A Passion Rekindled (9 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“I never would have taken you for a taco Bell lover.”

“You don't like it?”

“No I do but I am a Chipotle’s lover at heart.” 

Once they arrived at Ihop Christian pulled her seat out for her and she smiled.

“Why thank you.”

The waitress walked over to them and smiled. She was a young something maybe 19/20. She was a petite woman with blonde hair with red highlights and blue eyes.

She smiled at Christian, and Scarlett wanted to smack her but instead she just plastered a smile on her face.

“Hi I am Becky sir can I get you something to drink while you look over your menus?”

Scarlett took the menu from her. “Root beer little ice please.”

“The same for me.”

“Right away.”

She swayed as she walked away. Scarlett smiled.

“Are you serious? She sees me sitting here doesn’t she?”


Christian looked at her dumbfounded. Scarlett frowned.

“She was all over you.”

“She was not. She is just trying to get a good tip.”

“You men are helpless.”

“And you women get jealous to easily.”

“Why would I be jealous of that young girl?”


“Yes girl!”

Becky walked over to them with their drinks. She smiled at Christian.

“So can I take your order?”

Scarlett cleared her throat. “I would like your three times three breakfast with scrambled eggs with cheese bacon sausages and pancakes.”

She wrote it and turned back to Christian.

“And you?”

“I will have the same.”

“Coming right out.”

She winked at Christian then walked away. Scarlett laughed.

“And I guess there was just something in her eye huh?”

“Ok so maybe she was flirting with me but it’s nice to be wanted every now and again.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“And what does that mean?”

She played with her napkin. “It means just what I said.”

“Which is?”

“Forget I said anything.” She picked up her drink and took a sip.

Christian did the same with his drink. “How can I just forget you said anything?”

“It’s pretty easy.”

“You really think you’re not wanted?”

“Am I?”

“Scarlett I have wanted you from the first minute I saw you. So yeah I would say you are wanted.”

Scarlett couldn’t help but smile at him as they sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Scarlett sighed.

“I can’t believe how great this day turned out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well let’s see. This morning I was late because Angel couldn’t find her book bag. That put me behind in all my work. Then having to do Bernie’s work too was stressing me out.” 

“Yeah I know Chris loves the extra work he has had Bernie for a year and she still doesn’t do everything he needs her to do.”

“I found that out the hard way.”

She laughed as she twirled the straw wrapper between her fingers.

“I love working with you guys. It’s the best job I ever had.”

“Well you are the best assistant I have ever had. I am glad that I met you. My parents were really impressed with you tonight.”

Scarlett looked up to Christian. “They were?”

“Yes. Between you and me the media was slamming us.”

“What do you mean?”

“They were slamming us because we were going to have to get rid of those people. Even though its spring they would have gone to our shelter. I didn’t want that to happen.”

“Me neither.”

“So how did you figure it out? We have spent months setting up this reconstruction of Water’s Towers and when we found out we could only put in 65 units we bent over backwards trying to figure out how we could accommodate the others. And you come in spend a day on the project and come up with an amazing idea.”

“I was always told I thought outside the box. Whenever we had a problem everyone in class would come to me.”

“I can see why.”

Becky walked over with their plates. She placed Christian’s in front of him then placed Scarlett’s down. She handed them butter and syrup.

“If there is anything else I can get you don't hesitate to call me over here.”

Scarlett shook her head as she bowed to bless her food. Christian did the same. As they began to eat, Scarlett glanced at him and couldn’t tear her eyes away from him.

“So tell me about you and Chris? How were you guys when you were younger.”

“We went to private school. Chris was really into basketball. He was really good to. Could have went pro but Helen and Christopher Waters had big plans for their children which didn’t include some hobby.”

“So what was your hobby?”

“I had a band.”

“A band?”

“Well a group. It was me and some other guys. We wanted to be Boyz II Men.”

Scarlett placed her hand over her mouth to cover her face as she laughed.

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes, but that was not going to happen either. We got discovered but our parents didn’t see what singing would do for our future. Well my parents didn’t see it.”

“So they were strict.”

“Very, but Chris is only a year well actually 11 months older so we stuck it out. He got it the worse because he was older. They wanted him to be just like dad. And I just fell in line with him. Now we had fun we really did. But we knew work came first.”


“So I know you said you weren’t the oldest right?”

Scarlett swallowed clearing her throat. “Yeah no I'm not the oldest but I might as well be. I told you Derek is a jerk. He took after our dad. I never really had any fun growing up.”

“Why not?”

“I was always the one my mom could count on. My mom worked so hard trying to provide for us and I was her rock. I was the one who watched Devon and Maggie. I was the one who was there for them. It was hard but I had to do it.”

“I am sure you didn't have to.”

Christian stared at her and noticed the sadness in her eyes.

“If I didn't who would? I was all my mom had and Devon was so young. Things were so hard and, I just don’t think we should be talking about this right now.”

“I get it. I see how you always put everyone first but when do you ever put yourself first?”

“I really don't…I don’t even take a five minutes for myself. I don't know how to.”

“How can you not know how to take five minutes for yourself?”

“I just don’t I never really had a life until I went to college and even then I was working so hard I really didn’t do anything.”

“So what are some things that you want to do?”

“Well I want to sing at a karaoke club. I want to go to a drive in movie. I have a list of things I want to do. I have never been to an amusement park or gone racecar riding. I haven’t done many things. I really haven’t done anything. I want to learn how to play basketball.”

“You like the game?”

“Oh I love it.”

“What’s your favorite team?”

“Right now the Lakers.”

“What? No you can’t be an LA fan.”

“Why not?”

“It's all about the Miami Heat.”

Scarlett gave a thumbs down.

“Boo! They may have Wade and LeBron but do they have Dwight Howard? I think not!” They laughed. 

“You know that won’t last. He’s gonna leave.”

“That is why I said for right now. I go where he goes.”

Christian grinned. “So you love the sport but don’t know how to play?”

“Not really.”

“Well we are going to have to change that. Come on.”

“Where, it’s almost midnight.”

He stood up. “We are going to cross something off your list.”

“We haven’t even gotten our bill.”

Scarlett looked across the room and made a face.

“And plus I think Becky would be sad to see you go.”

“Come on live a little.”

“I can’t. I really should be getting home.”

“You can.”

“No I can’t.”

“You have come and changed things for us so no more whining.”

“What about the bill?”

He pulled out thirty dollars.

“That should cover both us and a nice tip now come on.”

They got into his car and Christian took her to Chris’ gym and supply store. Scarlett stood close to Christian as he unlocked the doors.

“Are we supposed to be here?”

“This is our gym. We can’t play in these clothes so let’s go to the shop and get some things.”

“You have a gym and a Store?”

“It’s actually a fitness center for the community a place everyone can afford a gymnasium for basketball games and the store where Chris’s players work here after school. So they can have some money in their pockets. It’s a way to keep them off the streets.”

“Every time I think I can’t be impressed by you guys anymore I get a surprise like this. You guys are doing so much for the community.”

“Yeah. Chris said he offered Devon a job but he said he couldn’t take it.”

“Devon and I talked about it and with the money I am making he doesn’t need to work. I just want him to concentrate on school and basketball. I want him to enjoy his life.”

“You are such a great sister. Now stop stalling and let’s get changed. What size shoe do you wear?”

“Umm I wear a size 11 in women’s.”


“Yeah what can I say I have big feet?”

“If it makes you feel better that would only be a size 9 in men’s.”

“That makes me feel a little better.”

“So go find some sweats we can change and meet in the gym.”


Scarlett walked away but Christian pulled her back to him.

“Christian what are you doing?”


He pulled her to him and kissed her. She pulled him closer to her as he pulled her to an empty room. She looked around and noticed a burgundy loveseat against the wall. He pulled her down to the loveseat. He ran his hands up her neck as he kissed her. She pulled off his jacket
and threw it to the floor. Christian pulled away and brushed the strands of hair from her face. Scarlett smiled.

“I am glad you stopped.”


“Christian you know how I feel about this…and us.”

“Scarlett this doesn’t make any sense we both want to be together.”

“It’s not that easy for me you know that.”

“I know.”

“So where do we go from here?”

“I don’t know but what I do know is I am going to kiss you again.”

He pulled her back to him and placed her onto his lap so she straddled him. He kissed her neck and she began to sigh as his hands began to stroke her breast. He kissed a trail back up to her lips and began to caress her legs as she moaned removing her blouse. He kissed a trail down her neck and Scarlett could feel him on under her. He lifted her skirt and gripped her thighs. She threw her head back as he moved her lace panties aside and caressed her center. Scarlett shuttered at his touch. He pulled her lips back to his as he began to stroke her middle with his middle finger. Scarlett moaned into his mouth while he added another finger. Christian pulled his lips away from hers moving his mouth across her breast as he moved faster. Scarlett gripped his shoulders as she was on the cusp of an orgasm. He felt her walls tighten up as she let out a soft moan shaking her body. Scarlett forced herself to pull away from Christian shaking her head as she was still reeling from what happened. They remained silent for a moment as they both ponder what just happened and what was on the verge of happening between them. She turned away from him unable to keep her gaze from his throbbing member.

“Christian I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” She paced the floor. “I’m not going to lie I want you so bad right now.”

He stood turning her towards him.

“So why stop?”

“Christian things are still so confusing right now. I am having conflicting feelings here it’s like I want to be with you but I don’t just sleep around. And I certainly don’t go around letting guys I barely know do that to me.”

“I understand how you feel. It’s me who should be sorry and I am. So let's leave it for now and go get changed.”

“Ok.” She said biting her lip. She expected more than him just walking away. He turned to her gripping her hand as he walked her to the store. He picked out a pair of sweats for him as she did the same. Adding a pair of socks and a sports bra, she smiled slightly as she grabbed her outfit and walked to the restroom.

After she was changed she walked onto the court, she found Christian shooting lay-ups. Scarlett straightened out her baby blue sweat suit and looked down to her matching shoes. She smiled as Christian made another shot. She glanced at the dark blue sweat suit he was wearing and beamed inwardly. He looked at her and smiled.

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