A Passion Rekindled (31 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“They did but Pj came and got me.”

“Val please tell me that you aren’t still messing with him.”

“We are in love. Well look at you looking all beautiful.”

She looked Scarlett up and down and smiled at the black skirt jumper she wore with a white top.

“I'm nowhere near beautiful but I'm ok.”

“I don't think Danger would agree.”

“I don't really care what he thinks.”

“Danger loves you.”

“He doesn’t love me.”

“He does. He misses you. He wants to see you.”

“I don't want to see him.”

“Please he just wants to know you’re ok.”

“Well you see me so you can tell him how I am.”

“This man your mom has you believing he is isn’t him and you know it. After everything you guys have been through can’t you just see him?”

Scarlett looked at her friend then her watch. She sighed.  “I can spare five minutes where is he?”

“In that car over there.”

Scarlett looked at the 1972 grey Monte Carlo sitting in a parking spot across the street. Danger stepped out the car as Scarlett walked over to him. She couldn’t deny that a part of her was still attracted to him. He wore a white tee and a pair of black jeans. His hair tapered around his head and he had a goatee. She took a breath as she walked closer to him.

“Scarlett thanks for coming over here.”

“Val said you wanted to talk to me.”

“I wanted to see how you were doing.”

“I'm ok.”

“So is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Well I heard a rumor that you were pregnant.”

Scarlett shifted. “You should know not to listen to rumors.”

“So you’re not?”

“I should be getting back before the bell rings.”

“Please just tell me the truth. Are you pregnant?”

“Yes I am.”

“And I'm the father?”

“Well let's see I have only ever been with you so I would say yeah.”

“Scarlett why didn't you tell me?”

Scarlett looked at him and notice the compassion in his eyes. 

“Well I have to get to school.”

“Can't you stay and talk to me for a little while like the old times.”

“James I would love to but I have to get to class. Then I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.”

“Scarlett I really think we need to talk about this.”

“There is nothing to talk about. I shouldn’t have even come over here.”

“Scarlett we need to talk about this.”

Scarlett turned to walk away but Danger grabbed her arm.


“James I have a restraining order against you and I don't want to get you in trouble so we shouldn’t even be talking. Leave me alone ok I don't want to hurt you by turning you in.”

She pulled away and walked down the street to school. After school as she waited for her mom, she noticed Danger’s car parked across the street. When her mother arrived, she decided as long as he kept his distance everything was fine so she kept it to herself. This went on for a few weeks. She finally decided that she would tell her mom what had been going on. Tell her that Danger had been following her. As she was on her way home, Pj came out of nowhere.

“Hey Scarlett how are you?”



“I'm ok.”

Scarlett walked pass him but he grabbed her arm.

“Danger has been worried about you.”

“Well you can tell him I'm fine. But he knows that because he has been following me.”

“You told him to keep his distance and he has.”

“And I appreciate it. Pj I got to go.”

She walked away but he pulled her back to him and started to drag her. 

“Pj let me go.”

He carried her to a car and she screamed as loud as she could but Pj covered her mouth as Danger and Darrel shoved her into the car. She looked up and saw Pj hop into the driver’s side and began to drive. Scarlett squirmed and struggled.

“Let me go. What are you doing?”

“This is just a sedative it won’t harm you or the baby.”

Danger pulled out a needle and stuck it into Scarlett’s arm. She began to feel drowsy and began to see things in blocks. One minute they were in the car the next they were standing somewhere. When she finally awoke, Danger was staring down at her with a glass of water. She sat up and grabbed her head. As she fumbled around the room, she didn't recognize a thing. She looked around and felt herself began to panic. The room was kind of big with burgundy wallpaper. There was a tan loveseat and a desk. She was lying on the queen bed with the burgundy flowered bedspread. She looked at the flat screen TV on the wall. There was a bathroom and a mini fridge. Scarlett noticed the phone was pulled out the jack. Danger shoved the glass into her face.

“You need to drink something.”

“Where am I? What did you do?” He handed her the cup.

“Drink up.”

“No thank you.”

“Take it. 

She looked at him as she took it.

“Drink it. It's water.”

She took a sip and he smiled.

“See I told you. I wouldn’t poison my wife.”

She choked on the water and looked at him. “You’re what now?”

He held up a piece of paper.

“By the power vested in me granted by the state of Las Vegas we are man and wife.”

“But how? When? I’m just 17.”

“Your dad gave you permission. He was so proud to give his little girl away.”


She stood up off the bed and felt dizzy.

“You might want to take it easy right now. You have been out of it for almost two days. We haven’t even had our honeymoon yet.” He leaned in to her but she pushed him away weakly.


“What’s wrong? Are you hungry? What am I saying you must be starving?”

Scarlett moved from the bed falling to her knees. She crawled to the corner and sat balled up. Danger sat next to her.

“So what do you want?”

She looked away from him. He grabbed for her hand and she pulled away. He touched her stomach.

“Look I know you’re not happy right now but you have to eat. If not for you then for the baby.”

Scarlett looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“I want to go home.”

“Scarlett you are home. So what will it be? I know you’re allergic to seafood so how about a chicken salad or fruit?”

Scarlett looked down to her stomach and had to admit she was hungry.

“Can I get a steak?”


“Medium well, with a baked potatoes and sour cream ooooh and cheese. And A1 sauce and ketchup. Oh and can I get a cherry Pepsi too?”

“Wow ok how about I go order that for you now. But until they get here I have a fruit salad.” He got up and placed the order then grabbed the fruit salad out of the fridge. 

“Come sit on the bed with me.”

Scarlett stayed on the floor. He shook his head.

“I won’t bite.”

Scarlett exhaled and stood up wobbly. She walked over to the bed and sat on it. Danger pulled her back to the headboard and opened the fruit salad. He placed a fork in it and pulled out a strawberry. He gave it to her and she ate it. As she savored the taste, she realized how hungry she really was. She grabbed the fruit salad from him and began to eat. Danger stroked her head as someone knocked on the door. 

“Let me get that then it's you and me.”

Danger opened it and Derek walked in.

“D we got a problem.”

“What kind of problem?”

“Pj and Val do not understand that this is a nice hotel not the ghetto.”

“I'm on it. Bea I got to go handle this but I will be back.”

He walked out the room and Scarlett put the salad on the table and went to find the phone. She looked around and couldn’t find it all she found was the jack. He must have moved it. She kicked the door and screamed. As she sat back on the bed, Danger walked into the room.

“Has your food arrived?”

Scarlett shook her head no and stared away from him. He sat back down next to her.

“Are you ok?”

Scarlett shrugged. Danger grabbed her face in his hands.

“You’re not going to talk to me? Baby come on you can’t be this mad at me. This is our wedding night.”

She stared at him and then looked away. “I want to go home.”

“This is our home now. At least until we find a house.”

“This will never be my home. You took me from my family.”

“We are a family you me and our unborn child.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “Please let me go. Please.”

“I love you so much. And I will love you forever. I will take care of you like I always have.”

Scarlett turned away from him as someone knocked on the door.

“It’s room service sir.”

Danger walked to the door and retrieved the food. As he carried the tray to the bed, Scarlett was overtaken by the aroma. She was so hungry. Danger moved closer to her and handed her the tray. He kissed her forehead and got up.

“You enjoy your food. I am heading out for a little while. Is there anything you need while I am out?” Scarlett took a bite of the steak and moaned a little. Then looked at Danger.

“If you’re going to keep me here then I need you to find me pickles the sweet and crunchy kind and strawberry ice cream?”

“What? Seriously?”

“I'm real serious.”

“Ok if that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

“Then that is what I will get you.”

“And some apple juice and macaroni and cheese.”

“Anything else?”

“James I want to talk to my mom.”

He went to her side and sat next to her. “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” she asked, her mouth full of food.

“Whenever you’re mad at me or want me to do something for you. Or just want to acknowledge me you call me James.”

“I don't know. I guess I don't even know that I am doing it sometimes.”

H took her hand in his. “I like it that you are the only one to call me James. It makes me feel like you really do care and love me.” Scarlett looked at him swallowing, then back down to her food.

“Well then Danger I will stop calling you James.” He took a deep breath and walked to the door.

“You should get some rest and get used to being here.” Scarlett could have sworn she saw sadness in his eyes.


One month later


Scarlett stood in front of the mirror. With her stomach growing everyday she was slowly believing she would never see her mom again. Someone knocked on the door and she walked over to the bed. Val walked into the room and Pj shut the door and locked it as Scarlett folded her arms.

“Why can’t I leave this room?”

“James is afraid you will run away.”

“Val you know this isn’t right? I need to go home. 

“You are home. We both are. We have men who love us and want to take care of us were is the bad.”

“I am not happy here. I can’t do this I won’t do this. This is not living.”

“I don't know about you but I am happy with my life. Girl Pj gets me whatever I want whenever I want it. He treats me like his queen. And Danger would do the same to you if you let him.”

“I don't want to let him Val. How can they have you this brainwashed?”

“I'm not brainwashed I'm in love. And for the first time in my pathetic life I feel like someone special. Someone worth having. You can feel that way too if you just let go and trust in your love for Danger.”

Scarlett looked at her. She was starting to realize if she wanted out she would have to play nice. After a few weeks of sweet talking and smiling she convinced James to take her and Val to the mall so she could get some new clothes.

“Ok we can only stay an hour. Scarlett you can have whatever you want nothing is too good for my wife.”

Scarlett nodded then kissed him on the cheek.

“I don't deserve you.”

“Yeah you do.”

After an hour of shopping for maternity clothes Scarlett soon realized her window of escaping was growing smaller. She grabbed her stomach.

“Oh baby I need to visit the little girls room. That lemonade is going right through me.”

“Yeah ok you and Val go ahead I will be out here waiting for you.”

Scarlett ran into the restroom but frowned when she noticed there were no windows. She walked into the stalls with tears in her eyes. She was never going to get free; she was stuck in this hell. As she walked out James smiled at her.

“You hungry?” She nodded.

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