Hermes, what the hell are you doing?” She ask
ed as she tried to shake her head to clear it.

“I can’t stand his smell on you. I’m taking you to the shower.”
What the hell?

“Did you say you’re giving me a shower? I’m not a child you have to bathe. Besides, why do you care who touches me?” He looked down at her, his lovely purple eyes glowing and he lowered his lips to hers. It started gently, his lips soft and pliable as he brushed them against hers, but at some point it changed to a claiming kiss that assaulted her sense and branded her very being.

His hands, he must have had more than two of them, because they were everywhere. He touched and tempted her but she refused to give in. He only seemed to want her when another male did, she wasn’t going to be treated that way. Either he wanted her all the time or not at all. She pushed against his chest, not because she thought she was strong enough to push him away, but because she knew he wouldn’t continue if she wanted him to stop. The look of wild desire on his face was almost her undoing, but she was strong enough not to be used by anyone ever again. Keven had used her to smack when he was frustrated and to cook and clean for him like a slave. Being used for sex by Hermes would be worse than that had been.

“Why did you stop me? I know you want me, too.” His forehead was covered in beads of sweat, the look on his face almost painful as he questioned her.

“You don’t really want me, you just don’t want another male to have me. I can shower by myself, thank you.” She said as she motioned for him to leave even though it hurt, but it was the right thing to do.

As soon as he was gone and the door closed, she undressed stepping in the shower setting the temperature of the water just right. The water ran over her soothing her frustrated mind and body while she thought that Hermes was trying to drive her insane. He had many chances to move their relationship forward to a more intimate one but it had taken jealousy to force his hand. It made her think the
strong feelings and desires she had for him were not reciprocated. Maybe he just needed sex and saw her as an obvious opportunity to slake his lust until something better came along. She would not be the easy lay, used and cast aside.

The water eased her anger and calmed her mind as she washed her hair hoping she could make it look as good as the stylist had. She cleaned herself rubbing the soap all over, even massaging a few places that ached with tired overused muscles. She felt better as she dried off grabbing a robe to cover herself before going into the room she shared with Hermes to find a more appropriate thing to wear for the night. He wasn’t in there, but she was tired of worrying about what he thought and where he was.
She fell asleep alone on her side of the bed only to wake wrapped in his arms with something hard pressing against her ass. She wished he didn’t feel so good and right as he held her close.

She lay still enjoying his warmth and comfort for a little while knowing she would have to get up soon. Another day, another dollar so to speak since she would have to accomplish something today at the company her father had worked so hard to make successful. Seeing Jack again today would be uncomfortable, but it had to be done. Hermes had no claim on her nor did he really want a relationship with her, she was sure of that.

She felt him move restlessly, a sign that he would soon wake.

Chapter 4


He felt her lying against him
, a bittersweet pleasure at best. He wanted her, heart and soul not just a night or a few nights. He was certain now that he’d spent some time with her, that she was his mate. It was true that they didn’t really know much about the mating. Did they have one in all the world or several that might work, but he knew deep in his heart that she was the only one he wanted. Whether it was chance or fate that had brought them together didn’t matter anymore, she was his and would always and forever be his. She wanted him, he could smell it on her, see it in her eyes. Why would she fight her desire unless she wanted this other male more. This other male that smelled of the gods only less because he was missing something. Hermes didn’t understand it, but he intended to follow her today and see if it gave him any answers. Hades was of a like mind so they would go together.

It was morning but his unwilling mate was in his arms and he didn’t want to move. When her alarm went off, it would no longer be his choice but until then he left his arms around her and his body pressed tightly against her. He knew she was awake hoping her lack of movement was because she enjoyed feeling him hold and press up against her. He wished, for a moment, that he could read her mind and know for sure what she felt for him, but then he decided it was better not to know in case she felt nothing at all.

It couldn’t last forever no matter how much he wished it to, she pulled away from his arms and his body, rising to prepare for the day. He could hear the shower running and he imagined her hands running over her soap slicked body and he could feel his body react to the image in his mind. No female had ever caused such a reaction from his thoughts alone. If this male she was seeing for her work took her from him, what the hell would he do? He knew Hades feared the same, maybe even more since at least Cherish slept in the same bed and let him touch her. Doc fought against Hades attempt to claim her in every way on every level. No matter how much he worried over his chances of claiming his Cherish, his chances were better than Hades were.

She came back into the room in nothing but a towel making him practically drool. He looked out beneath just a crack under his closed lids
as she dropped the towel. He almost choked as he got an eyeful of her naked body full frontal before she turned her luscious ass toward him and bent over to put her silky barely there panties on. He felt all the blood rush to his cock as his heartbeat thumped a rhythm that he felt painfully aware of. The tiny satin panties barely covered her sweet ass cheeks as she put on bra and a sexy as hell dress for that male she would see today. She fixed her hair, put on make up, and sprayed some sexy smelling perfume on her. It was painful to see her go to all this trouble to prepare for another male.

Part of him, the part that reacted without reason
, that part that was basic and an animal, wanted to jump up, grab her, and never let her leave. The reasoning intelligent part of him knew that it wouldn’t work, she would resent him for making her his captive. He needed to deal with this head on, but after he figured out what the male meant to her and dealt with it. He would wait and Hades would wait too until the females left before they dressed and followed them. It hurt him in his chest to let her go even if it was only for a few moments, but he did it anyway. He heard her talking to Doc as they prepared to leave before he heard the front door close as they left. He jumped out of bed dressing in moments and met up with Hades by the front door. It didn’t matter that they had lost sight of their females, they had overheard enough to know where they were going.

Hades had a wicked smile on his face that made
Hermes hesitate to follow him since he wanted Cher to be his, not to hate him forever. Hades led him downstairs where a car awaited them which they entered then took off. The driver kept his eyes on the road showing no interest in talking and that was fine because they didn’t want to talk either. They drove out to the edge of the heavily populated area and to what seemed like a small oasis of businesses surrounded by fields and clumps of trees. The largest building at the center was their target, it stood out since it was larger, taller, and grander than the buildings around it.

Olympus Security Specialist
s Inc. was right in front of them now. It was a modern building with reflective glass in the front and a huge reception area just as you walked in. A pretty and quite busy, young lady was on the phone, doing paperwork of some kind, and glancing over at them where they waited. As soon as she hung up the phone it rang again, but she ignored it focusing on them instead.

“Hello, I’m Jeanie, the welcome wagon for Olympus. Can I help direct you?” She said it with the tired feeling of something said over and over throughout the day for days and days without end.

Hermes smiled at her and she blushed sweetly. “Yes, you can. I have an appointment with the big guy upstairs. Something about a troublesome young lady. I’m sure that’s not you.” He winked at her and he thought she would pass out on the spot but she recovered enough to answer.

“Top floor, main door. Good luck, I hear he is at his wit
’s end with her.”

Hermes could only imagine what that meant but he didn’t like any of the ways his imagination was headed. Hades made a soft growl causing the woman’s head to jerk his way and a gasp to come to her lips.
They hurried to the elevator before she could have time to process what was going on.

“Once again your primitive side is causing us trouble.” Hermes said to Hades.

“I can’t help the way I respond to our mates being insulted at the least, plotted against at the most. You know those males touched them, touched what is ours not theirs.”

“They aren’t ours yet and I think that is what troubles you the most. Don’t growl at me either, I have my own problems were Cher is concerned.” Hades shrugged but he didn’t growl.
These females might be the end of them both. The elevator stopped and the door opened, even the hallway up here was posh and screamed money. The main door was a double door and each side was large, the doors were heavy, made of solid wood and with ornamental carvings.

They entered without knocking surprised to see no secreta
ry in the outer room. They just headed on in as if they were authorized to freely come and go. Four heads lifted looking at them in surprise, while they in turn were surprised by Jack and his assistant. They had seen their kind when they were young, but to see one now was a surprise. Hermes and Hades eyes narrowed taking in the whole scene in front of them. Cher sat by the desk with the male in charge next to her sitting very close while Doc sat next to the other guy equally close. They fought to control their inner primitive being which was not too far from basic animal instinct except theirs was more like an inner beast or demon.

The desire to beat the males senseless before grabbing their females, tossing them over one shoulder, and running out to hide them away was hard to resist. Hermes knew it would be the wrong thing to do but he worried about Hades. He was closer to his beast than any of them and had to fight his primitive side with all the
strength he had. The fact that the one named Jack and the other one were what they were, made things much much worse.

“What are you doing here, Hermes?” Cher asked with an angry look on her face. Doc didn’t even bother to address Hades which
, in a way was worse.

“I smelled a familiar scent and I needed to check it out.” A curious look came to both her and Doc’s faces.

“Well do we have to ask or will you tell us what you discovered?”

”These two are supermen.” He said pointing to Jack and his assistant.

“What’s that mean?” Cherish asked.

“It means they are the precursors of the gods. They are fully human but the best humanity has to offer, the best genes, the best training, and sometimes the best technology.” Doc answered while she looked closely at the two men.

“We are human, they are not.” Jack said looking at Cherish.

“You think that makes you better?” Cherish asked looking disgusted.
He knew she must be wondering if anyone was as they seemed anymore.

Hermes moved to
Cherish’s side, either to protect or claim, it was hard for him to say. “He’s dangerous to you.” He told her.

“You aren’t?” She ask
ed looking between them.

Hermes felt a sharp stabbing pain as she seemed to deny him, deny the bond he had felt grow between them. Would this be the end, had she really made her choice?

“What are you doing, Jack? There’s something going on here and I think you know what it is.”

“I’m not doing it, but I think Origin may be. Some of us like
Pete and me, we just cut loose trying to live as normal a life as we can. Years ago, when I first started here, Origin just wanted me in a position of power so I could use my influence to help them.”

“You agreed to do that? My father trusted you!” Cherish yelled at him. Jack looked stunned
and Hermes wondered why.

“Easy, Cherish.” Hermes said as he tried to pull her into his arms but she twisted away.

“Cherish?” Jack asked in a whisper.

“I suppose you didn’t recognize the naïve little girl
you used to know.”

“It is you. Now I can see the signs, your eyes haven’t changed except the innocence has left them.
I haven’t seen you in over four years, you’ve become a woman.” He said his eyes moving down her body in appreciation.

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