A Passion Rekindled (32 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“How about we go back to the room you get changed into one of those cute dresses and then we can go out to eat. Just the two of us.”


As they walked to his car Scarlett was determined. It was tonight or never. She had to make her move. After an hour and a half of getting dressed and praying to find a way out she forced a smiled and walked out the door. The restaurant was very nice. Had Valet parking and a VIP section where they were taken. Scarlett smiled at all the happy couples not wanting to tip James off of her plan. First thing first she had to scope out the bathroom. 

“James baby can you order me a cherry Pepsi I need to visit the ladies room.”

“Ok don't be long.”

“I won’t.”

She got up and walked slowly to the restroom knowing he was watching her. Leaving now was not going to happen. For one she was starving and two she didn't know when she was going to be able to eat again. So as she noticed the height and width of the restrooms she knew not being pregnant getting through that would be hard but being pregnant would make it impossible. 

She noticed a chair and placed it against the wall. With the help of the chair she had better access to the window. She placed the chair back and walked back to the table. She allowed James to pull her seat out and kiss her cheek.

“Feel better?”

“Kind of this pregnancy is making me really sick but I'm making it.”

“Of course you are we are fighters. You have no idea how happy you have made me by staying. I love you so much and I am just happy to be your husband.”

Scarlett smiled knowing whatever she said would sound phony and fake. After the meal was over Scarlett excused herself to the bathroom again. She waited for a lady to be done then locked the door. She put the chair in front of the wall and climbed it to the window. She looked outside and for the first time felt she might actually pull it off.

As she pulled herself out the window she frowned as she saw the landing.

As she was about to go back inside the window someone knocked on the door? Scarlett knew it was now or never. She jumped out the window landing on her feet but twisting her ankle. She hobbled away trying to run as fast as she could out from the back of the restaurant to the front. As she reached the edge of the wall for support she heard a branch crack. She turned and was face to face with Danger.

“Nice night for a walk through some bushes huh?”


“Don’t you hate how much I know you? I thought we moved on from trying to leave.”

He grabbed her and she tried to pull away. “I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be your wife.”

“So all this was a lie? Just playing nice till you can leave me? You think you can just walk away from me.” Danger felt himself getting angry. He grabbed her arm.

“We will talk about this after we get your leg checked and get you in bed.”

“I don’t understand why you are being like this? If someone doesn’t want you then walk away and be with someone else.”

“You don’t know me, I see what I want and you may not want me yet but you will. I love you and I am not losing you. You will be mines forever so get used to it.”


Two months later


Danger walked into the room with a gift bag and smiled.

“How are you feeling today?”

Scarlett sat up on the bed slowly, her seven-month stomach growing bigger every day. She wore a pink and white sweat suit. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she felt miserable. Danger walked over to her and pulled out his keys. He shook his head as he grabbed her right handcuffed hand.

“You got to stop trying to break free you are going to break your wrist.”

“Well maybe you should just let me go if you care so much.”

“Yeah I thought you would have figured that wouldn’t happen by now.”

Scarlett rubbed her wrist as the cuff fell off. She grabbed the Neosporin off the dresser and applied it to the cuts on her wrist. Danger sat next to her.

“So I got something for the baby today.”

“Danger please let me go. It's been a long time and I haven’t even seen a doctor. Something isn’t right here.”

“You know you can’t see a doctor.”

“So who is going to deliver the baby when it comes?”

“Oh come on it shouldn’t be that hard. So have you thought about baby names?”

Scarlett tried to stand but she fell back in pain. Danger grabbed her and steadied her.

“Are you ok?”

“Do I look ok? I need a doctor. Your child could be in trouble and you just keep ignoring it.”

“Last time we took you out you tried to run away.”

“I won’t I realized now that I am stuck here. I don't care about that anymore I just want to make sure this baby is going to be ok. I don't even know what I'm having.”

“It's a surprise to both of us.”

“James please?”

“You haven’t called me James in months.”

“Because I was just denying the inevitable. This is where I belong.” She looked down to her stomach and rubbed it.

“Where we belong.”

“And how do I know you mean that? The last time you told me that and I took you to dinner you climbed out the bathroom window.”

She looked up to him and knew the only way she would get out of this mess was if she sucked it up and did what needed to be done. She pulled him down to her and kissed him. She still felt so dirty but she responded to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down onto the bed. She closed her eyes and waited for him to be done with her. 

As much as she hated him she had to get him to let her go to the doctors even if that meant giving Danger what he wanted. She was glad she wasn’t facing him. It was bad enough what he was doing to her she didn't want to see him too. An hour later, they were on their way to the emergency room. Derek looked over to Scarlett.

“Ok what's your name?”

“Jen Rodgers.”


“August 27 1979.”

“And how old are you?” Scarlett rolled her eyes.

“I am 23. Look I am feeling really sick please can we go in?”

Derek looked at Danger who nodded. He untied Scarlett and Danger got out the car. He opened Scarlett’s door and helped her into the emergency room. The receptionist looked up to them.

“How may I help you?”

“Hi yes my name is Victor Rodgers and this is my wife. I think something is wrong she looks pale and she has been complaining about not feeling well.”

The nurse looked up and Scarlett sighed. He looked to be in his early thirties, tall with baby blue eyes. He wouldn’t do at all she feared. He moved closer to her.

“For how long?”

“The last few days.”

“And how far along is she?”

“What do you mean?”

Scarlett spoke up. “I am about seven months I think.”

“You think?”

“I haven’t been to a doctor in a while. 

“Ok well I am Nurse Walter’s why don't you follow me and let’s check you out.”

Scarlett sat in the wheel chair he handed her. Danger took the reins but the nurse held up his hands.

“I know you want to come but give us a minute. I will come back and get you.”

“No way I'm coming back with her.”

“I know you’re worried but I will come and get you after she’s been checked.” Danger bent down to her ear.

“You try and run and I swear you will regret it.” He stood.

“I’m going to be right here ok.”

The nurse wheeled her to a room and helped her sit on the bed. He pulled out a thermometer.

“Ok open your mouth and say ahhh.”

He stuck it in her mouth and placed the blood pressure cup on her arm and looked at his watch.

“Ok blood pressure is 180 over 60. Temp is 102.6. I am going to need you to change here and the doctor will be right in.”

The nurse handed her a gown and then walked away. Scarlett was tempted to run but the pain she felt in her stomach was overwhelming. She changed out of her clothes and placed the gown on. She noticed the phone on the wall and went for it. She tried to dial out but couldn’t she slammed it down and screamed out of pain and frustration. The door opened and a tall Arabian man walked in followed by a short mixed woman. He smiled at Scarlett and she wiped her eyes.

“Hi I am doctor Amad and this is Doctor Angel. I hear you are not feeling so well.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached out for him. “Please you have got to help me.”

“Jen it's ok.”

“That’s not my name. My name is Scarlett Summer Hale I'm from Philadelphia I was kidnapped.”

“Look you need to calm down. I think she’s hallucinating Dr. Angel please get a nurse in here.”

“Please you have to believe me I have to get away I have too.” Dr. Angel walked over to her.

“Sweetie you need to calm down. Come on and breathe in and out.”

As Scarlett did what she said, Dr. Angel looked at her. As her eyes traveled down to Scarlett’s wrists, she was starting to believe the girls story.

“What happened to your wrists?”

“They handcuff me to a bed so I wouldn’t run away. I need my mom please you have got to help me.”

“Ok calm down keep breathing. Dr. Amad I think she’s telling the truth.”

Scarlett double over in pain and Dr. Amad stood over her and checked her pulse.

“Scarlett I need you to listen to me. How old are you?”


“And how far along are you?”

“I think seven months I'm not sure. I'm just in a lot of pain and I want to go home.” Dr. Amad pulled out his cell/walkie talkie as Dr. Angel held Scarlett.

“I need help in room 12.”

“Scarlett who did this to you?”

“My dad forced me to marry his dealer who raped me and got me pregnant.” She said in pain. “They took me from home and kept me locked up in some hotel for months. I just want my mom I want to go home please.”

Scarlett began to cry harder and Dr. Angel held her close.

“It’s going to be ok. We have everything under control we will take good care of you.”

Dr. Amad walked out the room as two nurses walked in. Dr. Angel cleared her throat.

“We need to get an ultrasound for her and get some blood drawn. See if there is a room available and no one who is in the waiting room is allowed to see her. Now Scarlett I need you to give me your mother’s number.”

Scarlett didn't know what happened after that because she was hit with the worse pain ever then it all stopped. She awoke in a dark room with a hand stroking her forehead. She jumped up with fear in her heart but couldn’t believe her eyes as her she saw her mother stare back at her.


“Yes sweetie.”

Genie hugged Scarlett as they both let the tears fall.

“I never thought I would see you again.”

“I know I looked everywhere for you sweetie I was so Scared and worried but everything is fine now. Once you’re released from the hospital I am taking you home.”

“But James he’s here.”

“No he’s not. He and your father have been arrested. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

“Oh mom I'm so sorry.”

“Shhhh baby girl you get your rest everything is going to be fine now.”

Scarlett touched her stomach but winced. Before she could freak out her mom grabbed her hand.

“You blacked out from the pain, you were in labor, when they couldn’t revive you they did an emergency C-section.”

“The baby?”

“A beautiful 4 1/2lb baby girl.”


Back to Present


“It was horrible but I never gave up hope.”

“So what happened to them?

“They were arrested got three years a piece and when they got out I got a restraining order and an annulment and went back home. I was so worried about Angel I didn’t know how she would turn out or anything.”

“Scarlett.” Jay hugged her. “You must have been so worried?”

“I was. But the Lord brought me through as he always did.” 

“So you named Angel after the doctor who helped you?”

“Yeah turns out she was just a med student and she had another rotation so I never got to see her again but she saved my life and us so it was the least I could do.”

“So how did you overcome it?”

“I don't think I did. Not until my mom passed. Jayla I was a fool.”

“I know, what were you a fool about this time though?” Scarlett sighed heavily. 

“I miss him I love him and I was a fool to let him go.”

“So why did you?”

“I look at him and I want so badly to fit into his world to be his wife the mother of his kids. I want him all of him even; the “him” who snores and hogs the covers like I found out he does. But how can I tell Christian all this?”

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