Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (19 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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Chapter Thirteen




“Fuck, Gunner, stop staring at us from the doorway and get your ass back in the bed.”

Wolfe’s voice jolted Gunner from his thoughts. He hadn’t realized he’d been leaning against the doorframe, just staring at the three of them entwined on the bed, But damn… When he’d walked back in after doing a patrol, the simple beauty of Morgan draped over his buddies had stopped him in his tracks. There was something unequivocally hot about the way her skin looked next to Ham and Wolfe’s. The contrast of bulging muscles against lean, smooth flesh. Wolfe hadn’t been exaggerating. They did look twice her size, and it amazed Gunner that she could take them all to their knees with nothing more than a smile.

“Gunner. Bro, Wolfe’s right. You’re starting to creep us out.” Ham shifted over on the bed, taking Morgan with him. “Besides, the view’s better up close.”

Gunner’s gaze drifted to Morgan. Sleepy eyes blinked back at him, a sexy grin lifting her lips. She arched a brow but seemed content to watch him in return as he shrugged off his jacket, grabbing the pistol and knife from his belt. Then he covered the short distance to the bed, laying the weapons on the small side table before plunking down on the mattress. Wolfe’s body connected with his, making Gunner chuckle. Fucker hadn’t shuffled over like Ham, seemingly determined to take up every damn inch of the bed. And with the size of him, it wasn’t impossible.

Gunner bent over, yanking off his boots and socks, kicking them to the side. Temperatures were definitely getting colder, and he knew if they wanted to get back to the compound, they’d have to leave in the next couple of days. Though Morgan’s side was better, she still wouldn’t be able to travel too far each day, not without risking further injury. He also knew the stubborn wench would push twice as hard and never complain.

The bed creaked a moment before Morgan’s hands landed on his waist, dipping under his shirt. She lifted the material as she smoothed her fingers up his back, kneading his muscles along the way. Gunner closed his eyes against the rush of pleasure. Fuck, all she had to do was touch him and he lost all focus. Thought only about loving her, Ham and Wolfe.

The thought made him groan inwardly. Shit, he’d crossed a few boundaries yesterday with his buddies—lines he’d suddenly realized he’d been thinking about crossing for some time. And he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Neither of them seemed fazed by anything that had transpired between them, and he wondered if that meant they were just as confused as he was. It was as if the bond they’d shared had deepened without them really noticing until Morgan had brought them together in a way that had taken them all by surprise.

Her fingers worked up to his shoulders, and he bent his head, allowing her to slip off his shirt. It rustled to the floor when she tossed it aside, her lips trailing along one shoulder blade. Heat shot through his body, spiking his cock until the damn thing pressed against his zipper, threatening to spray the tiny metal teeth across the room. Every brush of her mouth pulled him further under, until he knew he’d do anything to stay in this moment. Here. The four of them.

Morgan hummed against his neck, nipping at his ear. “You’re so damn tense. You discover something we should be concerned about?”

He clenched his teeth as she licked his ear this time. “No. It’s quiet. The fences seem to be working, and… Shit, honey. I can’t focus when you do that.”

She chuckled. “That’s kind of the point. I’d be disappointed if I couldn’t keep your attention.”

“Trust me. You’ve got it.”

“Pants getting a bit…snug?”


She exhaled, the rush of air sending shivers down his back. Her hands rubbed over his shoulders and down to his chest, her nails lightly tracing his tattoo before scratching at his nipples. “Damn, you’re big. And I love the way the ink contrasts your skin. I still can’t believe I get to have all three of you. Seems a bit unfair.”

“Fair’s overrated.” He grunted. “I sure as hell hope you’ve recovered, because as I said before, you can only tease me so much.”

She kissed the other side of his neck. “I thought this was foreplay?”

Wolfe huffed beside them. “We could get to the playing part if you’d shuck off your damn pants, Gunner. You’re not the only one feeling desperate here.”

Gunner forced his eyes open and glanced at Wolfe, noting how the blanket tented from his friend’s erection. His gaze lingered on the bulge in the sheets, and he wondered if Wolfe’s dick would be as hard as it was last night when he’d been loving Morgan? If the man’s skin would be as soft?

He shook the thoughts away. Fuck. Wolfe would have his ass if the guy knew what he’d been thinking. Of course, that was sort of where he was heading…

He cursed under his breath, focusing back on Morgan’s hands. She’d stopped exploring his body, and he looked at her over his shoulder, wondering if something was wrong. A knowing smile tilted her lips as she shot Wolfe a quick glance.

Gunner frowned. “What?”

She shrugged. “I was just wondering if you boys are ever going to act on all that sexual tension thrumming between you?”

“The only sexual tension is targeted on you.”

She sat back on her heels, giving each man a good, hard look. “Please. I’m not blind. I felt all those hands last night. And if there was any more tension between you three, you’d light up the damn room.” She gave him a tilt of her head. “You do know just thinking about it makes me wet, right?”

Gunner furrowed his brow, glancing at Wolfe and Ham even though his brain told him to deny everything. Ham wore that same playboy grin of his while Wolfe’s expression had stiffened somewhat. As if he’d been caught and didn’t know whether to run or fight.

Gunner shrugged it off. “Whatever brings you the most pleasure, honey. That’s what yesterday was about.”

“So you’ve never thought about touching Wolfe or Ham?” She leaned forward again, pressing her chest against his back as she splayed her hands along his ribs. “Never thought if Wolfe’s hands would feel different when he touched you? They’re larger, stronger than mine. Rougher. And what about his mouth? I think he’d suck your cock with far more pressure. Make you come hard and fast.”

Gunner forced himself to swallow. Morgan’s words made his entire body ache with need. He wanted to answer, to deny that he’d imagined that very act, but he couldn’t. Wolfe and Ham would know the truth regardless of what he claimed.

Morgan purred next to his ear. “And Hamilton. Shit, the man can kiss. And his ass is so firm. I’m thinking he’d be heaven to fuck.”

“God damn it, Morgan.” Gunner’s head bowed forward. He was going to fucking come in his pants.

“Do you know how excited I get picturing you three together with me like that? All of us. No boundaries. No shame. Just lips and tongues and pleasure.” Her head turned, brushing her hair against his cheek. “Wolfe? Please tell me I’m not imagining this? That you want this as much as I do?”

Gunner wouldn’t look. He couldn’t. He’d bled for Ham and Wolfe. Killed for them. Gone to hell and back just to keep them safe. He couldn’t risk staring into their eyes and seeing their rejection. Damn. He’d been fine just having those thoughts invade his subconscious. But now Morgan had revealed all his secrets, and he didn’t know how to take them back.

The bed shifted. Dipped. He forced himself to swallow, damn near choking when Wolfe’s breath coasted over his cheek. He tensed, opening his eyes as he turned, nearly bumping noses with the other man. Wolfe’s eyes had darkened and the man looked more than lethal.

He narrowed his gaze, frowning slightly before huffing. “Fuck this shit.”

He grabbed the back of Gunner’s head, wrapping a few strands of hair around his fingers then sealed his mouth to Gunner’s, his lips hard. Demanding. Gunner opened under the assault, moaning when Wolfe thrust his tongue inside, daring Gunner to deny him. A hint of coffee mixed with a heady flavor Gunner knew was Wolfe’s, the taste mimicking the man’s natural scent. He gave Wolfe control, reclaiming it when his buddy eased back slightly, pushing his tongue into Wolfe’s mouth, tracing every damn inch before finally breaking free. His breath heaved in his chest as they sat there, heads bent close, mouths still slightly open. Neither seemed to know what to say when Morgan moaned behind them.

“Oh my fucking god. That was the hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen. Please, for the love of god, tell me you enjoyed it because, damn… I want to see that again. Hell, I want to be part of it.”

Gunner reined in some control, nodding at Wolfe. “A part of me wants to deny that turned me on, but fuck…it’d be a lie.”

Wolfe grinned. “About damn time you admitted it. I’ve been getting these signals for a while, but…” He glanced at Ham. “Do we want to know what you think about this? ‘Cause I’d hate to have to kick your ass if you think it’s a bad idea.”

“Fuck you. I let you grab my dick last night, didn’t I? I thought that was a pretty damn big ‘light going on’ moment. Though I guess you muscle-types are too thick to take hints. Need to be hit over the head a few times.”

Wolfe’s smile turned wicked. “Keep talking, Ham, and I’ll christen that ass of yours right now.”

“Is that a threat, you jerk? Or a promise?”

“Fuck.” Wolfe stood, yanking Gunner to his feet. “Get out of those fucking pants, now, before I ruin them and plant your ass on the bed. Morgan, Gunner’s going to need a bit of a distraction, and I know he’s been dying to taste you.”

Her eyes went all glassy as she crawled into the center of the bed. “Only if Ham gives me the same concession. I want to taste him, too.”

“Shit, baby. I thought you’d never ask.” Ham scrambled out from beneath the blanket, tugging Morgan into his chest, claiming her mouth in a brutal kiss.

Wolfe groaned, reaching down to squeeze his cock as he watched the couple interact. Gunner fumbled with his zipper, not sure when his hands had started shaking only to have Wolfe curse then brush them aside, all but breaking the zipper as he slid it down then fisted the fabric, roughly pulling it off Gunner’s hips.

“Damn, Wolfe. That’s my only pair.”

“Then fucking do it right next time, jackass. I’m not a patient man. You know that better than anyone. And when I get my mind set on something, I don’t stop until I get it. And right now, I want your damn dick in my mouth. So lay the fuck down.”

“When the fuck did you get so damn bossy? Last time I checked, you followed my lead.”

“That’s in the field. And while I’m more than happy to let you make the decisions out there, I’ve discovered I like to be in control in here.” Wolfe pressed his chest against Gunner’s, completely invading Gunner’s personal space. “Any problems?”

“Not until you learn that I like the same thing. So don’t think your ass won’t get a pounding.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, buddy. Now, lay down.”

Gunner palmed Wolfe’s face, laying a hard kiss on his mouth before pulling back and sitting on the bed. His pulse pounded in his head, and he couldn’t remember being this excited before. Just the thought of Wolfe sucking him off while he got to lick Morgan’s pussy dry made his cock spike against his stomach.

Wolfe’s hand landed on his chest, shoving him back until Gunner’s head hit the mattress. Wolfe wedged his body between Gunner’s thighs, reminding him how damn big the guy was. He took a quick breath, not sure what to expect, when a large hand closed around his cock.

He closed his eyes, moaning when that hand traveled the length of his shaft, making the head pulse with need. Wolfe’s touch was firmer than Morgan’s. His hand callused. But there was no hesitation in his movements as Wolfe worked his fingers up and down, using just the right amount of pressure to make Gunner’s gut tense.

“Fuck, Wolfe. You’re killing me.”

“I may not have the finesse Morgan has, but I know how to get you off. God knows I’ve done it to myself a billion times. But now this…”

The movements stopped then a warm breath grazed Gunner’s crown followed by a tentative lick.

“That’s a new one for me.”

“God damn.” Gunner slid one hand into Wolfe’s blond mass of hair, lifting his head enough to gaze down at the man.

Wolfe stared up at him, flashing that arrogant smile Gunner knew all too well before rimming his lips around Gunner’s cock and taking him slowly inside.

His head fell back on the mattress again, the tight press of Wolfe’s mouth taking him instantly to the brink. Fuck, he hadn’t gotten this close, this fast, since he was a damn teenager. And all because one of his best friends had his dick in their mouth. Wolfe took him deep again, swallowing with Gunner’s shaft lodged in his throat before easing it out.

“Shit. You do that again, and I’m going to bloody well shoot down your throat.”

The man chuckled. “Not quite the deep throat I saw our girl do, but you’ll enjoy yourself. But I don’t want you to come yet. Morgan. Sweetheart, help Gunner out. He needs a distraction.”

Morgan appeared above him, her brow furrowed as she snagged her bottom lip between her teeth. Moisture clung to her mouth and he knew she’d been giving Ham’s shaft the same devastating attention she’d given Gunner last night. He grinned at her hesitation, grunting when Wolfe cupped his balls, massaging them before taking each side into his mouth.

Gunner reached for her. “I need to lick you, honey. Climb on top of me.”

A deep flush laced along her cheeks. “You want me to sit on your face?”

“Fuck, yeah. And do it quickly, girl. Or you’ll end up over our laps.”

Her eyes dilated at his words, and he made a mental note to make that particular fantasy come true once they reached the compound. Then he palmed her waist, lifting her up and across his chest, helping her straddle his shoulders. The sweet scent of her pussy engulfed his senses, and he couldn’t stop from slipping his tongue between her folds, sucking in the flavor of her.

Morgan’s breath hitched, a throaty rasp following the glide of his tongue through her slit. Her hips tilted toward him, and any reservations she’d had seemed to fade away as she pressed her mound against his mouth, increasing the pressure.

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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