A Passion Rekindled (7 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Yes! So I will see you tomorrow?”

“Bright and early.”

He pulled her to him and gave her a searing kiss, as much as she wanted to pull away she couldn’t. She wrapped her arms around him deepening the kiss. Christian grinned as they pulled apart.

“I am sorry I just needed to do that before tomorrow.”

“Good night Christian.”

“Goodnight Scarlett.”

He gave her a light kiss on the lips before he returned to his car. He waited for her to shut the door and walk into the house before he drove away.




Christian sat down in his chair pulling at his dark blue tie, his black suit jacket already on the coat rack. He hated wearing suits but it was the job. He learned at a young age looking your best everyday rain or shine was a must. Chris walked into the office smiling. Christian always noticed that no matter the time of day Chris always looked like he just stepped out of GQ magazine. He wore a pinstriped black suit with a blue shirt and white tie.

“Hey little bro how are you?”

“I am good, real good. How are you doing this morning? I heard you guys won.”

“Yeah so you must have stayed late over Miss Scarlett’s to know that.”

“I stayed a while. Not that late. Just till like 11:30 or so.”

“Yeah I saw your car when I dropped Devon off. He is really talented, he shot around with the players for a while and I asked him to join the team.”

“Well that is good. This is his senior year. And Scarlett was worried about scholarships.”

“So what did you guys do last night?”

“We went to Steak and shake. You know they had never been there before?”


Chris sat in the seat across from Christian as he kept talking about his night.

“Then we went to Wal-Mart and got the things for the house and I took them to Cold Stone. Then we decorated the girl’s room and just sat at the house and I looked at the photo albums.”

“So you really do like her.”

Christian looked up from his computer and gave Chris and inquisitive look.

“What makes you say that?”

“Mom thinks you got a thing for her.”

“Well you know mom.” He looked back towards the computer.

Chris picked up a pen from Christian’s desk. “I do but I know you to.”

“And what does that mean.”

“It means you are a man and she is cute.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“Ok so you have this beautiful woman working for you that I know you like so tell me what the problem is?”

Christian exhaled as he pushed away from the desk. “You know what you went through with trying to get mom to be ok with you and Jay…then there’s the fact that Scarlett works for me now. Nothing can happen ok so just drop it.”

“You can always fire her.”

“And why would I want to do a thing like that? So I can be like you.”

“What do you mean like me?”

“You remember when Natalie was working for you? You fired her just so you could get with her. What kind of sense is that?”

“First of all that was what three, four years ago and her own suggestion thank you very much and second she was fine you know how it is.”

“If you say so.”

Chris picked up a piece of paper from Christian’s desk. “I still don't see why you can’t be with her just because she works for you.”

“That’s not the only reason.”

“Ok so what is the other reason?”

“Mom seems to think I will hurt her.”


“I don't want to hurt her.”

Chris couldn’t hide the smirk that formed across his face.

“Since when? Aren’t you the guy who takes a girl out once and if she doesn’t pass your ridiculous standards you just don't call her?”

Christian shot an angry look towards Chris. “I don’t know since now ok. Now I have to get back to work.”

“Speaking of work where, is your new assistant?”

“She is down in personnel finishing up her paperwork. So if you don’t mind.” The phone rang and Christian picked it up. Chris stood.

“I am going to head to my office…I’ll be back around later.”

“Ok…Hello this is Christian Waters.”

“Since when do you answer your own phone?”

“Shane my man you know I’m no stranger to hard work.”

“I know so how's it going?”

“Good I can’t complain. How are you doing?”

“Great on a 6-0 streak right about now.”

“That’s what I'm talking about…heard you had a new girl.”

“Yeah Shannon, she's hot.”

“That makes what? Three girls this month?”

“Something like that.”

“And that is why you will never settle down again.”

“Who wants to settle down again? I am at the top of my game boy. And anyways you are one to talk.”

“And what does that mean?”

“It means you go through just as many girls as I do…maybe even more.”

“Yeah well things and people change.”

“Since when? I remember after you and that girl you were engaged to, broke up you became a man who enjoyed the company of many women and I am not mad at you about that because I did that same thing after my marriage. There is nothing wrong with sampling from different platters.”

“Where did that come from? Sampling platters?”

“I’m hungry so that was the first thought that came to my mind.”

“Ok well how about you go eat and I will get back to work.”


“Hey wait when are you going to grace us with your presence here?”

“I am actually thinking about coming in a couple months.”

“Well good cause mom can’t wait to see you.”

“I can’t wait to see her. It’s been three years since I've seen her. I guess I can leave the California sun for a little while.”

Scarlett walked into the room with a cup of Coffee. Every time Christian saw her she seemed more beautiful than before. She wore a black skirt with a white tank top and pink jacket and all Christian could think was how he could get her out of it. Christian motioned for her to sit down. “Hey man I got to go but call me later so we can plan your visit.”

“Bet. Bye.”

“Bye. So I see you found the coffee machine.”

“Yes. Two creams one sugar just how you like it.” She handed it to him then took a seat.

He smiled. “Good but its two creams two sugars.”

“Yeah I wasn’t sure so I brought another sugar packet just in case.”

She handed him the packet and pulled out a notebook. He glanced at her bottled water.

“Good thinking. You’re not having a cup?”

“Oh no thank you I can’t stand drinking that stuff.”

“You know we have tea too.”

“Don’t like tea either.”


“Yep never have.”

She smiled a little and bit her lower lip.

“I gave it a chance but it’s just not my thing.”

“Wow if I wouldn’t have had coffee working here I don't think I could make it through the day.” He took a sip and Scarlett crossed her legs.

“You know coffee stunts your growth?”

“I'm 6’3 I think I will survive.”

She laughed and he looked at her.

“So tell me what you think about the company.”

“From what I am hearing and seeing I think I will love working here.”

“Good; because I think you will do great things here.”

Scarlett stood. “Yeah I should get back to work.”

“Ok well you’re doing a great job. Keep up the good work.”

Scarlett walked back to her desk and shut the door. Christian looked after her as she walked. He loved how when she moved her curves just moved right along with her. She was so beautiful. The more he saw of her the more he liked her. He knew from the moment his lips touched hers that he would never be the same. He knew he was in danger of falling in love with her. And that excited him and scared him at the same time.













Chapter 3



New World…







Scarlett sorted the papers at her desk. There was no way she would have them done on time. It seemed like every time she thought she had a break she didn’t. She looked at the clock 6:30pm. She placed her water bottle on the table and picked up the phone.


“Devon hey how is everything?”

“Fine Scar I told you that, the last time you called which was what ten minutes ago.”

“I know I'm sorry…I just wanted you make sure you guys were fine.”

“We are…Angel is watching a little TV before bed Maggie is doing her hair for some reason and I am finishing up a paper. We are good. You don’t have to worry.”

“I know.”

“Don’t you have a paper you need to finish?”

“I'm just about done. The contract that Christian had me revise is complete. Well I have like one or two pages to go.”

“So how many pages is it?”


“32 I would go crazy.”

“Well it’s the contract and then it’s the legalities and all that…but I am done with that…I just still have a lot of work to do…and it has to be done tonight. So I will be getting in kind of late.”

“Well like I told you don’t worry about us…now I have to finish my homework…stop calling…I love ya sis goodbye.”

She hung up and put the phone down. She walked into Christian’s office and went to grab a bottle of cherry Pepsi out of his
mini fridge. As she walked, back into the room, she stepped back and tripped over the extension cord plug and it came out of the socket. She looked at the computer screen as it dimmed then went black.

“No…no. no!”

She plugged it back in and waited anxiously as it loaded. She then tried to find her work. She felt tears come to her eyes as she frantically looked for it. She hit the computer screen.

“Bring it back!”

She screamed in frustration. 

“Bring it back now!”

She hit the computer as Chris walked into the room.

“Are you ok?”

“No this stupid ass computer shut off and now I can’t find that contract. I spent five hours on it and it’s gone. Stupid. Stupid.” With every stupid, she hit the computer.

Chris walked over to her and pulled her from the desk.

“Calm down…beating the computer won’t solve anything.”

“I can’t calm down I worked so hard and now I am going to be here even later. If you’re lazy assistant would do her work then maybe…” By then she realized that she was acting a fool in front of the president of the company.

“I am so sorry.”

“Don’t be…with this job everyone has one of those days…I’ve been there…so let me help you. What was the file saved under?”

“Contract. File.”

Chris sat at the desk and worked his magic.

“Ok…and here it is.”

Scarlett stood over his shoulder and looked at the screen.

“How did you find it I looked all over for it?”

“When these computers shut down or get turned off it automatically saves whatever anyone was working on…but it saves under whatever the opening line is. So your file is sir/madame1.”

Scarlett hugged his back.

“I owe you so much thank you.”

“No I should be thanking you…you have done a lot in your little time here…you haven’t just been Christian’s assistant you have been mine too…and those cookies you made were no joke you going to have to make some more…you’re a hard worker and you don’t give any lip unless it’s to the computer.”

She laughed.

“I like it here I do…it's just everything was piling up on me. Angel is still adjusting to her new school and my mom not being there all the time and she doesn’t like that…Maggie is still in her teenage I hate the world phase and while one minute she can be an angel that can leave rather quickly. And I am so worried about Devon not being able to get into school because we don’t have the money. Taking out loans sucks, you know. Well not that you know I was just going to shut my mouth now.”

“It is a lot of pressure, I get. I may not have your problems but I have them. My, over bearing mother who won’t let me and Christian run this place without her watching our every move. Trying to live up to, what they want me too. I'm not like Christian he caught on so early to all this. I was kind of forced into it. I am the oldest and it was up to me to take over.”

“But you’re doing a great job.”

“Because of Christian.” 

Scarlett smiled to herself as Chris went on.

“He is the one keeping me on my toes. Or he was until I fully got the hang of it. I was just like you frustrated angry…between you and me I had to replace my computer 21 times. But I found an outlet.”


“Yes ma’am. And that is all you have to do.”

“I have one I just haven’t done it in a while. I write.”

Chris smiled. “Really what?”

“Poems, letters, cards, stories stuff like that.”

“Wow I thought you were creative.”

“Yeah Devon he used to help me sell them for some extra cash.”

“You guys had it really rough.”

Scarlett walked around the office grabbing a folder. “Yeah but it all turned out great. I have this wonderful job…and even though I call too much I know they are all safe because the neighborhood is great.”

“Devon has a real talent you know.”

“I know I was his dunking buddy.”

“Dunking buddy?”

“Yes I would have to stand under the net while he dunked on me.”

“Oh that’s crazy.”

“He loved the game and whenever he wanted to give up because he felt like he wasn’t good enough I would look at him and say Devon…many of life’s failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Chris leaned back in the chair. “Thomas Edison said that…it’s one of my favorites.”

Scarlett sat in her plush office chair. “Well my favorite quote is: Footprints in the sand are not made by sitting down.”

“I like that…or how about: Character is like a tree and Reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”

“Abraham Lincoln.”

“You’ve heard that one?”

“Yes. It’s true though.” 

“So can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” Scarlett stood looking over at Chris.

“Well…I know that Angel is your daughter and if I heard right she is 9.”

“She is.”

“And you’re 27?”


“So you had her pretty young?”

“Not by choice but stuff happens.”

“So you want to talk about it?”

Scarlett sat back down in her chair. “Not really. But I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

“Only if you want to.”

“If I tell you can it just be between us…I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me.”

“I won’t say a word.”

“When I was 11 my dad was in deep with this drug dealer.”

Scarlett’s leg began to bounce up and down and Chris could see it pained her to talk about her past.

“You don’t have to tell me what happened.”

Scarlett looked up to Chris and what his words didn’t say his eyes did.

“Devon told you didn’t he?”

“Don’t be mad at him…it wasn’t his fault we were talking and it slipped out and I figured if I got you to talk about it you wouldn’t be upset with him, but I'm a bad liar.”

“Yes, yes you are. So he told you everything.”

“Yes…and you know what it makes me admire you so much more. You are such a remarkable woman.”

“Thank you…if we could keep this between you and me.”

“Why Christian knows you’re a mother.”

“Yeah but he doesn’t know all the other stuff.”

“You got it I will let you tell him.”

“Thanks…you know talking to you is so nice…it’s kind of like talking to a big brother.”

“Wow I never got that comment before.”

“I'm sorry.”

“No don’t be I like that…big brother…Christian and I talk about everything I guess I'm always in big brother mode.”

“I wish my older brother was like that but he’s not he’s a jerk.”

“Sometimes brothers are.”

“Well your brother is most certainly not a jerk.”

“I know that…and while we are talking like brother and sister…I have noticed how you look at him.”


Chris grinned as she blushed.

“Don’t huh me. I see the way you look at him and I know you have feelings for him.”

“I'm sorry…I can’t help it.”

“What are you sorry for it's not a bad thing?”

“Yes it is, it’s a really bad thing he is my boss…and he is Vice president of this company and.”

“And what? Just because he has a title doesn’t mean anything.” Scarlett walked over to the printer.

“Chris I just got here and it’s hard enough being the new girl let alone people thinking I got this job just because I am easy.”

“I can understand that. But you really think people would think that?”

“I just don't want to take any chances.”

“I think and don’t get mad but that you don’t feel like you deserve a man like my brother.” Scarlett placed the files in blue folder and looked at Chris.

“Wow where did that come from?”

“I see it in your eyes. And if that is it I don’t want you to think like that. You would be good for him.”

“Well no matter what I feel or think right now my focus is my family and this job and that is all I can afford to focus on right now.”

“You know you remind me of my girlfriend.”

“Your girlfriend?”

“Yeah I think you would like her. She is 27 and she is an artist…well she teaches art.” Scarlett sat back down in her chair and began to sort the files on her desk.

“You’re dating a teacher? Christian didn’t tell me that. No wonder he thinks your mom doesn’t approve.”

“Wait when did you guys talk about me and Jay?”

“Oh when we were stuck in the elevator.”

“Oh ok I forgot about that.”

“So you’re dating a teacher.”

“Yeah…we met when I started coaching about five years ago. She had just got out of school and started teaching. One of her students was failing and he was on my team so we got together and helped him. We became friends and now we are together.”

“Wow…I thought you would be with like super models or something…but a teacher? That is great I am sure she’s great.”

“She is. I’ve never been happier.”

Scarlett looked at Chris. “What does your mom say?”

“Well you’ve met my mom…no one is good enough…but I really care about Jay.”

“That’s good though…everyone deserves to be happy.”

“I agree with you that’s why I think you should rethink this whole not being with Christian thing.”

Scarlett leaned back in her chair with a dreamy smirk. “Between you and me it’s kind of hard not to want to be with him…he's smart and funny. He's so cute and caring and from the moment I laid eyes on him, I felt an instant attraction to him. But that’s where the problem is…I feel I like him only because he helped me. If it wasn’t for him I don’t know where our family would be.”

“He was very adamant about helping you…wanted to give you a fresh start.”

“And he did…you all did.”

“Well you deserve it.”

“That’s what he told me before he kissed me and when it happened I felt like I was on cloud nine you know.”

“Wait you guys kissed? When?”

Scarlett jerked up in her seat. “Oh! I didn’t know he didn’t tell you.”

“No he didn’t but you can finish telling me.”

“Well the day we met we were in his office and it just happened. Then that night it just happened again but nothing more than that. He has been the perfect boss since then.”

“Wow he really must like you.”

“How you figure?”

“Because I had no idea you guys kissed.”

“It’s just.”

“Just what?”

“It doesn’t matter anyways…I better finish this up.”

She began gathering the files again but Chris stopped her.

“Don’t do that I want to know what this just is.”

“I was married before. Twice.”


“The first didn’t last longer than a few months, but my second one lasted about two years. I was young and really wanted to erase my past. But he cheated on me and I left him. Then my mom got sick all over again and it was just easier to walk away.”

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