A Passion Rekindled (33 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“You just do. You love him and he loves you…he deserves to know.”

“I know that.”

“You can tell him tomorrow.”

“You invited him to the picnic?”

“Yes…and you are going to talk to him.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You have been held down by this pain for years. Don’t let it ruin your life ok.”

“I have been dreading this. That’s why I didn’t want to be with him. I didn’t want to have to relive my pain. But it will be good to finally let all this go.”

“Just let it all go. He loves you so much.”

“Helen doesn’t.”

“Well it’s her loss.”

“That’s what I don't get though. She treats the kids like her grandchildren, but she treats me like I have a cooties or something.”

“Helen always thinks like that. I know it’s hard but you can’t allow her to come between you and him.”

“We all may not have a choice. You see Helen is not above forcing women onto her boys.”

“Well I got your back and you got mines so we are good! Now let’s go find us some sexy swimsuits.” Scarlett smiled as they stood up.

“You are a wonderful friend. Thank you for always telling me what I need to hear even if it’s not what I want to hear.”

“That’s what sisters are for.”




Scarlett and Francine looked around Jayla’s yard. 

“Jay your house is so beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“It is so great of you to invite us here.”

“It is no problem. Sharon and Alex are wonderful girls and any friend of Scarlett’s is a friend of mines.” Scarlett smacked her teeth as she saw Christian looking towards her.

“Man where is a work emergency when you need one?”

“What he’s here?”

Francine looked around.

“Where is he?”

Jay pointed in Christian’s direction. 

“He’s right there.”

“That tall dark and sexy man? Shoot you better jump back on that one.”

“Fran you need to stop.”

“No you need to start.” Jayla smiled.

“That’s what I'm saying. You know he makes you happy.”

Christian walked over to them and smiled.

“Ladies, how are you doing this beautiful evening?”

“Great.” Fran exclaimed.

Jayla smiled over towards Chris. “Wonderful.”

Christian looked at Scarlett. “Scarlett how are you?”

“Jay I am going to go get something to drink.”

“Scarlett, will you just talk to me please.”

“Talk about what Christian?”

“I just want to see how you are holding up.”

“I’m fine. We are doing great. I did want to thank you for letting us keep the house.”

“It's no big deal.”

“No it is. We seem to be doing well. Devon is getting ready for college. Maggie and Angel are just so happy. And Jay and Chris are wonderful. And so are your parents. Everyone has helped us so much.”

“So why won’t you let me help you.”

“Christian I know you are so busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Can we go somewhere to talk please?”

“Christian I-”

Jay nudged her.

“Ok. But just for a minute.”

They walked into the house and to one of the rooms, Scarlett sat on the bed.

“Ok so talk to me.”

“Scarlett I miss you so much. I need you.”

“Christian I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Then let me do all the talking. I am sorry I hurt you by talking to your brother…I just wanted to make you happy I thought if you could get you through your past maybe we could have a future…Scarlett the first time I saw you I knew there was something special about you. Then working for me you just made things better you know. You kept me on track and you looked out for me and you looked so beautiful on my arm.”

She stood.

“Christian I don’t fit into your world. I work for everything I own. I have never had it easy but I am making it. And I am a mother and raising my brother and sister. I am just so not in your league. You would be better off with Amber.”

“But I don’t want Amber. I want you.”

She folded her arms. “And so what you were going up to your office for?”

“My mom set us up for the auction and she asked if we could talk. I didn’t want to but I didn’t have a good time so I wanted to tell her face to face. Scarlett I want you. And as far as I am concerned you are in my league. So tell me the real reason you don’t want this?”

She looked away from him and he moved closer to her.

“You were married to Danger.”

“You put two and two together huh?”

“Yeah I did. And I don’t care.”

“You should.”

“Are you guys still married?”


“Then I meant what I said I don’t care.” She sat on the bed.

“I have to tell you.”

“No you don’t. Can’t we just move on?”

“I can’t. Not until I tell you. “

“Ok then I am listening.” 

“They kidnapped me when I was a few months pregnant. Drugged me up so he could marry me. They held me captive for three months. I got out because I was feeling really sick and made them take me to the hospital and a Premed student believed my story. If she didn't only God knows where Angel and I would be today. I was able to get it annulled but it still kills me inside. I thought if I didn’t say anything about it I could just let it go. But I have held on to this for ten years. I loved him in that time and I feel stupid. But I know it is time to let go and let God. And if you don’t want me now I understand.”

Christian grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

“Of course I still want you. You are beautiful funny. And the fact that you worked for everything you own, and went through so much and still remain a loving wonderful person that you are just makes me love you more.”

“But I am nothing like Amber.”

“And that is why I love you. You are nothing like Amber. You are nothing like any of the women I have dated. You are down to earth, you’re funny, and you care about everyone.”

“Christian. What about my past?”

“What about it?”

“When I was stuck in that hotel room I couldn’t move or even breathe without Danger on my back. They had me locked in a room with handcuffs on. The thing is…when I was there he treated me well. I guess I never wanted to admit it but I fell for him. How can you not fall for the one man you have ever been intimate with? I felt so dirty and so wrong for falling for him. He was sweet. He got me things, like foods he knew I liked. He even brought something for the baby. 

But whenever I got a chance to try and leave, I did. So when I got back home I was a wreck. No one could help me. I was afraid and worried all the time. I didn’t know why I fell for him but I did. When I finally allowed my mom to get me help, the Doctor told me that I wasn’t wrong. I was emotional and distressed and I just needed some sort of comfort. But I got over it…and I have finally gotten to the point where I don’t need a man to protect me. I always thought my prince would be out there waiting to save me from them. But I was wrong. The only one who could save me was the Lord and he did. I have grown so much from my experiences and it wasn’t always easy but I made it.”

“Do you still care for him?”

“Apart of me will always care for him…he’s the father of my daughter.”

“I know what I'm getting into.”

“And what about Shane?”

“Well he told me you guys talked before he left and he gave me his blessings. I know you still love him but he told me it was as a friend.”

“It is. He was my first true love but we weren’t right for each other.”

“And what about you and I?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well I do.

Christian pulled Scarlett to him and kissed her. He held her close as she kissed him back. Scarlett pushed him backwards and they fell on the bed together. They laughed. 

“So what do you say? Give us another go?”

“What does give us a go mean exactly?”

“I want you to be mine again.”

“I think I like the sound of that but I can’t just think about me I have three other people to think about.”

“What’s to think about?”

“Are you really ready to be with someone who has a daughter and two others to look after?”

“I was before and I am now. I love them too. We all do. The only one stopping us from being together is you.”

“Fine but let’s just take things slow ok.”

“Well how slow cause you already gave it up and I was hoping I could get it on the regular.” She hit him and he smiled.

“I'm just playing.”

“I know, let’s just see where the mood takes us.”

“I can live with that.” 

Scarlett pulled him to her and kissed him again.

“I love kissing you.”

“I love kissing you too.”


She smiled. “Oh yeah and I need more of you to kiss.”

Christian kissed her neck. And her shoulder. Then her hands. Scarlett giggled as he worked his way back up.

“I said slow Christian.”

“Hey this is slow.”

“You know what I mean.”

“So we should be getting back outside then?”


They stood up but Christian pulled Scarlett back onto him.

“One more kiss won’t hurt.”




Scarlett and Christian walked outside hand in hand. Jay smiled. As Christian kissed her, she smiled. Christian pulled away.

“I am going to go see what the guys are up too.”


He walked away and Jay looked at her.

“That must have been some talk.”

“It was.”

“So you told him?”

“Yes I did…everything.”


“We decided to try again.”

“Are you kidding me? Oh that is wonderful.”

She pulled Scarlett into a hug. They looked over to Chris and Christian goofing around with the kids. 

“We are some lucky girls Scarlett.”

“I know. Christian wants me baggage and all and I couldn’t be happier.”

“Yeah you could.”

“Well yeah but I am still happy. I miss my mom but she left us with some wonderful people. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t know any of you and for that I am thankful.”


Jay hugged her.

“We have been more touched by you then vice versa.”

“I don't believe that at all.”

“You should.”

Scarlett smiled and overlooked the party. For the first time in her life, she let go of all of the problems and all her fears and just lived and it felt great.





Chapter 12



Blast from the past…









Devon ran to answer the doorbell and smiled as he saw Chris and Jay standing at the door.

“Scar hurry up or I am going to be late…Chris hey what's up.”

“We came to pick you up…you are riding with us for the big game right?”

“Oh no actually Scarlett and the girls are going to come watch me play so I will be riding with them.”

Scarlett came to the top of the stairs. “You might want to take Chris and Jay up on the ride remember I am picking up Alex and Sharon for the sleep over.”

“Well look at you Scarlett you look so happy.”

“I feel happy.”

Scarlett walked down the stairs wearing a dark blue denim jacket and jean skirt with a feather flurry print kami under it with black heeled boots. She smiled at Jay and was taken aback by her glow. And since it wasn’t the black form fitting dress she wore that made her light up, Scarlett wanted to know what it was.

“Why Miss Jayla I do believe there is something different about you.”

Jayla blushed. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“You have no idea my butt tell me what's up?’

“Nothing at all.”

“Wait one minute what is that on your finger?

“What this old thing?” Jayla smiled holding her hand up.

“This old thing my foot…is that an engagement ring?” Jay turned towards Chris.

“Can I tell them please?”

Chris placed his hands in the pocket of his Coach’s sweatshirt and smiled.

“Go ahead.”

“Chris asked me to marry him last night.”

“Oh my congratulations! Oh we will have to celebrate this I am so happy for you and Chris too I knew you had it in you.”

Scarlett hugged Chris then Jayla.

“So you’re going to have to tell me what happened tonight at the game right?”

Scarlett held Jayla’s hand and looked at the ring. Jay smiled. “I will.”

Chris looked at his watch.

“Well we are going to be late.”

Scarlett walked over to Devon pulling at his jersey.

“Dev go ahead with Chris just save us some seats.”

“Ok. Love ya.”

“Love ya too.”

Scarlett shut the door smiling. She was so happy for them Jay and Chris belonged together. She just hoped Helen wouldn’t ruin it for them.




Scarlett waved to Jay and unbuttoned her jean jacket as she walked up the stands.

“Girls have a seat.”

As the girls took a seat, Chris walked over to them.

“Hello ladies.”

“Hey Chris.”

“Hi Mr. Chris.”

“Please don’t call me that you make me feel like my dad Angel why don’t you call me Uncle Chris? If that is ok with your mother?”

“Mom can I?”

“Well if Chris doesn’t mind. You have become like an older brother to us so yeah Uncle Chris is fine.”

“Well can I Uncle Big Brother Chris take the girls for a snack?”

Maggie smiled. “Yeah Scar please we are hungry.”

“Sure. Go ahead. Can you get me nachos and a Cherry Pepsi?”

Scarlett went to her purse. “Scarlett I am offended. I don’t want your money.”

Scarlett and Jay laughed as they walked away. Scarlett grabbed her hand again.

“That ring is so beautiful. And you are glowing.”

“I'm not the only one glowing. You look absolutely radiant. And Devon, Maggie, and Angel seem to be happy too.”

“Jay after being around Danger I had a hard time trusting guys then with Shane I just wanted to give up…but Christian loves me because of everything I have been through…even the whole Danger thing.”

“I still can’t believe he is here and he threatened you guys.”

“He has done worse to me than threaten me trust me so that I can handle…but let’s talk about you. So you and Chris are finally engaged? How did that happen?”

Jayla flexed her finger looking at the ring. “Well you know we have been off and on for years. So one night we were talking and he was saying how he wanted to be happy and the only person he was ever happy with was me. So I said if you’re so happy then why not marry me.”

“Really so he said ok?”

“No I thought we were done with the conversation then last night we were supposed to go out to some fund raiser but I wasn’t feeling good at all. So he came by with dinner and flowers. In the flowers was a card. I opened the card and there was this ring and a note saying he loved me and would be so happy if I would be his wife.”

“Wow that was so sweet.”

“I know. He told me that he knew I was the one because of you.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“At the hospital when I was going off on him you brought us back. You made me realize that I was being selfish and made him realize he was being inconsiderate. He said after everything you went through with your mom you were still able to get us to see strait and he realized life is short. So I owe you because meeting you is one of the best things that has happened to me.”

Scarlett leaned on Jayla’s shoulder. “Meeting me? No girl meeting you is one of the best things to happen to me. I never had friends or anything and the fact that you wouldn’t tell what I told you made me realize that you were a true friend. You’re my best friend and I thank the Lord he put you in my life.”

“I guess we are both very lucky.”

“Yes we are.”

Scarlett looked to the entrance and saw Helen and Christopher walk into the gym.

“Look your future in laws are here.” She said nudging Jayla.


“Over there.”

“Hey you never know they could be your future in laws too.”

“That would be great but Christian and I are taking it slow. We are going one day at a time. So how did they take the engagement?”

“Surprisingly well. I think Helen is trying to let go.”

“That’s good.”

She stopped talking and smiled when she saw Christian walk in behind them. Jay looked at her.

“I am so happy that you guys made up. I heard he was miserable. And that picture Chris showed me was too funny.”

“Yeah I saw it too and it was heartbreaking. It’s just.”

“Just what?”

“We were thinking about moving somewhere else.”

“Wait you want to move? You can’t.”

“No I said we were thinking about it only because we were only staying here for my mom. But Devon got into Kent State and Maggie and Angel are doing so well here.”


“Danger knows where we are and I'm afraid he won’t stop.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. You know you have Chris and me and Christian…and we won’t let anything happen to you all. You’re like family. I mean look at Chris and Christian with the girls we are your family.”

“Thanks Jay.”

Christian saw Scarlett sitting in the stands with Jay. Angel walked over to him.


“Angel how are you doing beautiful?”

“I’m ok how are you?”

“I am very well, very happy.”

“Me too mom is letting us have a sleep over and we are just going to stay up late and eat junk food.”

“Well you guys are just going to have a fun aren’t you?”

“Yeah we are going to sleep in the living room so we can watch the big screen.”

“That sounds like a really good time.”

“I know and you can come if you want.”

“I think I might just do that.”


Chris smiled at him as Angel ran back over to Maggie and the girls.

“Well look at you little brother playing daddy.”

“I'm not playing daddy.”

“Yeah but you want too. So I didn’t know you were going to come to the game.”

“Well it is the big one right?”

“Yeah well the game is about to begin I was just helping the kids get snacks…but I need to get back to my boys so the girls are all yours.”

“Ok I got this.”

“This is Scarlett’s and these are Jay’s…see yea.” Christian grabbed the snacks and smiled.

“Ok…how about I take you girls to your seat.”

“Yeah. See you Chris.”

“Yeah Uncle Chris I hope you guys win.”

“Uncle Chris?”

“Just take them to their seats ok.”

Christian laughed as he took the girls to their seat. Jay stood up.

“I am going to talk to my in laws I will be back.”

“But I brought your snacks.”

Jay smiled. “Thank you I will take those…now girls I know you guys just got over here but I think Helen and Christopher would love to see you.”

“Oh yeah lets go.”

“Can we? Every time we see them they give us money.”

“Oh can we?”

“Go ahead.”

They left and Christian sat down.

“They seem to be so happy now.”

“Yeah. I think we all are finding our place.”

“So how are you?”

“I'm ok. Even though mom is gone, I think she prepared us for it well…so everyone is adjusting. Oh look the game is starting.”

“So I know you are having a sleep over tonight but can I come over?”

“Yeah I would like that.”    

She smiled at him and he frowned. “Scarlett what's wrong.”


“Scarlett come on I know you. I see the fear in your eyes did something happen?”

“No I just have a bad feeling is all like, like something is about to happen you know.”

“Well we are here to protect you.”

He caressed her face. “You know that right?”

She smiled at him. “I know.”

“So I am going to stop by at say twelve?” Scarlett laughed at him.


“Yeah why not?”

“I’m going to tell you what my mother told me. Nothing is open after twelve but legs.”

He laughed. “Your mother was a smart woman but I'm not going to try anything I just really want to see you. But since I don’t have a wonderful assistant, anymore I am super busy. But I'll make it ten ok.”


She gave him a kiss.

“Can I have another one?”

“No the game is starting.”



She kissed him again as the players came onto the court.

“Yeah go Devon.”




Scarlett opened the door. 

“Ok girls who is ready for a snack?”

“I am.”

“Me too.”

Alex and Angel ran into the kitchen. Maggie and Sharon walked to the stairs.

“Scar we are going to go into my room.”

“Ok want me to bring up your S’mores?”

“Yes please.”

“You got it.”

Scarlett went in
to the kitchen and makes S’mores with Angel and Alex.

“Ok girls we have all the ingredients to make a great treat. Are you ready?”


A few hours later, the girls are talking in the living room.

“So then you guys are having fun?”


“Well good cause Devon is gone all weekend so it’s just us girls.”

“Can we go to the mall too?”

“It's all up to you girls. But you may want to be done by 6.”


“Because I was thinking we could go the movies.”

“Oh can we go see a PG-13 movie this time please?”

“Fine if that is what you girls want.”

“It is.”

“Scarlett you are awesome.”

“Well I get better trust me.


Someone began banging on the door.

Maggie looked at the door then to Scarlett. “Scarlett who is that.”

“Mommy I'm Scared.”

Angel huddled with Alex. “Yeah me too.”

Sharon moved closer to Maggie. “Me three.”

Scarlett looked at the door and her heart sank deep in her chest. The banging continued.”


“Maggie you and Sharon take the girls up to my room and lock the door. My cell phone is on the charger call the police and Christian and Chris. Don’t come down here. No matter what you hear.”

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