A Passion Rekindled (23 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Yeah I think it was.”

A nurse walked into the room.

“Genie it’s time for your check up then back rub.”

“Oh back rub aren’t we special.”

“Yes I am.”

“Well we should go anyway. So we will check back with you later in the week?”

“Ok I’ll call tonight. I love you guys.”

“Love you too mom.”






As Scarlett brought the grocery bags into the house, her cell phone rang. She placed the bags down and answered. “Hello.”

“Do you know how hard it is to get a hold of you?”

“What? Who is this?”

“You mean to tell me you really don’t know.”


“Yeah how are you?”

“How did you get this number?”

“It’s nice to hear from you too.”

“Shane I’m sorry but this is kind of a shock I mean I have an unlisted number.”

“Your aunt gave it to me. I came to see you and I noticed the house was empty I spent the last 6 months trying to get a hold of you. My mom finally remembered she had your aunt’s number so I called her. Why didn’t you tell me you moved?”

“Should I have?”

“Yes I mean you know I want to make sure you guys were ok. I am taking a trip to Ohio and wanted to stop by and see you guys first.”

“Oh well yeah we are not in Philly anymore. My mom got worse so we actually moved out to Ohio.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Is she ok are you guys ok? How are Angel and Maggie and Devon?”

“We are fine. I have a great job and they are adjusting really well. Mom wants me to pretend she’s ok in front of the kids but the truth is she’s not ok. It’s not looking good, but Shrines is taking good care of her. The upside to all of this is that neither Danger nor my dad know where we are.”

“Scarlett I am so sorry it’s been a while since we talked but I really wish you would have told me you moved.”

“I wanted to but I didn’t think it would have made much difference I only hear from you on the kid’s birthday or Christmas when you send them gifts and I figured you were too busy to worry about what I was going through.”

“I know I handled the divorce poorly but come on.”

“Come on where Shane? I don't see what the big deal is.”

“The big deal is you know how much you guys still mean to me I just want to make sure you all are ok.”

“Well we are.”

“You can’t still be mad at me.”

“I’m not. I moved away from what you did a long time ago.”

“So why haven’t you told me?”

“Because I can handle things. I can take care of everything without your help.”

“Scarlett stop trying to be so tough. I know you can handle things alone but everyone can use some help.”

“Shane I have to go. But since we are in Ohio and you have my number when you get here stop by I know Angel and Maggie would love to see you.”

“And what about you?”

“I have to go.”

“Fine ok I will call you later on.”

“Ok bye.”

Scarlett couldn’t help but wonder what Shane had been up too. Even though they divorced he was still a part of her. She smiled as she thought back to the days when everything changed for her. The day she finally agreed to be with him and wondered what would have happened and where she would have been if she never said yes.

How she could be so wrong about a man she thought she knew was beyond her.  He was everything she ever wanted and she was everything that he wasn’t used to. While he was fun and full of life, she was quiet and determined to overcome everything. When they first met, he needed some papers faxed and only she could help. He walked over to her licked his lips and smiled.


Five years ago


“Excuse me I could really use your help.”

Scarlett looked at him and tried to hide her amusement at how obvious he was being. She folded her hands and placed them on her desk.

“Ok how can I help you?”

“I have some forms I need faxed. The library’s machine is broken and it needs to be sent immediately.”

“Sorry I can’t help you.”

“Please it will only take a minute to fax. I have all the information.”

“Good it will help when you go somewhere else.” He walked closer to her.

“Come on there has to be something I can do to convince you to help me out.” He leaned into her and smiled she gave an evil smirk back to him.

“Well when you put it like that I think there is something I can do.”

He leaned back and grinned.

“Really great!”

“It is Kinko’s is open down the street. You better hurry though I think they close soon.”

Shane stepped back. “Man that’s how it is?”

“Yeah that’s how it is. Now if you will excuse me I have to lock up.”

She stood and walked over to the cabinet. Shane looked her up and down and smirks. She was a cutie. Not his usual type by a long shot but she had something about her that he was drawn to. He snickered as she tried to reach a file that was a little out of her reach. He walked up behind her and grabbed it. She shivered as he slowly reached down and handed her the file while brushing her shoulder. She took it and walked away.

“Thank you but I still can’t help you.”

“Why not?”

“Because I said so.”

“Because you said so that’s all I get?”

“Look I know guys like you.”

“Guys like me?”

“Yeah guys like you.”

She sat back down and he moved closer to her again.

“Come on cant you do me this one favor?”

“You know instead of wasting your time here you could be halfway to Kinko’s they close in like five minutes so you better hurry.”


He sat down in the chair in front of her desk. He decided it was time to stop the games.

“Please I really need your help.”

She looked up to him and folded her arms.

“Giving up the seduction act are we?”

“It didn't seem to be working.”

“It wasn’t.”

“So what will work?”

“I am busy.”

“Look I need your help. The form I am faxing is the completion of my internship it needs to be faxed today or I have to wait until the end of next semester to get credit for it. This means I won’t graduate on time.”

He saw her eyes soften and knew she would help him.

“I have worked so hard to get to this point, please help me I have nowhere else to turn.”

Scarlett looked at him and shook her head and exhaled.

“Look I have a few files to get faxed before I leave hand it over and I will make sure I fax it for you.”

“Thank you so much I owe you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

She grabbed the forms and numbers then walked out the office. He followed her.

“So I didn't catch your name.”

“That is because I didn't throw it.”

“Oh well I am Shane.”

“Uh huh.”

She pulled out her keys and opened the door to the inner office. She walked over to the fax machine and began to send out the files. When she was finished, she held out her hand for Shane’s file. He handed it to her and smiled.

“So thank you for this.”

“What’s the number?”

“It’s right there on the form.”

She sent the remainder of the files and then walked out the office. As he followed her, she shut the door. He followed her back to the office and she grabbed her purse and turned off the light.

“So can I walk you to your car?”

“I don't have a car.”

“Well can I give you a lift?”

“I live across the street in the McKay dorms I am fine.”

“Come on there has got to be something I can do for you.”

“There is. You can I have a good night.”

Scarlett walked away and Shane watched her walk. She turned him down and that was something he wasn’t used to. 

Having the next day off he decided to give it another try. He walked into the office as she was on the computer writing. He liked watching her bite her bottom lip and push her glasses up as she typed. He cleared his throat.

“Wow fancy meeting you here.”

“Of course it is. It's not like I work here or anything.”

“Ok so maybe I came back here to get your name.”

“If I wanted you to have it I would have given it to you yesterday.”

“You really don't like me do you?”

“I don't have any feelings either way.”

Shane moved closer to her.

“All I want is a name.”

“Not going to happen.”

“I have ways of finding out.”

“Good for you.”

Before he could respond, Dr. Miles walked into the room.

“Mr. Bryant what are you doing here?’

“Just thanking your assistant for helping me yesterday.”

“Yes I got the confirmation this morning. I am looking forward to seeing you walk across that stage. I know your parents are very proud of you.”

“Thank you.”

“Scarlett after you finish the letter you can head home and Shane I will see you later.”

He walked out the door and Shane gave her an “I told you so” look.

“Scarlett huh?”

Scarlett shook her head and continued writing.

“Look I am very busy so if you will excuse me.”

“Oh ok I get it. But I will be back.”

Shane kept to his word. He showed up to that office just about every day for a week. Scarlett pretended not to be affected by him but she was. When she finally agreed to let him take her out, he wanted to do it up but Scarlett was having none of that. 

While Shane took her to some fancy restaurant, she couldn’t pronounce Shane could tell she was uncomfortable. They were seated and Scarlett looked at the menu as Shane stared at her. Scarlett wanted to leave, but she agreed to go out and she always kept her word. Now holding her tongue was a different story. Shane held up the menus and glanced at her.

“So I was thinking we could have some Merlot.”

“What’s that?”


“I don't drink.”

“Oh ok. So do you know what you want?”

Scarlett exhaled. “Not sure.”

“Ok well tell me about yourself.”

“Shane I have to be honest.”

“You’re not having a good time are you?”

“Shane this isn’t me. Not that I don't appreciate you going through all this trouble for me. But this isn’t me. I would have been fine with us just grabbing some burgers. This is a great place but I can’t even read this menu. I don't drink wine or alcohol.”

“It’s just when you finally said yes I wanted to do it up.”

“Do I really seem like the type of woman who likes this stuff?”

“I knew you were going to be different. So I guess you want to call it a night huh?”

She pulled her chair out.

“Or there is a movie playing in the student center how about we go and then we can grab something afterwards.”


“Yeah I figure you went through all this trouble to make this date possible so I can bend a little.”

“Ok. So let's go.”

A couple of hours later they were sitting in Scarlett’s dorm talking about their families in each other’s arms. Scarlett allowed him to take her hands in his. 

“I never knew a woman who had so much fun going to the movies and eating at Ihop.”

“Well now you do. I am fairly simple to please.”

“Oh fairly simple.”

“That’s what I said.”

“So you are a long way from home.”

“Things back home were difficult and my mom thought this would be a better fit for me.”

“And is it?”

“It’s starting to be.”

Scarlett bit her lower lip gently as he moved her bangs out of her eyes.

“I want to kiss you.” 

Scarlett sat up.

“Yeah that is not going to happen I don't kiss on the first date.”

“But this is technically our third date.”

“Oh technically?”

“Yeah. The restaurant was our first date the movie our second and this our third.”

“Oh really? Three dates in one day I am a very lucky woman.”

“You really don't think about kissing on the first date?”

“Kissing and relationships lead to trouble.”


“Yeah trouble. Guys only want women for one thing.”

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