A Passion Rekindled (38 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Um what are we doing here? I thought you were taking me to dinner.”

“I am but my mom wanted to talk to you. She already spoke with Jay.”

“About what?”

“Well I will let her tell you. “

Christian got out the car then opened her door. He helped her out the car. She straitened her ruffled one shoulder black dress. Christian drew her close to him.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks. Oh you have something on your shirt.”

She brushed his light blue collard buttoned down shirt. He lifted her head to his. 

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah I am.”

“Ok I’m just checking on you.”

“I am so lucky to have you.”

“No I am the lucky one.” He pulled her lips to his and gently kissed her. They walked to the door as Christian rang the doorbell. Christopher Sr. opened the door.

“Christian, Scarlett what a wonderful surprise how are you feeling darling?”

“I am feeling so much better thank you.”

Scarlett hugged Christopher. He patted her back.

“I am so glad. We were all praying for you.”

“I thank you for that. You guys have been wonderful.”

Christian hugged his dad. “So where are the kids?”

“Chris and Jay have them. They bonded a lot when I was in the hospital.”

“Where’s mom?”

“In the living room.” 

As they walked to the living room Scarlett looked around the dark room. Christopher turned on the lights as everyone yelled surprise. Scarlett stepped back not knowing what was going on. Angel ran over to her. Scarlett looked around.

“What is going on here?”

Helen walked over to her smiling.

“Well this is your engagement party.”


Christian was grinning from ear to ear.

“Well it started out as your welcome back party but when I told my mom I asked you to marry me she decided it should be an engagement party.”

“Your mom put this together?”

“Things have changed I guess you can say.”

Devon walked over to Scarlett with his arms extended. He hugged her tightly. 

“Big sister we are glad to have you back.”

“Don’t I know it because I know those girls drove you crazy.”

“They did but with Chris, Jayla and Christian it was ok. So what did you say?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you say yes or no?”

“Oh I said yes of course.”

“Good Christian is a great guy and he loves you.”


Maggie ran into the room.

“I am so happy. You have no idea how glad we are that you are ok. I hope you don't mind the party. Helen let us help plan the party.”

Helen walked over to Scarlett. “How are you feeling?”

“I am feeling really well. Thank you for everything you have done. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

“Before you go off to party can I have a word?”

Scarlett looked at Christian then sighed.

“Sure thing.”

Scarlett followed Helen to the den.

“Scarlett I am so sorry.”

Scarlett began to speak but she stopped her.

“No wait before you say anything just hear me out please. Christian and Chris are just like their father. In more ways than I was willing to admit. When I met Christopher, I was a waitress. My family couldn’t afford for me to go to college so I just had to get a job. Every day despite his mother’s protest, he came to the diner with a different flower. He said he knew I would be his because from the moment he saw me something stirred inside him. I knew it had to be true because something inside of me stirred too. 

So when Christopher told his mother he wanted to marry me she said I needed to lose weight and get my degree to be a part of her family. She wanted me gone and thought that is what she could do to push me away. And I realize that even though I wasn’t doing it to you guys the way she was I was doing the same thing. It’s not fair I know but I am just so sorry. A mother always thinks she knows what is best for her children. And it was never you Scarlett. The whole reason I didn’t want my sons with you and Jay was because I saw myself in you girls and I saw my father in law in the boys.”

Scarlett looked confusedly to Helen. “Your father in law?”

“Christopher’s father. He had this incredible work ethic but he was mean and rude. He was always trying to be the best and the way he was with women was just horrible I don't understand how my mother in law handled it. Until I found out that she did it for the money. Having power and wealth was more important to the then love. I didn't want you girls to go through that. But what I failed to remember is that Christopher was like that until he met me. I know none of this will make up for how I acted but if you will let me I would love to start over. I love you and your family.”

Scarlett sighed. “Wow.”

“Scarlett I don’t think my son could have found better if he tried.”

Scarlett exhaled. “Wow.”

“You are just the person I always wanted for him. Just keep him on his toes for me ok?”

“That won’t be a problem at all. And I would love for you and Christopher to be in our lives. The kids love you and so do I.”

“I do too.” They looked at the door and Jayla walked in.

“I figured you two were still talking. Once you get Scarlett started she can talk your ear off.”

Scarlett threw an air punch towards Jay. “You talk just as much as me.”

“Well we do need to talk about these two weddings that will be going on? Have you guys thought about when or where you want your wedding?”

“Summer!” Scarlett and Jayla both laughed as they said it at the same time. Someone knocked on the door.

“Helen you know the men are wondering why you kidnapped their women?”

Helen laughed as she saw her old time friend.

“Jayla and Scarlett let me introduce you to my soul sister in the flesh Sandra D.”

Scarlett beamed as she shook her hand. Sandra took Jayla’s next. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you both.”

Jay looked at her. “Finally?”

“Yes Helen has been telling all about you.”

Scarlett and Jay looked at each other.

“Don't worry it was nothing but good things. She said that she saw you girls together and she knew guys were destined to be sisters. Just the way you are with each other. Its how my best friend and I are she told me this would happen.”

Jayla sat back in her chair.

“Told you what would happen?”

“You guys would be her daughters. She said she knew you girls were perfect for her sons.”

Scarlett sat next to her. “She did?”

Helen who was slowly walking towards the door stopped and stood in front of it and turned away.

“Thank you so much sandy.”

“My pleasure.” Sandy grinned and took a seat. The three women all staring up at Helen smiled. Helen cleared her throat.

“To understand this you guys should know our history. Sandra is a woman I met while I dated Christopher. She was so much like me I wouldn’t have made it to where I am now if it wasn’t for her. We actually went on our first dates with Christopher and his still till this day best friend Brian. We fell in love with men who only wanted us and we only wanted them. Not their money or their power just the men who we fell in love with. We were happy and having kids together and growing with our husbands has brought us even closer. When Chris brought Jay home, I admit I was skeptical of that relationship, Chris knew without a doubt in his mind she would be his wife. But he also knew that I wasn’t that easy to please and to be honest I was fine with that because I knew my son would never commit to a woman unless his brother committed to one as well.”

With Helen’s back to the door, she didn’t hear nor see it open. Chris and Christian placed a finger to their lips to ensure the women’s silence. Helen continued.

“Chris was always the most driven and because he was that made Christian work just as hard. What I love about my boys is how instead of competing with each other it was never about winning it was about working together. They had their interests and hobbies that made them wonderful men. But Chris knew if he got married, until his brother met someone steady he would have to deal with me and dealing with me alone no one can win. I knew you loved him because you were so patient Jay. But I was Scared that if he married you he wouldn’t need me. That’s why I encouraged Christian to date Amber. She wasn’t wife material and Christian wasn’t ready to settle down, which meant that neither was Chris. He didn’t like her hell I don't even like her. But she was a means to an end. If Christian stayed with her he wouldn’t get married and neither would Chris. And that had worked too until I walked into my son’s office and saw him kissing Scarlett I didn’t know who she was or what was going on but  I knew he was a goner.”

Scarlett gasped and covered her face. “You saw that?”

Jay gasped. “You kissed Christian the first day you met him? Why didn’t I know?”

“It just happened? Hey let her finish the story.”

Scarlett shook her head and looked back at Helen trying to keep her eyes away from Christian’s.

“I walked away gave you a few minutes to catch yourselves then walked in again like I didn’t see a thing. I told him to stay away from you. That I knew he would hurt you because I knew that would attract him to you more. I didn’t know how serious his feelings for you were until the dinner party. I was out of line and I can’t really explain why I said what I said it just came out.”

Jay frowned.

“I just don’t know what to say.”

“I don’t deserve your forgiveness I was petty and mean and I am so sorry. But I am not sorry that you guys bonded. Even at the hospital the first thing out of Christian’s mouth was I got to call Jay, Scarlett is going to need her.”

Helen felt tears come to her eyes.

“Scarlett I need you to know that I never spoke negativities to your mother. After the Ball when I saw Christian looking at you I knew he was in love. I knew that my son had found his wife. So I went to Shrines and I bore my soul to your mother. I needed her to know that I was sorry for the way I treated you Scarlett. She told me that the daughter she raised would see that I was just a mother trying to protect my son. And she knew that once I realized how wonderful you were that I would know you were the one for him. Scarlett she was so proud of you that is what I was trying to tell you in the hospital. She knew Christian was the one for you the moment she met him. And she knew like I do now that you guys were it. I promised her we would make you stronger and help heal you.”

Scarlett felt her eyes water as she looked at the door.

“You never told me you met my mom?”

Helen wiped her eyes as she looked at the door.

“What are you two doing in here?”

“Listening to a very interesting story.”

Scarlett stood up.

“Christian why didn’t you tell me?”

He walked over to her. “I was going to. That’s why I was late coming from the site. I was at Shrines. I wanted your mom to get a look at me give me her once over.”


“And she told me that if I was half the man that you and my mom said I was then she knows I could make you happy. She told me that you deserved the best and if I wanted to be with you then I needed to acknowledge that you were this incredible woman and needed to be your rock.”

“She said that?”

“She did and she wanted me to tell you that none of this was your fault. You had strength in you that even when everything looked bleak you still held strong. She was proud of you and she didn't blame you she never did.”

“Oh Christian.”

Scarlett hugged him tight.

“I love you so much.”

Chris grabbed Jayla to him and frowned. 

“You know that whole making you wait thing while it sounds bad it’s true. My mom knows us better than anyone does. Christian and I did everything either together or around the same time. I know it sounds bad but I wanted you to have someone too.”

“I get that now. Didn’t get it before but now I do. And everything seems to make sense.”

Christopher wrapped his arms around his wife. “Well I hate to break up this bonding moment but there is a party going on out there.”

Everyone laughed as they walked into the Living room. The waiter went around and handed out champagne flutes. Scarlett grabbed hers as Helen lightly tapped her glass with a knife.

“We would like to thank everyone for being here. I am extremely blessed to be celebrating not only gaining another daughter in law but also some pretty amazing kids. When Christian chose Scarlett as his bride he couldn’t have chosen a better woman. So congratulations to the both of you. Cheers!”

Everyone lifted their glasses as Christian pulled Scarlett to him and kissed her.

“I love you so much.”

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