A Passion Rekindled (18 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“No worries when they need a ride they will remember us.”

They walked into the hall and saw Scarlett and Jay jumping up and down. Christian looked at Amber.

“You are awfully quiet.”

“You told me if I didn’t have anything nice to say then I should keep quiet. And the way those girls are shrieking and jumping around like they are teens is annoying to me. How can Chris be attracted to such foolishness.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with how they are acting.”

“That is because they are not on your arm. I feel sorry for Jonah. At least Jay looks like she has something to offer even if she really doesn’t. But that Scarlett girl she is an embarrassment. I really think that you should fire her.”

“Amber we are not having this conversation. Scarlett is a great asset to have in our office and Jay is amazing. I can’t believe you are so superficial that you would put people you haven’t even bothered to get to know down.”

“Christian you and I both know I am right. So let’s get inside and enjoy this concert.”

She walked away and Christian followed.



Chapter 6



Another Opens…







Scarlett hummed along to her IPod as she placed the files in their respected folders. The concert started out weird but when she saw Robin Thicke hit that stage there was nothing that could ruin it. Not Christian managing to sit next to her, not his date complaining the whole time. And defiantly not Robin Thick singing to her and Jay. That wouldn’t ruin her time anyways but she felt it necessary to relieve it over and over again. 

As a new song played she went back to her computer and began to type. “Cupid” by 112 came on over the speakers and she stopped what she was doing. Cupid was her and Shane’s song. Whenever she heard it she always thought back to the good times they did have. There was a time when he was everything to her. She closed her eyes and sang along with the music. 

“Cupid doesn’t lie, but you won’t know unless you give it a try. True love won’t die but we won’t know unless we give it try. Ain’t no doubt about it Lord knows I really mean it, I’d rather die before I, before I lie to you, never want to leave ya ain’t no life without ya, never going to leave never going to go No, no, no, no.no no.”


Scarlett opened her eyes to see Christian standing in front of her in a three piece black suit. She turned down the speaker and stood.

“I’m sorry I thought everyone was gone for the day.”

He walked closer to her.

“I forgot my phone.”

“Yeah you left it on the copier I put it in the safe but I can get it for you.”

Scarlett walked into his office and grabbed his phone out the safe. As she walked back out Christian turned up the speakers and smiled at her. Tyrese’s “what am I going to do” played.

“I like this song.” 

She gave him a know it all look.

“Me too that’s why it’s on my play list.”

“Dance with me.”

“I still have a lot of work to do before I leave.”

“And I think you deserve a break.”

He pulled her to him and they began to sway to the music. He spun Scarlett around in his arms and she laughed.

“You my dear boss are a good dancer.”

“Why thank you. You aren’t so bad yourself. But I guess I found that out at the concert last week.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you and Jay were going hard at the concert. I have never heard people scream as loud as you guys. I am surprised you still have a voice after all that.”

“You know what I am too. It was so much fun though. I have never been to a concert before let alone be in the first row. It was a great experience.”

“I am glad you enjoyed it.”

Scarlett laid her head on his shoulder as the song changed to “These are the times” by Dru Hill.

“I am going to have to steal this play list. You have all my songs on here.”

“Great minds like the same things.”

“True. So you and Jonah still going strong?”

“We are.”

“Good for you guys. He seems to make you happy so I am glad you’re in a good relationship.”

Scarlett pulled back and looked at him.”

“Christian we are just dating it’s not like we are getting married tomorrow.”

“I’m just saying it’s good to see you happy. How do the kids like him?”

“They think that he is a great guy.” Christian pulled her close.

“That’s good I am glad they like him.”

“Yeah it’s nice to feel wanted.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Really all the women I see hit on you. Not to mention how much Amber is all over you.”

“It’s hard to tell if they want me because I have money or is it me.”

“Well I like you and it’s not because you have money it’s because you have a sweet heart.”

“That is good to know I am glad you like me.”

He spun her around again and she smiled looking up to him. He licked his lips and Scarlett knew he wanted to kiss her and honestly she wanted to kiss him too. He bent down closer to her and she allowed his lips to overtake hers. She wrapped her arms around him as he pushed her against the wall while gripping her thigh. As he went to her neck Scarlett softly pushed him off of her. Still holding her in his arms he looked down to her.

“I’m sorry.”

“I should be getting back to work.”

She pushed him further away from him and he shoved his hands into his pockets. “I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s ok. I have a lot of work to do and I really need to get these forms in on time.” She pushed him further away from her and walked around to her chair.

“Scarlett as your boss I have to say you are working to hard you need to loosen up a little.”

“Yeah that’s all I need to loosen up so things won’t get done on time here. Things are running smoothly and I like to think I have a lot to do with that.”

“My don’t you have a big head?”

“I don’t mean it to sound like I have a big head I just mean I finally got things in order here I don’t want to mess things up.”

“You couldn’t if you tried.” He walked closer to her.

“I want you to know that I really appreciate all the work that you are doing here.”

“Thanks that means a lot to me.”

“So I will see you in the morning.”

“Bright and early.”

“Again I am sorry about the kiss.”

“Again it’s ok.”

Christian smiled at her as he walked to the door. 

“Christian wait.”

He turned towards her with a hopeful spark in his eyes.

“You forgot your phone…again.”

She held it up and he walked over to her and grabbed it.


“No problem. See you in the morning.”

Christian held up the phone gesturing thanks and walked out the door. Scarlett looked after him and sighed then looked back at her computer. Christian walked into the hall and pushed the down button.

“So how long have you had a thing for her?”

Christian turned to see Jonah sitting in a chair looking at him.

“Jonah what are you doing here?”

Jonah stood. “I came up here to surprise Scarlett but I am rethinking that right about now…how long have you liked her?”

Christian shoved his hands in his pockets. “Honestly since the first day I met her.”

“So why didn’t you make a move?”

“I was stupid.”

“So now you are trying to get with her knowing that we are dating?”

“No I'm not.”

The elevator doors opened and Christian walked in. Jonah followed.

“You asked her to dance and you kissed her. That’s not coming onto her?”

“It is but it was unintentional I never meant to do that it was just an impulse. I respect what you guys have.”

“Do you because it didn’t look like it to me. So what are we going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I like her and so do you and it seems to me she likes us both so one of us is going to have to back off. And since you don’t seem to want to I think we should settle this once and for all.”

“And how do you propose we do that?”

“Same way we did it in high school.”

“You want to play ball for her?”

“Yep to 21. Winner gets Scarlett.”

“And you are willing to just gamble her up like that?”

“I believe I am going to win so I am not scared but on the off chance that I do lose you have to introduce me to that model you dated a few months back I think her name was Genève.” 

The doors opened to the first door and they stepped off. Christian looked at Jonah for a second then cleared his throat.

“Fine it’s on. Winner gets Scarlett loser backs off without saying why to her.”

“I know how it works. I have beaten you 9 out of the 12 times we have played.”

“Yeah well I am going fight for this one.”

“We will see.”

Christian stopped in his tracks. “Wait I need to know something. If you like her so much why are you willing to gamble her up?”

“Don’t get me wrong I like her and I think that she is a great girl. But I don’t know if I can be that father figure those kids need. I have always figured I would be a family man a few years from now I am willing to see what happens but I am just not sure I am right for them because with Scarlett it’s not just her its them.”

“I get that.”

“Let’s head to the gym.”

“Lead the way.”




Scarlett ran to her ringing desk phone and answered catching her breath. 

“Christian Water’s office this is Scarlett speaking.”

“Scarlett hey it’s Jonah.”

“Long time no see how are you?”

“I am ok, how are you?”

“I’ve been better.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You tell me I mean for the last three weeks you have been distant and breaking dates. Is this going somewhere or not because I don’t have time to waste.”

“Do you have feelings for Christian?”

Scarlett sat in her chair with a plop. “What?”

“It’s not a hard question how do you feel about Christian?”

“I like him but what does that have to do with anything.”

“I think that we should cool it. I like you but I don’t see us going anywhere and I met someone who I really like.”

“So you’re dumping me.”

“I won’t say dumping I will say setting you free to find something better.”

Scarlett felt tears burn the back of her eyes. She didn’t want to say something she would regret so she hung up the phone. She forced the tears to stop as Christian walked into the office.

“Scarlett it’s time for our afternoon meeting.”

Scarlett nodded as she gathered her things she looked back at the phone hoping Jonah would call back. After a minute she exhaled deeply and walked into Christian’s office. She glided around Christian’s desk with a note pad. Christian looked at her.

“Are you ok? Have you been crying?”

“I am fine.”

“Are you sure.”

“Yes I am.”

Scarlett opened her note pad.

“Ok I moved your ten and eleven o’clock appointments for Monday to Tuesday. I moved your tee time to nine instead of eight and double-checked the files you gave me and someone miscounted. There are twenty seven errors not ten.”

“Twenty seven?”

“Yes sir. I made copies and highlighted them.”

“Scarlett that is a great catch. Send the highlighted files to my brother and then you can go.” 

“Oh I still have a few more things to take care of and I already sent one to him knowing that is what you would have wanted me to do. Also, Amber called again. I told her you were at a lunch meeting that is running late and would get back to her as soon as you can. She wanted to know about some ball tonight. She wanted you to be her date. So why are we ignoring Amber?”

She gave an inquisitive look at him but he didn’t even look up from his computer screen.

“I have nothing to say to her she just hasn’t gotten the message.”

“Really now?”

He looked at her and smiled.

“Yes so I figure a few more days of ignoring her she will catch on because words clearly don’t work with her.”

“Ok…So what’s the ball?”

”Every year we throw a ball for all the donators and sponsors and all of our workers, it’s a charity thing just to say thank you. It starts at 8 and lasts till like 2 or 3…I completely forgot about it.”

“I'm sorry I didn’t know or I would have reminded you.”

“I know that. I think I purposely forgot about it. But I do need to make an appearance.”

Scarlett sat in the chair across from him.

“Well its only 12 so I can get your things together for you and call Amber I am sure she would be suitable for you to show up with.”

Christian held in his laugh. “Stop it…now what about the Jefferson Park Apartments files?”

“Already sorted numbered and sent off to the financial office. I also went through the tenants list and tracked down the no pays. I separated the ones we know about from the ones we missed. And I ordered you a lunch because you have not left this office all day and eating cookies and candy from your hidden stash you think I don’t know about will not fill you up.”

“I seriously don’t know what I did before you.”

“You were very disorganized and stressed.”

“Well are you in a rush to get home?”

“Um no I actually have the house to myself this weekend. Devon has a college tour tomorrow and is hanging with his friends all weekend. And the girls are with our aunt. I am going to curl up by the fireplace sip hot chocolate and watch the snow fall.”

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