Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (9 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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“No, we can’t. I can’t.” She said, proud that she’d resisted when all she wanted to do was give in.

“Just once, just let me lick you, taste you, slide inside of you until we’re both crazy with the pleasure we feel. It’ll be so much better than what you just did to yourself.” His mouth started moving down her neck and his hands slid under her nightgown rubbing her skin making her shake with desire she couldn’t control.

Why did he do this to
her? She wanted more from a man than just sex, she needed feelings that he couldn’t give her. “I won’t be used for sex. Don’t you understand, Hermes? For me, it has to mean something.”

“It does mean something to me, Cher, because I care about you.”

“So this is, what…friends with benefits?” His body stiffened and it looked like he was angry. He dropped his arms letting her go then he turned and left the room. It seemed colder once he was gone and she slid into bed pulling all the covers around her like a cocoon. Her traitorous body begged her to call him back, to say she was sorry and hadn’t meant a word she’s said, but she had meant it so she didn’t say a word and just slipped into a fitful sleep.

Hot, so very hot and needy. She moaned and writhed in her sleep not sure what was dream and what was real. His hot wet mouth was on hers demanding she give him everything while his greedy hands were everywhere working their magic on her willing body. The line between reality and wishful thinking blurred as she suspected it was real but ignored the warning pushing it far back in her mind. His lips moved to her breasts, teasing tempting, nipping until her nipples were
tender, aching for more of what only he could give her. His hand moved down to her thighs sliding his finger into her slick heat, sinking in so deep as she arched against it that it sent frissons of delight through her. He plunged into her repeatedly adding a finger for good measure stirring her senses as his mouth descended.

More, I want more now!
She wasn’t herself, disconnected from logic as all her senses were on overload and she shivered as his mouth continued downward both excited and shocked by what she thought he was about to do. Oh, she was no shrinking virgin, okay she might be shrinking but she was no longer a virgin having had sex at least half a dozen times with her high school sweetheart before her dad had died. After his death she had withdrawn from the world to see to her duty, raising Fabian and trying her best to save Keven from himself. Even though she was still raising Fabian, she had admitted to failing with Keven. She c
ouldn’t help him if he embraced the lifestyle he lived and was happy with the way things were.

Her body froze as his mouth made it down to where his fingers were driving into her and his tongue slid up to her clit.
Oh my God, I’ve never felt anything like this before!
When her high school boyfriend had attempted it, it never felt so wonderful. He had been hesitant, uncertain of how to bring her pleasure, but Hermes wasn’t. The skills his experience had given him insured her pleasure and she couldn’t fail to see how ironic that was. His tongue put pressure in all the right spots and she moaned as the feeling grew, her ravenous body wanted more and she slid her hands in his hair pulling him in closer. He teased and circled her hot throbbing clit until a wave of unparalleled bliss washed over her and she thrashed in his hold bucking wildly as she screamed out her release.

Hermes wasted no time moving up her body and slamming his cock in hard to the hilt before the throes of her orgasm had even stilled.
He moaned, she was sure the grasping of her muscles against him as he slid in was why. “So hot, so tight!” He said as he just froze there, in as far as he could go before he started moving fast, hard, and out of control. The pleasure she felt made her dizzy as he pounded into her harder, faster giving her more than she ever thought possible. The pressure built causing her to writhe and arch against him, meeting thrust for thrust until a wave of pure bliss rushed over her making her scream his name and jerk against him even as he let out an animalistic sound as he too found his release.

What have I done
? I feel tied to him now, irrevocably even though I knew I wouldn’t stay. How could I stay with a man that viewed me as a friend and a warm body to lie with? I admitted, to myself anyway, that I was a fool and a weak one at that. I just needed to keep my legs closed for a little while, once we had Fabian and we settled in at Olympus, I would probably rarely even see him.

What would
she do now that she knew how good it could be? How would she stand to be near him and not have him with her? Her life had gone from bad to worse just because she had enjoyed carnal delights with the wrong man. He was no better than Jack, just a sexual opportunist ready to latch onto the nearest available female body. She turned away from him even as he tried to pull her against him.

“Cherish, sweetheart, don’t. Come back and let me hold you.” Hermes said looking for all the world like he wanted nothing more than to do just that, but she knew the desire hadn’t been there until the jealousy was.
There was some odd dysfunctional relationship between gods and supermen so she was like a bone being pulled back and forth between Jack and Hermes. The animosity shown by the four men in the office had been almost suffocating. They were almost brothers in their situations and should work to help each other, but she didn’t see that happening easily.

She got out of bed gathering clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. She pushed thoughts of what she had just done out of her head, or at least as far out of her thoughts as she could. The warm water relaxed her helping to ease the anger she felt at her own stupidity. She played with fire then was surprised when she got burned. She would talk to Doc, neither of them were needed, maybe they could get Fabian and return to Olympus before Hermes and Hades. Once she was settled in, she was sure she wouldn’t see much of Hermes since he would have other women to keep him happy. The thought hurt, but sometimes the truth did.

She was ready for the day as she walked out to the sitting room where Doc and Hades argued. Those two needed to fuck each other so bad it was obvious. They would be more fun to be around once the deed was done. Hermes came out a few minutes later, but the couple fighting hadn’t taken notice of either of them. Hermes finally slapped Hades on the back earning an animalistic growl and a look that would terrify most people if they had received it.

“You two need to just get together and get over it.” Hermes advised receiving glares from both of them now.

“What the hell do you think I’ve been trying to do?” Hades asked.

“Bulldoze over me to get what you want?” Doc queried.

It was clear to see there was chemistry there that Doc denied while Hades pursued. Why anyone would send those two on a mission together was beyond her. The chemistry was hot but the tension was strong between them. Doc was angry and Hades was frustrated, not too different than the relationship between Hermes and her.

“We need to go and check out some more dives.” Hades said with a last look at Doc before he turned walking to the door.

“We’ll talk when I get back.” Hermes said as he looked at Cher before following Hades out the door.

“What’s up with the two of you?” Doc asked. “I don’t have their ramped up senses but even I can tell something has changed.”

“I’m just ready to get out of here and I think you want to leave too. Come with me to get my brother and we can just go to Olympus ahead of them.”

“Leaving or running?” Doc asked her eyes looking and seeing too much.

“Does it really matter as long as we’re gone?”

Doc looked thoughtful but Cher knew that Hades was getting on her nerves and she wanted to escape as much as Cherish needed too. If ever she had seen a deer in the headlights look, it was on Doc’s face right now. Cherish knew the intention had originally been for Doc to stay with Hades until the mission was complete, but technically the mission had been to find Hermes-mission completed. Hades had changed the mission to tracking down those responsible
so it was up to Doc to decide if she was going to stick with him or not. It was clear Doc was torn between escaping Hades and the emotional rollercoaster he put her on and sticking it out to show she was immune to him. It was almost laughable because it was obvious that Doc was anything but immune to the hunky Hades.

“We really shouldn’t. These gods get funny about things like that. They are very anal when it comes to following orders.”

“Your mission was to find Hermes, right? You found him.”

“Well, that’s technically true.”

“Who changed the mission parameters to include chasing down those who took Hermes?”

“I suppose Hades did since we are on communications black out.”

“So he’s your boss now?” Cher would feel bad for taking advantage of Doc’s rebelliousness toward all things Hades, later. For now, even if she had to take advantage of her and manipulate her, she needed to get away from Hermes.

Doc’s face showed her anger at the thought that she had let Hades take charge without question. She was now more than ready to get out of here too. “Let’s pack up and go.”

“It won’t take me a minute.” Cher answered as she rushed back into the bedroom to load up her bags. She was excited that she would see Fabian again and be able to take him with her. She hoped Olympus was large so she could avoid Hermes and not see what he was up to, she knew if she did, it would break her heart.

Bags packed and loaded into the cab, they headed to the airport. Not the large commercial one most people used, but a small private one where they would wait for the plane that would pick them up.
She called Ben to let him know that she would be picking Fabian up and he sounded odd, but he insisted he was right as rain. It was something she might have thought about a little bit more had she not been so anxious to put distance between her and a certain god.

She and Doc waited less than an hour before Larry landed pulling in near where they waited. He fueled up and checked out the plane making sure everything looked good. He was extremely thorough and one of the best pilots around. Once he was done, he motioned to them to load up. Cher went to the copilot’s seat and Doc had the back to herself. The flight was safe and dull which was preferable to overly exciting and dangerous.

They landed in Texas, tired, hungry, and maybe even a bit irritable. They would shower, eat, and catch some sleep before heading to get Fabian. The sleep thing seemed to make all the difference even though they had only slept a couple hours. They rented an SUV and headed out. They were both quiet, lost in their own thoughts until they were nearly at the end of the trip.

“So this is an old friend of your father
’s that we are getting your brother from?”

“Yes, he’s the only person I would trust with this.”

The driveway was in sight and they turned to head down it. In just a few minutes, Fabian would be back in her care again.

Chapter 5

Tough Choices

Sierra turned in her lover’s arms so she could give him a gentle kiss. Zeus’s eyes fluttered open and his arms pulled her tighter against him. The look in his gaze was so heated, she felt like it had set her on fire. It was a good thing the baby was with Lu, or Lucifer as most of the others called him. He had developed a bond with her daughter that few understood and none had expected.

His hands stroked her, ensuring her need was as great as his. It wasn’t that he really thought she would deny him, Sierra always wanted him from the moment they had first met. It was that the Halloween Ball was only days away, Doc and Hades were off on a mission looking for Hermes who as far as they knew hadn’t yet been found, her baby, Athena, was going through a stage where she was irritable and possibly in pain, and there were too many people around that had conflicting agendas.

Mark was back, he had returned to tell her in person that Kyler had escaped while being transferred to a more permanent facility
after they had realized there was no point in interrogating him. All he spoke of was Sierra and his baby, his obsession was complete. Mark seemed certain Kyler was nearby planning to reclaim what he considered his woman and child. Things around here were never quiet, but right now chaos seemed to reign.

Security was crazy and with the second level now open to everyone, there were just more places for others to hide. There were also more people to watch with all the personnel the gods had hired in housekeeping and cafeteria jobs. They hadn’t been able to find enough skilled women, because it seemed females were the ones who were applying in droves but most of them were only interested in hooking up with a god and couldn’t keep their minds on the job. Just yesterday she had fired one of the cooks because she had caught the kitchen on fire. She had slipped into the pantry with one of the young horny gods for a little
‘something something’ and forgotten about the oven full of pastries she was baking. Hegias, the god she had misbehaved with, had been named after a Greek philosopher since they had run out of god names. Zeus had punished him too by taking away his dessert.

Sierra had protested, losing your job was a more severe punishment than just losing a piece of cake. Zeus had insisted that losing dessert was a serious punishment because gods loved their sweets and everyone would know he was being punished and tease him. He would also know that the next time he got in trouble, he would be put at the top of the rotation for an undesirable duty.
Zeus stuck firmly to his decision even as two gods dragged the poor little cook from the facility crying for Hegias. He was nowhere to be seen now that the pleasure was done.

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