Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (23 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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He chuckled. “We’ll see if Abby can help out once we’re back.” He trailed one hand over her hips to her thighs. “Open up for me, sweetheart. I can’t wait to taste you.”

The fluttering in her gut intensified as he wedged his body between her legs, baring her clit to the cool air. It contracted in response, drawing another moan from him.

“Shit. Do that again against my tongue.” His mouth dipped lower, his tongue parting her folds to lap at the small bud.

It quivered in response.

“God. Wolfe.”

The man preformed oral sex the way he did everything else—hard. Determined. Her release built quickly, heat punching through her core. Gunner moaned in the distance, and she glanced his way, inhaling sharply at the scene. Ham’s head bobbing back and forth, one hand holding Gunner’s shaft as the other moved between the man’s legs.

Wolfe nipped at her clit, drawing her attention back to him. “Does it make you hot to know Ham has his finger up Gunner’s ass? That he’s a few strokes away shooting down Ham’s throat?”

“Yes.” The single word sounded harsh. Raw. Mimicking the way she felt.

“Do you remember what it felt like to be in Ham’s place? To have Gunner surrender to you?” He slid his fingers through her slit, thrusting inside her. “Fuck, I can still taste him on my tongue. Now, I want to taste you. I want you to watch them. Watch Gunner as his eyes roll back then I want you to come for me, sweetheart.”

He attacked her clit, the pressure making her back arch off the bed. She wanted to shift her attention to Wolfe, but she couldn’t drag it away from the men. There was just something mesmerizing about the way Ham moved, the throaty moans Gunner made that held her focus and wouldn’t let go. Gunner swung his head toward her, his gaze meeting hers before his head lolled back, the cords in his neck straining. Then he was coming, hips jerking against Ham’s mouth, a guttural shout echoing around them.

Wolfe growled against her flesh, the wet sound of his fingers penetrating her pushing her higher. She closed her eyes, fighting the sensations, wanting to make the time last. Make it stop if possible. Stay suspended on the edge. Then two sets of lips latched around her nipples, giving them strong hard pulls, and she came.

Her ragged cry bounced off the walls as she convulsed around Wolfe’s mouth and hand, her fingers fisted in the blanket. Speckled dots filled her vision, and she closed her eyes against the rush of pleasure. Ham and Gunner mouthed her breasts, finally easing back and dropping soft kisses along her skin. The gentle contact burned tears in her eyes, the love in their touch more than evident.

She blinked her eyes open just as Wolfe moved over her, his warm body hot and demanding. His cock nudged her entrance, and she wrapped her legs around his back, reaching her hands to palm his shoulders. The other two men tsked, each grabbing a wrist and holding her arms above her head. The dominant act creamed more moisture from her slit, easing Wolfe’s way as he inched inside her, a steady glide of his shaft through her channel, claiming her slowly. Fully.

He bent low over her, his skin branding hers. His lips brushed across her mouth, as he smiled. “So damn tight. Wet. God, you’re amazing.” He kissed along her jaw. “Ours, Morgan. Never forget that. You’re ours.”

She nodded, each pass of his cock driving her higher. She wanted to scratch at his back, ground herself, but Ham and Gunner held fast, drawing patterns along her arms.

Gunner leaned in. “Say it. Tell us you belong to us.”

She yelled Wolfe’s name as the man thrust deep, sending her over. Her body spasmed, stealing her breath. Threatening to pull her under. Ham nuzzled her cheek, whispering soothing words as she slowly descended, the coil inside her already building again.

“Easy, baby. We’re here. But we want to hear you tell us that you belong to us as surely as we belong to you.”

Her gaze clashed with his, the truth gleaming in his eyes. She offered her mouth, earning her a nip and a light tap to her ass. Her head swung toward Gunner once Ham inched back.

Gunner rubbed his fingers along her buttocks. “Tell us.”

Her breath left her on a grunt as Wolfe slammed into her again, the single word following on a rasp of air. “Yours.”

He shook his head. “Is that the best you can do? Tell. Us.”

Ham reached between them and pinched her clit. She screamed the word as another release shattered inside her, heat billowing out in every direction. The sensations blurred her vision, and she closed her eyes as the room swayed.

“I’m still here, sweetheart. Open your eyes.”

Wolfe’s voice sounded distant, and she had to blink her eyes open.

His sexy smile filled her view. “And we’re yours. Always. Never doubt that ‘cause nothing can change that. Once we commit…” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Well, I think you’ve seen how devoted we become. And you’re our new mission. Our only mission.” He pulled out and pushed onto his hands then rocked onto his heels. “Knees. Now.”

The tenderness left his voice with those two words, nothing but burning need shaping his face. The boys released her arms, helping her turn then tucking her knees beneath her. Three sets of hands smoothed along her back and over her butt, leaving a trail of goose bumps along her legs.

“Fuck, you have an amazing ass. But I need your pussy first.” Wolfe’s hand dipped lower, grazing a path through her drenched folds before sinking inside her sex. “God, so hot. So damn tight. Can’t go easy this time. Need you too badly. Need…”

His voice trailed off, his shaft sinking an inch inside. He gave her two heartbeats to anticipate his penetration before he thrust forward, burying himself completely inside her.

She bowed her head, drawing in several panting breaths before looking at Ham. “Ham. Please.”

That boyish grin lit up his face as he claimed her mouth then moved in front of her, his cock bobbing even with her jaw. She didn’t wait for him to present it, opening her mouth and taking him deep. His fingers wove through her hair, tugging slightly as she set up a steady rhythm.

Gunner brushed his thumb along where her lips met Ham’s cock, a low throaty sound rumbling free. “Oh, Morgan. You look so damn beautiful. Ham’s dick stretching that pretty pink mouth of yours while Wolfe pounds your pussy. Fuck, I could come again just watching you.”

She released Ham, glancing at Gunner. “Wolfe…”

Her voice keened into another rasp as Wolfe landed a smack on her ass, the slight sting like a tendril of pleasure straight to her clit.

“Were you going to tell Gunner to fuck me, sweetheart?”

She looked back at him over her shoulder. “But I thought…”

His palm connected again, nearly sending her over. “We told you this was about you. About showing you how much we love you. How much we need you to stay safe. To always be there for us. Gunner can have my ass once we get back. And in such as way you’ll get a front row seat. But tonight…” He slammed into her. “Tonight we concentrate on you.”

“But Ham…”

Three more whacks stung her ass cheeks, this time igniting the orgasm just hanging out of reach. She arced against the assault, sagging toward the bed, Wolfe and Ham’s hands the only force holding her up.

Wolfe pulled out, and she wanted to scream at the loss. Fingers of release still swirled in her core, her climax far from over. Strong hands lifted her up, and she shook off the fuzziness as Ham slid beneath her, impaling her on his shaft with one, strong thrust. She came again, harder. Higher. Taking what felt like hours to finally descend. Ham stroked her spine, the repetitive motion grounding her.

Gunner curled in beside her, kissing random patches of skin. “Still here. And we’re not quite done. One more, honey. One more release.”

She shook her head. “I can’t… Too much… Too…” Her throat felt raw, the words more of a throaty rasp than anything else.

“Trust us, Morgan. One more. Then you’ll know. Know you belong to us. Know we’ll never let you go. Relax. Let Wolfe love you one more time with Ham.”

Morgan sighed in defeat, knowing she’d never deny them anything if they looked at her the way Gunner was now. Love darkening his eyes. Pride swelling his chest. She offered him her mouth, tangling her tongue with his when he leaned in. His spicy flavor filled her senses, and she blew out a calming breath as Wolfe’s hands gently splayed her ass cheeks apart, the cool feel of the lube smoothing across her hole.

Gunner grinned at her when he finally pulled back, maintaining eye contact. “That’s it. Just breathe. He’s almost in. I can tell by the way both he and Ham are clenching their jaws. I know the pressure’s incredible. Sharing you like that. But god, it feels so good.” His fingers returned to her back, the tips making patterns on her skin. “One more inch, honey. There.”

Her head hit Ham’s chest as Wolfe stopped, his cock fully inside. They waited, seemingly allowing her time to adjust before countering their movements, thrusting and retreating in turn. Pleasure burned hot along her skin, and she closed her eyes as another climax started in her ass, gradually billowing outwards. She shook her head, knowing it’d be too big, too much to contain. Panic clawed at her consciousness, and she fought to draw in air.

“Easy, Morgan.”

Gunner’s voice sounded close, but she couldn’t open her eyes. Couldn’t add yet another dimension of stimulation.

“Don’t fight it. Just let it happen.”

“Too much. I’ll pass out, I’ll…”

She screamed as the first inkling of orgasm tingled her clit. She wouldn’t be able to handle it. She’d pass out.

“Trust us. We’ll keep you safe, no matter what. And we’ll be here when you wake up. Just feel it. Let it take you.”

She nodded, her trust in them absolute, as the next two thrusts took her over. “Oh god. Yes. Now. I’m…”

Gunner reached for Morgan, holding her tight as her voice keened into an ungodly howl, her body spasming in his arms. She scratched at Ham’s chest, spine arching under the strain before her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed, her limp body strangely fragile in his embrace. Ham and Wolfe shouted her name, both jerking through their climaxes before gently pulling free and splaying out on the bed. Their combined breath rasped in the room, the heady scent of multiple releases hanging thick in the air.

Gunner gathered Morgan close, resting her cheek against his shoulder. Dark lashes curled against pale skin, the easy rise and fall of her chest stinging his eyes. He’d never imagined they’d find someone who completed them. Who made them believe in fate, hell, in true love. He closed his eyes, not sure how to deal with the sudden rush of emotion.

Wolfe sighed. “She’s incredible. I can’t believe she trusted us enough to really let go.” He pushed up onto one elbow, brushing some of her hair back from her face. “I thought she’d fight it. Demand we stop. And I would have, but…” He huffed. “Fuck. I…”

Gunner smiled. “That pretty much sums it up.”

Wolfe flipped him off. “Like you have all the right words.”

“Don’t think we need any. I love her. I’d die for her. Seems pretty simple. And it’s not just her. Same goes for you two.”

Ham rolled his eyes. “Damn, Gunner, do we have to fucking hug now or something? Because I’ll kiss you, bro. Make love to you. Give you a damn fine blowjob, but hugging. There’s a line we just can’t cross.”

“Fuck off.”

“Just did, but give me a few, and I’d be happy to finally claim your ass.”

“Yours is mine first, pretty boy.”

Ham grinned. “Stop overthinking this. We all love her…and I would have died for you guys long before we jumped in the sack. We’re good. All we have to do is get our girl home, which is proving to be a son of a bitch. Wolfe was right earlier. We have to start chancing the odd road. This trail shit is killing us, and our schedule. We’ve probably covered over five hundred miles by now, and we’re still only halfway there. We need to go a more direct route.”

“And when we run into a fucking horde we can’t handle? All of them these advanced types?”

“Either the zombies are going to get us or the mountains will.” Ham nudged him with his foot. “We could find a place and stay. Wait to see if this new development eventually passes.”

Gunner glanced down at Morgan, fear pricking the edges of his conscience. “What if she gets sick? Hurt. Hell, pregnant? Not sure I could live with myself if she died of something Abby could have treated, even with the limited supplies and her unique knowledge.”

“Then we push on. However long it takes. Do what we’ve been doing.”

Gunner glanced at Wolfe. “You agree?”

“Compound’s the only place we stand a chance against these new bastards. No question in my books. If it takes another month, so be it. We’ll need to risk a town to get supplies, but Morgan’s been true to her word. She’s found us safe locations damn near every night. I’ll put my faith in her that she’ll continue to save our asses.”

“Settled. I just hope to hell we catch a break.”


Chapter Sixteen




Morgan followed Gunner across the open field, body crouched, his hand clasped in hers. They headed for a church directly ahead of them, the stained-glass windows sparkling in the morning sun. He led her to the far corner of the building, using his arm to press her back against the stone as he kept them hidden from the street. Distant grunts sounded beyond the wall, the constant scrape of feet adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Ham and Wolfe darted in behind them, weapons tucked against their shoulders. Morgan hadn’t seen them this intense, this focused, and she realized their actions so far had been a tamed version of the soldiers they truly were. That her perceptions of them had been skewed. These were the hardened warriors. The men who didn’t accept failure.

Pride swelled in her chest. She didn’t know what she’d done to deserve them, she only knew she’d spend the rest of her life showing them they were loved. Cherished. That their faith and devotion in her meant more than anything.

Gunner peeked around the corner, cursing as he seemed to study the area before pulling back. “I count fourteen on the road. More off in that park…a dozen maybe. Hard to tell with the trees and brush. But it’s the ones on the road that concern me the most. If they’re this new kind, they’ll be on us pretty damn fast.”

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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