Friends With Extra Benefits (4 page)

Read Friends With Extra Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #sexy romance, #tennis, #Contemporary Romance, #humorous romance

BOOK: Friends With Extra Benefits
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In the class for which Victoria was the
teacher's assistant, was a student named Jeff. He was a senior
lacrosse player who had been asking her out on a date about once a
week since the start of the semester. She considered Jeff for Lisa,
because he was charming and attractive, but she was reluctant,
since she found him much too full of himself. Victoria found it odd
that even as her pregnancy progressed and became unmistakable, Jeff
continued to ask her out. She always politely declined.

That is, until the day she met his gorgeous
friend, Dale, while walking on campus with Jeff. Dale was tall,
muscular, and gorgeous. He seemed not at all cocky like his
lacrosse teammate. After meeting Dale, Victoria agreed to go out
with Jeff, but only if he could hook Lisa up with his friend for
the night. She didn’t tell Jeff about Lisa's innocence or what was
to be in store for the date. She didn't want Dale going out with
Lisa just because it was seemingly a sure thing, because it really
wasn't. Lisa needed to be attracted to the guy as well as connect
with him on some sort of personal level before she surrendered her
virginity to him. Lisa was desperate, but she wasn't about to crawl
into bed with just anyone.

Within two hours of the proposal, Jeff called
Victoria to confirm Dale was in, and they made plans to get
together on Saturday night, which was only three days away.
Victoria made a call to Rafael's spa for an emergency waxing for
her and Lisa, and he promised to squeeze them in.



Victoria and Lisa were seated in the waiting
area of the spa. After twenty minutes of leafing through magazines,
Lisa wore a worried expression. "Maybe he doesn't have time for us

"He's just running late. We're his last

"He probably only has time to do you. I'll just
watch, and then I can come back another time."


Lisa admitted sheepishly, "I'm a little scared
that it's going to hurt. I mean having the hair pulled out of—"

"Do you have testicles?" Victoria glared at


"Do you have testicles?"

Lisa returned a confused look. "Uh, no."

"I once brought a male friend here and they
ripped every single hair off his balls, and he didn't make a sound.
He was a trouper," Victoria lied.


"Yes. And do you know how sensitive the skin on
the testicles is?"

"No, Not really."

"Well, it's really, really, really freaking
sensitive," Victoria said smugly.

"Huh. I didn't know that." Lisa said quietly as
if she were suddenly embarrassed about her unwarranted

"And this male friend went on to have the best
sex of his life after he was freed of all that ugly hair."

"Gee. I..."

"You do want to have good sex don't you?"


"And if you like Dale and want to sleep with
him, you'll want his tongue firmly planted on your pussy and your
ass won't you?"

"My ass? What?" Lisa gave her a sickened

"Sure, your ass. You see, this is your problem.
You need to broaden your horizons. Trust me, you'll want a guy to
lick it."

"But it's your ass..." Lisa began. Victoria,
confused, stared at her, and Lisa added, "That's where you, you

Shaking her head, Victoria gave her a tired
look. "You pee from your urethral opening, which is located right
between your clitoris and your vagina, and I'm assuming you'd like
a guy's tongue floating from one to the other."

"Well, yeah."

"And you don't want him to drink your pee."

"God, no."

"So, what's the difference?"

"I guess it's sorta the same thing," Lisa said,

"Maybe you should just start with the regular
oral sex and then later, when you’re ready, move on to the

"I think that would be best."

Lisa picked up a magazine and paged through it,
pretending to read as she thought about Victoria's oral opinions.
She felt her pussy moisten and suddenly worried if, during the
waxing, Rafael would be able to tell if she were dripping wet.

Ten seconds later, Rafael rushed toward them.
"Sorry, girls." He continued in a whisper, "I was literally caught
in the jungle." He made a sour face. Victoria smiled, and Lisa
thought, Oh, no! Am I going to be the story he shares later?

Wearing a wide grin, he turned to Lisa. "This
must be your friend."

Lisa returned a weak smile. "Hello. I'm

He took her hand into his. "First time?"

Lisa nodded.

Rafael returned a comforting smile and said
reassuringly, "Don’t worry. I'll be gentle, and you'll love the

"I'm looking forward to it." She said with her
confidence growing.

Lisa followed Victoria and Rafael into the back
of the store. Thirty minutes later, both women walked out of the
spa, and there had only been a minimal amount of screaming.



Three days later, Lisa was completely healed
from her first Brazilian. It was a few hours from the big date as
she studied her new look with a hand mirror, and she was, as Rafael
had predicted, enamored with the result.

Lisa met Victoria at her house. From there,
Victoria drove to campus to pick up their male companions, and then
it was on to the mall. There, the two couples saw a movie and
afterward went to a bar sandwiched among all the restaurants in
restaurant row. As they drank, Lisa and Dale exchanged some small
talk, but they didn't seem to be getting along very well.

Lisa was certainly attracted to him and let it
show, but he replied to her questions mostly with one-word answers.
He seemed disinterested and didn't bother asking her anything.
Victoria was the designated driver as Lisa, Dale, and Jeff began to
pound the beers. Jeff was chatting up Victoria, while Dale and Lisa
mostly focused on their drinks. In forty-five minutes at the bar,
the guys had polished off four beers to Lisa's two. The look on
Dale's face was clear evidence that he would rather have been
almost anywhere else.

The waitress dropped off another round of beers
and a cranberry juice for Victoria. They took big sips of their
drinks, and then Jeff smiled as he gazed at Victoria. "Are you
really not having any sex until after the baby is born?"

"I'm really not."

Jeff said, "I read that pregnant women can
experience some of the most intense orgasms of their lives."

"Where did you hear that?" Victoria asked with a

"I don't know... I read it somewhere."

No one uttered a word for an awkward twenty
seconds until Lisa said, "So Dale, you play lacrosse... is that
like football?"

Dale gave her a look. "No, it's not at all."

Lisa sighed as she frowned a bit before turning
her attention to her beer glass, where she drew a figure-eight
design on the side, cutting through the condensation with her

Jeff glared at him as if to say "Be nice, you
asshole." Victoria caught the exchange as Dale returned a look,
which told Jeff, basically, to fuck off. Dale's eyes locked on
Victoria's stare, and he gave her a half-hearted and mostly
condescending smile.

Dale exhaled, defeated. "I mean... it's a little
like football. The field is pretty much the same size. Guys try to
kill each other out there just like football, but the scoring is
completely different. We use sticks and a—"

"Ouch!" Victoria grimaced in pain and everyone
turned to look at her.

Jeff asked, "Are you okay?"

Fighting to put on a smile, Victoria replied,
"Yeah. I think he or she is playing some lacrosse in there right
now with my bladder. I really need to pee." She slipped out of the
booth and headed toward the restrooms.



Victoria found a line of women waiting outside
the women's bathroom. She clutched her stomach and cringed as the
baby kicked something potentially vital inside her. Upon noticing
the men's room just down the hall, she grinned and headed that way.
Victoria opened the door a crack and found the room empty. She
rushed toward the stall.



Back at the table, Dale continued, "...we use
sticks and a small round ball. There's a goalie, so I guess it's a
little like soccer too..." He turned his head to glance at Jeff and
punctuated the line with a roll of the eyes, which Lisa couldn't

Lisa said, "Wow, I'd love to come watch you play

"Awesome," Dale said, his statement dripping
with sarcasm.

Jeff watched as Lisa frowned. He glared at Dale
once again. Dale ignored him and said, "I'm going to take a

Dale took off toward the restrooms, and Jeff
gave Lisa an apologetic smile. "Excuse me a second. I'll be..."

Confused, Lisa watched as he rushed off to
follow his friend.



In the men's room, Victoria was pulling up her
underwear when she heard the door open. Standing frozen, she
recognized Dale's voice when he said, "I'm serious. Get the hell
away from me."

Next she heard Jeff's voice as he said, "Why are
you being such a douche bag? Be nice. You're going to fuck this up
for me."

"Dude, she's never going to let you fuck

"She will."

Victoria straightened her skirt. She covered her
mouth to keep from laughing out loud. The boys began peeing like
racehorses as they stood side-by-side at the urinals.

"I can't believe you talked me into this... and
over a stupid two-hundred-dollar bet."

"Chase was bragging about nailing her and told
me I had no chance. I had to take the bet."

Victoria's mouth shot open. She gasped silently
as she thought, Chase... that bastard!

"Chase said she gives the best head," Jeff

Victoria widened her eyes but then thought, I do
give amazing head. She grimaced, though, when it occurred to her
that Chase wouldn’t know firsthand, since he’d never had the

She listened as Jeff asked, "What the hell is
wrong with Lisa? She's kinda cute."

"I wouldn't fuck her with your dick."

Upon hearing Dale's reply, Victoria's jaw

Jeff scoffed. "She's not that bad. Nobody's
saying you need to take her to homecoming. Just be nice to

"All right... if she's lucky, I'll let her suck
me off."

"That's it. After you blow your load, you can go
back to treating her like shit."

"Alight, maybe." Dale let out a huge sigh. He
backed away from the urinal, without flushing and then zipped

Jeff glanced at him. "Now, Victoria... she's got
some great tits. Plus, I've always wanted to nail a pregnant

"You'd better watch out. I'm pretty sure milk is
going shoot out of those things when you start messing with

Victoria quietly took a step backward. She
listened as Jeff zipped up and peeked through the opening to watch
both young men as they walked out of the restroom without visiting
the sink. She wasn't sure if she was more upset about their callous
attitudes toward women or their blatant disregard for basic general
hygiene. Either way, she figured these boys needed to be taught a
lesson, probably two.

Victoria flushed, washed her hands thoroughly,
and slipped from the restroom without being detected. Moving to the
end of the hall, she pulled out her phone. First, she sent Lisa a
text message:


These guys are complete assholes. I
overheard them talking... Don't let them know we know. When I get
back, follow my lead.


Next she dialed her friend in the police force
and Jillian's neighbor, officer Williams. He took the call and told
her he was on duty but currently on his dinner break. Victoria told
him the story, and they quickly assembled a plan. He was more than
happy to help.



Victoria returned to the table wearing a bright

"We were staring to worry about you," Jeff

Lisa gave her a concerned look. Victoria
returned a quick wink and then turned her attention to Jeff. She
opened her mouth slightly and ran her tongue around her lips
sensually. "Jeff, you know I've been thinking a lot about what you

"Which thing?"

"The sex and pregnant women... thing."


"I want you to show me how good it can be."

"I can definitely do that." Jeff smiled. He
shared a look with Dale as Victoria kicked Lisa lightly under the

Lisa returned a "what the hell was that for"
look, and Victoria returned a wide-eyed stare, which screamed, "Say
something!" as she motioned her head toward Dale.

Dale took a big sip of his beer as Lisa
stammered, "Dale so, maybe you can impregnate me so that you can,
uh, show me, too, how good sex is for a pregnant woman."

Nearly choking, he stared at Lisa, horrified.
Victoria kicked her under the table, this time hard.

"Ouch," Lisa called out. Then she painted on a
sexy smile. "I mean, let's show them you don't need to be all
pregnant to have amazing sex."

Dale glanced over to Jeff nervously and then
returned his gaze to Lisa. "Um, yeah... sure."

Victoria raised her eyebrows. "Let’s get out of




Minutes later, Victoria drove with Jeff in the
passenger seat and Lisa and Dale in the back. She put her hand on
Jeff's thigh. "Is it okay if I give you a blowjob first?"

He scoffed. "Sure."

"I really feel like having a cock in my mouth.
It's been so long."

Lisa sat in the back with her hands at her
sides, unsure whether she should make a similar comment. While
going over possible statements in her mind, she rolled her eyes at
her first idea and then shook her head at the second thought to
cross her mind. Then on her third attempt, she figured she'd
finally come up with the perfect line.

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