The Serenity Solution: How to Use Quiet Contemplation to Solve Life's Problems (17 page)

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Authors: Keith Park

Tags: #Personal Growth, #Self-Help, #General

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Some may think a universal connection is a silly and unlikely notion. But research in quantum physics may indicate otherwise.

For over eight decades now scientists have been probing the quantum world—the world of the very small—and have uncovered some amazing

things about the nature of reality. One of the most amazing things they have discovered is that the universe at its tiniest level is not really solid but actually immaterial waves of energy, and these waves connect the universe beyond normal space and time.

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That’s right. At its tiniest, the universe is nothing more than energy.

In fact, quantum physicists can only explain the physical universe at its tiniest in terms of mathematical relationships and processes and nothing discrete or substantial. We see this in Einstein’s famous E=MC2 equation, which shows matter and energy as essentially the same, as well as in the mathematics of other pioneers of quantum physics. For example, Louis de Broglie expressed matter in terms of wavelengths and called all matter “matter waves.” Similarly, Ervin Schrodinger represented all matter as wave functions or spread-out probabilities.

The reality is that the physical world is an illusion. We see the world of objects simply because tiny vortices of energy are bound together by forces that on larger scale give the illusion of solid matter. In actuality, these tiny vortices we call subatomic particles (such as electrons) that make up atoms and the rest of the physical world have a dual nature. They can be both spread-out waves of energy or discrete packets of energy and are so-named particle-waves because of this dual nature. When as swirling packets of energy, particle-waves appear as particles and have a definite shape and location in our normal space-time. When as spread-out waves, particle-waves disappear into the vacuum of space and are not present in normal space-time. At this point, they exist only in potential in what is known as a state of superposition or all-possibility.

Moreover, particle waves have a peculiar way of linking themselves beyond the normal constraints of time and space, so much that once two or more particle-waves interact they can forever influence each other no matter how far away they are from each other; they can be light years or eons apart. For instance, a scientist can change the spin of an electron and its entangled twin kilometers away may start spinning in the opposite direction. Einstein was so disturbed by this odd phenomenon when it was first discovered in the early 1900s that he called it “spooky action at a distance.” Since then the phenomenon has been thoroughly investigated
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and is well established. Today, we know it as quantum entanglement or nonlocal connection.

So, what could be connecting particle-waves and therefore the whole universe at the quantum level? Some scientists have proposed that the wave components of particle-waves exist at a deeper dimension and are sharing information in a unified field of information. The physicist and student of Einstein, David Bohm, called this deeper dimension the implicate order. Others call it the unified field, the zero point field, or simply the quantum vacuum. Pervading all of space, this underlying field generates an enormous amount of background energy—even at absolute zero in the deepest vacuums of space—and as such, it is thought to be the wellspring of all energy and matter in the universe.

Particle-waves are thought to be generated by the field as pressure waves in its vacuum. Once generated, waves then radiate from the field and collide with each other much like water ripples collide with each other on the surface of a pond. When they do, they become entangled and share information. But unlike ordinary pond ripples, quantum waves emerging from the deeper field stand outside the boundaries of our normal space-time. Thus, they can potentially share information about any and every aspect of the universe, and therefore, provide a nonlocal connection across the universe.

Particle-waves share information much like all waves of energy share information: in their frequency patterns. Differences in wavelength frequency lead to unique contrasts or patterns and anything that conveys contrasts or differences conveys information. For instance, differences among sound waves provides information about pitch and differences in light waves provide contrast information about shape and color. For instance, the color blue is a different wave frequency than the color red.

In the case of matter waves, information like a particle’s spin and charge (among other properties) is carried in quantum wave differences. As quan-126 Ten

tum waves collide, they create a more complex wave pattern that carries information about each individual wave.

What is carried is a particle-wave’s signature. Matter waves carry a unique signature for matter much like a fingerprint carries a unique signature for a person. The entire universe is built on wave combinations—

both simple and complex—whose frequency differences carry informa-

tion about everything in the universe. Over time, as waves progressively entangle with each other, they produce more stable and complex wave systems; and this progressive entanglement is the reason large-scale matter behaves as steady-state objects, unlike the apparently random and uncertain behavior of individual quantum objects.

David Bohm offered the analogy of a hologram to explain how quan-

tum wave patterns could explain the overall interconnectedness of the universe as well as particle formation in three-dimensional space. A hologram is a three-dimensional image that emerges from shining light through wave patterns on a two-dimensional photographic plate (e.g. picture light shining through interacting pond ripples). Our three-dimensional universe may arise from the unified field in a similar way. That is, as field forces are guided by quantum wave patterns imprinted in the field, they may create natural holograms in three-dimensional space. We see similar three-dimensional field effects when we observe iron filings aligning along the force lines of a magnetic field.

According to Bohm, quantum waves represent a deeper order that

are implicate or non-apparent until they become explicate or manifest as three-dimensional, physical objects. That is, each three-dimensional object in nature has its own two-dimensional wave pattern characteriz-ing it. Recall that wave patterns hold unique properties of objects much like pond ripples hold unique information about each pebble thrown in a pond. For instance, a ripple may offer some information about the size, shape, force, and direction of a pebble. Likewise, light waves hold implicate information about a visual object such as the object’s size, shape,
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color, texture, and depth. From this implicate information, field forces then guide particle formation in three-dimensional space.

In addition, Bohm saw the universe not as static, but evolving like a flowing hologram, which becomes more intricate and interconnected over time. This seems plausible when we consider the possibility that within the vacuum of the unified field there may be nothing to cancel out existing wave patterns except newly-imprinted wave patterns. If patterns are retained in the unified field, then the field may contain a certain degree of memory as well as a mechanism for the accumulation of stable, refined patterns over time. In time, these more intricate patterns could become the informational blueprints for more advanced structures such as atoms, molecules, and larger-scale objects. Though physical forms may come and go, deeper information is always accumulating and refining subsequent forms.

Again, this progressive entanglement and refinement of particle-waves (which some scientist call decoherence) and the field imposing overall order (which Bohm called quantum potential) may account for the orderly and steady-state behavior of large-scale matter versus the apparently random and chaotic behavior of individual quantum objects.

Bohm’s holographic principles were first introduced in 1952 and later culminated in his 1981 book
Wholeness and the Implicate Order
and his 1993 book
The Undivided Universe
. Today, a number of scientists are coming to agree with Bohm and hypothesize that the universe may in fact work like a giant hologram with the physical universe being a three-dimensional expression of two-dimensional information stored in a deeper dimension.

Ultimately, at its tiniest level, the universe may not be made of anything solid at all, but really operate as an energy and information construct that gives the illusion of a three-dimensional solid reality at larger scales. Beneath it all, everything in the universe—including you and me, rocks and trees, and even our thoughts, electromagnetic and gravity fields, and empty space—is simply organized patterns of energy and information
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projected from a deeper field of unified information existing outside this space-time. We may see ourselves and everything as separate, but we may all be connected deep down and continually broadcasting our existence to each other through the energy patterns we are made of. Across time and space, we may influence each other no matter how far we are from each other.

An Evolving, Interconnected Universe

Now, there are several assumptions we can make about the overall state of the universe when we consider this quantum interconnectedness. For one, we might deduce that the universe operates as a unified whole. That is, as each part of the universe influences and is influenced by every other part grand order and symmetry arise. We need only look at the natural world and the exquisite symmetry of galaxies and celestial bodies to confirm this hypothesis.

Two, as wave interaction and entanglement continue over time, we

may assume that the universe has been gathering and integrating more and more information; and in doing so, it appears to be “learning” from these interactions, evolving itself over time as evidenced by the enormous complexity of living organisms and ecosystems now populating our world.

Third, we might assume the presence of intelligence. That is, if universal order arose from interaction and fine-tuning over time then the next logical step would be to conclude that a type of systems intelligence emerged. In this case, God would be the collective intelligence of the universe or the intelligence that has been unfolding in this space-time. Think about it: How much different is a flow of energy and information much different from a flow of thoughts? When we consider a mind in general it is simply the movement and interaction of thoughts. How much of a stretch is it to think that a
universal mind
might arise as a result of radiating waves sharing information across the universe?

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And finally, as a result of this quantum interconnectedness, we might deduce our part in the grand scheme of things. Specifically, since we, like everything else in the universe, are made of quantum waves of information, including our brains and minds, we must therefore be mentally connected to the rest of the universe. As such, it seems plausible that we could both receive and transmit information to the universe, as well as influence and be influenced by it, through our minds. As an example we may harvest insights from its fertile field and implant our own seeds of thought into it. We will explore these notions next.

Thought Reception

Is it possible to receive “thoughts” from the universe-at-large? After all, waves of information are interacting throughout the universe all the time.

Could it be possible that if we focused calmly we might intercept some of this universal cross-talk? In this case, our brains would be acting as receiving stations for wave information, gathering information and interpreting it into meaningful patterns. By quieting the mental noise and listening to the background, we may directly experience the wider, unified field and attain pure, expanded awareness. Here, universal information would be seeping into focal awareness from broader areas of the mind as our mental filter relaxes. May this be where we receive our original insights, intuitions, and spiritual guidance? Since this information is coming from sources not gained by the local senses we call it
nonlocal information

An Awakening: Making Contact with Universal Intelligence

A sometimes surprising feature of tuning into broader areas of mind is an
or transcendent experience. This type of experience involves a significant insight or revelation and often occurs while in a deep, relaxed state of mind, presumably when one’s mental filter is most open.

According to the early twentieth-century physician and mystic, Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D., an awakening is the result of making contact
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with the universe. In his 1901 book,
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the
Evolution of the Human Mind
, Bucke referred to an awakening as a feature of
cosmic consciousness
—a reaching of a transcendent state. According to Bucke, when one attains cosmic consciousness, “there is presented to consciousness a clear conception in outline of the meaning and drift of the universe.” The experience is usually accompanied with a flash of insight along with feelings of peace, joy, and connectedness.

Bucke believed that Jesus and Buddha, among other notable mental

and spiritual leaders, were some of the gifted individuals who could easily connect with this universal consciousness and derive its wisdom. He added that all the world’s religions are based on these cosmic awakenings which offer people a view of reality beyond ordinary understanding.

A typical awakening, as reported by several of my clients, usually begins with a significant change in mood and sensory experience. One may report an initial feeling of aliveness soon followed by a notable increase in light level and a growing sense of peace or joy. Concurrently, time seems to stand still and there is a sense of being enveloped by a larger presence and/or feelings of love. Finally, at this point, one often receives the insight or revelation.

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