A Passion Rekindled (22 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“When I am around you I feel like I am on top of the world.”

Christian placed her back on the ground and looked down to her.

“I know what you mean being around you even when things are going badly I think of you and feel so happy I found you. You are honest and giving and I fell in love with you because of that.”

Scarlett stepped back looking at him.

“You what?”


“You said you were in love with me?”

“I did?”

Christian stepped back a little further and rubbed his forehead but before he could speak his phone rang, he held up his finger to her as he answered.


Christian felt relieved to hear Chris on the other line knowing he was being called away.

“Hey Christian we got to go.”

“But I’m out can’t you handle it?”

“No I can’t the Miller Corp is here and its crunch time.

“Ok I get it I will meet you there.”

Scarlett forced a smile. “Duty calls?”

“Yeah…I'm sorry.”

Scarlett kissed his cheek. “I know you’re the job Christian and I know how hard you work I had fun just being with you now. So drop me off at home and we can do a rain check.”

“You are really something special.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her.

“You know we can take a detour.” Christian said as he pulled away with a wide smile.

Scarlett walked towards the car. “It’s fine.”

Christian frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing I’m fine. If you need me to come in I will.”


They got into the car. Christian pulled her face to his and kissed her. She smiled as he pulled out of his parking spot.




Scarlett grabbed the tray and sat across from Jay.

“Ok so where were we?”

“You were telling me about what happened after we left the ball.”

“Oh well nothing much we just kissed.”

“What kind of kiss? A good kiss?”

“Good? Girl it was a great kiss. Girl his lips set me on fire.”

“Oh girl I know about those kisses. Girl the first time Chris and I slept together I thought I was going to lose my mind.”


“Yes he catered to me girl. Gave me what I wanted even when I didn’t know what that was.”

“Oh see that’s what I want. But I just don’t know if I can you know.”

“If you can what?”

“If I can go that route with him. I like him and kissing him feels so good. But I just don’t know if I can be what he needs.”

“What do you mean?”

Scarlett took a sip of her drink. “I mean basically I don’t know if I can stop myself from having sex with him. The sexual tension is killing me.”

“So where is the bad in that?”

“The only men I have ever had sex with was with a man who took it and man who didn’t think I was enough for him. I don’t know what I'm doing. Why am I even with Christian I mean he deserves so much better?”

“No he doesn’t. He deserves you.”

“But what about all those girls he has been with.”

“Most of them are probably rumors.”

“And the ones that aren’t rumors?”

“What about them?”

“They are probably 5’9 with a swimmers body. I'm nothing near that.”

Jayla popped a fry into her mouth. “Ok change of subject…so what happened yesterday?” 

“Well we were supposed to go to the movies but we didn’t. First we made out on the couch got caught by Devon.”

Jayla laughed. “What?”

“Yeah then we left to go to the movies but got delayed. He asked me if I was ok with having a relationship with him. He took me to this park on a hiking trail so I could see the snow on the trees. It was beautiful. And then we fought in the snow and made out and fought some more…then Chris called.”

“Yeah we were in the middle of lunch when he got the call. You know you guys were the talk of the ball?”

“So I hear.”

“You guys looked so cute though.”

Scarlett sighed stirring her ketchup with a fry. “Do you know how out of place I felt?”

“Yeah I do…that’s how I felt when I first started dating Chris.”

“And what about the looks from Helen.”

“I got them too but like Chris told me his mother isn’t the one in love with me. He is and no matter what he wants to be with me.”

“I told Christian.”


Scarlett looked over to her. “My past.”

“That’s awesome.”

“I told him a while ago to let it seep in and he still wants to be with me…it makes me feel like it’s not my fault you know?”

“It wasn’t. I am so proud of you.”


“No I'm serious…you are a strong woman. I don’t think I could handle it if it was me.”

“I honestly don’t know how I did. And now I'm here.”

“And doing a great job says Chris.”

“I really like him he is like a big brother to me. He’s helped me so much.”

“He looks at you like a sister too. Who knows we may become sisters soon.”

“Not if Helen has anything to do with it.”

“What is with that? Why do you think she has the control in our relationships? It has nothing to do with her. It’s about her sons not her.”

“I am just afraid he won’t want to keep fighting.”

“If he loves you he will fight for you. No one who is worth having is perfect. I'm not. I have a not so sparkling past. I told you about me being anorexic. It was hard but I made it through. And Chris told me he loved the fact I wasn’t perfect.”

“But maybe Christian doesn’t feel that way about me.”

“Where is this coming from?”

“I don’t know.” Scarlett said pushing her tray away from her.

“Come on girl I know we’ve only been around each other for a good few months but I know when something is wrong.”

“Jay I’m falling in love with Christian.”


“And I wanted to tell him yesterday but he said it first without even knowing it and he totally freaked out.”

“What do you mean?”

“He said it and then he backed away and looked kind of like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi-truck. And before I could ask him about it Chris called.”


“Yeah and that’s why this is a problem. If we have sex and then he breaks, up with me then what. What if he sees me in my fullness and changes his mind. What about my job. You know I have been working my butt off for them. What if he said it and regrets it.”

“You have to have faith in your love.”

“It’s hard. I don’t want to be hurt.”

“You won’t have anyone if you keep thinking like that.”

“I know.”

“Good because I don’t think I would like being sisters with Amber.”

“Man she is a trip ain't she…I was going to hit her but I didn’t want to mess up my nails.”

They giggled. “Girl she wouldn’t have been able to handle you.”

“Her stupid ass…but let’s get back to you and Chris…so you guys planning on getting married?”

“I don’t know I thought we were moving that way. I am 27 years old I'm not getting any younger and I have known him since I was 22 come on five years of waiting.”

“So why wait.”

“Because I love him…he is it for me. I knew it the first time he kissed me.”

“Then have faith if he loves you like I know he does he will ask you.”

“I am so happy we did this…I haven’t had girl time in forever.”

“You know I haven’t either. We are going to have to do this once a week at least.”

“And do lunch.”


Jay took a sip of her drink. “So tell me about your mom.”

“Well she is a brilliant woman. She was always working to make us better. Always gave us what we needed. I was horrible to her and yet she was still there for me.”

“Horrible how?”

“When my mom found out about me and Danger she flipped out. I got smart with her and didn't listen I yelled at her. But she stood firm. She wanted me to be ok. And once Darrel and Derek were out the house things got a lot better. Then I left to go to school. I didn’t want to but mom told me I would regret it if I didn’t.”

“And that is where you met Shane?”

“Yeah that is where I met Shane O’Dell Bryant. He was so cute and so funny. I thought he was the one. He brought me out of my shell and he adored Angel and Maggie. He wanted to be there for us. But from the moment we were married something just wasn’t right.”

“Well maybe he was the one but just the one for that moment.”

“Yeah maybe.”

“I just mean that people are brought into our life for a reason. He was brought in to show you that you deserve to be loved.”

“Yeah but not to be respected. He cheated on me with his ex.”

“But you said you wanted to forgive him.”

“I did. I wanted to forgive him I always wondered what would have happened if I went back to our place and he was there.”

“Well I don’t want to know. Because if you did go back and he was there then you wouldn’t be here with me right now. And that would suck.”

“And I am glad I am right here with you.”

“Me too…so we going to catch that movie?”

Scarlett popped the last of her chicken finger in her mouth.

“Yeah let’s go.”




Scarlett, Maggie, Angel, and Devon walked into their mother’s room. Genie Smiled. Scarlett noted how pale her mother looked. She wore a nightgown but it looked as if it drained her. She noticed the concern in Scarlett’s face and held her hand.

“Now this is the best surprise I have gotten in a long time. I thought you all weren’t coming till tomorrow.”

“We couldn’t wait to come see you…how are you feeling?”

“Oh I am fine. So tell me how things are with you all. I want all of the juicy details. Scarlett, how is the job going?”

“Great I love it.”

“I heard you were a hit at the ball.”

“So they tell me but I had a lot of fun with it.”

“I am glad you deserve to have fun. Devon what about you are you still tearing up the courts?”

“Yes. I love playing for Chris’s team.”

“That’s great and Maggie how is school?”

“I like it. It’s a lot better than our old school.”

“And Angel baby how are you doing?”

“I am good. Miss you a lot though.”

Genie opened her arms as Angel hugged her.

“I miss you too baby girl. I miss all of you.”

Scarlett frowned.

“Are they treating you alright mommy?”

“They are treating me great here. And the food is splendid.”

Maggie looked at Genie.

“That’s good. Did they say when we can bring you home?”

Genie and Scarlett looked at each other then back to Maggie.

“They haven’t said yet but I hope soon.”

Scarlett sat next to her mom and put her arm around her. Genie smiled.

“So are they driving you crazy?”

“Always but that’s why we love them.”

Maggie rolled her eyes playfully.

“You drive us crazy too Scar.”

“I know. It’s my job.”

“I'm glad you brought up your job again. Now what is up with you and that boss of yours? I heard that you guys kissed?”

“Who told you that? Devon?”

Maggie giggled.

“Ooooh Scarlett you didn’t tell us that.”

“No it wasn’t Devon.”

“I bet it was Helen well we did.”

“I see you like him.”

“I do.”

“And that’s all?”

“Maybe we are dating a little I really like him mommy.”

“Well then I like him like they say third time’s a charm.”

“So you will be proud to hear that I received progress reports and no one is getting less than a B.”

“Now that is great so what did she promise you?”

“Mom I don't know what you are talking about.”

“I'm serious I know you all very well.”

“Well I kind of told them that I would give them fifty bucks for every A and twenty-five for every B.”

“Well I think they are going to break the bank.”

“No I have the money. My job is awesome mom. Oh and Chris is going to help Devon with some scholarships.”

“I am just so proud of you guys. It looks like this move was well worth it.”

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