Friends With Extra Benefits (9 page)

Read Friends With Extra Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #sexy romance, #tennis, #Contemporary Romance, #humorous romance

BOOK: Friends With Extra Benefits
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Switching to her messaging screen, she sent Jim
a text, asking what he was doing and telling him she missed

Caroline glanced up at the professor and
pretended to listen as she waited for Jim's reply. After a few
minutes and no response, she sent another text, this one detailing
exactly what she wanted to be doing with him right at that moment.
Closing her eyes, she began to fantasize about her steamy message
while she unconsciously and slowly ground her hips into the chair.
After a few minutes, she pulled herself back to reality and glanced
around the room to be sure no one was staring at her.

Finding no one the wiser, she sat up straight
and let out a long, slow breath. With a naughty fire in her eyes,
she sent one last graphically explicit message about what she was
going to do to him when she returned to the apartment in just ten
short minutes. He was instructed to be ready.



In the apartment they shared, Jim was wearing
only a towel as he sat on the sofa, wearing a big smile in the
midst of a phone conversation with Victoria. She had just finished
telling him all about the trick she and Jillian were planning to
play on Brian. He couldn't believe his brother was actually falling
for it, and he promised not to give it away if they spoke. Next
they discussed the recent checkup with her OB GYN and how both baby
and mother were doing fine. Jim had ignored the three beeps he
received for new text messages, as he was engrossed in Victoria's
captivating story.

After sharing what he and Caroline were up to
lately, Victoria started telling him about her experience with the
two lacrosse players in the bar and her attempt to help Lisa lose
her virginity. It was at this time that Caroline strolled through
the door.

Taking in the vision of Jim sitting on the sofa
wearing only a towel, she grinned, thinking he got her messages and
that he had cleaned himself up properly in order to experience the
pleasure she’d spelled out in her final text. Upon hearing him
laugh out loud, she glanced up to his ear, saw he was on the phone,
and frowned a bit. He smiled at her with a quick motion that
indicted to give him a minute, and Caroline slumped down in a
chair, tossing her backpack beside her.

Jim widened his eyes as he said, "Oh, Victoria.
No, you—"

"Is everything okay?" Caroline asked,

He ignored her as he listened intently. Caroline
moved to the edge of her seat.

Jim asked, "What the hell were you doing in the
men's bathroom?"

After listening, he shook his head with his jaw
gaping. Caroline stared at him now, both confused and worried.

"What's going on? Is she okay? Is the baby

"He said what...? No.... Okay, yeah." Keeping
the phone to his ear, he looked at Caroline with a dizzied
expression and said softly, "She put me on hold for a second. Her
tea water is boiling or... Sorry, I'm almost done. She's in the
middle of this story."

"Is everything okay with the baby?" Caroline

"Oh, yeah."

"And she's fine, too?"


"Thank God."

"She's just telling me all these stories
about--" Jim held his finger up to her once more as Victoria
returned to the phone. Caroline exhaled deeply before slumping back
into the chair.

He giggled as he listened intently. Caroline
stared out the window at nothing in particular as her frustration

"No way! The police... Sure, I remember Officer

Caroline frowned. She stared at Jim as he
glanced back at her with a look that screamed he wanted to tell her
all about this. At that moment, she couldn’t care less.

Moving to the edge of her seat, she whispered,
"Did you get my texts?"

He narrowed his eyes at her, and she repeated
the question.

"Hold on a second," Jim said into the phone
before pulling it away and covering it with his hand. Giving
Caroline his complete attention, he asked, "What?"

"You didn't get my text messages, did you?"

"No, sorry. I heard the beeps, but I've been
so... Sorry. I swear, I'm almost done. Two minutes."


Jim put the phone back to his ear. "I'm

After listening a moment, he chuckled then
asked, "They were both naked?"

With her jealously slowly boiling over, Caroline
rose from the chair and walked to him while wearing a sexy
expression. Slipping to her knees in front of him, she placed her
hands on his towel, and Jim looked at her, surprised.

"They didn't take them to jail, did they?" Jim

Caroline pulled the towel open and gazed down at
his manhood lying there sparkling clean and flaccid against his
thigh. She licked her lips, grinned and then plunged her head

With his eyes widened and his jaw slackened, Jim
stared down at her in disbelief.

"Uh-huh," he muttered into the phone. "What was

His eyes locked on Caroline's head as she worked
her magic over his quickly responding penis. "Oh, yeah. That's
really, uh, crazy stuff."

Caroline slipped a finger under a particularly
sensitive area and Jim cried out, "Caroline!"

Startled, his eyes opened wide. "Um, yes, she
just walked in... um, okay hold on."

He covered the phone with his hand, swallowed
hard, and then said, "She wants to speak with you."

Titling her head up with her mouth still
occupied, her eyes met his. She shook her head slightly no, and he
stared down, mesmerized at the sight of her enthusiastically doing
what she was doing.

Caroline quickly plunged her head down, taking
more of him unto her mouth and leaving him struggling to breathe.
He looked at the phone, confused, then placed it back to his ear.
"Uh, she can't talk right now, she's... Actually, I kinda really
need to go. I have this thing that, uh.... Okay.... Bye."

Abruptly, he ended the call and stared down at
her dreamily. A few minutes later, when she had finished him off,
her eyes traveled up to his face. "You really shouldn't ignore my

He nodded quickly in wholehearted agreement as
he struggled to catch his breath.



The next day in Miami, Jillian
and Brian spent the day at home, poring over the final details of
Operation Erection Shield. At 3:00 p.m. they headed up to the
bedroom for some last-minute preparations, as in, repeated sex,
designed to render Brian's penis un-erectable. Then at 3:52 p.m.,
Jillian gave him one last
as he stood with his
back pressed against the front door. Brian held on for dear life
with his mouth wide open, letting out a silent scream as Jillian
brought him to orgasm, albeit a small and mostly painfully strained
one, for the fifth time inside of an hour. He was literally and
figuratively spent.

She stood and wiped her lips as he zipped up
while panting like he'd just completed a marathon. Jillian opened
her mouth wide and shifted her jaw from side to side to work out a
kink before she glanced up at him and smiled. "That should do

Squeezing his groin suggestively, he gave her a
sexy smile. "I don't know. I might need just one more."

She simply shook her head ruefully and

"I'm kidding."

"Just get the heck out of here."

Brian opened the door and stumbled out. On the
porch, he wobbled a little before turning back to her. "I'm dizzy."
He shook his head and widened his eyes as he clutched his

Jillian frowned. "Geez, you guys complain that
you don't get enough sex, and then when you do you—"

"I'm not complaining. I just probably should
have made sure my will was in order before we did all that. If I go
down during the walk over there, just remember I love you."

"I love you, too. Now go, or you’re going to be

Moving to her, he gave her a kiss.

She asked, "You have the pill?"

He patted his pants pocket and then smiled. "I

"Good luck."

He turned and headed down the path toward the
street, weaving a little. A bit concerned, she watched him and
called out, "Be careful crossing the street."



Ten minutes later, Brian was fully nude and
sitting over a towel on a chair in Victoria's bedroom with a
completely flaccid penis. He was working it and working it without
result as she prepared the kit in the bathroom.

Victoria poked her head through the doorway.

"Not yet."

She narrowed her eyes as she failed to see what
she was expecting and checked her watch. "Hurry up."

Victoria disappeared into the bathroom for
thirty seconds then rushed out and asked, "Anything yet?"

"No, I'm sorry. I don't know what—"

Storming over to him, she got down on her knees.
She stared down at his pathetically unresponsive, shrunken penis
and lightly tapped it with the back of her hand. "What the hell is
wrong with you?"

"I don't know. Maybe we could try it another

Victoria stood and rubbed her chin. "No, it's
got to be today, or it won't be ready for her birthday party next

"Why not? It only needs, like, two days to set
up right?"

"Um..." She stammered as the gears in her head
turned. "That's right, but I'm completely slammed the next few days
with school and just everything that—"

"Okay, okay," he interrupted while fighting back
a grin.

"Wait. I think I have something that might

She rushed over to her night table, opened the
drawer, and began pulling out various sex paraphernalia. He grinned
and nearly broke into laughter while he stared at her back as she
pulled out items one by one: a dildo, handcuffs, condoms, another
dildo, and then, finally, a spray bottle. "Okay, here it is. Wait,
no... this is desensitizing spray. You definitely don't need

When she returned her attention to him, his
smile morphed into a frown, and he began pulling on his penis

"I think, uh, I felt something." He glanced up
at her and nodded. "Yeah, maybe."

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I think it's starting to happen."

She took a few steps toward him and glanced down
at it with her eyes narrowed. "It looks the same to me."

"No, I felt it... really."

She widened her eyes. "Why don't you just take
the Viagra?"

He shook his head. "No way. Last time I nearly
ended up in the hospital. Do you know they need to stick a needle
in your penis to drain the blood when that happens? I'm not having
a needle shoved into it. No way!"

"Oh, you big baby."

Victoria frowned as she stared down at him.
Brian kept jerking his completely flaccid and thoroughly overworked
penis. He was pretty sure that Jillian's repeated attention made it
virtually impossible for him to attain another erection for hours,
possibly days.

She glanced at her watch before staring back
down at his manhood and shaking her head in frustration.
"Pathetic." She widened her eyes. "You had sex today, didn’t you? I
told you not to."

"No, I swear."

She gave him a skeptical look. "When's the last
time you did it then?"

"Like three days ago. I'm just nervous. Maybe
because I almost hurt myself last time."

"I told you, this is a new kit. They assured

"Wait, I have an idea." He gave her a confident
smile. "When I was over here last week, and I watched you through
the window, touching yourself, that was so hot."

She gave him a hesitant look. "Yeah...?"

"Maybe if you do that in front of me, I could,
you know, get it up."

"Seriously." She exhaled and just stared at

He nodded. "It's worth a try, isn't it?"

"I don't think that—"

"Okay, then." Brian stood. "How about if I come
back tomorrow in the morning? Then we can—"

"Just sit your ass back down," Victoria shot

Turing away from her, he covered his mouth to
keep from laughing out loud. When he could finally contain himself,
he sat down and continued to tug on his unresponsive manhood.
Victoria slipped her skirt and panties off as she shook her head in
disbelief. She still wore her blouse but was naked from the waist
down as she climbed into bed only five feet from his chair. He
watched as she pulled the David replica from her nightstand. She
took a moment to study it before slipping it in her mouth to
moisten it with saliva.

For a moment, Victoria became fully immersed in
giving passionate head to the replica until she spotted Brian's
wide-eyed stare. Then she quickly pulled it from her lips, looked
at him as if almost embarrassed, and said, "Sorry."

It was just about the sexiest thing Brian had
ever seen, and he swore he actually felt his exhausted penis move
as he half-heartedly massaged it.

"Are you ready?"


She glared at him. "Concentrate, okay?"

He watched Victoria move the sizeable replica
down between her legs with her eyes tightly closed. He mindlessly
worked himself as he stared at her, mesmerized. He was married, but
he wasn't dead.

When he glanced down to find his penis growing,
he pulled his hand away from it and attempted to focus on something
else. He glanced at the ceiling but quickly returned his eyes to
her, finding it incredibly difficult to look away as Victoria went
on, blindly engrossed in pleasing herself as if he weren't even

Slipping the dildo inside her, she held it still
a moment while blowing out a long slow breath. When she opened her
eyes and found his hand nowhere near his penis, she gave him an
angry look. "Hey, Brian, what the fuck are you doing?"

He grimaced and pretended to work a kink out of
his right hand. "Sorry, I uh... my hand was cramping."

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