A Passion Rekindled (29 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Scarlett why are you letting him control you?”



“Because I loved him.”

Shane looked at her. That’s something he never thought he would hear. “You what?”

“I fell in love with him.”


“Don’t!” She turned away from him. “Don’t look at me like that and don't judge me.”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“I’m just shocked I mean he raped you.”

“I know. Don't you think I hate myself enough? That I hate how much I loved him and that a little part of me still does. He was my first. He was always around and I loved him. I hated myself for it.”

“Scarlett it's not your fault. It's his. He raped you; he inserted himself in your life. Bought you things took care of you. Of course, a part of you loved him. But you weren’t in love with him and that’s all that matters.”

“How do you know?”

“Because when you got the chance to leave you did. Scarlett the type of woman you are how could you not love him. That’s not your fault. And you need to face that fact and him.” 

As fresh tears fell from her face, Shane pulled her into a hug. He wanted to make her hurt go away but he knew it was a long process. He didn’t mind it though because deep down, he knew she was worth it.




Chapter 11



And let God…








Shane knocked on Christian’s door. As he stood outside and waited Christian opened the door and walked back into his one-story Bachelor pad. As Shane followed him, he shook his head. Christian wore black sweat pants and a white tee and socks. His eye had bags and his once neatly tapered hair was looking unkempt.  He looked downright horrible. His condominium was a mess with pop cans and candy wrappers everywhere. Papers scattered all over the table and floors and the TV was paused on a movie that Shane couldn’t figure what it was. In addition, Usher’s “you got it bad was playing in the background followed by boys to men’s “bended knee. Shane moved the wrappers to the table and took seat.

“So I am getting ready to leave and wanted to say bye.”

Christian shrugged and sat on his brown leather couch. Shane shook his head.

“Dude you look horrible. What happened?”

“She won’t take any of my calls. She won’t come to work. I miss her.”

“You got it bad don't you?”

“I went to her house and Devon sent me away. A 17 year old sent me away. He said she would call me but it’s been a week.” Christian kicked a can on the floor.

“I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t work.”

Shane tried to hide his laugh as R Kelly’s “I can’t sleep” came on and Christian started singing.

“I can’t sleep baby, I can’t think babe I can’t live babe without you in my life I can’t go on babe this is my song baby I don't want to do nothing if I can’t go away bae and I can’t do nothing if you’re not around.”

“Ok Dude get yourself together.”

Shane got up and turned off the music Christian walked over to the wall and punched it.

“How? I lost her. I should have stayed and fought for her but I didn’t I just respected her damn wishes and walked out that house.” Christian walked back over to his chair and sank deeper into the couch as someone knocked on the door. Shane went to it.

“Chris I was just about to call you. Your brother is in pretty bad shape.”

“How bad?”

“See for yourself.”

They walked back into the living room. Christian was hugging a pillow. Chris laughed and took out his camera phone he snapped a picture then looked at it.

“Wow Christian seriously look at this.” He showed it to him.

“What’s going on here?” Christian looked at him.

“Chris she won’t talk to me. I need her.”

“Christian pull yourself together. Don't do this to yourself.”

“Do what?”

“This self-pity. You are a Waters man. We don't do pity.”

Christian stood and laughed sourly at his brother.

“Oh isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. Or something like that?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You! When Jay dumped you for that month because you couldn’t commit to her. You lost your mind. You hated the world as I recall. Dressed in all black singing “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone”, you were alone in your room for a week hadn’t showered and all you ate was butterfingers because they are Jay’s favorite.”

Chris smiled.

“Really? And what wrappers are on the floor?”              

Christian shook his head.

“Kit Kats.”

Shane laughed.

“How can you men allow women to get you like this?” Christian snorted.

“Look who’s talking? I had to fly to you three years ago after Scarlett left you. Dude you were crazy yourself. Going through her drawers talking about oh, we went to the park the first time she wore this or Awww I remember when. You were in tears.”

“I guess when men love we love hard.”

Chris walked out the room as Christian sat back on the couch with his hand over his forehead. Shane sat next to him as Chris returned with a glass of ginger ale.

“Come on Christian she is mad but I am sure she will get over it. Just give her time.”

“She kicked me out of her house then she wouldn’t speak to me at the funeral. If that doesn’t say we are done I don't know what does.” Shane shoved him.

“So you’re just going to give up? Just like that? Christian if you love this woman then not going after her will be the biggest mistake you ever made. You will keep looking around for women to fill that space in your heart but they never will because no one can take her place. It’s been three years Christian and I am just now getting over Scarlett. I regret just letting her walk out of my life the way I did. Don't be like me. Cause a beautiful and smart woman like her won’t stay down for long.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to me.”

“Then make her. Christian nothing worth having is worth not working for. Because if you don't go after her someone else will.”





Devon ran to the door and opened it. Shane smiled.

“Hey Devon how are you guys holding up?”

“We are ok. Scarlett is in the living room.”

Devon let Shane in and Shane followed him to the living room. Scarlett smiled as she saw him.

“Shane hey I thought you were leaving today?”

“I am but I had to stop by and see my favorite girls before I left.”

“Some crazy visit huh?”

“Yeah but well worth it.”

“Thank you for talking to me you have no idea how much you helped me. And thanks for staying for the funeral. It meant a lot seeing you there.”

“No problem. So how are you holding up?”

“I am fine.”


She gave a weak grin.

“Saw right through that huh?”

“Yep so tell me how you are really feeling.”

“Shane I’m miserable. I miss my mom. I miss Christian. Not that he misses me.”

“Trust me he does.”

“How do you know?”

“I just left his place. You got that poor man twisted. He was pitiful.”

“How pitiful?”

“Let me enlighten you.”

He showed her the photo Chris had took and sent to Shane’s phone. Scarlett gasped.

“Wow he looks so sad.”

“Oh trust me he is. He’s sitting in his Condo eating Kit Kats and drinking Cherry Pepsi and singing Usher and R Kelly off key.”

Scarlett was about to speak but Shane stopped her.

“Don’t ask the Waters men tend to go overboard with the dramatics they eat whatever their loved interest loves. Any way why don't you go talk to him?”

“What do you mean?”

“What part of go talk to him do you not understand? The go or the talk to him?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not? You love him don't you?”

“I do but.”

“But what?”

“We aren’t staying here and if I call him he will just be hurt more once we leave.”

“I thought we had this conversation you said you weren’t going to run from him so why are you leaving?”

“I sat everyone down and we talked about staying. But seeing how my mom is gone. Danger knows where we are. We aren’t safe here.”

“Scarlett if you love him I mean truly love Christian then you need to be with him. Don't allow your heart to lose your love because you frightened.”

“I am terrified. You have no idea what Danger is capable of.”

“I am not talking about Danger I am talking about Christian. We won’t let Danger hurt you. I am leaving but I will be back to check on you constantly. You have Chris and Christopher and others who are willing to protect you all. And you have that restraining order if he steps within 200 feet of you he’s going to jail. We are talking about Christian the man who you said yourself made you a better woman. He loves you with all of him and you love him so why won’t you just go to him?”

“It’s not the right time and what about Helen. She hates me.”

“She just wants what is best for her son.”

“Why is everyone telling me that? Like it makes it any better.”

“I didn’t think it would make it better but it’s the truth. That is all she wants, to make sure her son has the best. But you need to show her you’re the best. You need to show her that you are this incredibly selfless person who loves and adores her son. Don't walk away Scarlett because you’re afraid of yourself or Christian or even Helen. If you do you’re going to regret it. Like I do.”


“Scar I should have come after you. I should have made you understand where I was coming from. I should have made you see I never wanted to hurt you. Scarlett I loved you back then and love you now. I see how you stepped up and I can’t help but wish I was a better man for you but I know you love Christian.”

“Shane I love you to. I never stopped. You’re a great guy but what we had was years ago.”

“I know we are better as friend’s right?”

“Of course we are and believe it or not I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“So I guess I can move on now.”

Scarlett hugged him and kissed his lips. He smiled.

“Oh yeah I can definitely move on now.”


“So go ahead and call Christian I know you want to make it work. Stop using Danger and everything else as an excuse.”

“I'm not.”

“You are.”

“You think you know me so well.”

“I do.”

“Shane hey.”

Maggie and Angel walked into the room followed by Devon.

“Devon you got your work cut out for you this house is crawling with beautiful women.”

“Don’t I know it?”

Angel hugged him.

“I’m sad you have to leave.”

“I'll be back super soon I promise.”

“I'm going to miss you.”

“Awww I am going miss you too Angel. I have something for you and Maggie.”

He walked out to his rental car and walked back in with two bags and a box. “This is for Maggie.”

She took it and opened it. She let out a scream. Shane covered his ears and laughed.

“The lady at the counter said this was the thing to get for teenage girls.”

“OMG Shane I love it.”

Maggie pulled out a pink Coach purse with matching wallet. Angel opened hers and pulled out the same purse but in purple. They opened the wallets and each pulled out fifty bucks. Scarlett shook her head.

“You are going to spoil them.”

“Can’t help it. You know I live to spoil these beautiful girls. And for Devon this is for you.” He handed Devon a black box with a wallet in it. Devon opened it and smiled.

“Two hundred bucks? Shane I love you man.”

Devon hugged him and Shane turned towards Scarlett.

“And this is for you.”

“Shane no I don't need anything”

“I know but I think you will like it.”

He pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to her. She gasped and didn’t know what to say. She stood and looked at Shane.

“My ring?”

“It’s not right to give it to anyone it belongs to you. And I want you to have it. You told me that you wanted to give it to Angel when she got married and so on down the family line. Now you can.”

Scarlett hugged Shane.

“Thank you so much. This is just Thank you Shane. Thank you.”

“I am sad to leave you but I will be back. I promise.”

Shane hugged everyone as they walked him to the car. They smiled as he drove away. Scarlett looked after him and wiped the tears from her eyes. Her mom was right. Out of darkness comes the light.




Scarlett, Devon, Maggie, and Angel walked to the front of the 25-story building. Scarlett stood in front of the building. She was nervous because this very place held so much emotion for her. She wanted to be anywhere but here. She was so afraid of walking into Christian. As they walked over to the elevator, Scarlett had déjà vu. She couldn’t deny she was tempted to push the 25-floor button but instead she pushed 14 and waited as the elevator moved. As they got to the office, Mr. Andrews walked out and ushered them into the room. He was a robust man with red hair and beard. He smiled as they sat down. 

“I am sorry it took me so long to get you here we normally do this within the week of passing. To do it a month later is bad on my part. But in my defense, I wanted to wait until all the paper work and legalities were done. I am Mr. Andrews and I represented your mother.”

Scarlett sat up in her seat.

“Mr. Andrews I am sorry but I don’t know why we are here. My mother didn’t have anything of value. She sold it all so we could make it.”

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