Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (3 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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He hadn’t had a female in months and she obviously wanted him.
So what if it was in an alley, this particular alley saw this type of action all the time. She was taking charge so he just leaned back and let her go to town. He felt the air hit his cock as she opened his pants and pulled it out. The other girls oohed and ahhed over such a spectacular masculine display. He wasn’t an exhibitionist, not really. He was just comfortable with nudity and his own body. The blonde wasted no time on niceties or foreplay but went after what she wanted. She climbed on board, pulling herself up with her arms around his neck. He grabbed ahold of her ass to hold her in place as she moved her hand between them lining them up. She pushed herself down merging their bodies.

The female was in excellent physical condition moving herself up and down on his cock with no help from him.
He tried to move but she smacked him when he did and at this point he needed to get off as much as he needed to breathe. It reminded him of a dance except she didn’t seem to need or want any help from him. She was in a sexual frenzy as she moved up and down talking dirty and making animal noises. He felt she was near her release so he let himself go, living in the moment. She exploded a second before he did, milking his cock for all she was worth. When every drop of seed was wrung from him, she slid down to the ground. That’s when he felt a pinch and it was lights out.

When he woke, he was locked up in a cold, dark place with chains keeping him frozen in place. He should have realized that wild aggressive women could bring as much pain as pleasure. He had just been tired of his own hand being his only comfort so he had let the situation spiral out of his control. If he ever escaped this place, he would be more cautious.
The lesson learned was valuable though it came at an impossible price. He knew Zeus and the other gods were looking for him, they would leave no stone unturned but he didn’t even know exactly where he was. He was only sure that it was a long way away from them and since he rarely heard a car, he figured it was a long way away from anyone.

Cherish slipped back into the building hours later. She came twice a day to bring him food so he wouldn’t starve. She had cooked him a whole chicken and had to turn it sideways to get it through the bars. The rest of the food was in another bag, a thermos of southern style sweet tea was also passed through the bars. This was one of his favorite meals, baked chicken, potatoes with gravy, corn bread muffins, and a side of green beans with bacon in them. The dessert was a big piece of pecan pie making him feel more like a treasured guest th
an a prisoner. He wanted to ask her things-did she cook the food herself, why was she here, couldn’t she escape, and most of all, did she have a mate- but he feared she’d run away and never come back if he showed too much interest.

He finished his food and reluctantly handed his empty bags and thermos back through the bars that separated them. What would he be tempted to do if the bars weren’t there? His thoughts must have shown on his face because she nervously stepped back, turned, and hurried away. Didn’t she realize she was his woman and no one else’s? Apparently
not, since she sped away like she was on fire, not even sparing the time for a backward glance. He went back to sit on his cot and think about the changes he had gone through the last few weeks only to end up confined once more.

The next day the sunshine came through the window brightening his cage but not nearly as much as Cherish could. He was living his life right now just waiting for her to come
to him, for nothing else mattered to him. He tried to think of a way to get out of the cage but the only way out was if she found a way to free him but seeing her terror when she saw the men who held him captive made him realize he could never ask that of her. As scared as she was, she would never be able to pull an escape off. Just as he thought about her, she appeared looking as lovely as a mythical creature might. She passed him his meal and when she passed him his thermos, he felt something odd. It was a key, but did he dare hope it opened his cell? She moved to an odd angle away from him and he realized she was trying to block the camera from seeing her mouth.

If the camera had no sound,
they couldn’t know what she said. “Keven is supposed to leave for a three day trip in two hours. We need to hurry to get away before he comes back. This will be our only chance. Fabian and I will be waiting for you in a SUV.”

He finished eating and handed back his empties. He had a lot to think about and two hours to do it. He would know when she pulled up in front of the building because of his sensitive hearing. It was hard to believe his fearful female would really do it. He went over every possibility in his head including her changing her mind, her leaving without him, and her getting hurt because of him, but in the end he had no control
over anything and she would do as she saw fit. He heard the sound of a motor in front of the building, he put the key in the lock on the door, turned it, and when it opened he hurried out and into the free world once more. She waited out front in the driver’s seat and a young boy sat behind her. The boy looked at him with wide eyes as if he had never seen anyone quite like him.

Hermes remembered he was half naked
, his tattoo was in plain sight, and his eyes probably glowed their unusual purple color. The boy seemed to realize he was staring because he dropped his eyes to the floorboard instead. Who was this child that would be with them as they ran to freedom? Where was Fabian, the man she spoke of with such love. He jumped in the passenger seat where she insisted he wear his seat belt. She left in a cloud of dust because the driveway was dirt now with only hints of the gravel that had once been there.

She drove to the nearest town finding a small airport. She went to talk to a guy in what looked like the office
at one of the hangars. It looked like she had rented the plane to fly them somewhere but it was a small private plane made to fly five to seven people at the most and they wouldn’t be very comfortable. With just the three of them, the pilot, and their luggage, the fit would be tolerable. Cherish sat in the front where the copilot usually sat. It made him feel dejected because she wasn’t at his side. It seemed some these human women could grow on a male if he wasn’t careful. The flight wasn’t long, maybe a couple hours before they landed on another private airfield. Cherish led them into another hanger tossing a bag at him and encouraging him to change.

“We’ll stay here a day or two so I can change up my hair and we should get yours dyed so it looks different. Fabian should be alright since Keven hasn’t seen him in ages.” Cherish instructed him
as she handed him a pair of sunglasses she pulled out of the bag she had carried in. The hanger wasn’t too bad since it had a full bathroom and a couple rooms with beds to bunk in. It had a kitchenette that would work to cook food in or they could throw together a sandwich. For now it was time to clean up and recover from stress of their escape. He meant that more for Cherish and the boy since he was a god and he didn’t let such things bother him. Finding out the boy was Fabian had come as a great relief to him. She was free for him to claim, he just knew she was. He took the first shower and found nice, clean clothes laid out for him. She had bought him designer jeans, a T shirt, high tops, underwear, and socks. The underwear was comfortable and reminded him of the shorts Origin had made them wear most of the time at the facility.

Fabian w
ould be next since the plane had been dusty and he was sure Cherish would take a shower after Fabian. He had to admit, to himself anyway, that the thought of her naked in the shower touching herself was driving him crazy. He stripped and turned on the water setting it just right before soaping up his hands and washing himself. He started with his chest and worked his way down but when he got to his engorged aching member, he spent a little time bringing himself some relief. He cupped his balls tugging on them making his cock ache even more before moving up to grasp his member which was straining upward. He closed his eyes, put one hand out to hold onto the shower wall in front of him, and started stroking himself.

He thought of Cherish and tried to imagine what her small smooth hands would feel like. In his mind’s eye
, he could see her, feel her as she touched him. Her hand would move faster as she gripped him as if she never wanted to release him. His breathing came in harsh gasps as he felt his orgasm building. He was like a volcano about to erupt as the image of her stroking faster, harder, filled his mind until he exploded shooting stream after stream of milky white fluid against the shower wall. He jerked as bliss washed over him giving him the best release of his life. If imagining her stroking him was this good, what would reality be like?

He went to find a bed to crash in
, partly because he would need his strength to see them through and partly because there was nothing else to do. He took the bunk behind the door where he could see anyone enter but he was hidden until they came in and turned around. He thought about sleep, but he just wasn’t sleepy enough or maybe it was thoughts of Cherish and what she was doing right now. Was she in the shower right now doing what he had done? Was she touching herself to bring relief to her stressed out body? She might even be trying to sleep, resting for whatever tomorrow might bring. He heard a sound as someone came into the room. It was Cherish and she was wearing nothing but a little towel. His mouth watered wanting to taste her, to run his mouth and hands over her body licking and stroking every inch.

She seemed not to realize he was there as she stepped in past the door and dropped the towel to the floor. His mouth went dry as his heart beat rapidly and his lungs refused to take in a breath. Her back was to him, smooth and flawless all the way down to a pert rear end. He could almost feel her perfect handful of
ass cheeks squeezed in the palms of his hands. If she turned around and showed him her front he was sure he would die. He tried to look away, to put his head down and pretend to sleep, but he couldn’t stop staring at her beautiful backside to save his life. She pulled on a sleep shirt and broke the spell that he had been under. He ducked his head into the pillow and pretended to sleep. If she noticed him, she never said a word. She just pulled back the covers of the other bed, slipped between them, and went to sleep. He could hear when her breathing evened out and she fell deep asleep.

He tossed and turned long after she slept, trying to sleep but unable to. Worries and memories chased each other through his head leaving little room for rest. At some point he must have drifted off because when he woke it was daylight and he could smell coffee and bacon. He rose, dressed, and followed his nose to where breakfast was waiting, but Cherish wasn’t.

Chapter 3


She had gone to a beauty salon for the first time since her father had died. She wasn’t hiding anymore so she was going to look her best. Keven would never recognize her without her hair covering half her face. She had needed to fade into the background because Keven’s friends were criminals, some were even convicted rapists, but now she was free of them and him. She left the salon and went to buy some clothes that looked good and actually fit. She changed into them at the store and threw away her old ones. She was going to get rid of all of them because she wanted no reminders of the last three or so years of hell. She bought some makeup and put it on in the car barely recognizing the girl who looked back at her in the mirror. She and Fabian’s new life was starting now and if she never saw Keven again, it would be too soon.

She drove to the hanger and walked in
, the smells of breakfast still lingered in the air though the food was long gone. She should have eaten in town but fear of being caught made her hurry everywhere she went. She might look different but the fear was still there. She grabbed some stuff out of the fridge and fixed herself a small breakfast in one skillet. She wasn’t paying attention as someone snuck up on her and she was caught in a grip of steel. Her training kicked in and she was lucky he hadn’t expected a small female to put up a fight. Fear spiked her adrenaline giving her extra strength as she relaxed putting him at ease before turning in his loosened hold and kneeing him in the crotch. As her attacker dropped to the floor writhing in agony, she realized it was Hermes.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry but you shouldn’t sneak up on a girl like that. You’re lucky I didn’t hit you with the hot frying pan or pour the burning grease on you.”

He moaned but showed some signs of recovery. “I don’t feel very lucky.” He managed to rasped.

When he seemed well enough, she helped him to the couch where he sat staring at her. She smiled at him seeing the approval in his eyes. “You like?” Sh
e asked and he nodded either unable or unwilling to speak. She wanted his approval too much and she knew no good would come of it.

“When will we move on and where do you intend to take us?” Hermes asked. She had expected him to ask much sooner than he had.

“I have options but I thought you might have some input. Fabian and I are free to go anywhere, we have no one but each other. We have no place to be but together.”

What is he to you?” Hermes asked.

“He is my little brother. My father tasked me
with seeing to his welfare when he died. Keven was my older half brother. I tried to look out for him and steer him right but he was a lost cause. I am sorry for the pain he caused you. He is beyond saving and I know now I can’t help him no matter what I do.” Cherish explained hoping he would understand and he seemed to.

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