A Passion Rekindled (34 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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Maggie’s eyes welled up in tears. “Scarlett is that Danger?”


“Maggie go now. Lock the door ok I mean it.”

They ran upstairs. Scarlett went to the front door. She peeked through the window curtain.

“James what the hell are you doing here?”

“Scarlett hey baby girl…how are you?”

“James you need to leave.”

“Scarlett baby girl I just want to hold you just want to kiss you and I just want to be with you again. I miss you.”

“Are you high…drunk? You need to please just go.”

“You don’t want me here? Now that is not nice.”

He said hitting the door. “James please just go away.”

She closed the curtain. Danger began hitting the door. Scarlett ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. The door busted open and Danger walked in.

“Scarlett baby look at you. You’re so beautiful…what are you going to do with that knife. Are you going to stab me?”

She moved away from him with tears in her eyes. “I am begging you to please just leave. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You couldn’t hurt me Scarlett if you tried.”

He moved closer to her but she backed away.

“Don’t touch me please.”

“So where is my daughter?”

“She’s not here.”

“Where is she?”

“She’s over a friend’s house. Now can you please leave?”

“I saw her…at the game. She is so beautiful. Looks just like you.”

“At the game? You’ve been following us?”

“So who was that guy you were sitting with?”

“I am not going to tell you again to leave.”

“And if I don’t?”

He lunged at her and she swung the knife at him it pierced his arm. He reached around and grabbed her. She kicked him and ran for the door but he grabbed her by her hair. He pulled her close to him and kissed her neck.

“You still taste so good. I bet you feel just as good too.”

Scarlett screamed as she sat up in the chair. She looked around and saw the girls watching a movie. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time. Twenty after ten.

She walked out the room and called Jayla.


“Scar? Scar are you ok?”

“No I need you to come get the girls please if you could.”

“Scarlett what's wrong?”

“I had a horrible dream…and now I have a bad feeling…I need you to take the girls for me.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You remember when I told you about the restraining order on Danger three years ago?”

“Yeah because you had a dream that he was going to attack you and he broke into the house that night.”

“Danger is on his way over here.”


“That was the dream Danger attacked me. I am freaking out and Christian is supposed to be here by now but you know they are always late. I just don’t feel like those girls are safe here.”

“So why don’t you just come with them.”

“Christian will be on his way over here soon and I don’t think anything will happen I just want to be on the safe side you know?”

“Yeah I know I am on my way and I will call Chris too.”

“Yeah just ask him to stop by too later if he can.”

“Ok. I will be there in like ten minutes.”


Scarlett hung up the phone and looked at the girls.

“Hey girls…I just got off the phone with Jay and she is so bored I told her you girls would love to go over to her place so go get your swim suits.”

“Mommy really? Are you coming?”

“Yeah but I will be there later I have a few things to finish here.”


“Ok so she is on her way now so go get your things. And don’t worry I'm going to explain the situation to your mom ok girls?”

“Yeah ok.”

They ran up the stairs. Maggie looked at Scarlett. “Scar what's wrong?”


“Scarlett I see your face you haven’t looked this scared in a long time.”

“Maggie ok look I have a bad feeling and I just think you girls would be safer over Jays.”

“Is it Danger?”


“Scarlett is he really Angel’s dad?”


“But you always said he died.”

“Maggie there are just something's you and Angel don't need to know.”

“And there are some things we do.”

“Did you tell her?”


“Maggie he is a bad man and I just want you guys to be safe.”

“Are you coming?”

“Yeah in a couple hours.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

Scarlett hugged Maggie then looked at her.

“So go upstairs and get ready ok I will be fine.”

Maggie ran upstairs as Scarlett grabbed her phone.

“Fran hey this is Scarlett.”

“Hey Scarlett is everything going well.”

“Yeah I am sending the kids with Jayla and I just wanted to let you know.”

“Yeah that’s no problem. The girls have been begging me to go back over there since the picnic.”

“Ok I just wanted to make sure.”

“Yeah so will I be picking them up from there?”

“No I will drop them off on Sunday.”

“Ok. Well I got to go so talk to you later kiss my girls for me.” She hung up the phone as Jayla arrived at the house.

“Are you sure you are ok?”

“Yeah I am…if Christian doesn’t come in an hour I am just going to come over too ok.”

“Ok…I am going to be calling every thirty minutes and if you don’t pick up I am calling the cops.”

“What if I’m in the bathroom?”

“You have five minutes to call me back.”

“Ok. Thanks Jay.”

“You know I'm here whenever for whatever…is Devon still with the guys?”

“Yeah he is with them all weekend. They are celebrating the victory.”

Maggie stepped up. “We are ready.”

“Ok girls who, is ready for swimming dancing and makeovers.”

“Hey Jay are you going to let Sharon and I go through your closet like Scarlett does?”

“I will let you girls pick out and keep whatever you want.”

“For reals?”

“Yeah I was cleaning it out anyways.”

“Bye mommy.”

“Bye Scarlett.”

“Bye girls.”

Scarlett locked the door and called Christian.

“Hi you’ve reached Christian Waters I am unavailable at the moment so please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.”

“Christian hey it’s me. I was wondering where you are it’s a little after ten thirty and I just was hoping you were on your way it’s nothing really I just have a bad feeling. Its fine don’t worry I will see you when you get here. I love you.”

She hung up and made sure all the doors were locked. Scarlett walked into the den and saw the sliding doors were open. She went to close them when someone came behind her and covered her mouth. 

“You scream and I will hurt you.”

Scarlett felt a chill go through her body as she heard Danger’s voice.

“Now Scarlett look at you girl living large aren’t you. Dating a rich man. Living in a big house. I could have given you this, all of this and more.” He removed his hand from her mouth and turned her to him.

“Look at you still just as beautiful as the day I first saw you.”

He kissed her and she tried to pull away but he held her tighter. She struggled to get free. He pulled her closer after he removed his lips from hers.

“Oh baby I missed you.”

She finally pulled away and shoved him.

“James what are you doing here? Leave me alone.”

He stared down at her with his dark brown almost black eyes. She thought she saw a flicker of compassion but knew it couldn’t be. He smirked.

“What kind of welcome is that for your first love baby?”

“James I never loved you.”

“That’s what you say.”

He moved closer to her and traced her face with his hand.

“But your body told another story.”

She moved her head away from his hand as he tried to stroke her face again.

“That wasn’t by choice.”

“Wasn’t it? You loved it just as much as I did. You responded to my touch.”

“I did not!”

She turned away from him as he came behind her and rubbed her shoulder. His voice was low and husky. Scarlett couldn’t deny that if this was any other circumstance she would be turned on but because he was the man who haunted her nightmares all she felt was fear.

“You did too. You moaned for me no matter how many times you tried to muffle it you did. You loved it and me.”

“James I want you to leave.”

“No you don’t.”

Scarlett tried to move away from him but he blocked her. He walked over to the hall table and saw Angel’s school picture.

“She looks so beautiful. Just like you.”

Danger picked the picture back up and broke the frame. He took the picture from the frame and smiled at Scarlett. 

“So where is our beautiful daughter? She has my eyes.”

“Yeah and how would you know that from one picture?”

“I am not the only one who believes so. Derek and your dad do too. Derek also told me that you told her I was dead.”

“And that is how you will stay to her.”

“You can’t keep me away from her.”

“I have been doing a pretty good job so far.”

“So where is she?”

“She’s not here.”

She backed up and found she was against a wall. The phone rang and she looked at it.

“I need to get that.”

“Why is that your little boyfriend calling? Well he can leave you a message.”

He moved closer to her and rubbed her face with his index finger then moved it down to her chest. She jerked back at his touch then a shiver went up her spine.

“See I told you.”

“James stop it. Please.”

“You sure you don’t mean James give it to me.”

“No I don't I.”

“Give it up Scarlett. After the years we spent together, I have learned a few things about you. Like you still love me because you call me James. Like what happens when I do this.”

He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. Unwillingly she went weak in the knees. He lifted her to him and continued to kiss her neck. Scarlett felt a moan escape her lips as she was lost in the pleasure that he made her feel. He was right he knew how to make her feel good. He knew how to make her body sing his praises. But she knew that even if he had her body he would never have her sprit her soul. 

He pulled her to him and kissed her. Scarlett tried with all of her might to break free. She twisted in his arms until he threw her to the ground. She rolled over and tried to get up but he held her down. He got on top of her and grabbed both her hands in his one. Then he moved the other one down her body.

“I love the new curves. You have filled out well. I still remember the first time don't you? You were so small and tight. You were Scared. You fought me the whole time but I loved it. But you learned that I always get what I want…and I wanted you. I still want you. You are so beautiful Scarlett. I love you. I never stopped.”

Scarlett fought him off.

“Get off of me…get off.”

“Tell me you love me.”

She began to cry as she relived her past experiences.

“Please James just stop. This can’t happen again. I won’t let it.”

“You won’t let it? There is nothing that you can do to stop it.”

He moved his hand down her left leg and pulled her skirt up.

“No! Stop it.”

She kicked her legs at him trying to get him to stop. He moved his body between her legs then he stuck his fingers inside of her. She tried to close her legs but his body still split her legs apart.

“Stop it.”

“You’re so tight…I guess that guy hasn’t gotten any yet?”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because your mine. You will always belong to me.”

“Please don’t do this to me not again.”

Danger kissed her neck as he moved his fingers inside her. She screamed. She hated the way he made her feel so bad and yet good at the same time. She pulled her hands free and punched him. He grabbed her hands again as he moved his lips down to her breast. He kissed his way back up to her lips and she bit him. Danger pulled back and Scarlett took that as a chance to run. She kicked him in his thigh then ran to the door and unlocked it. She opened it but Danger grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back.

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