Read What Remains_Reckoning Online
Authors: Kris Norris
Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance
He didn’t reply. She sighed, not sure what to say when his hand landed on the small of her back, slowly smoothing up her spine. She shivered despite the touch of anger heating her skin, trying not to lose herself in the sensual glide of his fingers.
His body pressed harder against hers, his lips dancing along her nape. “We do want you, Morgan. So damn much it hurts.”
She finally turned to stare at him, her chest tightening at the pained look on his face. She nuzzled her face against his mouth, knowing she’d give them anything, do anything just to take that pain away. “I miss all of you.”
“We’re right here, honey. Haven’t gone anywhere.”
“Physically, no. But your minds are always focused on the job. On the end game. Sometimes I talk and you don’t even hear me.” She shrugged. “I understand why. And I’ll deal with it.”
Wolfe growled, moving over and kneeling in front of her. “We don’t want you to just
with it. But Christ, we’re soldiers. It’s always been about the end game.”
“Sometimes, it’s the journey that matters.” She smiled, an idea taking hold. “Are the doors barricaded?”
Wolfe nodded, looking at her as if she might have lost her mind. “Of course. First thing Ham did.”
“What about the windows? They secure?”
“Fuck, yeah. Nothing’s getting in or out.”
“Ham? Is your fire going to burn out without you tending to it for the next hour or so?”
Ham wrinkled his nose. “More like two, why?”
“Well then other than opening up a disgusting can of beans and pretending to eat them, I’d say you three have finished everything on your ‘must have’ list to keep me safe.” She cocked her head. “Sounds as if you’ve got time to take care of my emotional needs.”
Ham joined them, staring down at her. “What needs are those?”
“The ones where you make me feel loved. Beautiful. Like I’m someone special.”
“You are someone special. Shit, haven’t we told you enough?”
“Girl, not SEAL. Sometimes I need to be shown.”
Morgan held back the chuckle in her chest at the identical frowns on the men’s faces. It was in direct opposition to the heat smoldering in their gazes. They wanted her, wanted each other. But they didn’t know how to stop being soldiers long enough to let it happen. Wolfe huffed, and she let the chuckle bubble free.
His gaze intensified. “Not sure what you find amusing.”
“You. All of you. Not sure you guys know how to truly relax. Can’t imagine what you three were like at parties.”
“We didn’t party. There wasn’t time. A few beers with the squad, the odd formal gathering.”
“That explains a lot.” She sighed, pushing the ache that had taken root between her legs to the background. “Fine. You win. Set up your stakeout schedule. Determine who’s going to babysit me first. I’m going to bed.” She pushed to her feet only to be surrounded by all three men.
Gunner took the lead, palming her hips as he drew her into his chest. “We’re not babysitting you. We’re making sure you stay alive.”
“Managed that for nearly two years on my own, Gunner.”
He growled. “Don’t remind us. All it does is make us imagine all the ways you could have been hurt. Killed. Or worse.”
She leaned into him, letting her head fall into the crook of his shoulder. “I told you that I understood. I’m not happy with it, but I know it’s an argument I won’t win.”
“Didn’t sound as if you understood, honey. You sounded pissed.”
“Unhappy, pissed. They tend to go hand-in-hand. But I won’t press the subject again.” She eased out of his embrace, pushing her way through the other two men before glancing back at them. “Is there anything else I need to do before getting some sleep?”
Wolfe frowned, crossing his arms on his chest. “You haven’t eaten.”
She waved it off. “I’ll have something before we leave in the morning.” She held up her hand. “Don’t start with me, Wolfe. I’m quite capable of knowing when I need to eat. My stomach’s been a bit off.”
Concern creased his brow. “You okay?”
“Just tired. Can I sleep now?”
He nodded, and she moved into the adjoining room. At least most of the cabins they’d found hadn’t been ransacked, the original furniture still useable. She crawled onto the mattress, grabbing a pillow and wrapping her arms around it.
Ham watched Morgan walk into the other room, her silhouette blending into the shadows of the room as she climbed on the bed. One of them would venture in after they’d given her a few minutes to get settled, though he wasn’t sure she’d be pleased.
He glanced at Wolfe and Gunner. “I hate seeing her like this.”
Gunner grunted. “Her safety comes first. She understands that.”
“Hey, don’t preach to the choir, bro. But she does have a point. We can’t make guarantees.” Ham flipped Wolfe off when the man glared at him. “Don’t look at me like that. I know we’ll do everything physically possible to keep her out of harm’s way. But the world is different. These things don’t play by our rules. And they’re getting faster. Smarter. There may come a time we just can’t outmaneuver them. Might be years from now, but… I’m just saying she has a point. Eventually, we’re going to have to come to terms with that and learn to live in the moment. Make the most out of every opportunity.” He gazed into the room. “Love her every chance we get.”
Gunner closed the distance. “You really think you can let your guard down here enough to make love to her?”
Ham grinned. “Do you honestly think we wouldn’t be turning the SEAL part of us back on in a fucking second if we had to? Look around. We haven’t seen a living soul since we left that damn camp. Infected have been pretty spread out. And thankfully, they haven’t learned how to break through windows or unlock doors. They aren’t getting in here. A human…” He shrugged. “Maybe. But not without alerting us. And I know for a fact, no matter how focused Wolfe might be fucking one of us, the man’s never completely gone. None of us are.”
Wolfe glared at him. “Why the fuck do you always think I’m the one who’s not a hundred percent invested?”
“Easy big boy. We still love you. It’s just your nature.” Ham raised a brow. “You denying it?”
“No. Just pisses me off it’s that obvious.”
“How long have we known each other? Christ, you fucked me in the ass. I think I know you pretty damn well.” He gave Wolfe a cunning smile. “If you ask me, the sexual tension between us is one of the reasons we’re holding back. While we’re all good with this, I think a part of us is still worried about what Colby and the others will say.”
Wolfe grunted. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone else says.”
“Good. ‘Cause what we have—between us and with Morgan—it’d be worth breaking ranks over.”
Gunner punched him in the shoulder. “Not necessary. I’ll explain everything to Colby and Hunter. But I guarantee that it won’t faze them.” He glanced into the room. “I swear she’s already asleep. Fuck, she’s pushing herself hard.”
Wolfe carded a hand through his hair. “Part of the reason we love her. But she knows we’re running out of time. This convoluted path back is taking ten times as long. For every mile we go north, we cover five more going every other direction. And this terrain… Shit, even I’m feeling it.”
“Can’t risk the towns. Not with these zombie bastards moving the way they do.”
“We’re nearly out of supplies. We have to hit a town tomorrow and stock up. Even if it’s just a can or two.”
“I fucking hate this shit.” Gunner blew out a raspy breath. “Agreed. Town tomorrow then back to the trail. We’ve got to be getting close to where we ditched the damn Hummer. Maybe we can reclaim it.”
“Worth a try—”
Wolfe’s voice cut off as Morgan’s scream split the air. Ham darted forward, Wolfe already two strides ahead. Fuck the man was quick. They scrambled into the room, Wolfe vaulting over to the other side of the bed as Gunner made a few tight circles, scanning every inch before turning to look at Morgan. She thrashed on the bed, sweat beading her brow.
Ham lunged onto the mattress, gripping Morgan’s shoulders as he gave her a firm shake. She screamed again, flailing against him before her eyes sprang open and she bolted upright, chest heaving, gaze darting frantically around the room. Tremors racked her body before a sob broke free, and she curled into Ham’s arms, tears dampening his neck.
Ham stroked her hair and along her back, rocking gently as he kissed her temple. “Easy, baby. It was just dream.”
She nodded, but he could tell by the way she fisted his shirt, she wasn’t anywhere close to being okay.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She shook her head, another sob muffled against his chest.
His heart clenched. “God. Morgan. Baby, we’re right here.”
She lifted her face to his, tears dotting her cheeks, and took a shaky breath, plastering on a fake smile. “It’s fine. Really. I just need a minute.”
“Bullshit. You’re shaking. Fuck, I’ll kill that son of a bitch.” He knew it’d been about Beau. Nothing else would terrorize her that much. He glanced at Wolfe and Gunner as they lowered onto the edge of the bed.
Gunner nodded. Wolfe got up then marched out the door, and Ham knew the man was making one last round of the small cabin. Morgan was right. Sometimes they needed to focus on what was staring them in the face. They’d made the place as safe as possible. Now they needed to quiet her demons. Give her memories worth keeping.
Chapter Fifteen
Morgan stared at Ham, watching his features sharpen. He looked like he had the first night they’d met, when Beau had demanded Ham give her over to the other man. She’d known in her heart then that he wasn’t like Beau or the others at the camp, and her chest tightened at the fact she’d found three men who hadn’t allowed the end of humanity to compromise theirs.
She reached for his chin, drawing her finger back along his jaw. “Ham. It’s okay. It’s just a dream. I know I’m safe.” She shrugged. “I’m sure the nightmares will lessen with time.”
“Fuck that. You shouldn’t have to deal with them now. Period. That bastard—”
“Isn’t you. Or Wolfe or Gunner. And this only makes me love you guys more.”
His eyes softened. “Love you, too, baby. More than you’ll ever know. So much that it blinds us. Makes us crazy with this need to keep you safe. But you were right. We can’t live only for the future, not when it’s so damn uncertain. And you deserve to know how much we love you. To have us show you.” He leaned in, brushing his lips over hers. “If you’ll still have us, we’d like to show you just how deep that love goes.”
The mattress sagged to one side as Wolfe returned, crowding them on the bed. He frowned as he tucked some hair behind her ear. “We’re sorry. If we’d gone to bed with you…”
“Shhh.” She placed a finger over his mouth. “You’re here now. And I’ll always have you. Unconditionally.”
She dragged Wolfe’s head to her with a single finger, molding her lips to his. His kiss was tender, sweet. Not his usual dominating force. A few more tears slipped free as she eased back, smiling at Wolfe when he brushed them away.
Concern clouded his eyes. “You okay?”
“I’m so much better than okay.”
“So those are happy tears?”
She chuckled. “I know. A strange concept for a guy, let alone a SEAL. I swear you three only think in extremes.”
“Extremes keep you sharp. Save your ass.”
“Mmm. I can think of a few things I’d like done to your ass.”
“God damn, Morgan.”
He tugged her into his chest, this kiss demanding. Hot. He plundered her mouth, tangling her tongue with his before quickly releasing, his lips dropping to her neck. Light bites followed his path toward her shoulder, his hands moving until he could lift her shirt over her head and toss it behind him.
Ham joined in from behind, unclipping her bra and smoothing the straps off her shoulders, wedging his fingers between her and Wolfe as he tore the garment free. A zipper sounded off to her left, and she turned as Gunner shucked his pants and briefs over his hips, kicking them aside.
His thick, hard cock sprang forward, the heavy length settling between his thighs. Her breath left her on a hum of approval just as Ham chuckled in her ear.
“Fucking tempting as shit, isn’t he?” Ham shuffled over to the edge of the bed. “But you’ve already had a turn to taste him, baby. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll share.”
Ham slid to his knees, palming Gunners shaft in one hand as he licked the head before stretching his mouth over the crown and taking the man deep.
“God damn, Ham. Haven’t you heard of easing a guy into it?”
Ham pulled away as he leaned back. “You fucking complaining?”
Gunner grunted. “Hell no. I’m just not going to last more than a damn minute this way. And I don’t want to look like a pussy.”
“I’ll just assume it’s my technique, bro. A benchmark for you to match.”
Gunner groaned this time as Ham descended again, Gunner’s head tilting back as his hands sank into Ham’s hair. Morgan watched Ham work Gunner’s cock, her pussy contracting emptily. Damn, they were hot. Their strong muscular bodies flexing in the dim moonlight, their skin just starting to bead with sweat.
Wolfe nuzzled her neck. “I could sit here watching them all night. But I can smell what they do to you, sweetheart. What we do to you. And we both know I’m just not that patient.”
He moved his hands to her pants, quickly tugging them free before shoving her onto her back, his hard body coming over hers. He claimed her mouth again then moved lower, licking and sucking one nipple as he toyed with the other. His biceps strained as he braced his weight on one arm, his clothes rasping across her skin.
She speared her fingers through his hair, holding him tight to her breast, knowing she could come from his touch alone. Wolfe hummed against her skin, switching sides, building the coiling heat in her groin.
He finally released her, kissing his way along her ribs, dropping a couple on the ones she’d broken before continuing down, licking her bellybutton. “I’d love to see a damn piercing here. God, it’d drive Gunner ape-shit.”
“Get me a needle…”