A Passion Rekindled (37 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“What’s going on? Where are we?”

“Somewhere you shouldn’t be. But don’t worry I am going to help you out of here.”

“I don’t know what happen.”

“We hit a pole. You flew out the window.”

“Did you?”

“No I was stuck in the car when it caught on fire.”

“Am…am I. Are we dead?”

“No you’re asleep…you have had a lot of bad in your life, mostly thanks to me but good things are on their way.”

“So why am I here?”

“Because you’re afraid. You are scared to go back.”

“How did you know?”

“I just do. Just because you don't believe I love you doesn’t mean I don't. I know bad things have happened. I hurt you for years and I never apologized for it. But know Scarlett none of that was your fault. It was mines. And even though I truly loved you I know I hurt you.”

“Why did you?”

“That’s who I was. But I never wanted to hurt you I thought you were remarkable from the moment I saw you. But now I know it was never meant for me to have you.”

He moved closer to her.

“You have a man there who loves you and that beautiful daughter of ours. And he wants to help you take care of Maggie and Devon. Don’t let fear stop you from returning to your life.” 


“Just wake up.”


“No buts…Scarlett you are a strong woman…your family needs that strength so they can reach their potential. Great things are going to happen all you have to do is let them. So just wake up.”

“I don't know how to.” He caressed her face. 

“I realize now that you and I were never really meant to be. We were only meant to produce that beautiful little girl. I want to thank you though.”

“What did I do?”

“You got me here.”


“When we were in the car telling me all I had to do was ask for forgiveness. I have been to church. Been saved and baptized but I wanted to live that easy money life. Started when I was 17 and I went right to the top. No one ever had faith in me like you. And now because you cared enough to make me a better man I am in this better place.”

“I still don't know why you’re thanking me.”

“You saved me Scarlett and now it's my turn to return the favor. I am going to save you for once.” 

He pulled her to him. “Please if you ever tell Angel about me tell her I made a lot of mistakes in my life but she was the best one.”

“I will. I promise.”

“So all that’s left for you to do now is just wake up.”

He lifted her face to his and kissed her, as he did she felt like she was falling.

Christian sat next to Scarlett’s bed sleep. Scarlett looked around the room and felt his hand on hers. She tightened her grip and Christian awoke. 

“Hi beautiful.”

“Hmmm water.”

Scarlett’s voice came out in a whisper. Christian grabbed his water bottle and placed it onto her lips. She drank and then licked her lips as Christian placed the bottle onto the table and moved closer to her.

“Welcome back we missed you.”

Christian pushed the nurse’s button as Scarlett looked around the hospital room.

“Where are the kids?”

“With Jay and Chris once I find out you’re ok I will call them.”

The nurse walked in. “Yes…oh I see I am going to go get the doctor.”

She walked back out the door. Christian looked at her. “Are you ok?” She shook her head no.

“I'm sorry.”

“For what?”

“Scaring you…and putting you through this you deserve so much better.”

“Shhhhh don’t talk ok…just relax.” She nodded at she laid back down.

Christian leaned over to her and kissed her. As she closed her eyes, Christian said a silent Prayer.

“Thank you Lord. Thank you for bringing her back to us.”

He kissed her hand as he reached for his phone.





Chapter 14



Faith restored…










Christian wore big smile while he wheeled Scarlett out the door of her hospital room and to the elevator.

“Don’t go scaring me like that again.”

“I won’t…thank you for what you did and have done for me and my family. Without your family we would not have made it.”

“I haven’t done anything worth thanking me for.”

“Baby you have. You saved my life.”

“No I didn’t.”

“I know what happed I know you and Chris came by to help me.”

“Some help I was, I let him rape you, shoot you and kidnap you.”

“So what, you were still there for me.”

“I hate that he hurt you.”

“He did, but I have learned that everything happens for a reason.”

“What was the reason?”

“Meeting you and that is something wonderful. I am trying to stay positive and look to the positive things that happened.”

“Which is?”                     

“I'm here aren’t I?”

“Yes and I couldn’t be happier.”

As they waited for the elevator she looked up to Christian.

“Christian I know you have been trying to avoid the subject of James but.” Christian bent down to her.

“I have I didn't want to bother you with it.”

“Christian I know.”

“You know what?”

“I know that James didn't make it.”


“Well first off with everyone telling me I won’t have to worry about him anymore I kind of figured he was gone and I saw him.”

“What do you mean you saw him?”

“He helped me come back. He told me that after I got tossed from the car he was stuck in his seat and the car caught on fire.”


“Don’t try to understand I still don't. I know I should feel relieved but a little part of me doesn’t. He hurt me in so many ways but he did love me.”

“It’s hard not to love you.”

“Christian there was a side to him that I loved too. And I saw that side of him before he left and now when I tell Angel about him I don't have to lie.”

Christian pushed her into the elevator and pushed the G button to head to the garage. Scarlett looked up as Christian looked down to her.

“Are you ok?”

She smiled at him. “I will be.”

As the doors opened he wheeled her to the car and helped her into the front seat.

“I hope you don’t mind but I have to stop by the office for a second and then I am all yours.”

He said as he pulled the car out of the garage.

“I don’t mind…hey is it true? That Amber told James where I was?”

“Yeah apparently he saw the article about us and went to her to see what we meant to each other. They decided that if they worked together she could get me and he could get you…when I confronted her she said she did it because he had a right to his daughter but like I told her I don’t care why she did it.”

Christian parked the car in his spot and turned it off.

“Would you like to come up or do you want to stay in the car?”

“Well I can walk to the elevator so I guess I can take a peek at the office.”

They walk onto the elevator hand in hand and Christian pulled her to him.

“I have been fighting this all morning.”

He kissed her. She held him close to her and kissed him back. As the elevator came to a stop, they pulled apart.

“So what do you have to do?”

“There are some emails that need to be sent today. I let my assistant go so I have to do them myself.”

“You need any help?”

“No you relax it shouldn’t take me that long.”

“Christian have you forgotten I used to work for you…I know how long it takes you to do things. Bring them out here and I will do it…it should take me about five ten minutes.”

“No if you seriously want to help then use my desk.”

“Oh the perks of being your girlfriend.”

She laughed as she walked into his office. She stopped in her tracks as she sees Amber sitting there.

“Christian, Scarlett um hi.”

Christian stood in front of Scarlett.

“Amber what are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you. I called and they said you were due in so I waited.”

“Amber you need to leave.”

Scarlett turned to Christian.

“No Christian how about you go get me some hot chocolate I want to talk to Amber alone.”


“Don’t Scarlett me ok…it will be fine we are just going to chit chat a little nothing big just girl talk.”

Christian kissed her cheek and walked out the room. Scarlett slowly walked over to Amber and Amber exhaled deeply.

“How are you feeling?” Scarlett smirked.

“How am I feeling? Really? That’s all you can think to say to me? I should slap the stupid out of you. How dare you…how dare you tell that man where I lived? Do you realize what you did?”

“I'm sorry I didn’t know he would hurt you like that.”

Scarlett folded her hands across her chest slowly. “Or maybe you did know you just didn’t care. As long as I was taken out the picture right?”

“No that’s not it at all.”

“He was arrested for my rape what did you think he would do to me if he found me?”

“He promised he wouldn’t hurt you he said he just wanted to see his daughter.”

“Yeah and of course you know him so well that you could believe a word he said.”

Scarlett pulled her baby blue V-neck t-shirt down and showed her the bandage of where the bullet went.

“This is where he shot me. Any closer to my heart and I would be dead right now. I know you disregarded what might have happened because the well-being of not only me but also my family didn’t matter. All that mattered to you was getting with Christian.”

“That’s not true.”

“It's not? Did you ever think what a man like that would do to three girls Amber…home alone? Did you ever think what he would do to my brother? I had two other girls there. He could have raped them all…did you think about that? Because I did. If I didn’t have that dream, who knows what would have happened. Or did you think of what he would do to his daughter? You didn’t because all that mattered was you getting another chance with Christian. Well he had a chance to be with you. He didn’t take it.”

Amber backed away and screamed.

“Because of you, if you hadn’t moved here.”

Scarlett cut her off. “He would still be ignoring your calls. I had nothing to do with you and him not working. I am sorry if you feel I ruined your chance and happiness. But this is my chance now…and no one not you or anyone is going to take that away from me. I love Christian with all my heart enough so I was willing to die for him…can you say that?”


“Do you even love him?”

“I don’t know.”

“If you don’t know then you are a sad woman and I feel sorry for you. You could lose your job, your title, and the respect everyone has for you and for what? Just to be with a man you don’t even know if you love? You are a truly sad woman.”


“No Amber you want Christian for what he can do for you for the title that he holds and you put me, my daughter, sister, brother, Jay and the two girls who I was watching in danger.”

“How could I have known what was going to happen that night?”

“You want to know what happened that night? The same thing that happened when I was younger. Danger raped me. I got pregnant because my dad couldn’t and wouldn’t pay his bill. So he gave me to his dealer. He threatened my sister and my daughter. He threatened Jay and Chris and Christian.”

“I didn’t know.”

“You didn’t want to know.”

Amber moved closer to her. “How could I? You come in here you take everything from me.”

Scarlett held up her hands and walked to the door. “I don’t want to hear this anymore. I didn’t ruin your life Amber you did. You are selfish and we have nothing more to talk about. You have no excuse for what you did and I think you should leave. If I have to look at you any longer I may not be able to control my anger.”

“I'm sorry.”

“I don’t doubt you are but if you’re looking for sympathy you came to the wrong person. You got everything you deserve because as my mom said you lie down with dogs you bound to get up with some fleas.”

Amber grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Christian walked into the room.

“Are you ok?”

“Oh I'm fine.”

“I heard what you said.”

“About what?”

“About everything…you were willing to die for me.”

“I was.”

“I guess I knew I cared for you I just never knew how much I loved you until I thought I was going to lose you. When I saw that gurney and thought you were on it I went a little crazy.”

“I know what you mean.”

“No I don’t think you do.”

Christian moved closer to her and pulled her to his desk. He sat on the edge and pulled her close to him.

“When I first saw you I knew you were it. But I was afraid because I have never had these feelings before. I wanted you and wanted to do everything I could to make you happy.”

“And you have.”

“No I don’t think I have yet. What have I done for you? You came in and you save this place. When you got here you put everything in working order…you took care of your family not because you had to but because you wanted to, you sacrificed so much for them. And to be with me.”

“I don’t care what happened I wouldn’t change any of it. I love you.”

“And I love you too…I came up here to get something I left here.” He walked over to his desk drawer.

“This is why I was late to your house I needed to get this. And I was going to wait but I just can’t seem to.”

He opened the drawer and pulled out a small white box. He walked back over to her and bent down on one knee.

“Scarlett Summer Hale you are the most astounding, beautiful, sweetest, kindest, selfless person I know. You have changed me in ways I never thought possible. I love you and I would be honored to call you my wife.”


He handed her the box. She opened it and saw a beautiful 2 caret princess cut diamond ring.

“Christian I…I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes…please say yes…I want to love you for the rest of my life…let me do that for you.”

“I don’t know if you can handle me and the kids on a daily basis.”

“I love them too. As far as I am concerned they are the icing on the cake.”


He stood up. “No buts…do you love me?”

“Of course I do.”

“Do you want to spend your life with me?”


“So will you be mine forever…will you marry me?”

“Before I say yes there is something we need to talk about.”

“You are killing me Scar.” She pulled him to her.

“I know that you are this wonderful man, but I also have come to realize that you are kind of rich.”

“Umm Scarlett if you are worried that I can’t afford you.”

He laughed as Scarlett playfully pushed him.

“What I am saying is I don’t love you for that and I know we would to deal with it so I am just going to tell you if I say yes then I will be agreeing to signing a prenuptial agreement. My mother has always taught me to be upfront with your intentions.”

“Scarlett I don’t want you to sign one. I don’t need you to sign one I believe what’s mines is yours.”

“Well in that case I think I need a new wardrobe.” She laughed and he pull her close to her.

“Anything you want you will get. “

“I wasn’t serious.”

“But I was. I want a wife I can spoil a wife I want to give her the world and if you are my wife then that is what I want to do for you.”

She looked at him and saw the love in eyes. She pulled his face to hers and passionately kissed him. Christian pulled away smiling.

“Would it be too presumptuous to think that the kiss we just shared means yes?” Scarlett smiled.

“I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”

He swooped her up into his arms and kissed her. He stepped back and placed the ring on her finger.




Christian pulled his car up to his parent’s house and Scarlett looked at him.

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