Friends With Extra Benefits (6 page)

Read Friends With Extra Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #sexy romance, #tennis, #Contemporary Romance, #humorous romance

BOOK: Friends With Extra Benefits
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"Let's walk to the mall and eat there."

"Sounds good."

Jillian glanced at the bag in Brian's hand.
"What's that?"

He looked around nervously. "Oh, um... this is

Smiling, she moved to him and gave him a quick
kiss. She put her hand on his chest and ran it slowly down toward
his belly button as she whispered, "I can't believe you didn't want
to do it this morning."

Brian whispered, "I'm sorry. I—"

Victoria watched them with a grin as she headed
to the door. "Come on you two."

Jillian kissed him again. "See ya." She pulled
away and followed after Victoria.

Brian called out, "You girls have fun."

When Victoria was out on porch, Jillian looked
back at him and smiled. "Let's do something fun tonight, okay?"


As soon as the door closed, Brian rushed up the
stairs with his bag in hand.



Outside, Victoria shook her head. "I can't
believe you asked him what was in the bag."

"I was just having a little fun." Jillian held
back a laugh as they began walking toward the street.

"You're trying to sabotage this, aren't you?"
Victoria asked.

"No, well, maybe... Don't you feel bad? I

"Oh, lighten up. It's just a little harmless

"I guess."

"Whatever you did to that kit, he's not going to
get hurt is he?"

Victoria scoffed. "No, let's
just say he's going to have a
time getting the monster into the

Jillian shook her head with a grimace.

Victoria smiled. "Oh don't worry about him. I'll
tell you a little something you can do to him in the bedroom that
will more than make up for this."

"Really?" Jillian shook her head,

As they crossed the street toward the mall,
Victoria began, "You get some ice cubes and some hot tea..."



Brian laid out all the pieces of the "Copy a
Cock" kit on the bathroom counter. After reading the instructions
carefully, he frowned with the realization that he needed to cut
the tube to fit his somewhat impressive—yet sadly modest—manhood,
as compared to the mutant-sized male porn superstar pictured on the
kit. The kit was designed to produce a replica for a guy up to a
shocking foot in length. He stared jealously at the long tube
before he readied the scissors and reluctantly cut away the last
five inches of the plastic. When it fell to the floor, he
momentarily wore a sad expression.

After bouncing back from the crushing
realization that he wasn't the largest guy ever to make one of
these, he measured out his water and poured the dry mix into the
bowl. He placed a laptop computer on the counter, removed all his
clothes and spread newspaper out over the floor. After firing up a
sex video on the computer, he began working his manhood. He was
hoping the erotic stimulation would help him stay as rigid as
needed to complete the mold.

As soon as he was fully ready to go, he poured
the water into the bowl, set the timer and began stirring the
water/powder mixture with one hand as he simultaneously stimulated
himself with his other. This was not at all easy. For a moment he
wished he had taken Victoria up on her offer. After about sixty
seconds, the mixture began to thicken, and he continued on another
thirty seconds as directed in the instructions.

He glanced one last time at the timer and then
scraped the mixture into the tube. He noticed it felt pretty thick
already, almost too hard. He began to panic and in the process lost
some of his erection. Glancing back to the computer screen, he
quickly went back to work on himself.

Ten seconds later, he grabbed the filled tube
and moved to stand directly over the newspaper. While tilting the
tube horizontally, he attempted to slip it over his erection. He
made it about two inches deep and then everything stopped. He
pulled it harder into him and felt a sharp pain where he never
wanted to feel a sharp pain, um, ever... He stopped and twisted the
tube in a lame attempt to screw himself in further. It wouldn't

He rolled his eyes. "Shit!"

Waddling over to the directions, he scanned them
quickly. The paste was supposed to be dripping out all over his
thighs as he filled the tube with his penis, but it wasn't
happening. He looked down to see not even a third of his manhood
inside the tube and he sighed loudly. Brian fought once more to
pull the tube further, but it was useless.

"Fuck me," he murmured.

At that moment, Rob was heading up the stairs
for an unannounced visit. He called out, "Mom!" When he heard no
reply, he followed sounds into Jillian's room. It was mid-afternoon
so he thought nothing of walking into his mother's open bedroom
door after lightly knocking twice. Brian didn’t hear him.

When Rob reached the center of the room and
peered into the bathroom, he got an eyeful. Stopping in his tracks,
he stared at the spectacle of a completely nude Brian holding some
sort of tube over his erect penis. Rob's mouth flew wide open, and
he stood there, speechless. Next, he saw the laptop computer
playing a scene from a porn movie. He looked back to Brian and
shook his head horrified. His first thought was that Brian was
jerking off, but he wasn't moving, so that couldn't be it. Brian
was standing completely still. It was bizarre.

Brian still didn't see Rob as he stared
perplexed down at the tube. Brian rolled his eyes and shook his
head in disgust. When he finally looked up and noticed Rob, he
nearly had a heart attack.

Rob asked, "Dude, what the fuck are you

Brian spun away, and now Rob has staring at his

"I'm, uh..."

"Oh, fuck. Thanks. That's a better view," Rob
yelled out as he turned quickly away covering his eyes in his
hands. "Come downstairs... when you're done," Rob added before he
rushed away.

Brian turned to be sure Rob was no longer there
and then glanced down, sickened at his failed attempt. By this
point, his manhood had shrunk down like a frightened turtle, and he
easily pulled the tube away. He exhaled slowly.

Slamming the laptop lid closed, he sat on the
floor staring inside the tube at his sorry excuse for a mold. He
slid a finger into it and felt around the cast as he shook his head
disgusted. It was already completely hard. He didn't bother pouring
in the rubber compound, because he thought, Who the hell wants a
replica of just the head and maybe an inch more? It would come out
as a laughable excuse for a dildo.

He rushed to throw everything away, clean up,
and remove any evidence of his secret, slightly embarrassing
assignment. As Brian dressed, he resigned himself to the fact that
he would need Victoria's help. Then he headed downstairs to find



Brian discovered Rob sitting out by the pool
drinking a beer. Actually he was already on his second after being
victimized once again by intense trauma, courtesy of his best
friend. Brian slumped down on the chaise next to him, and for a
moment there was complete silence.

After taking a big, healthy sip, Rob summoned
the courage to look his friend in the eye. "How many times am I
going to see your boner?"


"If you were jerking off, then that must be some
new kind of method that I've, uh—"

"I wasn't jerking off."

"What the fuck were you doing then?"

Brian took a deep breath. "Do you really want to

Rob shook his head no and then took another sip
of beer. Glancing back to Brian, he grinned. "Okay, yeah I think I
need to know... otherwise my mind is just, uh... Tell me."

"I was making a replica of my, you know..."

Rob burst into laughter, and Brian sat there
with his eyes closed, just waiting for him to get it all out of his
system. Once Rob was merely wearing a smile, Brian continued,
"Victoria told me about them. She has one and—"

"Oh, yeah... she showed it to me..." After
taking a sip of beer, Rob stared straight ahead. "Whoa, that, uh...
That was the night Victoria and I did it." He drew in a long deep
breath then let it out. "God, she was really something."

"I'll bet."

"Oh, man..." Rob began. He shook his head as he
stared down at his bottle. "I still can't believe that Jim got her
pregnant and not me, because I really—"

"I know, I know... you shot like a gallon that
night," Brian interrupted. He rolled his eyes. "Actually everyone
at the rehearsal dinner knows how much you shot."

Brian glanced at Rob, who was now grinning at

"Congratulations on that by the way," Brian
added, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"You're just jealous."

Brian scoffed." Of what? How much you shoot or
that you slept with Victoria?"

"Both," Rob replied proudly.

Brian broke into a smile. "Okay, maybe I am a

They shared a chuckle.

Rob downed a gulp of beer. Choking with laughter
halfway through, he coughed, spitting beer onto the patio. He
cleared his throat and then broke into hysterical laughter.

Brian glanced at him with a grin. "What so funny

"So you were... Why...?" Rob began as he
struggled to pull himself together. He coughed once more.

"What the hell is it?"

Rob held back a chuckle. "Why the hell were you
making a replica of your dick, anyway?"

"I, uh, was just..." Brian stammered.

Rob's expression morphed into one of terrified
confusion as he asked, "Really. Why?"

Sighing, Brian replied hesitantly, "It was kinda
for your... mother's birthday."

Rob looked away, sickened. "I
think I just threw up
a lot
in my mouth. Oh dude, why did you tell me that? I
keep forgetting you're having sex with my mother. It's like I'm in
denial or something."

"It was Victoria's idea," Brian pleaded.

"Just stop talking." After taking another deep
breath, Rob added, "Note to self: call first."

"If it's any consolation, it didn’t work."

"It’s not, and really... please, stop..." Rob
narrowed his eyes. "Wait. What do you mean, it didn't work?"

"It just didn't work... the mold was too—"

Rob's jaw dropped. "How do you fuck up making a
replica of your dick? Are you an idiot? I mean, what...? You
couldn't keep it up, or something?"

Glaring at him, insulted, Brian said, "You think
it's so easy? I'd like to see you give it a try."

They looked at each, other both feeling creeped
out. Brian said, "Now, I'll stop. Can we forget all about

Nodding quickly, Rob switched gears. "So, how
about those Packers? Do you think they can go undefeated?"

"I don't know. They have some tough games coming

After ten minutes of football discussions, which
just about returned the testosterone to the proper level, they
began discussing Jillian's upcoming trial and then moved on to the
depositions, which had already begun.

Rob asked, "Have the lawyers been able to
contact any of the other guys Natalie dated to back up our

Brian shook his head. "No."

"The only person I could think of who might know
the names is Natalie's old roommate, but they already interviewed
her, right?"

Brian nodded. "Cindy's deposition was yesterday.
She told them she didn't know any of the names. Claimed that
Natalie never shared any of that with her."

Rob scoffed. "They were so close. They were
always together. Can they force her to reveal the names?"

"Evidently not."

"This sucks. So, it's just her word against
ours, and we're both going to look like we're just trying to
protect my mother."

"I know." Brian stood up. "I'm going to get a
beer. You want another?"

"I really need one. I can’t get that image of

"Seriously, shut up."


Brian took off into the house.

When he returned with beers for each of them,
Rob told him he had been in Miami visiting a client and figured he
would stop by, since he wanted to speak to his mother about his
upcoming deposition. Brian promised to have Jillian call him. There
wasn't another mention of Brian's boner or replicas or anything
relating to the bathroom incident. Rob knew it would be another
Brian memory that he would not soon forget.




After Rob left, Brian took a quick shower and
waited in bed for Jillian. He quickly dozed off, and when Jillian
returned, she found him still asleep. Lifting up the covers, she
discovered he was naked. She grinned, then headed downstairs.

A few minutes later, she returned with a glass
of ice and a mug of steaming hot tea and placed them on the
nightstand. She pulled the covers completely off him and admired
his young, tight body as he was lying face down. She removed all
her clothes as she licked her lips and struggled to remember if
Victoria told her to use the ice or the hot tea first. She recalled
she needed to move from one to the other gradually, to avoid
damaging her teeth, but was a little fuzzy on the suggested

Shaking her head in confusion, Jillian decided
to go with the ice. She slipped a cube between her lips and sucked
on it as she climbed on the bed and got between his legs. The ice
melted in her hot mouth as she swirled her tongue all around it.
Jillian stared at his hairless cock and balls as she moved her head
down to his manly parts. She spread his legs apart gently.

Stirring awake, Brian turned to look at her.
"Hey, you're back. What are you—"

She ginned. "Just relax."

He smiled and placed his head back down.

Jillian grabbed another cube and spun around
until her ass was hovering over his shoulders, with her knees on
either side of his head. She let this cube melt in her mouth a
little more, then slipped it between her teeth and held it there as
she moved closer to him. Brian felt a cold drop of water land on
his balls, and he shuddered.

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