Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (17 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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Hermes matched her pace and soon they were at their room. It was lucky that they hadn’t run into Lu because he would have done something really embarrassing. Thoughts of Lu made her smile because the demon was fun and really a softy. She hoped someday he would have a mate and children because he would make such a good dad. Hermes would too and she wondered where that thought had come from. Probably straight from her heart.

Hermes pulled her through the door he had opened and took her in his arms for a fiery kiss that made need, hot and urgent, roll over her. He stepped back to undress and she did too. He pulled her back into his arms, his hands stroking her as his mouth trailed her neck scraping lightly with his teeth leaving a light burning sensation just as a radio buzzed.
Oh, God, not now! Don’t answer, please don’t answer.
He answered and it was Zeus.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes, no make it fifteen.”

She was on fire and he was going to leave her like this? What the fuck!

“We have just enough time to soothe each other a little bit.” Hermes said as he picked her up and carried her to bed. He laid her gently on the bed and stretched out over her. He used his hand to place his heavy cock at her entrance and plunged inside without hesitation. She arched up against him desperate for him. He didn’t start out slowly, he pounded into her like a man on a mission. She started to wrap her legs around him but he grabbed them and pushed them up so he held her ankles near her head opening her up to his demands. He slammed in going deeper than he ever had before hitting pleasure spots she had never known she had.

So little time, he hammered into her shifting his hips each time to hit new and even more responsive spots bringing her closer to the edge of relief. She was perched on the end of a precipice just waiting to fall into a sea of bliss and she sensed it would take little to send him hurtling there with her. She squeezed her muscles around his massive manhood, so hard, so hot. He drove in harder than ever and her body tightened before exploding all around him.

“Hermes!” She screamed with total abandon. He made a primitive sound that echoed around the room. They jerked and writhed slowly coming back to themselves.

“Mine.” He growled. “You are mine and no one else’s, Cher.” He said just before he gave her a hard claiming kiss. He ran back to the sitting room, dressed, and left to find Zeus. Cher settled back on the bed, her mind totally blown in about five minutes of unbelievable sex.

She took a shower, dressed, and went in search of Hercules. The little security tools she had ordered for him should be here. She found out he was in the meeting Hermes had been called to so she went into the office Hercules worked out of. Two gods she didn’t know sat in front of the monitors teasing each other.

“You, Pittacos, are too ugly to ever find a mate.” The blond told the red headed one.

“And you, Diogenes, are too stupid to find one.”

“Woman hate redheads.” Diogenes assured his friend.

, woman can’t stand stupidity.” Pittacos stated firmly. They both turned as one suddenly becoming aware of her presence.

“I’m just here to wait for Hercules. I’m Cherish, or Cher if you prefer.”

“I’m Pitt and this is my friend, Dio. We know who you are, you’re Hermes mate.”

She held out her hand to shake but neither god took it. “We don’t want Hermes to smell us on you, he might not understand.”

“I’m sure he would, but better safe.”

“You have any cookies on you?”
Dio asked looking like a boy wanting a treat.

“Sorry, I don’t carry them around. I might have to start though.”

She talked and joked with the younger gods for a while before Hercules came in. His face lit up with obvious pleasure when he saw her. He took her hand and kissed it before letting it drop. “All the new toys came in this morning. I can’t thank you enough. Even the military doesn’t have some of this stuff.”

“The benefits of having research and development at the company.” She explained.

“It’s a big benefit. Your guys must be really good.”

“They are chosen because they are the best.”

“Did you need any help using any of the gadgets?”

“No, we figured them all out this morning. They are very user friendly.
The metal detectors will be a great help. We already have them on exterior doors, but the portable ones you gave us will be on the ballroom doors. I did want to ask a favor if you can do it.” He said as he led her away from his guys to the small private office he rarely seemed to use. “It’s about Sierra’s anonymous message.”

“She wants to track it to see who sent it?”


“I’ll have to hook her computer to mine.”

“Couldn’t you use one of our security computers?”

“You won’t have the tracking software on yours that I do. Part of my job as a consultant is to track any suspicious activity back to the source. You can scan my computer if it helps.”

“I’ll have to clear this through Zeus, but it’s important so I think he’ll okay it.” Hercules said as he pulled out his radio calling Zeus. The call was brief. “He said to go ahead after we scan your computer.”

“I’ll have to go get it.”

“I’ll walk with you. I need to do a round anyway.” She had noticed Hercules’s rounds were what appeared to be a random walk wherever he felt like going but that threw a wrench in the works for anyone trying to pin down his schedule. It just couldn’t be done and that added a level of uncertainty for anyone wanting to break in to the facility. Hercules wasn’t the only one who took random walks regularly. All the higher gods seemed to do it whenever they were present which was most of the time.

scanned her computer and when he was done, handed it back. He opened Sierra’s computer which she had given him yesterday with the request of finding out where the warning had come from. Cher looked at the email reading it more than once even though she had read it before. It sounded crazier every time she read it. It was some serious shit going down. To even contemplate breaking into the god’s domain to steal the top god’s female and child seemed so unstable that she hoped they kept a straight jacket on hand. With luck, they would catch him and she’d never have to meet him.

I know he’s not alright in the head, but this guy seems to take insane to new heights. It’s just hard to wrap my head around it.”

I know, Cher, he’s the first nut I’ve ever been around. He seemed pretty normal at first, if a bit obsessive about Sierra and there was his arrogance to deal with.”

Cher started her program, it was tracking the source of the email, but it hadn’t gone straight to Sierra. The email had gone through several computer servers in an attempt to confuse. Normally that would have worked but Cher’s software was the latest and best available.
It stalked the pathways of the internet like a bloodhound on a trail.

“Got it. It originated in Berlin, Germany. The email is is registered to
[email protected]
. I hope that helps.”

“Kyler was last seen in Germany after he escaped and he likes to think of himself as a killer. But why would he warn us?”

“To worry you hoping that would cause you to make a mistake or he might hope you’d ignore it since you weren’t sure who it came from. There is another possibility, one of his people may have sent it as a warning because they don’t agree with him and they think he’s nuts.”

“All possibilities, but we really don’t know anymore than we did before.”

“There is something more we could do.”

“What’s that?”

“We could send him an email that could link to his computer and look around. If he has a
camera on it, we could even activate it.”

“Wouldn’t he be able to do the same?”

“Only if he has access to the latest hacking technology and someone who knows how to use it.”

“You think that’s unlikely?”

“I do, because there are only a handful of people that could do it and most of them work for me, but I could send the email elsewhere and have it forwarded to him.”

“I need to…”

“I know, you need to asked Zeus. Just let me know what you want to do.”

“You’ve been great, Cher. If you weren’t Hermes mate, I’d hug you.” He said and she could see the interest in his eyes. It wasn’t the level of desire Hermes held, but it was both a friendly and a sexual interest that would have been fun to explore had she not already found her mate. Her mate, she was accepting him on every level whether she thought things would work out or not. If he strayed as she feared he would, her heart would be ripped in two.

“Why don’t you go home and have supper with your mate? I’ll let you know what Zeus wants to do tomorrow.”

She nodded and headed toward their rooms. She really couldn’t call it home, not yet anyway. She hadn’t put her mark on it or on Hermes yet. She’d only seen Fabian for a moment first thing in the morning and she really needed to be sure things were working for him here. The demons, especially Lu, had taken him under their wings, no pun intended, and he seemed to love it so far.
Fabian wasn’t in his room so she went to the training room. There he was surrounded by demons and a few gods. He looked happy, a contentment was on his face she hadn’t seen since their Dad had died. Lu was next to him and even though he might teach him some bad habits, it was worth anything to see that carefree smile back on his face.

“Cher, have you decided to run away with me, my lovely?”

She smiled, he was harmless, she was sure of it. “Not today, I need to think about it a little more.” She teased but he looked surprised.

If she took him up on it he would probably turn and run. He was likable, especially to wom
en                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            but she thought Doc was right about him just being a tease. The males seemed to respect him which told her he was strong and could fight. That was what gods and demons respected the most. Hermes came over to her. He was never far away especially if she was near Lu. Maybe she would tell him tonight, it might take the uncertainty off his face. She knew he would be happy and that’s what she really wanted. She was sure, there was no doubt that she was in love with this god who insisted they were mates and they would love each other always. He had cast a spell on her the moment she had seen him. It had only grown day by day and now she was head over heels in love with him.

“Are you two ready to eat supper?” Hermes asked her and Fabian. He overlooked Lu as if he was unimportant.

Lu smiled his face full of mischief. “They already agreed to have supper with me but I suppose you can come too, if you must.” He grumbled like he was put out about it.

Cher bit her lip, they had agreed to no such thing but maybe Fabian had. No, he looked as surprised as she felt.
What was Lu doing now? He was teasing Hermes, that had to be it. Lu never stopped, he still teased Zeus occasionally to the point where he became angry. One of the gods had told her one time he could actually feel electricity in the air. She wasn’t sure what that meant but maybe he was joking because the Greek god Zeus could throw thunderbolts. What would they say about Hermes? That the air sped up around him maybe?

“I accept your gracious invitation.” Hermes said with a smile. It was enough to make Lu pout and he would probably try even harder now.

They followed Lu to his place where supper was already set out for four people. He had intended to invite Hermes all along. The meal was fairly quiet while Hermes attention was on her, Fabian ate like he was starving, Lu no doubt was planning how to irritate Hermes next, and she was trying to decide if she should just jump into the relationship Hermes wanted and risk drowning. The pie Lu served for dessert looked a lot like the ones she had made for the ball. It tasted like one too.

“Where did you get the pie, Lu?” Cher asked with deceptive casualness.

“Oh, it was just lying around the kitchen.”

“I don’t suppose anyone told you they were reserved for the ball?”

“Why no, no one said a thing.” He sat there looking innocent and angelic.

“Touch another pie and I will cut your tail off.”

“How do you know he has a tail?” Hermes said sitting up straight and looking suspicious.”

“Maybe I showed it to her?”

“It wouldn’t matter if he did, but he didn’t. He was telling me and Sierra some of the benefits to demons having tails.”

“Killjoy!” Lu said to Cher.

“Troublemaker!” Cher said back. They were smiling at each other more like friends but Hermes seemed to object so she stopped smiling.

“I really thought Hermes would be the one that was whipped.”

Hermes growled low and threatening.

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