A Passion Rekindled (11 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Baby you look beautiful. You both do.”

Scarlett smiled. “Thank you. You both look really handsome.”

Christian wanted to speak but nothing he could say could do her justice. She was beautiful. The way the dress clung to her curves made him want to explore her body.

His mother was right she was no size four but even at a size 16, she was breath taking. She walked over to the den.

“I am going to go say bye to Angel I will be right back.”

She walked out the room and Jay and Maggie followed her. Chris looked at Christian.

“Dude please wipe the drool from your mouth.”

“I am not drooling.”

Devon smiled. “You’re standing there like you lost the ability to speak. You got it bad.”

Scarlett and Jay walked out the den. “Ok we can go now. Devon we will be back a little bit later.”

“Have fun go out and don't worry about a thing we are fine here.”

Scarlett hugged Devon as she grabbed her shawl. “You are the best little brother ever. The girls have eaten you got a key to the car and pizza money is where it always is. I love you!”

She followed Jay, Chris and Christian out the door Christian pulled her to him.

“Chris give us a second.”

Chris led Jay to the limo and Christian stared at Scarlett. She tried to pull away but Christian pulled her back to him.

“Christian we need to go.”


He turned her to him and bent down to her.
“I didn’t get to tell you inside but you look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“No I am serious. Scarlett you are.”

He pulled her to him. He placed his left hand on her cheek and pulled her face to his then kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her closer to him. She pushed him away and tried to catch her breath.

“Scarlett we need to talk.”

“Christian we really need to go.”

“Ok. I get it. But unlike last time we will finish this later.”

They walked towards the limo and Scarlett smiled as she stepped in it. The limo was spacious. She sat next to Christian and her face lit up.

“This is my first time in a limo.”



“So what do you think?”

“I will let you know.”

As they drove, Scarlett finally allowed herself to relax until they arrived at an estate. Scarlett frowned.

“Where are we?”

Jay looked at the estate and then back to Chris.

“Chris what are we doing at your parents’ house?”

Chris cleared his throat.

“Yeah about that I know I said that we would paint the town red tonight but I forgot we had a dinner party planned with our parents so when I called this afternoon to explain we would not be joining them my dad suggested we just make an appearance.”

Jay shook her head. “You’re just going to feed me to the wolves you know your mother hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you she just doesn’t know you.”


“Jay please do this for me. Please.”

He gave her his puppy dog eyes and Jayla rolled hers.


Scarlett sat back.

“I don't think this is a good idea.”

“Scar we will be in and out I promise.”

“I don't think I can do this. Christian I thought we were going out not coming to your parents.”

“I know but please I will make this up to you. I promise.”

“Christian how is this going to look?”

“It’s going to look like I have a beautiful woman on my arm. We will be in and out I promise.”

Scarlett rolled her eyes as Jay and Chris stepped out the car. She and Christian followed. They walked into the house and Scarlett was immediately greeted by a tall African American man.

“Good evening Chris, Christian may I take your coats and the coats of your lovely ladies?”

Scarlett and Jay smiled and said a simultaneous “thank you” to the man. Chris and Christian led them to the main room and everyone turned to them. Helen smiled as she walked over to the guys. She nodded at the girls.

“Jayla, Scarlett so glad to see you all again. Can I steal my sons for one moment?”

Chris frowned. “Mom we just got here.”

“I know it will only be a minute.” Christopher walked over to them.

“Ladies you look beautiful. Please come in and enjoy the party.”

He pulled Helen away from them and Christian looked at Chris then Scarlett.

“We are only going to stay an hour or so. Then the rest of the evening is ours.”

As the party got into full swing, Scarlett and Jay smiled as they watched the guys mingle. Helen walked over to her sons.

“Having fun boys?”

“Yes mom we were just about to head over to the girls.”

“Why are they here?”

Christian rolled his eyes. “Mom come on. This is getting really old.”

“I’m sorry guys. Chris, Rebecca is here to go over the proposal and Christian can you please talk to Izzy she is seriously considering coming on the board.”

“Mom come on we promised the girls we would leave shortly.”

“You guys have a job to do. Work comes before play and you know that. I will keep them company.”

Chris bellowed a laugh. “You will? Yeah no thanks mom.”

Helen gave a sweet smile. “I'll behave go.”

She shooed the boys while they looked at her. As she walked over to the girls they walked over to their prospective set ups. Helen smirked.

“Ladies, how are you enjoying yourselves?”

“We are having a great time. Your home is so beautiful.” Jay smiled.

Scarlett nodded. “Yes it is. Thank you for inviting us.”

Helen gave a little smirk. “I didn’t invite you my sons did but you’re welcome.”

“Well either way we appreciate you letting us stay here.”

“Well what kind of host would I be if I made you leave?”

Scarlett and Jay looked around as Helen continued to speak.

“But since you are going to be here ladies, can you do me a favor and look around you. Do either of you really belong here?”

Scarlett looked at her and frowned.

“Excuse me.”

Jay put her drink down. “And what does that mean?”

Helen stepped closer to them. “Well let’s just be honest here. Jayla dear you are a schoolteacher, not even an English teacher or math teacher you’re an Art teacher. While I applaud the effort it takes to get young people to paint on paper do you really think it is appropriate for the President of such a major corporation to be with the likes of you?”

Scarlett’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me I am sure I didn’t hear you correctly.”

“I am sure you did and as if Christian bringing you Scarlett is any better. Look at you. You’re his assistant. If he brought you here for work I would understand that but as his date it is just not acceptable. Look around for me ladies. In this room, there are lawyers and doctors daughters of wealthy parents. My boys being with girls like you are just rebelling against their future against nature. Because we all know, girls like you are fun to be with just not to marry and it's about time my boys thought about marriage and having kids. I mean really do you think you two have the makings of being the mothers of strong businessmen or women? I think not.”

Jayla was about to say something but Scarlett beat her too it.

“In all of my life I have never met such a stuck up arrogant woman. How you made such wonderful sons is beyond me. They must have your husband’s kind heart. You have boys who can look past a person’s faults and see their soul. How dare you talk to Jayla like that? She is one of the most upstanding women I know. By the way, not that it is any of your business but being an art teacher is a remarkable accomplishment. You are a phony self-absorbed hatful woman because when it suits you you’re all smiles but when it comes down to it only a really selfish woman would be this evil.”

“Evil? Selfish?” Helen laughed. “I am looking out for the best interest of my boys. Don’t get me wrong I like you girls very much. You both have overcome things that most women would have thrown in the towel for, but I just don’t like you for my sons. I mean really girls they are each millionaires in their own rights. But I am sure you both know that.”

Jayla shook her head.

“Are you calling us gold diggers?”

“Well why else would your type be with my boys. Now if you know what is good for yourselves you will go back to your little world and stay out of the big leagues? If you care anything about my boys you will bow out gracefully.”

Jay looked at Scarlett then back at Helen.

“I love your son and I know he loves me and you think you can intimidate me? Us?”

“I will call you both a cab home. If you don't mind, there are women I need to introduce my boys to women who have something going for themselves something great to offer my sons. Take Isabelle Cart over there talking to Christian. At 27, she is CEO of a Top selling Magazine with a Master’s in business. Or Rebecca Rice talking to Chris, at 29 she is a multimillionaire Heiress who has her PHD in Psychology. Both are very beautiful smart and talented women. How can either of you compare?”

Scarlett and Jay glanced over the ladies. Isabella was 5’7½ she looked a bit how Scarlett imagined snow white might look in human form. She had jet-black hair that reached just below her ear lobes. She wore heavy makeup but it worked for her. Rebecca was the complete opposite she was 6’0 even. She had long flowing blonde hair that went down to her waist. She wore light makeup and jewelry on every open piece of body she had. Her eyes were baby blue as Isabella’s were brown.

Scarlett shook her head. “I really just don't understand. How can you possibly?”

“I am going to cut you off right there. I am not interested in being nice. I have an empire to protect and sons to watch over. I know all about you girls Jayla Princess Monroe first of all its bad enough your parents named you Jayla but Princess as a middle name. But I am getting off point. You were born October 26th 1982 to Claire and Paul Monroe. You graduated 20th in your high school class. You took out forty-five thousand dollars in loans to pay for school and graduated in the middle of your College class. You make less than 50,000 yearly and that is on a good year. Now look at my Christopher. He graduated top of his class in both high school and college. He gives 50,000 away like its candy. You drive a 2001 Toyota corolla. He drives whatever his heart contents. You are a recovering anorexic. Do I really want my son or grandkids to inherit that?”

Scarlett spoke up. “Mrs. Waters with all due respect.”

“Oh and let’s not forget about Scarlett Summer Hale. Born November 19th 1983 to Darrell Scott and Genie Hale. You would have graduated 19th in your high school class had you graduated on time. You went to college two years then left. You had a daughter at the age of 17. You are a divorced single mother raising your brother and sister on a salary paid to you by my family. You live in a house we gave you
and drive a car we bought you. And I know about you and James Danger Fields.”

Scarlett flinched at the name. “What you didn’t think I knew about that? I did. How do you think my sons would react if they knew your sorted past? Look at you you’re a size what 16? 18? Maybe bigger? You really think he would want you on his arm in anything? I am here to protect my boys. And you girls are nothing more than like the stray dog my boys found when they were 9 and 10. They wanted to keep it and feed it. Heal it. They always want to help the less fortunate. They hold a position of power and you girls most certainly have no idea how to handle that. So like I said, I like you I really do and that is why I am telling you…you both should bow out now.”

Scarlett shook her head trying to control the tears that wanted to fall. Jay moved closer to Helen.

“Helen I love Chris more than you can ever realize. He is the best man I have ever met. You can say what you want but you are not going to ruin this for me.”

Scarlett looked at Helen tears fighting to fall. “And I never wanted to be a part of this. Your son is the one who keeps pursuing me but you are right about one thing I have no idea why he wants me. Christian is a great man and I could easily fall in love with him but I know my past is what it is. I don't understand how you can think you are doing what is best for your sons by being like this though.”

Christopher walked over to them with his sons and Scarlett held back tears. She had so many more things she wanted to say to Helen but once she felt the tears fall from her eyes she knew, it was pointless. When she thought about it all Helen was simply right. Her boys were destined for great things and they needed women who had that feature. While she believed Jay did Scarlett knew she didn’t.

“So thank you so much, for reminding me why I kept my distance these last few months. You know what Helen. I like you too. So let me be honest with you. You have never been in my shoes and I hope you thank the Lord for that because it's a position I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemies. I have been hurt and disrespected in many ways but this is the first time I have ever felt sorry for the person doing the hurting. I feel sorry for you because if you keep this up you are going to push away all the women who would actually be great for you sons and end up with the daughter in law from hell. But at least you both would have something in common.”

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