A Passion Rekindled (39 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“I love you too.”









Happily Ever After…



Five Years Later…









Christian opened the door as Angel ran into the house after three and a half year old CJ. Angel chased him into the living room as Shane jumped out and picked him up. CJ squealed with excitement.


“CJ, why are you running from your big sister?”


Shane mocked him tickling him.

“Cuz, Cuz!”

They both laughed as Angel went to hug him.

“When did you get here Uncle Shane we were only gone for a few minutes?”

Christian walked into the room. Shane smiled.

“I only just got here Devon let me in before he and Maggie left in his graduation gift.”

“I told Christian he was spoiling Devon with that brand new BMW.”

Shane looked towards the top of the stairs as Christian ran to a very slow 8 month pregnant Scarlett. She tugged at her black sundress pulling it down more over her stomach as Christian helped her down the stairs.

“I told you to wait for me. You need to be taking it easy.”

“Christian if I am late to my brother’s graduation because I can’t waddle fast enough I will never forgive myself so let’s get this show on the road.”

As Scarlett reached the bottom of the stairs Shane handed CJ to Christian and hugged her.

“You are practically glowing. How are you feeling?”

“Like a whale.” She laughed. “Where is Zoë? Didn’t you bring her?”

“Yes she dropped me off because she felt the need to grab more gifts for our God children.”

“When are you going to have some kids of your own?” Shane smiled.

“Well we just found out that she is three months pregnant.” Christian high fived him as Scarlett let a few tears fall.

“Congratulations. Now I am really glad you moved your practice here. And I love Zoë she is perfect for you.”

“Party over here!”

Scarlett laughed seeing an equally pregnant Jayla walk into the door. Chris walked in after her holding their 4 year old daughter Ebony.

“Ain't nothing over here, you better stop shaking that thing before you shake my son right out.”

Scarlett and Jayla moved to hug each other but laughed as the bellies touched. Scarlett laughed. “How about a high five instead?”

They high fived and Chris and Christian exchanged ebony and Cj. Jayla looked around.

“Where is the graduator?”

“He and Maggie left early his new car. He wanted to talk to her about moving away for school this year alone.”

Shane smiled. “So she’s transferring to Yale.”

“Yes and while I hate to see her go I am so proud of her. She worked so hard these last two years to get them to change their mind and admit her and they did.”

Christian smiled then walked to the door.

“Alright let’s get this show on the road! My wife doesn’t want to be late and she is pregnant and scares me so let’s go. Mom and dad are already there holding our seats.”

Shane took Ebony from Chris as everyone walked to the door as Scarlett looked at the family picture on the side table in the hall. Christian walked over to her as tears fell from her eyes.

“Are you ok?”

Scarlett wiped her eyes. “I miss her. She should be here.”

“I know and she is here. She has always been here and when our daughter gets here she will have been kissed by your mother just like CJ. She is a part of this family because she is a part of you.”

“She would be so proud. Of all of us. We have all come such a long way. I can’t believe Angel is starting high school, and Devon graduating from college. These last five years have been so wonderful. Being your wife, and working with you at the company instead of for you.”

“Bringing you on as CEO was a brilliant move on our part. And your master’s in business helped too.”

“I can’t believe Devon starts work Monday. He is very lucky to have a brother like you looking out for him.”

“I think we all of lucky because of you. Now are we going to go or what?”

“Yes just give me a minute ok.”

Christian kissed her cheek and walked out the house. Scarlett held the picture close to her heart and sighed.

“Thank you Lord for my family. I am so blessed and proud to have so much love. Mom we miss you every day but I know you are happy and at peace. I love you.”

She placed the picture down and walked out the door. The last five years were only the beginning as far as she was concerned. With Derek and Darrel serving time for possession of drugs and violating the restraining order she knew she never had to worry about them again. Christian was madly in love with her and she him. She closed the door and walked to the car ready to start yet another chapter in her happy life.



Coming early 2014







Undercover Love!

Rontora Nolan








Arrissa stared at the beaten body on the floor. She tossed the baseball bat to the floor looking at her blood stained shaking hands. Fear crept inside her soul as her vision blurred and tears appeared. She kicked the lifeless body confused.  How could she be responsible for hurting anyone unless she feared they would hurt her? She backed up to the wall as she felt like the room was getting smaller. With every breath she took it because harder to breathe. Lights lit up the dark room and she began to panic. If anyone else came in the rooms she would never be able to get free. She stood looking at the door and gathering the courage to run. 

Arrissa ran away from the house as fast as she could. There was no way she would stay and allow something worse to happen to her. As she ran she couldn’t remember why she used the bat. Was she crazy? Was it self-defense? If she wasn’t sure herself the police wouldn’t help her. She ducked and dodged through the bushes trying to run as fast as her legs could take her. 

Sensing someone was on her heel she sprinted faster seeing a clearing ahead. Before she reached it someone tackled her to the ground. She screamed loudly as she fought off her attacker. 

He covered her with his body his placing his knees on her hands. She used all her might to jerk him off of her. She felt her left hand get free and she pushed him off her right.

“Get off of me let me go now.”

“Hold still this won’t hurt that much.”

He tore at her shirt as she clawed at his arms and face.

“Let me go.”

He pushed her further on the ground placing a kiss on her lips. Arrissa held her lips tight as his tongue tried to sneak though the crack. He pulled his face back and looked at her. She closed her eyes and tried with all her might to break away from him but he was too strong. He laughed at her bitterly.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way…which do you choose?”

“Let me go.”

She screamed loudly as she reached for his neck clawing again feverishly at his face and neck. He went to kiss her and this time she allowed him to kiss her. As his tongue entered her mouth she bit down as hard as she could. He jerked back pulling at her already tearing nightshirt. He leaned back spitting blood from his mouth.

“Now you’re gonna die.”

His heavy hand landed on her chest and she screamed expelling whatever air was left by force. She tried to block his punches by covering her face and praying. Praying to the Lord, that he would send her help. She tried to push him off of her as his hands curved around her neck. As his hands slowly squeezed the life out of her she heard a shot and the man went limp on top of her. Arrissa could feel the coolness of blood run down her stomach and she began to scream again this time out of fear she was next. A shadowy figure lifted the lifeless man off of her and moved closer to her. He bent down to her and reached for her hands.

“Ms. Are you ok?”

He helped her up and pulled his coat off and wrapped it around her. She glanced up as his tall stature searching his eyes for familiarity but not finding any. He held her closer felling her shake beneath his coat.

“It’s ok you’re going to be ok.”

He pulled out a cell phone then looked at her.

“Let’s get you somewhere safe.”

As they walked to his car side by side, Arrissa felt as if she was being jerked back

And forth. She held on tight as she could to her protector trying to fight the feeling of being forced from him. She looked up to him seeing his eyes vanish and not feeling his warmth on her anymore. Fear became a reality when she realized she was all alone.

As Arrissa opened her eyes, she saw her best friend waking her.

“Girl you need to get up I heard you screaming all the way down the hall.”

“Liyah I had that dream again.”









Coming early 2014



If only I could

Rontora Nolan

Love you again








Abby rested her head on Briston’s shoulder allowing him to take her fingers into his hands. Pryce walked into the living room with Jackie and smiled when he saw his baby sister Suzy. 

“Look at my beautiful little sister. Jerome was a fool.”

“I know.” Suzy smiled widely. Her brother always knew how to make her feel better even if she wasn’t sad.

Briston pulled Abby up with him and she was taken aback the moment she saw Pryce. She knew those golden brown eyes and high cheek bones and dimples anywhere. Abby’s’ mouth immediately went dry. She tried to swallow but couldn’t move the lump that formed in her throat. It had to be a dream. She closed her eyes and opened them several times hoping it was a dream but knowing it wasn’t Pryce was there right in front of her.

Suzy hugged Pryce then pulled Abby towards him. Pryce looked at her and felt his heart leap into his chest. He didn’t think he would ever see those beautiful grey eyes. As he looked over her joy crept in his eyes. He wondered if this woman in front of him really was his long lost love or was she merely a look alike there to torment him? Staring at her all he wanted to do was pull her to him in a long awaited embrace. 

Suzy smiled widely as Abby stood next to her silently.

“Abigail this is my brother. PJ this is my best friend and Briston’s lady love which I have learned to be ok with. It was weird at first but he makes her happy so I can’t be too grossed out.”

Abby stared at Pryce still at a loss of words. Pryce felt a lump grow in his throat.


He wanted to say something but he was struck with heartache. There she stood in front of him and couldn’t help but feel like he was given a second chance. Wondering if this time he would get it right. Briston looked from Abby to Pryce.

“Abby?” he asked. “How do you know her nickname?”

Pryce stepped closer to her as she stepped back not wanting him near her. While emotions of love surged through Pryce, hatred hit her hard. Abby began to feel anger rise up in her as she over looked that man who stood in front of her, the one who broke her heart, who broker her sister’s heart, the father of her niece and nephew, the man who left her sister Shelby with nothing but pain and left Abby with an empty void. 

He smiled at her obviously happy to see her. “What are you doing here?”

Abby wanted to knock that smile off his face and that is exactly what she did. She raised her hand and slapped him across the face. The sound of her heavy hand hitting his face left everyone in shock, as another smack landed across Pryce’s face, he grabbed her wrist. The group of kids ran back into the room as Abby broke free of his grip and lifted her hand to strike him again. Before her hand could land on his face Briston pulled her back.

“Whoa down girl what are you doing that’s my brother?”

“Hold up.” Jackie said as she moved closer to Abby but Pryce held up his hands.

“It’s ok I deserved that.” He rubbed his face. “The second one not so much.” Pryce looked back to Abby.

“I know you’re angry.”

Abby squirmed in Briston’s arms. “Oh do you know that Pryce are you a freaking mind reader now?”

Briston held her tighter. “Baby calm down the kids are in the room.”

Briston turned her face towards his and looked into her eyes. He saw the tears brimming and her eyes softening. Abby looked away from him and at the kids and frowned but calmed down. There was no need to lose control in front of the kids. Pryce frowned still rubbing his now burning face. He decided to take advantage of the kids being in the room.

“So Abby it’s been a while huh it’s been what ten years? How are you? How is Shelby?”

She glared tears filling her eyes as he continued to talk. “Ten years is a long time to hate someone but I see you still do.”

She continued to stare at him angrily. Words were lost to her as all she wanted to do was make him feel as much pain as she had to endure. Briston tried to hug her as Pryce sighed. “So what are you doing here? Like in this house? I mean are you maybe stalking me?”

Pryce smirked knowing how to get to her, as Abby lunged forward to him “Bout ready to kick your-” 

Briston covered her mouth and cut her off. “She is here for dad they are pretty close. He calls her his long lost daughter. I think he’s hoping I’ll make an honest woman of her. As you see I would have my hands full if I did.”

Briston removed his hand from her mouth as Suzy laughed nervously at Briston’s attempt to lighten the mood. Megan looked at them both.

“So I am going to take a wild guess and say you two know each other?

Pryce looked at Abby as Briston whispered something into her ear. Abby placed her hair behind her ears as Briston loosened his grip on her. Abby cleared her throat and responded to Megan.

“I thought we did but it turned out I was wrong and he is a-” she looked at the kids and second guess what she was going to say. “Jerk.”  Pryce laughed angrily.

“I was just asking a question you don’t need to get mad at me. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Suzy looked at Pryce.

“Wait how do you know each other?”

Abby moved closer to him fuming, he wanted to talk and she was ready to give him an earful. “Oh I'm not mad I am pissed how could you leave her like she was nothing. How could you lie to me about sleeping with her! You took advantage of me.”

Briston piped up. “What is going here?”

Pryce raised his voice to match her tone as Briston’s voice trailed off.

“I told you I was sorry. You waited so long to be with me I didn’t want to ruin what we could have had.”

“What we could have had? You used me you lying-”

Pryce yelled at her cutting her off. “That is a load of bull if I ever heard any. I loved you. What we shared.”

She cut him off angrily. “Was nothing but a lie. You tricked me into your bed and I can never forgive your for taking something that I could never get back.”

Briston whistled loudly. “When were you in bed together just wondering for my files?”

Abby moved closer to him but Briston pulled her back. She shook her head and folded her arms. “You are nothing more than a player who finally got caught up in his game but the cherry on top of your big fat lying game was that you hurt not one but two people.”

Briston turned her towards him. “Am I suddenly invisible? You can’t miss me I’m 6’2 standing here wondering why my brother and my girl are fighting with each other.”

Gaby stepped in front of Abby. “You can’t talk to my mom like that.”

Abby pulled her back but she struggled free and kicked Pryce in the shin.


She looked at her mom then turned back towards Pryce. “You make her cry I’ll make you cry.”

She kicked him again as Pryce stumbled back and Briston picked Gaby up. Pryce was so focused on Abby he forgot anyone was in the room.

“Your mom?” he asked rubbing his shin.

Kathrynne grabbed the kids. “Guys how about we all go into the kitchen and I will get you some cookies.” Jr. stepped up.

“Yeah I think I will join you too sweetie. I don’t need to be here to see your brother get beat up.” Abby looked at Gaby.

“Go ahead I am going to be fine.”

Gaby stared at Pryce. She folded her arms. Abby looked at her.

“Gabriella Rodgers you take yourself in that kitchen now!” Gaby stood firm. Briston bent down to her.

“Gaby I will make sure he doesn’t yell at her again.”

“You promise?”

He crossed his heart. “Promise go ahead and get something to eat it will be ok.”

She eyed Pryce as she walked out the room mumbling “You better not yell at my mom again.” 

Jackie looked at the sadness and anger in Pryce‘s eyes and asked the question on everyone‘s mind. 

“Pryce what is going on here?” Pryce moved over to Jackie.

“I met Abby when I was at Emory University.”

Briston threw his hands up. “Oh you can answer the street walker but not your own brother? That’s just rude.”

Suzy sat on the chair as Abby leaned against the wall with her arms folded which anyone who knew her knew if she didn’t calm down it was a sign that she was ready to explode. Pryce who was still staring at her and her him was standing opposite her next to the Brown and Tan Zebra print ottoman in the room. Briston walked closer to Abby.

“Pryce I’m going to need you to stop eyeing my girl.”

Suzy shook her head. “Bris now is not the time for jokes.”

“Who is joking I know we family but this whole situation is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I don’t like nor have I ever seen Abby this upset and I am scared for him because I don’t think I can keep holding her back. It’s hazardous to my health and good looks.”

Suzy shook her head. “Briston stop…Now Abby I thought you went to the Culinary Institute not Emory?”

Abby shrugged her crossed arms. “I did.”

“So how could you have known him in college?”

Megan gasped. “I knew the first day Suzy brought you home there was something familiar about you.”

Abby stared at her as her eyes widened. “You were the one in the apartment?”

Suzy stood. “Ok I am confused.”

Briston rubbed his temple. “I am confused to what apartment?”

Megan moved closer to them. “Briston you remember when we went to visit Pryce and his I don’t really know what they were but they got into a fight and then you guys went after her?” 

Briston shook his head. “No it’s not the same girl it can’t be she does not look like the girl Pryce dated. She was, and don’t take this the wrong way baby because I love your body and everything about you but she was small and kind of bratty. The other one now she had a bad attitude too cussed this dude out and I haven’t even seen you so much as tell anyone off that didn’t deserve it.”

Briston stopped as she eyed him. He cleared his throat. “Just saying she didn’t look like you.”

Abby wiped the falling tears from her eyes. “I was there with my sister.” Briston looked like he was thinking for a minute then looked at Pryce.

“You mean to tell me the girl you left was Abby?”

Pryce nodded. “And her sister Shelby.”

Briston shook his head. “Damn it’s no wonder she smacked the taste out your mouth.”

Suzy held up her hand as Abby turned away from them trying to stop the tears from falling. 

“Abby if you weren’t in school how did you meet in college?”

Abby walked over to her wiping her eyes. “My sister and I took some college course when we met Pryce but because I was focused on school I wasn’t really into dating him so he and my sister started to date and.” she looked at Pryce and frowned. “It didn’t work.”

Pryce glowered it was fine when she slapped him because he deserved it but there was no way he was going to let her turn his family against him.

“Yeah well whose fault was that?”

Abby turned to him she had about enough of him. “And why would you say that?”

“You could have been with me you just chose not to.”

Abby frowned, “It‘s not like you made it easy when we came to you it was clear you had moved on.”

Pryce threw his hands in the air. “Oh of course I am the one to blame.”

“Yes you are the one to blame at least I agree with you on that.”

He moved closer to her so they were face to face despite Briston's attempt to pull him away from her.

“Oh really that’s how you feel? Don’t hold back on me I mean we were supposed to be friends right? Pretending we didn’t love each other. Pretending not to have any other feelings other than that? I was open with you made you realize that I love you so much.”

Briston held his finger up as if he were an usher in a church. “If I can interject can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”

Abby felt her eyes begin to water. “I did have feelings for you back then but by the time I realized it you and Shelby were together and I couldn’t hurt her. But I did.” She said silently.

“Bull shit and you know it.” He yelled at her. “You and your sister were both crazy.”

Abby lunged at him. “Don’t you ever talk about her!”

Briston held Abby as he and Megan stood between them.

“Guys calm down. What is going on?”

Abby wiped her eyes. “You are the one who changed your number and email you are the one who let it go she loved you so much and you betrayed her.”

“At least one of you did.”

Abby moved closer glaring at Pryce. “I loved you too and that was the worst mistake I ever made.”

Pryce turned away from her. “I don’t want you in this house.”

Briston piped up. “I do.”

Abby stood tall putting her hands on her hips and cut her eyes at him. If there was one thing Pryce knew is that he was about to get Abby’s verbal beating and he didn’t know if he was ready for it.

“That is it! Look here you dumbass fool if you think you have some sort right to tell me what to do in your parents’ home then you are sadly mistaken. I have earned my right to be here. And I have been here for almost 7 years my kids love your parents as much as I do and where have you been? Because if you were such a good son we would have met before now but no you were too busy worrying about yourself and your girl than your parents! They had to call you to tell you your dad had a minor heart attack I was here standing next to him and with him all the way to the hospital. Yes a long time ago we were friends who has some feelings for each other but that was then and this is now!

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