A Passion Rekindled (13 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Just because.”

“They are beautiful. Thanks.”

She took the flowers and put them on the table then walked into the kitchen. Christian followed her.

“So where is everyone?”

“Everyone is over a friend’s house.”

“Scarlett I owe you an apology.”

She turned towards him and frowned.

“For what?”

“For everything. For not coming over the night of the party and apologizing for whatever my mom said. Her views are not mines. Or Chris’s for that matter. For not telling you how I feel about you.”

“Christian none of this matters. You didn’t come over here because you and I both know what she said was right.”

“You’re wrong.”

Scarlett sighed heavily.

“Am I Christian look at me! All of your girls young or old aren’t as big as I am, or as poor as I am or has a family like I do. Men like you don't fall for women like me.”

“How can you say that?”

“You and I both know that I am not the type of woman you are into. We saw that up close and personal tonight. Women like your date who are so beautiful and glamorous are the ones you like. They are in style and shape.”

“Scarlett you are beautiful. When I look into your eyes I know what I want and it’s you.” 

“And what about you and your family owning everything I have. You guys gave us this house, our car everything all those other women can afford anything they want I can’t. ”

“Scarlett I don’t care.”

Scarlett held her hand up for him to stop.

“It’s not just about what she said or the girls you date.”

“Then what is it?”

She folded her arms across her chest. “There is so much you don't know about me.”

“Then tell me. I want to know it all.”

“Christian getting involved with you would make me open a door that I have spent so much time hiding behind. It would just be easier for both of us to just walk away.”

“I don’t want to walk away from you. I don’t know what this is, I don’t know if what I am feeling for you is real, but I know I want to find out. And if I just let you push me away then I wouldn’t really care about you now would I?”

“But these things are horrible.”

“Maybe, but whatever happened made you the woman you are today so they can’t be that bad.”

“Yeah they can.”

“Try me.”

“I can’t.”

Christian took her hand in his and pulled her to the couch then sat next to her.

“I am all ears.”

Scarlett took a breath then looked away from Christian.

“It all started with my loser father.”

“Why? What happened?”

“My father is and was an alcoholic and drug user. He was a mean drunk. Never hit us but sometimes I wish he did.”


“He was an evil man…mean all the time. Before he became a loser, I called him daddy. He taught me how to cook when I was eight. He had a great job and we were happy. Then when I turned ten things got bad. By the time, I was eleven he was using and dealing and screwed around, so much he owed this dealer a lot of money. He smoked and drank all the time. Then Angel came and well look I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“What? It’s ok.”

“No it’s not. Look, we are friends and stuff but we are just getting to know each other and I appreciate everything you are doing for me but there are just some things that I just don’t want to talk about but then there is the fact that you should know this. But honestly I don’t know exactly how to put this but Jay knows and so does Chris and I just I don’t know if I can.”

She wiped a falling tear from her left cheek.

“It’s about Angel’s dad.”


“If I tell you then I could risk losing you.”

“Scarlett just tell me.”

“It’s a long story.”

“I have nothing but time.”

Scarlett exhaled deeply. “By the time I was 16 my dad was in deep so with James, that’s his name but they called him Danger because that’s what he was. Umm one day after school I came home with my best friend and my dad my brother Derek and Danger were there getting high. Devon and Maggie were in the room watching them use and drink. I grabbed them and took them to the neighbors.

They were real nice didn’t mind watching them. Maggie was 4 and Devon was 6. When I came back to confront them I found out my dad promised Danger that he could have me.”

“Have you?”

“My dad told me I was no longer his daughter I belonged to Danger. That I had belonged to him for years I just never knew.”

Tears started to fall from her eyes. “I know you’re wondering how you don’t know someone owns you. Well I didn’t think about him being nice to me I just thought he was a nice guy.” Scarlett wiped her eyes.

“When I was 11 he started to buy me things and took me places. He made me feel like I was special. The older I got the more he treated me like he loved me. I never knew getting new shoes and clothes, money and games would cost me. But it did.”

Her voice trailed and Christian held her hand.

“Scarlett I know this is hard and if you don't want to talk about this.”

“Christian I have to.”


Scarlett stood.

“On the day walked into the house with my best friend, the day I found out I was his, my life changed.” Christian could see her relive that day. 


11 years earlier.



Scarlett Hale unlocked the door to her parents apartment immediately regretting inviting her best friend Val over. Her dad was sprawled across the couch passed out while her older brother Derek and his friend James sat at the dining room table counting money. She sighed as she glanced over to her younger brother Devon and baby sister Maggie. Being six and four she worried for their safety. She shook her head looking over to Val.

“This was a bad idea maybe we should work on our project tomorrow.”

James smiled towards Scarlett as she turned towards the door. “Scarlett come join the party and sit on daddy’s lap.”

Scarlett turned towards Val with pleading eyes but she didn’t get the hint.

“What’s wrong why can’t I stay?”

“I realized I have to babysit and make dinner. I wouldn’t be able to focus.” Val looked at Derek then to James then walked out the apartment with Scarlett.

“Scarlett who was that guy with Derek?”

“His name is James.”

“He’s cute. I mean really cute.”

“Yeah amongst other things.”

“You should make Derek hook you up.”

“Val that man in there is like twenty-six. No thanks.”

“I’m just saying maybe his has a brother our age.”

“Just go home ok. I will see you Monday.”

“Fine ok.”

Val left and Scarlett walked back into the house as she heard Maggie cry because Darrel’s feet kicked her crayons on the floor. She walked over to her and picked her up consoling her.

“Devon did you eat anything yet?”

“No neither had Maggie. Mom dropped us off and told dad to feed us but he passed out. I gave her some juice but we don’t have anything else in there to eat.” 

“Come on let me take you next door I am sure Mrs. Kellings has something for you guys to eat. Devon get your folders you can do your homework there too.”

Scarlett grabbed Maggie’s coloring book and led them over to Mrs. Kellings house. She and her husband were an older couple who never had any children so they took any chance they could at watching Devon and Maggie. Scarlett always thought she looked a little like Maya Angelou and her husband Carl looked like James Earl Jones. Scarlett went back to her house to grab her book bag. She slammed it on the table looking over to the three men oblivious to the hell she was living in.


She shoved him but he didn’t budge.

“DAD!” she screamed louder which caused him to jump.

“What do you want I was sleeping?”

Scarlett scoffed. “Why am I not surprised seeing how that is all you ever do. And what’s wrong with you guys…Devon and Maggie are here and you guys are in here getting high and counting money? I try bringing my friend over here and you do this.”

“It’s my house.”

“That I cook in and clean.”

She picked up one of the beer bottles on the table and shook her head.

“But there is no point in that seeing how you do such a great job at messing it up. I can’t do this anymore I have school and a job I'm telling mom.” Darrel jumped up and slammed her against the wall.

“You better shut the hell up. If you utter one word to your mom.”

“You are going to do what? Most of the time you are too high to do anything. You are pathetic and the sooner we are rid of you the better now let me go.”

He slapped her across the face shoved her to the ground, James ran over to him grabbing him before his hand could hit her a second time. He shoved Darrel away from Scarlett.

“Aye chill the hell out that is no way to treat anyone especially someone that's mines.”

He reached down and helped her up. “Are you ok?”

Scarlett looked at him with tears in her eyes. She pulled away from James and ran to her room tears falling fast. After a few minutes someone knocked on her door then opened it as she wiped her tears clearing her throat.


James walked in with a smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“As you can see I am fine so you can leave now.”

“Scarlett come on is that anyway to talk to someone trying to protect you.”

“I can protect myself.”

He walked around her room then sat on her bed. “I was so right about you Scarlett. I told Derek, the older you got the sexier you would be and I love what I am seeing.”

Scarlett sighed wiping her eyes. “Thank you and thank you for helping with Darrel I didn’t mean to snap at you. I need to go check on the kids.” Scarlett walked out of the room going to the door but James stopped her.

“Yeah the kids are fine but I wanted to talk to you about something rather important.”

“And what is that?”

“Well you know I am a successful business man.”

“You are a drug dealer.”

“Hey I run a legitimate business here. I get people what that need.”

“I'm waiting on the part that has to do with me.”

“Well you know your dad lost his job a while back and he has been racking up a pretty big bill that I have generously paid for.”

“Again waiting for the “me” part here.”

“Well you know me I am always willing to strike up a deal when it suits me.”

“Look whatever he promised you, well he’s a crack head you can’t believe them anyways.”

“Well I can trust this deal.”


“Because he gave me you.”

“What do you mean gave me?”

James caressed her arm. “I mean you are mines. In every single way.”

Scarlett pulled her hand away from him. “No. No!”

“Scarlett what do you think we were doing these last years.”

“Not preparing for that!” she turned away from him.

James came up behind her caressed her arms. She tried to move away but he grabbed her. He was 6’2 about 213lbs. He was muscular and attractive. He had green eyes and was a Carmel completion. She always thought he was cute but now she regretted even thinking of him at all. Scarlett tried to pull her arms away from his hands but he held her tighter.

“You knew this day would come.”

“I need to get next door.”

“Oh you will Scarlett but first lets you and me talk about how you can pay your dad’s bill.”

“It’s his bill to pay.”

“I think it is high time we kicked this into gear.”

“James please I don't want this.”

“Yes you do.” He said caressing her face.

Scarlett looked at her dad as James grabbed her; she felt tears fall from her face. He pulled her against his rock hard body. 

“You and I both know you will enjoy this.”

“You can’t do this! Daddy please don’t let him do this to me. I'm your daughter. How can you even think this is right?”

“Danger shut her up please.”

James kissed Scarlett’s neck.

“Do you know how much money I have let slide all these years for this very moment? I didn’t mind giving him anything because I know the merchandise is up to par.” Scarlett couldn’t believe what was about to happen. She felt herself grow angry. James reached for her but she pulled away.

“Merchandise? Merchandise? I am a person and this is not happening.”  She moved away from him and over to Darrel.

“I am your daughter how is this right?”

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