A Passion Rekindled (19 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“That sounds really nice. So no date with Jonah”

He could see the sadness in her eyes.

“No we won’t be hanging out anytime soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean after the concert I thought things were going well but he has been distant and breaking dates then finally today he called me and basically dumped me.” She wiped the tear that fell from her left eye.

“I knew it would happen just not this fast.”

“Knew what would happen?”

“Jonah is an accomplished Doctor what would he want with someone like me.”

“Scarlett you don’t believe that do you?”

Scarlett shifted in her seat. “I do but it’s ok. I am used to being alone it works better for me.”

“I don’t believe what I am hearing you are amazing. You come in here and you fit in so well, you made a name for yourself and you took off in your position you are amazing.”

“Thanks…it’s easy to do your best when you love your job.”

“Well if you keep this up you’re going to end up making more money than me.”

Scarlett smiled and pulled her glasses off and wiped them on her shirt. “I keep telling you guys to stop giving me raises I'm just doing my job.”

“Well you saved our butts when you fixed the housing situation…you reorganized both myself and Chris and his assistant is working harder so that she can live up to you…you caught the miscalculations on the budget. And let’s not forget how you set up the blood drive…you have just made a name for yourself and you did it in six months…dad wanted to promote you but I told him I needed you here…and that is why you are the highest paid assistant ever.”

“I appreciate it I do but I told you guys I don’t need it…but it feels good to know you want me.”

“Well they do…and I know I do.”

Scarlett stood up and walked over to him. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Yeah go ahead.”

`              She sat on the edge of his desk. Christian glanced at her as she sat there. He imagined her on his desk but not sitting. She leaned in closer to him and gave a sad smile. “Do you think I did something to turn Jonah off?”

“I think if he is seriously blowing you off then you deserve better.”

Scarlett looked down to the ground. “Thanks for that.”

“I have an idea…since you have the house to yourself how would you like to join me for dinner and dancing.”

“What do you mean join you for dinner and dancing? You want me to come to the ball with you?”

“Well yeah I just want to show you I appreciate the work you are doing. You’re doing a great job. Keeping me on track and I want to show you off. Plus it’s for workers as well as sponsors.”

She got up from the desk and straightened out her skirt.

“I don’t know.”

“Come with me as my date.”

“I can’t. I don’t have anything I could wear I have never been to anything like that.”

“It’s just like a prom.”

“I never went to my prom.”

“So let me treat you to one.”

“I don’t have anything to wear.”

“Let me take care of it.”

“No I'm sure Amber would be better than I would.”

He got up and walked towards her. “No I am sure she wouldn’t.”

He took the notepad and pen from her and grabbed her hands.

“Scarlett I really want you to come with me. I am going to call Jay and I am sure she can help you.”

“Christian I don’t have the extra cash to go and buy stuff I would need for this. All that money goes to those kids.”

He reached in his wallet. “Here take my card and I will cover all your expenses.”

“I can’t.”

“You can. Scarlett you are going to look so beautiful on my arm.”

“What about your mother?”

“You let me deal with her. Please come with me. Make me the envy of this ball.” 

He smiled down to her and she felt a grin upon her lips. “Well I guess I can miss a nice night by the fire to help you out.”

Chris walked into the room. “Little brother mom wanted me to remind you we have the ball tonight.”

“Yeah I know I was hoping you could ask Jay to help Scarlett get ready.”

“You’re taking Scarlett?”


“Ok let me get Jay on the phone and I will see what we can do. I am sure she can help you get everything together.”

Scarlett smiled. “I am going to gather my desk up can you tell Jay I will meet her at her house.”


Scarlett walked out the room and Chris looked at Christian.

“Why are you taking her I thought you were going with Amber and isn’t she dating Jonah.”

“I broke up with amber after what she said about Scarlett and Jay at the concert and I doubt Jonah will be seeing Scarlett anymore.”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing we just had one of our friendly basketball games and I won so he backed off.”

Chris rubbed his temples. “You bet Scarlett?”

“I had to. Scarlett is someone I can see myself with in the long run and her being with him killed me.”

“What did I tell you back then Christian gambling with people is dangerous.”

“What did it hurt? I won Scarlett and he won a date with a super model. If he cared about her like I do he wouldn’t have made that bet.”

“Someone could say the same thing about you.”

“Chris I wouldn’t have had to resort to that if you wouldn’t have introduced them.”

“And I wouldn’t have introduced them if you didn’t act like such an ass.”

“I know I screwed up and now I have a chance to fix it so please don’t say anything.”

“Oh I don’t have to I am sure this is going to bite you in the butt really soon.”

“So negative big brother.”

“Trust me it’s not being negative it’s me telling you like it is. Things like this always comes back to bite you in the butt…always.”

“Let’s just go get ready ok we have a ball to get to.”

“Ok but this conversation is not over.”




Scarlett sat next to Jayla as they were under the hair dryer. Scarlett started biting her nails. Jay looked at her.

“Scarlett everything is going to be fine calm down.”

“Calm down? What was I thinking telling him I would be his date? I don't know anything about going to a ball.”

“It's no big deal. You are going to have fun. I will be there to help you.”

“I can’t thank you enough for helping me get ready.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

“We still don't know what I am supposed to be wearing.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on every woman has a dream dress.”

“Well my dream dress is a princess dress I guess they call it. I saw it one day while I was walking through the mall when I was in high school. I found the most beautiful pink dress. It was kind of puffy at the bottom sparkles on top. I wanted to wear it to prom. As I was in the store trying it on, I started to feel sick. That’s when I found out I was pregnant. I always wanted a dress like that.”

“Well personally I think pink is your color. Its 2 and the ball starts at eight but it really doesn’t start till nine so I think we have enough time to hit the mall. We are going to find that dress and the matching shoes.”

Scarlett went back to biting her nails. Jay lifted the dryer and turned towards Scarlett.

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“I see your face you have tears in your eyes. It’s not about Helen again is it?”

“No. it’s just first Jonah dumps me and then here comes Christian asking me to the ball when Amber really wants to be his date.”

“Yeah but he asked you.”

Scarlett lifted her dryer and turned towards Jayla.

“Jay she is beautiful and my own so called boyfriend basically dumped me. And it’s no wonder I mean you have seen her she is tall, skinny, she is everything I’m not. And she is the one woman Helen wants him with. How can I compete with that? How can I believe Christian really wants me or maybe he is feeling sorry for me? I mean look at all his ex-girlfriends they were models. And the ones that weren’t were rich and famous. I just don't fit into his world.”

“Scarlett you’re a beautiful woman and if Christian didn’t want you he wouldn’t have invited you. He wouldn’t be going against his mother’s wishes and he would just be with them but he is with you.”


“No! No buts. He cares about you so much. Just because you were dating Jonah doesn’t mean he gave up on wanting to date you. He talks to Chris about you all the time. You are the one he wants to be with. Not Amber, not any of the others just you Scarlett.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“I know I'm right. I went through the same thing with Chris. I saw his exes and wondered what in the world he wanted with me. Then I realized all he wanted was me.”

“Jay look at you ok Chris would be stupid not to want you.”

Sarah walked over to them.

“Ok Jay I am going to take you and Scarlett Cindy is ready for you.”

Jay stood up. “We are so grateful you fitted us in.”

“Anything for my best customer I can’t have you walking into that Ball looking a hot mess.”


They stood and walked over to the chairs. After they were finished with their hair and nails, they stopped by the mall in search of the perfect dress for Scarlett with matching shoes they went back to Jayla’s house. Scarlett loved the house at first sight. It was a two-story Victorian style house. With a wraparound porch and rear deck that lead to an 8-foot pool Scarlett could see them relaxing on the porch while the kids swam. But the elegance of outside of the house was no match for the inside. When she walked in, she saw a formal parlor and dining room off the inner doorway. There was a wide-open family room connected to a sun washed breakfast room. The kitchen was very conservative with contemporary appliances. The living room was Scarlett’s favorite with plush carpeting and a fireplace.

“Wow I can see you reading right on the floor.”

“I do.” 

“I always wanted a house like this.”

“I worked hard for it. So we better get dressed or the guys will have a fit.”

“Jay I don't know where I would be without you.”

“Well it is a good thing you don’t have to find out.”

“You really think everything will be ok?”

“Scarlett I know that you’re terrified. But if he cares about you like you and I both think he does then you need to pull it together. Don't let Helen or Amber or anyone make you believe that you’re worth anything less than what you are.”

Scarlett hugged Jay. “Thanks for everything.”

“I know you have been through a lot and so have I, we tough women need to stick together.”

“Yeah when you are right you’re right.”

“And let me just say again how much I enjoyed seeing you give it to Helen.”

“I don't get her.”

“What’s to get?”

“She likes us as women but not as her future in-laws.”

“It’s whatever. What matters is how Chris feels about me and how Christian feels about you. It doesn’t matter what Helen or anyone thinks.”

“Well let’s get going. We don't want to keep the men waiting now do we?”

“Fine men like that? Heck no.”




Christian and Chris waited at the entrance. The girls were fifteen minutes late. 

“Where are they it’s freezing out here?”

“Jay said they should be here any minute.”

“Yeah well we are already late.”

“Christian calm down it’s not that serious.”

“Boys why are you out here? No dates?”

Both men turned to see their parents walking behind them. “Mom, dad I thought you guys would be inside already.”

Christopher and Helen Waters walked over to them. Christopher looked handsome in his black double-breasted tux and black shirt with a white tie. Helen looked stunning in her black Long halter dress out of stretch Carmeuse. The material gathered under the bust line by a beautiful square buckle accent with cascade streamer tie. She wore a beautiful matching bolero Jacket with pearls with her arm was draped over Christopher’s gloved covered hand. She smiled at her sons both looking as handsome as their father. Chris wore a two-button notch black tux with a Satin light blue vest. He wore a white micro-fiber pleated wing shirt along with a light blue satin 4-in-hand tie. Christian wore the same except his vest was silver and his tie was a stripped white and silver.

“Well what’s a ball if you’re not fashionably late?”

“Wow this can’t be the Helen and Christopher who raised us to be 30 minutes early to everything can it Chris?”

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