A Passion Rekindled (28 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“That would be great but we need to do this alone. I knew this was coming so I saved for it. Everything is already settled.”

“Scarlett I am sorry all this happened.”

“It's not your fault.”

“No it is.”

“Christian it’s not, you didn’t hit Angel with a car, you didn’t get my mom sick and I should have known they would find us.”

“Scarlett your Brother went to Shrines and they sent him to the office and he asked about you and your mom. Bernie called me and I told her where he could find you guys. I had no idea all this would happen.”


Scarlett pulled away from him. “Christian.”

“Scarlett I'm so sorry.”

“I told you what a jerk he was.”

“I'm sorry.”

“You had no right.”

Scarlett looked at Devon.

“I need to talk to Christian can you take the girls to the car?”


Devon wheeled Angel away followed by Maggie and Scarlett pulled Christian to an empty lobby.

“I cannot believe you did this.”

“Scarlett how could I have known this was going to happen? When Bernie called me on phone she said that he was alone he said he changed and he just wanted to say goodbye.”

“You could have trusted my judgment. Do you know what you just caused? What you telling that man where we were has done? Do you see this mess that is unfolding? Now they know where we are.”

“Scarlett I was trying to help you heal.”

“You want to help me. Leave me alone that will help a lot.”

Scarlett walked out the lobby slamming the door behind her.





Christian glanced at his watch and waited in his car for Scarlett to return home. He didn’t know what he was going to say to her but he knew he needed to get her to understand he never meant to hurt her. He saw her car pull up and watched as she, Angel, Maggie and Devon stepped out. He got out of his GT and walked over to them as Scarlett handed Angel her crutches.

“Hi guys.”


Angel limped over to him with her crutches and hugged him. 

“We missed you.”

“I missed you too Angel how are you feeling?”

“So much better. I can’t wait to get this cast off can you sign it?”

Christian smiled. “Of course I can.”

Devon walked to him and high fived him as Maggie gave him a side hug. Angel grabbed his hand.

“Come in so you can sign my cast.”

Scarlett followed silently as they walked into the house. She wanted to scream for him to leave but she couldn’t disappoint Angel she had really missed Christian. He wasn’t slick though. It was a low move using the kids to keep him around. Either way, she had to get rid of him; or soon because the longer he stayed around the more, she realized she missed everything about him. His eyes and voice made her want him all over again. And even in black jeans and a baby blue polo shirt, he was so handsome.

Scarlett screamed on the inside. This was going to be a long night.

As Christian signed Angel’s cast and sat through the hour and a half of the ranting and pizza, he noticed how quiet Scarlett was but didn’t want to push it. He couldn’t help but steal glances at her. Even in anger, she was beautiful. He knew she was something special and he missed her. He loved how even in the pink sweater and a pair of black stretch pants she wore he could see every curve. As she crossed and uncrossed her thick thighs and Christian wished, he were between them.  After Scarlett sent the kids off to get ready for bed and they were alone, he moved closer to her. She got up and began to pick up the pizza boxes. He went to help her and she gave him a look that pierced him to his soul, he could see she was not pleased with him. At all. After she was finished, she sat down and folded her arms.

“What are you still doing here Christian?”

“I needed to talk to you. I didn’t know if you would even let me in.”

“It wasn’t by choice believe me.”

“Scarlett I’m sorry.”

He moved closer to her. “So very sorry for what I did. I didn’t know he would bring them I didn't know any of that would happen.”

“Christian I really don't want to get into this.”

“Ok I can respect that. So how are you dealing with everything I know the funeral is tomorrow?”

“And I thought I said I don't want to talk about it.”

“Scarlett I am just trying to be here for you. Devon told me you haven’t so much as cried or screamed you are emotionless.”

“I am fine; I don’t need you to be here for me.”

“I love you and I just want you to be ok.”

“Well I am not ok!”

Scarlett stood and moved around the living room. Her emotions finally got the best of her and she could no longer keep them inside.

“Christian you don't understand. My mother is gone and now I have to deal with the fact that Danger knows where we are. I can’t just fall to pieces at the drop of a hat because I need to be alert and stay focused. He is really here and I am terrified. Every time I leave the house I'm scared he is going to pop up. I don't want to be like this I don't want to live in fear anymore.”

“Baby I'm sorry.”

He walked over to her and held her. She sighed in his arms missing the feel of him, missing his scent and his ability to bring her peace. But she knew the feeling couldn’t last. She had to let go. She pulled away from him clearing her throat, he went after her but she stopped him.

“No just stay over there I have to say this.”

He stopped in his tracks, he didn’t like the way she said that. His heart sank as she closed her eyes and more tears started to fall.

“Christian I met you at a time in my life where I really needed someone. I was stressed and lost and you were it for me. You were my knight and I needed you, when I got you everything was right in the world. For once, I was happy. I felt like I was in the right place and in the arms of such a wonderful man. But I have never faced my past and I need to. My mom is gone and I know that she blamed herself for everything that has happened. I never got to tell her that I never blamed her. That I was trying to protect her.”

The tears began to fall from her eyes and Christian wanted to hold her and it pained him that he couldn’t.

“I need to get it together because I cannot let them see me like this. I can’t let them see me so hurt and distraught. I need to be strong for them.”

“Scarlett they don't need you to be strong they just need you. You are this unbelievably strong woman. I know it your family knows it and you need to know it.”

Christian walked over to her and even though she protested, he pulled her into his arms. She went limp against him and cried her eyes out to him. 

“She was everything to me. To us. It wasn’t her fault she fell in love with him. It wasn’t her fault that she got sick. He should be the one we are burying not her. That’s my mother. She carried me for nine and a half months I was a stubborn baby. She was there when I gave birth to Angel. She worked so hard to provide for all of us. She gave us love and in return, I couldn’t protect her. We couldn’t protect each other.”

Devon stood at the top of the stairs listening to the cries of his sister. He knew she was holding so much in and was glad that she let it out but he was scared for Christian. Devon knew this was the calm before the storm for Christian. She was going to break his heart. Devon pulled out his phone as Scarlett realized how she was imposing on Christian. She backed away. He frowned at her.

“Scarlett let me be here for you. I love you with all of my heart. My life didn't begin until you walked into my life.”

“Christian I need you to leave.”

“What why?”

“I have to do this on my own right now.”

“Scarlett don't do this I know you love me.”

“I do love you but right now I need to focus on my family. I need to focus on Devon and Maggie and Angel. I need to allow myself to take care of them.”

“I don't understand. Are you breaking up with me?”

Scarlett stepped further away from Christian. Hoping the distance would make it a little easier to say but it just made it harder.

“Christian you need to leave.”

“I can’t.”

“Please. Just leave.”

Christian saw the pain in her eyes and wanted to stay but he knew it would hurt too much. He knew the best thing for her was to walk away.

“I love you Scarlett. Please just know that.”

“I do. But love is not always enough.”

“Why can’t it be?”

“Why? Because my life is a horror story and yours is memoirs of the rich and famous! You don’t know the anguish and hurt I felt, that I still feel! I'm not doing this with you, get out!”



Christian stared at her for a moment then sighed and walked out the door Devon walked down the stairs.

“Now why in the hell did you do that?”


“No Scarlett that man loves you and you love him. Why are you throwing your life away?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Scarlett you quit your job now you’re letting this man go?”

She moved close to him. “Devon we can’t stay here. I have to protect you.”

“It will be fine let me help.”

“No way.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because Danger knows where we are. I won’t let him hurt you guys.”

“So what if he comes near us. I can handle him.”

“You’re going to do what? I am not going to put you guys at risk. No one will hurt you guys again.”

Someone knocked on the door and Scarlett screamed. “Go away.”

Devon went to the door and opened it as Shane walked in. Devon shook his head and looked at Scarlett.

“Scarlett I am going to take Angel and Maggie out we all need some air. You need to talk to someone and since you won’t talk to Christian maybe, you can talk to Shane. I am not going to let you just walk away from what you worked so hard for.”

Scarlett stared at him as he walked up the stairs. A moment later he Devon walked down followed by the girls. They walked out the door and Scarlett shook her head.

“You wasted your time coming over here.”

“Scarlett talk to me why did you break up with Christian?”

Scarlett sat in the recliner near the wall and folded her arms.

“Devon has a big mouth.”

“Devon didn’t tell me. Christian just called me he is heartbroken.”

“So what I have more things to worry about.”

“What like moving?”

“Where did you hear that one from because I just said it?”

“I know I was outside you were pretty loud.”

“Shane we can’t stay here we aren’t safe.”

Shane walked closer to her and bent down.

“So you’re going to just uproot the kids again?”

“I don't have a choice.”

“Yes you do. Scarlett you need to stop running from him and face your fears. You need to face him. Face what he did to you.”

“I have.”

“You haven’t. You’re running from him every chance you get.”

“Shane I am so angry.”

“I know you are but running away will not make it easier. I know you feel lost but let us your friends and family help you. And what would your mom say? What has she always said? Don’t let fear control you. You control the fear.”

“I thought things would be different. Now my mom is gone and I am raising these kids alone. I can’t put it on Devon he has to live his life. He wants to protect us but it’s my job to protect him.”


“If I don’t no one will, not even you.”

“I screwed up. I am so sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize to me I am so sick of hearing I'm sorry I'm sorry.”

“Or maybe you want your dad to say it.”

“No I don't I just want my past to be gone. I fear for Maggie and Angel every day. I lived in fear until we left and came here. For once, I was able to be me. Christian gave me so much more than I could ever give him. You know since I started working at Water’s Empire I lost over 45lbs. he worked with me and made me feel beautiful he took care of Angel and Maggie. He allowed Chris to take Devon under his wing. He needed a Man in his life. Now because Christian has such a big heart I am worried for us again. Danger won’t stop.”

“He will stop because we will stop him. Let go of the power he has over you. Become stronger because that is who you are. You’re Scarlett Summer Hale you are a strong woman. Show that to the world. Face Danger.”

“I can’t.”

“You can’t or you won’t.”

“Shane I can’t and I would rather run then face him.”

“Why? Why are you going to let this one man run you out of your home?”

“Shane stop.”

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