A Passion Rekindled (24 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: A Passion Rekindled
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“Not all guys.”

Scarlett smirked. “Oh come on I know you want it too, I see the wheels in your head turning.”

“What I want is to get to know you.”

He pulled her closer to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Why Mr. Bryant I think you are going to try to seduce me again?”

“No I'm just trying to kiss you.”

He grabbed her chin and tilted her face towards his. She bit her bottom lip.

“The thing about first kisses is if they are good they lead to more and if they are bad people get hurt.”

“But you will never know unless you try.”

“But this…tonight has been not what I expected. I thought it would be a drag you know but it has been a great night and I don't want to ruin it.”

“It won’t.”

He pulled her lips to his and she closed her eyes. She wanted to pretend that she didn't feel a thing but that would be a lie. Her whole body shook as his lips touched hers. She went weak in his arms as his tongue massaged hers. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. He grinned.


“So what?”

“How was this kiss?”

“It was ok.”

“Just ok?”

“Yeah just ok?”

He leaned in and kissed her neck.

“I think you are lying.”

He tickled her and she laughed and fought him off.


“Tell me the truth.”

“I am.”

He flipped her over and pinned her down.

“Tell me it was good.”


“I can torture you all night if I have to.”

He kissed her neck and went back to her lips. He licked her lips and gazed into her eyes. 

“You have beautiful eyes.”

“I like yours too.”

“Tell me you enjoyed our kiss.”

“Not going to happen.”

She knew he knew that she enjoyed it but she loved the banter. He made her feel wanted and beautiful. He nibbled on her ear and she felt herself moan.

“Tell me you liked it.”

He kissed her again and pulled her up to him she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

“Fine. The kiss was great. You are amazing.”

“No I'm not. You amaze me. Thank you for going out with me.”

“Thank you for not giving up.”

Scarlett placed her head against his chest and listened to him breath. Before she knew it, it was morning. As Scarlett awoke, she couldn’t believe how comfortable he made her feel. She looked at her watch and shook him.

“Shane we fell asleep. It's almost 8.”

“Oh really wow. I'm sorry.”

“No I had fun.”

“So how about we go to breakfast then?”

“I can’t. I would love to but I have church.”


“But you can come with me and then we can grab something.”

“You’re inviting me to church with you?”

“Yeah you have a problem with it?”

“No I just have never been invited to church after spending the night with a girl.”

“It’s not like we did anything. So will you come?”

“Sure I have to change though.”

“Ok well you can go change then come back to get me.”

“Where is your church?”

“Off of Maple Street I usually catch a ride with one of my friends.”

“Well I stay off of Hilton I think it would be faster if you changed then I did so I won’t have to come back on campus.”

“Oh ok.”

She walked out the room as she grabbed her towel. Shane scratched his head as she walked across the hall. He looked around the small double dorm room. From the bunk bed to the pictures all over the walls, he knew he wasn’t dealing with a normal girl. He picked up a picture frame she had on her desk and smiled. Scarlett was in the middle being hugged by two girls he could only name as her sisters. He walked to her desk and sat in her chair as he looked down to her notebook. He opened it as Scarlett walked back in wearing a pink and white robe covered in hearts.

“You are so nosy you know that?”


“I am just going to grab my clothes and I should be ready in about ten minutes feel free to continue snooping around and let me know if you find anything good.”

She grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a buttoned up blue shirt and as she did that he placed three breath mints into his mouth and chewed them. After he did so, he pulled her to him and smiled. She looked up into his eyes and knew he was going to kiss her. He leaned down to kiss her and she kissed him back. 

She couldn’t believe that a man could make her feel the way he made her feel by one kiss. Her knees went weak and he pulled her to him closer. As he parted her lips with his tongue, Scarlett knew she was a goner. She tried to pull away but couldn’t bring herself to do it. He untied her robe and she jerked back. He let her go and she grabbed her things.

“I should really get dressed.”

“Scarlett I am sorry I just got carried away.”

‘It’s fine.”

“No it's not. That kiss was something I have never felt in my life.”

“I haven’t felt anything like that either.”

Shane moved towards her again and she allowed him to take her in his arms again. He pushed her against the wall and pulled her up to him. She let a moan escape her lips as he kissed her neck and his hands moved over to touch her breast. She felt her eyes roll to the back of her head as his lips moved to suck on her breast. She pushed him away as her knees weakened again.

“Shane I can’t.”


He stepped back and watched as she left to get dressed. He didn't know why he loss control like that. There was just something about the way she made him feel. After she got dressed and they headed to his place all he knew was he wanted to get to know her better. soon the days together turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and Shane knew Scarlett was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

As Scarlett brought her thoughts back to reality, she was overtaken by sadness again. She thought back to that man she fell in live with. To the man who astounded her. His mind was sharp and his body was that of an Adonis, the few times a month they made love she was never disappointed. His smile would make her day even if she was in a funk. He was a sweet man who made her feel like she was the most important woman in the world. 






Chapter 8



Everything Happens…







Christian sat at his desk when Scarlett walked in.

“Hey why are you still here your appointment is in ten minutes?”

“I cancelled I just didn’t feel like going you know?”

“But what about the merger?”

“I am letting Chris handle it.”

“What’s wrong you seem distracted?”

“I don’t know it’s just one of those days.”

“You feel ok?”

“Yeah I feel fine. I would be even better if you came over here and kissed me.”

She walked over to him and kissed him. He pulled her down to him. She smiled.

“I want to make you a thank you dinner of chicken Parmesan.”

“How did you know chicken Parmesan was my favorite?"

“A good girlfriend knows it all. So what do you say dinner at six thirty?”

“I would be honored. Can I bring anything?”

“Just yourself.”

There was a knock on the door and Chris walked in. Scarlett stood up and walked over to Chris.

“Hey little brother. Scarlett looking beautiful as usual how are you doing today?”

He hugged her.

“I am great. Tell Jay I had a blast at the movies and I am going to call her later.”

“And how do you know I am going to see her today?”

“Cause you are.”

“So true.”

“Well oh I got to go pick up Angel, Chris have fun with Jay and Christian I will see you…at six thirty?”

Scarlett walked out as Christian nodded. Chris looked at his brother.

“Six thirty huh? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“No. Scarlett invited me over for dinner as a thank you for everything I have done for her.”

“And that is it.”


“No. I saw you two at the ball. You are falling hard for this one aren’t you?”

“I like her so much Chris. She is not like anyone I have ever been with.”

“I kind of figured that after you laid that big kiss on her at the ball.”

“I was in the moment.”

“Apparently, Amber threw a huge fit at the ball. She went up to Scarlett and told her she doesn’t belong in our world. And that you and her were destined to be together.”


“Yeah Jay said when they went to the bathroom Scarlett and Amber got into it but Scarlett can hold her own she put Amber in her place.”

“Why didn’t she tell me it's not like we haven’t been around each other since then.”

“Isn’t it obvious? This girl has it bad for you I think she is in love with you and I have a feeling you love her too. I just don’t want to see you hurt her.”

“Why does everyone think I'm going to hurt that girl? Why is it so hard to believe that maybe I won’t do to her what I did to the others. Maybe it’s possible to like someone so much that you can’t dream of hurting them.”

“So do you love her?”

“Maybe I do. But how does that sound? We haven’t even been dating that long and I know I love her.”

“We all know you love her maybe it was love at first sight but it’s about time you admitted it. That’s a pretty big step. But why do I feel there is a “but” coming on?”

“We went out a couple weeks ago before you called me in and I let it slip that I loved her.”

“That’s a good thing?”

Chris looked at him. “Unless she didn’t take it well.”

“It wasn’t her that didn’t take it well. It was me. I got freaked out and before I could respond you called.”

“Why did you get freaked out?”

“I don’t know. She is the best assistant I have ever had and I worked so hard at trying to get her to admit she wanted to be with me. Now that she wants to be with me, and I feel like I am complete with her it just seems too good to be true. But Chris when I kiss her I feel like I am on top of the world.”

“Ok so where is the “but”?”

“I am so freaked out about being with her. I can’t expect her to understand that I am the job. Like we were out having fun and then you called me and I had to leave her.”

“What does leaving for work have to do with being with her? We are all the job but if she loves, you like mom does dad and Jay does me she makes it work. She understands work has to come first at least until you are married.”

“Marriage wow I can’t even think about that.”

“You know what mom would say.”

“Yeah I do so that’s why we know what to say when she brings it up.”

“Oh you remember then?”


Chris cleared his throat and spoke in a high tone.

“Son are you really thinking about marrying that girl?”

Christian shook his head.

“Marriage? Who’s talking about marriage I could never marry a girl like Scarlett. She is not right for me or the position she would hold as my wife. Please she is an assistant that is what she is good at.”

Chris laughed.

“Oh no mom I am just dating Jay until something better comes along.”

“Well you know there is this new girl in accounting.”

They laughed. Scarlett knocked on the door. Christian looked up. She stood there for a moment then cleared her throat.

“I forgot to tell you that your mom is sending over some files that you guys need to get to at your earliest convinces.”

“Thanks Scarlett.”

“I will see you tonight.”

She smiled and walked out the room and to the elevator. The phone rang and Christian looked out the door then picked it up.


“I have some news about your little girl friend.”

“Who is this? Amber?”

“She is not watching her brother and two sisters she is watching one brother one sister and her daughter.”

Christian rolled his eyes.


“She has a daughter. That is what her secret is.”

“You think so?”

“Christian I saw how she was all over you at the ball so I did some research and let me tell you she is con artist.”

“And who exactly is she conning?”

“You and your family.”

“So you are saying she has a kid and she is conning us. So that’s not really her mother in shrines and she is not who she says she is.”

“Ok so maybe not a con artist but get this she was involved with a drug dealer. What kind of look will that be for the company when they find out that Christian Waters is dating a drug addict.”

“So now she’s a drug addict.”

“Well why else would she be dating a drug dealer?”

“Amber you have really lost it this time. I got to go.”

“I am serious ask Jayla I am sure she knows.”

“Good bye Amber.”

Christian hung up and laughed Amber was crazy sometimes. Chris stared at him.

“What was that about?”

“I should have known that Amber would do some digging into Scarlett’s past.”

“So she found out about Angel?”


“So did Scarlett tell you about what happened?”

“Yes she did and as much as it breaks my heart I am ok with it.”

“You’re not mad at me for not telling you?”

“No I know she asked you to let her do it.”

“Wow you are really in love with her aren’t you?”

“After everything she has been through and how she has made a way for Devon, Angel, and Maggie. Chris I don't know how not to want to be with her.”

“It’s about time little brother. I have to warn you though. Being in love is not so easy.”

“But its worth it right?”

“Love is always worth it. But I am going to tell you like I told Scarlett. Be prepared for the haters. There is always someone who is against your relationship and some may mean well but come across intimidating. You just can’t let them get to you.”

“I know this. But I won’t lose her.”

His mind went back to Scarlett. He hoped she was up for the challenge of being with him.




Scarlett ran to the door and smiled as she opened it. She bit her lower lip as she looked Christian up and down. He wore Khaki pants and a baby blue button down long sleeve shirt with a black sports coat. Christian pulled her to him and covered her lips with his. His hands wrapped around her waist and loved the feel of the silk material she wore. The light purple knee length dress clung to Scarlett in ways Christian loved. She wrapped her arms around him as he moved inside the house. He shut the door and pulled his lips from hers. She smiled.

“Now that is a way to say hi.”

“Oh sorry I forgot. Hi.”

She laughed at him.

“You are right on time dinner is just about ready.”

Scarlett walked into the kitchen. Christian followed and smiled as he saw her busying herself around the stove.

“So where is everyone?”

“Chris was taking Devon to a game and had extra tickets and he and Jay thought it would be fun to bring the girls along as well. They took them to Cincinnati so they won’t be back till very late.”

She gave him a wink and he smiled at her. “Oh that’s good. So you and Jay seem to be becoming good friends.”

“Yeah I like her a lot. She reminds me of me kind of.”

“So something smells so good right now.”


“So did you hear me this afternoon?”

Scarlett looked at him and smiled looking back at the stove.  “Yes I did. But Chris explained to me what you guys were doing.”

“Scarlett please don’t be mad, I don’t feel that way it’s just.”

“Your mom just doesn’t think I am good enough for you or your family. And I don’t say I blame her.”

“It doesn’t matter what she thinks…I have these strong feelings for you and something tells me you do too.”

“I do I told you I do and you said you understood where I stand. You said you wanted to be with me.”

“I do. You are good enough for me. Better than good you’re the best.” 

“Well Amber feels differently apparently.”

Scarlett said bitterly.

“Amber is whatever but what I'm saying is I do have feelings for you. I have since I first laid eyes on you. But you have to understand I have a life in the spot light and it just I don’t even know what I want to say. I just really want to kiss you.”

She turned towards him. “And what makes you think I want to kiss you?”

“You’re showing all the normal signs. You’re sweaty and nervous. Can’t stop looking at my lips. You know you want to kiss me too. So why fight it.”

“I don’t want to be hurt and I don’t want to get in so deep and have to crawl out from a broken heart. I've done that before and I won’t do it again.”

Christian walked closer to her and pulled her close.

“Scarlett I want you to hear me. I really like you. You are so sweet and cute and you are a great assistant. And all I want is to kiss you.”

Christian pulled her lips to his and kissed her. He held her close as his lips explored hers. Scarlett wanted to pull away but she was over taken by the pure pleasure she felt from his kiss. The way he held her close and kissed her with all the passion in the world just made her feel so good. He pushed her against the counter and she pulled off his jacket. 

He moved his lips to her neck and laid a trail of kisses down the side. She started to unbutton his shirt and kissed his neck. He sat her on the counter and pulled her legs up to him, as he stroked her thighs as he pulled her dress up. Scarlett could feel his hardness through his pants. He kissed a trail to her breast when his phone rang.

“Just ignore it. Please just ignore it.”

“I want to but you know I can’t. It could be important. Hello. Hey, man I'm kind of busy can I call you back…what Monday yeah I am free in the afternoon. Alright bet.”

Christian hung up his phone and looked down to Scarlett.

“Now where were we?”

Scarlett pushed him away from her.

“I think we should stop now before something happens.”

“No come on.” Christian whined.

She hopped down from the counter.

“No…I'm serious. Let’s just eat.”

“Fine.” He huffed disappointedly.

Christian buttoned his shirt back up and went to the table, as Scarlett straightened her dress out. Christian looked after her as she grabbed the plates from the cupboard.

“So can I ask you a personal question?”

“Yeah sure.”

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