Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (18 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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“Answer me, Morgan. Is that what you want?”

“Yes, god yes. All of it. All of you.”

Her voice sounded raspy and thick, as if she’d had to push it out.

Wolfe kissed her lobe, smiling at her shiver. “Good girl. Gunner, our lover needs you.”

Gunner grinned, though Wolfe could see the strain on his friend’s face. The man seemed as far gone as Morgan. Gunner shifted over, taking Morgan’s face in his hands as he leaned in close, brushing his lips over hers. The loving gesture had Morgan’s eyes tearing before a couple slipped free. Gunner smiled, kissing each cheek then caressing her mouth, allowing her to savor the brush of flesh before sliding his hand behind her neck and deepening the kiss. Wolfe braced her weight against him as her strength seemed to wane a bit, her body trembling when the other man finally released her.

Gunner palmed her jaw, holding her gaze. “Is what Wolfe said true? Do you want my cock?”

“Fuck, yes. Just stop teasing me. I’m so damn close.”

“Can’t have you coming on Ham’s shaft so soon, honey. You might make the man finish before he’s had enough time to memorize how tight you feel, how strongly you hold him inside you. I bet it’s hot and wet, just like your mouth’s going to be.”

Morgan huffed, opening her mouth when Ham pushed into her again, making whatever words she’d had rasp into a hiss of pleasure. Gunner took the opportunity to bring his shaft to her lips, waiting to see if she truly wanted him. Morgan lifted one of her hands off of Ham’s shoulders, wrapping her fingers around the base of Gunner’s dick. He moaned, his head lolling back as she drew her fist up his length, coaxing a drop of pre-cum from the tip before moving it back down.

“Damn, you boys are large. I’m not sure I’ll fit all of you. Not together.”

Wolfe kissed her neck. “All in good time. Just focus on Gunner for now while Hamilton keeps you wet and wanting.”

She held Gunner’s crown up to her lips, darting out her tongue to lick away the pearly drop of fluid. The brief contact made the man tense and his shaft flared in her hand. Wolfe hissed. Fuck, watching her tease Gunner was making his dick harder than ever. Wolfe reached between them, squeezing his length in the hopes of staving off his release. Then Morgan sealed her lips around Gunner’s cock and slowly took him into her mouth.

“Shit, honey.” Gunner’s voice was harsh. Desperate. The veins in his neck straining.

“Damn, sweetheart. You’re killing the man.” Wolfe reached out, tentatively touching Morgan’s lips before sliding them down to where her mouth rimmed Gunner’s shaft. He needed to know what it felt like to have the man at her mercy. To know she held the ultimate power without even trying.

The man’s skin felt smooth and silky soft, an interesting contrast to the hard strength beneath his fingers. He rested the pads on the edge of her lips, sliding his grip back and forth with her mouth, feeling her saliva coat Gunner’s and his skin. It was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever experienced.

Gunner growled, visibly prying his eyelids open as his gaze met Wolfe’s. The man’s focus shifted to where Wolfe touched his cock then back again, an odd emotion flashing in the man’s eyes. Wolfe half considered drawing his hand back when Gunner’s shoulders drooped slightly, his eyes drifting shut again.

“Fuck, Wolfe. I’ll never last with both of you touching me.”

“That’s the plan, buddy.”


Wolfe chuckled, keeping his hand tight around Gunner’s dick for several more passes before finally drawing it back, watching Morgan slide her fingers up to maintain the grip Wolfe had used on the man. Gunner hissed again and Wolfe knew his buddy was close.

Morgan hummed, pulling free to dip her head down and lave his sac. A guttural moan filled the room, as his friend threaded his fingers through Morgan’s hair, gently guiding her back to his dick. Morgan tsked at him, taking her time with his body before licking the head again.

“Dangerous move, Morgan. You can only tempt me so much.”

“Before you what? Come? ‘Cause I know you’d never do anything else.”

Wolfe laughed. “She’s got you there buddy. Best you just enjoy.”

Morgan smiled, her lips pulling tight when Hamilton slammed into her from below, subtly reminding her he wasn’t near done with her yet, either.

“Looks like Ham’s getting antsy, too, sweetheart. Finish Gunner and I’ll help you and Ham along.”

Hamilton glanced at him, eyes darkening, but he didn’t speak as he increased his thrusts, his movement more erratic than before. Morgan seemed to falter as her head bowed low for a moment before she sucked in an audible breath then latched onto Gunner’s shaft, taking the man deep.

“Fuck. Morgan. God, girl, too good.” Gunner started moving with her, pumping in and out of her mouth with measured strokes. “Can’t hold on. So damn hot.”

Wolfe pressed firmly against her back, his lips caressing her ear. “Take all of him. Swallow all of it.”

Hamilton hissed. “Shit, Wolfe. She’s creaming my damn cock.”

Wolfe winked at Ham. “You’re welcome.”

“Fuck me.”

“Just say the word, buddy.”

Hamilton groaned, closing his eyes as Morgan rode him, her mouth still working Gunner. Gunner touched her face, gaining her attention as he raised his brow in silent question. She answered by taking him deep, her neck clenching as she made a muffled swallowing noise.

“Shit. No, Morgan. Fuck.”

Gunner increased his thrusts, pistoning in and out of her mouth a dozen more times before his body stiffened and he shouted her name, hips flexing as his head tilted back, his muscles tensing.

Wolfe heard her swallow again, and closed his eyes against the punch of pure lust to his gut. He took several deep breaths, finally opening his eyes and focusing on her. Gunner had leaned over her, one hand braced on her shoulder as he panted out his breath. Morgan rested with her head against his abdomen, dropping tender kisses on his skin. Even Hamilton had stopped moving, apparently just as mesmerized by the act as Wolfe.

The couple stayed wrapped together for several heartbeats before Gunner eased away, falling to his knees in front of her. He gave her a gentle kiss then collapsed beside Ham, one of his arms resting over Ham’s chest.

Wolfe noted how damn hot the men looked together then cupped Morgan’s chin and pulled her in for a kiss. She opened for him and he tasted the salty essence of Gunner’s release on her tongue. The heady flavor spiked his need and he broke the kiss, knowing he needed to speed things along or he’d be finished before he ever got inside her.

“Shit that was hot. Now it’s Ham’s turn. Time to blow his mind, sweetheart.”

Morgan moaned, bracing both her hands on Hamilton’s shoulders again as Wolfe slipped one of his hands under her ass, helping her ride the other man. Morgan’s skin flushed a deeper shade of red and he knew she was close.

“I want to feel you come around him. Feel him explode inside you.” Wolfe shifted slightly, smoothing his free hand down the cleft of her ass, spreading two fingers along her pussy, encircling Ham’s shaft as it moved in and out of her sheath. He was about the same width as Gunner, with the same silky smooth skin.

“God damn, Wolfe. I can barely stand how tight Morgan is. You squeezing me like that…” He huffed out a series of breaths, his rhythm faltering.

Morgan tensed, her nails biting into Ham’s chest as her head crashed into Wolfe’s chest. “God. Ham. Now. Now. Now.”

She arched backwards, Ham’s name leaving her lips on a cry as her eyes rolled back and she climaxed, her sheath pulsing around Ham’s shaft.

“Holy shit. I can feel you coming, sweetheart. Feel you squeezing him, coating his cock. So warm, so fucking wet.” He moved his hand from under her ass, still grasping Ham where he joined Morgan, as he wrapped the other arm around her waist, holding her while she spasmed.

Hamilton grunted, hips jerking a few more times before he stiffened, his dick flaring against Wolfe’s hand before the rhythmic pulses of his release throbbed through his length.

Wolfe held the other man as he emptied inside Morgan, finally easing his hand free and cinching it around their girl. She leaned completely against him, and he suspected she’d have collapsed onto Ham if he hadn’t kept her upright. Heavy breathing filled the air as the scent of sex wafted around them.

Wolfe kissed her forehead, drawing her sweat-dampened hair back from her face. “That was beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

Morgan gave him a weak smile, blinking several times before finally opening her eyes. A ring of green gazed up at him and she leaned in, offering her mouth. He accepted, keeping the kiss gentle, tender. The occasional tremor shivered through her, the aftereffects of her orgasm warming her skin to his touch. He nuzzled her nose when they finally parted, content just to hold her in his arms.

She kissed his chin, drawing his attention. “I need you.”

He drew his brow together, giving her body a quick sweep. “You’re exhausted. I can wait.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand. It’s not about the sex. I. Need. You.”

Her words seized his heart and held tight, making him struggle to draw in enough air. “Morgan.”

“You know it’s true. Gunner. Ham. I need all of you and this…” She took one of his hands and placed it on her chest over her heart. “I need you in here. Need to feel your heart beat with mine. Need to know this is so much more than just two people screwing. I need to feel your love, Wolfe. Give you mine in return.”

“God, Morgan.”

He took her mouth, letting his emotions guide him until he thought he’d pass out if he didn’t breathe. She rested her forehead on his, breath mixing, hearts thrashing.

He palmed her cheek, knowing he’d never be the same. “I’m yours, sweetheart. However you need me.”

He lifted her off Ham, twisting on the bed, laying her down beneath him as Ham and Gunner shifted enough to give them room. His cock nudged her entrance and he moved his hips just enough to sink the head inside her. Sweet, hot pressure encased his shaft as he slowly claimed her sex, stopping when her slick heat coated his sac.

“So tight. So perfect. You’re perfect. God, I love you. We all do.”

A wash of tears spilled down her cheeks and he bent forward, kissing them away as he set up an easy rhythm, slowly easing out before pumping back in, reclaiming every lost inch. He felt Gunner and Ham move to either side of them, each man palming his back. Wolfe closed his eyes as their hands coasted over his buttocks, brushing past his balls to finger his cock, holding him with two digits the way he’d done to Ham. Their touch preceded every retreat, followed every thrust, ratcheting up his need until it burned a path down his spine, threatening to unhinge him with every stroke. Tiny vibrations quivered the length of his shaft as Morgan drew a quick breath, her heels pressing tighter against the small of his back.

A groan sounded beside him as Ham leaned closer. “Fuck, bro. I can feel her starting to come.”

Gunner ghosted into view on the other side. “Come for us, Morgan. Trust us enough to give Wolfe all of you.”

Her gaze darted between the three men before her breath hitched, her head straining backwards. She held her breath, clenching her jaw before crying Wolfe’s name as she came, head thrashing side-to-side, body convulsing beneath Wolfe.

“Morgan. Damn.”

Wolfe lowered his head, resting it on her shoulder as he lost himself in the flood of moisture along his shaft. He dragged his cock the length of her channel then let go, claiming her with complete abandonment. The room around him faded, collapsing in on itself until all that remained were the four of them, entwined on the bed, her body surrounded by them.

He pounded into her, all concept of time lost until the fire shot forward, taking him with it. He came with a shout of her name, the feel of her body contracting around him pulling him under. He fell to the bed, his weight braced on his elbows as he breathed through his release, praying he wasn’t squishing her into the damn mattress.

Ham and Gunner each hissed out a breath beside him, slowly easing their hands free. The glide of their fingers across his sac made him jerk his hips again, another ripple tearing through him.

Ham chuckled. “Sensitive, isn’t it?”

“You should know, jackass.” Wolfe slowed his breathing.

He gave his head a shake, gazing down at the woman in his arms. Dark lashes rested against pale skin, her tousled hair clinging to her face. He brushed the strands away, smiling at the sheer beauty of her. He still couldn’t believe she was theirs. That they deserved someone as giving, as passionate as Morgan, but he’d be damned if he was going to argue. And he knew he and the guys would do anything to keep her safe.

He leaned in, nuzzling her nose. “Morgan? You okay?”

She hummed, drifting off again.

“Hey, sleepyhead. We need to get you cleaned up. Then we’ll all rest.”

Her mouth pursed into a delightful pout as creases formed over her nose. “Later. Too tired.”

“Sorry, sweetheart. But you won’t sleep properly like this.” He smiled down at her when she cracked one eyelid open. “We’ll do all the work. Promise.”

Gunner leaned in, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll go get that gravity shower going. And Ham can make sure the bed’s all ready while Wolfe carries you in. We’ll have you tucked back under the covers in five minutes tops.”

Her frown deepened. “Are you coming back to bed with me?”

Gunner smiled. “Couldn’t keep us out if you tried.”

“Fine. But no more than five minutes. And you all have to come back.”


Gunner vaulted off the bed, disappearing out the door. Hamilton moved next, mumbling something about towels and more blankets.

Morgan yawned before gazing up at Wolfe, a sleepy, contented smile curling her lips. “Thank you.”

He scoffed. “Sweetheart, you were the one who gave us the gift.”

“I’d argue, but you damn SEALs are too stubborn.”

“It’s a trait we share. Now come on. Gunner’s waiting by now.”

He eased off of her, instantly missing the warmth of her body before rolling to his feet. She laughed as he scooped her off the bed, snuggling her into his chest as he made for the door. Looked as if the mission hadn’t been a complete bust after all. And if their luck held for another couple of weeks, they’d have their girl safe at home, and a lifetime’s worth of love ahead of them.

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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