Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (26 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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“Well, well. How nice to have you back, Morgan. I really didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

The husky voice made her stomach churn, and she fought the sudden surge of nausea that burned bitter in the back of her throat. She didn’t need to shift her gaze to know Beau was sitting in the chair off to her right. If nothing else, he was a creature of habit, and it seemed to play an important part in his power fantasy.

“Not even a hello? That’s not very friendly of you. And you know what happens when you disappoint me.”

He moved into her field of view, standing beside the bed as he stared down at her. She made a mental note of her clothing, pleased they’d at least left on her underwear, not that the bra and panties hid that much. But being completely naked would have scared her more.

Beau lowered onto the bed, his hip dipping the edge. “I told you after you first arrived there wasn’t anywhere else for you to go.”

She glared at him, hoping her tongue worked right. It still felt overly large inside her mouth. “No. You told me there was no escape. That’s different.”

He shrugged. “Technicalities. It all ends up playing out the same way. You. Here with me. Under my control.” He leaned in, pinching her jaw painfully between his fingers and thumb. “I’m done waiting for you. Now you have two choices. Either you can submit, and I can consider making it good for you, or you can try and fight me.” He laughed, running his hand up her arm then along the rope. “But I don’t think you’ll have much luck this time round.”

“Cold day in hell when I submit to a man like you.”

“Tough talk, though you might want to ask yourself if your ass is up for a pounding, because you know how I get when you piss me off.” He eased his finger back down her arm then along the top of her chest and between her breasts. “Besides, I know what I want. Time for me to tame that sweet cunt of yours. In hindsight, I should have taken you that way before, conscious or not, but… It doesn’t matter. I still win.”

“I’m not giving myself to you, you prick. You want me. You’ll have to kill me.” She flashed him a wry grin. “But you might want to ask yourself if I’m worth dying over.”

“Dying? You’re in no position to threaten me. Or are you talking about those army reserve bastards? Darling, that town was swarming with infected when we left. Gunner was still down. I doubt they even made it out alive.” He leaned in closer. “And why the hell would they come for you?” His gaze traveled the length of her body. “Did you spread those pretty thighs for them? Let them take you all at once? Fuck. I knew you were a slut.” He stood, reaching for the belt around his pants. “Let me tell you a little something about men. Once they get what they want, they lose interest. Sure, they kept you around. And why not? You let them fuck you. But come all the way back here…” He chuckled. “I don’t think so. You can’t be that good of a lay.”

She clenched her jaw, doing her best to tamp down the doubts and fears. They couldn’t be dead. Surely, she’d sense it. Feel the empty space inside her whether she’d witnessed them die or not. And she had no doubt they’d come. But what if Gunner had been seriously hurt? He’d definitely taken the full impact of the hit. What if they’d had to hole up in that town? And how long would it take them to get all the way back here? Assuming they knew it was Beau who’d taken her. She bit back a curse, refusing to give the bastard the pleasure of seeing her panic. But as Beau loosened his belt, shoving his pants over his hips, she knew she’d run out of time.

“How did you even find us? God, you can’t have been searching all this time?”

“Of course I have. You’re my bitch. Fortunately, Chad and Bobby caught a glimpse of you a few days ago while out on a recon trip. They’d just found another lovely lady in need of rescuing when you and those men popped out of the woods then continued right on your way. When he told me, it didn’t take long to figure out you were jumping from cabin to cabin.” He stepped out of his pants, grabbing the length of his cock through his underwear. “Damn smart idea. Traveling the trails. Shacking up in those remote buildings. Never would have put it together otherwise. But we knew you’d have to risk getting supplies sooner or later. Guess I just got lucky.”

“They’ll kill you. Maybe not today, or next week. But they’ll kill you. Am I really worth that?”

“I’d like to see them try.” He sauntered back over. “You going to play nice, darling?”

“Not with you. Never with you.”

Beau shrugged again. “Your loss. I can take your ass before I fuck your cunt. Makes no difference to me. And since I was able to take the time to properly restrain you… Kicking and screaming isn’t going to save you this time.”

Beau slapped her across the face, hard enough to dot her vision with black spots. A ringing noise roared in her ears as his weight settled on top of her. She bucked against his hold, finally resorting to head-butting him when he managed to wedge her legs apart. No fucking way she’d allow him to touch her short of being dead.

“Fuck, bitch. That hurt.” He pushed up, wiping at his brow, sneering at the smear of blood. “So I guess you want it rough. I can do that.”

He curled his hands around her neck, the crushing pressure dimming her vision. She squirmed beneath him, arching her back, nearly tossing him off her when the door crashed open, the wooden slab bouncing off the wall. He rolled off the edge, freeing one of her hands as he yanked her against his chest, the cold edge of a blade pressed against her neck. She coughed around the burning pain in her throat, blinking away the fuzziness as Ham and a woman stepped into the room. Ham’s gaze flew to her, his hands white knuckling around his weapon.

He took a single step forward. “I believe you have something that belongs
me. And I’ve come to get it back.”

Beau openly measured up the woman, dismissing her with nothing more than a passing glance. “Funny how our beliefs aren’t so crazy when you say them?”

“I said
me, not
me, asshole. Morgan’s our partner by choice. Not force. Now put down the knife and step aside.”

“Do you honestly think I’m afraid of you? Or that you have any power here?”

He increased the pressure, and she gasped when the tip broke the skin, a stinging pain flaring to life.

Ham growled. “Fucking big mistake, you bastard.”

His hand flicked, a flash of silver glinting off the lamplight before Beau grunted, falling back against the headboard. The pressure from the knife eased up, but he maintained his hold on her, his foul breath washing over her face.

“You fucking dick! She’ll pay for that.”

His armed tensed as he drew the knife across her chest, leaving a thin red line in its wake. Another flash sparkled in the room, this time knocking him hard against the wall. The woman flicked her wrist, slicing the rope holding Morgan’s other arm. She tugged on the line, breaking through the last few fibers before rolling off the bed, cursing as she hit the floor. The pain from the earlier impact pulsed through her body, and she had to hiss out several breaths just to gain her hands and knees.

The bed creaked as Ham flew over to it, grabbing Beau by the throat before tossing him across the room. Ham glanced back at the other woman. “Do me a favor and ensure the creep doesn’t leave.” He turned toward her before looking at the woman again. “But don’t kill him, Harper.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Buzzkill.”

Gentle hands cupped Morgan’s waist, lifting her up then placing her on the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of her, framing her face with his hands. “God, baby. Are you okay?”

Morgan smiled, the tears burning her eyes breaking free. “You came. But how…”

Ham frowned. “Was there ever any doubt?”

She shook her head, not resisting when he gathered her close, rocking slowly back and forth. Her heart warmed from his touch, and she knew she’d gladly spend eternity wrapped in his arms. “Gunner? Wolfe?”

“They’re fine. Gunner’s with Cogan’s crew. Wolfe’s taking care of Bobby and that other creep. Said something about sticking a baton up their asses.”

“But Gunner got hit by that damn truck!”

“Take more than a bump to get rid of us. Honestly. He’s fine. He’s got some busted ribs and looks like a damn punching bag, but he’ll be fine. I’m more concerned with you at the moment.” Ham kissed her forehead. “Did he hurt you?”

“I’m okay.”

He eased her back, studying her face before anger colored his cheeks. “The fucker hit you.”

He pushed to his feet, marching over to Beau. The man cowered on the floor, the hilt of twin blades poking out from his shoulder and bicep.

Ham hauled his ass up, tossing him against a small side table. “You like hitting women, asshole? Think it makes you some kind of big man? How about we go a few rounds.”

Beau turned just as Ham spun, kicking the guy in the jaw, sending him careening against a wall. Beau bounced, staggering forward when Ham jabbed him in the face, knocking him back on his ass. Beau’s head connected with the wall then lolled to one side as his eyes glazed over.

Ham bent down, fisting his hand around Beau’s shirt. “You’re a disgrace to what’s left of the human race. And not worth my time.”

He yanked out the knives, wiping the blades on Beau’s shirt before moving over to Morgan and scooping her off the bed. “Come on. We’ve got a car waiting.”

Morgan looked at Beau. Blood gurgled out of the wound to his shoulder, slowly pooling on the carpet. “What about him?”

“Bastard won’t last long at this rate. And we busted down the gates. Camp will fall by morning.”

“We can’t leave him. What if he survives? What…”

Hamilton drank in the rest of her words as his mouth covered hers. Morgan gave herself over to the kiss, feeling the room spin slightly when he released her.

He dropped a peck on her nose. “Looks like you and Gunner have matching concussions. And you’ve got bruises to spare.”

She looked away as pain constricted her chest. “What if I lost…”

“Shhh. Whatever happens, we’re here. All that matters is that you’re safe. Besides, I’m sure the little guy’s fine. Gunner took the brunt of the impact.”

“But… Wait. Little guy?”

“With all the testosterone pumping through the room, gotta be a boy.” He pulled her close. “No matter what, we’ll love you. And we’ll get through it.”

“And Beau?”

“Doesn’t deserve your pity. Or another moment of our lives. He’s a good as dead.”

She glanced at his body then looked away, resting her head on Ham’s chest. He headed for the doorway when the floor creaked behind him. He spun just as a blur of silver streaked past them, striking Beau between the eyes as he pushed to his feet, a small knife in his hand. The creep’s head snapped back, the eerie sound of bone crunching echoing through the room before his body fell limp on the floor, eyes staring blankly toward the door.

Ham turned, smiling at Wolfe standing in the doorway, another knife in his hand. Wolfe crossed over to them, kissing Morgan then turning to Hamilton and claiming his mouth.

Wolfe growled, trailing his hand down Morgan’s cheek. “Don’t disappear on us again. You just aged me ten years, sweetheart.”

She nodded, glancing at the other woman—Harper—leaning against the doorframe, looking far too amused.

Harper motioned to them. “You three good now or do you all need some alone time?”

Wolfe arched a brow. “Like we haven’t noticed how much Cogan, Sully and Jake touch you.”

“I’m actually more interested in the way you touch Hamilton. Wondering how I could get the guys on board with that.” She glanced at the body. “Assuming you’re done, we should go before Sully burns down the entire camp. The man tends to be a bit studious in his job.”

Harper took off down the hallway. Morgan watched her move, noting the way her body flowed through every motion. She gave Ham a quizzical raise of her brow.

Hamilton smiled. “Don’t worry. She seems pretty sweet once you get over the fact she’s basically a trained assassin.”

“I heard that. Wasn’t my primary objective.”

He chuckled. “She’s with another team from our compound. We just need to get back to the Hummer and we can head home. And before you ask, we’re taking the women and any men who might be victims as well.”

“How did you get the women to leave?” Morgan tightened her hold as he jogged down the stairs, still carrying her as if she weighed nothing at all. “They wouldn’t even talk to us before.”

Ham shrugged. “Turns out this new strain, as they call it, is afraid of fire. The ladies didn’t seem to have any qualms about leaving once Jake set the damn barn alight.”

Harper popped up beside him. “The boys know what they’re doing. Trust me. They’ve got it down to a fine art.”

Morgan didn’t miss the loving tone in Harper’s voice when she spoke about the other men, and she couldn’t help but wonder if they were one of these multi-partner groups Gunner had mentioned.

Ham carried her out the door, stopping at the glow of orange filling the sky. Flames crackled along the wood of the barn and in various piles throughout the camp, heating the cool air by several degrees. Orange flames colored the darkness, dancing amidst the shadows as the scent of smoke filled the air.

Wolfe huffed. “Fuck, Harper wasn’t kidding.”

Ham hurried across the grounds, heading for the gate. The line of burning debris had narrowed the exit into a thin corridor banked on all sides by intense flames. They’d gotten halfway to the Hummer when Harper stopped. Hamilton pulled up beside her, brow furrowed as he watched at her stare at the roaring fire.

He looked at Morgan then gave Harper a nudge. “Harper? Something wrong?”

She swallowed noisily, clenching and releasing her fists as she cursed under her breath. “Shit. Sully always makes the damn fire line into a bloody wall of flames. I swear the man doesn’t seem to know when to stop.”

“They really are better at putting them out, I suppose.”

She huffed. “That’s not it. They like the look of it, the smell. The way it seems to breathe and take on a life of its own. It’s a damn obsession.”

Wolfe shrugged. “They’re firemen. It’s in their blood.”

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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