The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (3 page)

BOOK: The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
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most successful in life frequently used positive words.

Naturally, being a numbers fanatic, I analyzed everything

through the numbers, so I began to delve into the world of

words through the view of numbers. What I discovered was

Introduction 9

shocking. Not only did the energetic meaning of a word

match its dictionary definition, it revealed even more in-

depth information about how the word affected the physical

world through the frequency it held. I knew this was the next

chapter on my path with numbers and a message I had to

share with the world.

Even after going through these amazing otherworldly ex-

periences, I grew up to be very practical when it came to

spirituality, needing a lot of facts with my faith. Yet these experiences remain the driving force in my life to accomplish

my mission of showing the world that there is more than

meets the eye.

Like anything based in the world of energy, an energetic

pattern can be shaped and transformed depending on the

other energies that interact with it. When you click off a

light switch, you stop the flow of energy to that receptacle.

The law of attraction is a simple spiritual or energetic rule that states “like attracts like.” In other words, you attract or create in your life through the energetic frequency you send

out—what you send out, you get back. The frequency or en-

ergetic vibration of a word is the missing piece in success-

fully applying the law of attraction to your life. The words

you use can hinder or help you achieve success on any level.

You can either attract positively or negatively; when you

choose to use words of a lower vibration, for example, you

attract more negative energy into your life. Aligning your en-

ergy or frequency through the use of positively charged

words will positively magnetize your vibration to start at-

tracting more positive energy. When you imagine yourself

10 Introduction

driving a new sports car and feel yourself driving it, you are sending out the energetic frequency that will attract to you

that sports car and you driving in it. This is how you create

your reality minute by minute, whether you’re aware of it or


The words you choose to use on a daily basis can inter-

fere with the attraction process. Once you set the energy in

motion through your vision of you driving in that sports car,

your negative words can come along and flick the switch to

the off position, stopping the manifesting process in its

tracks. Even if the words you’re using aren’t directly related to the vision you want to manifest, they are still changing the energetic frequency you are sending out. You can imagine

yourself driving that car all day long, but if you’re going

through your day using negative words or phrases like “the

problem is” or “I can’t,” you are undermining your positive

creative powers. Through the words you choose to use every

day, you can be the powerful creator of the reality you were

born to have.

Perception Is Everything

When it comes to the power of words, perception is every-

thing. How we perceive a word through thought and emo-

tion can cause it to be powerful or powerless.

I first hung out my shingle as an intuitive numerologist

after having studied every book, article, and tidbit of information I could find on numerology. I didn’t search out any

gurus or teachers as I knew from my profound dream experi-

ences that this had to be my journey and was to remain un-

Introduction 11

tainted by anyone else’s views or opinions. I didn’t take any

of the information I was reading on blind faith; the practical side of me had to prove the validity of what I learned. Numerology came very easily to me and I found myself reading

between the lines, seeing new patterns and formulas. It was

as though the fabric of the universe was revealing itself to me.

I quickly started carving out my niche in the world of

numbers, attracting clients with ease as they all said I had a refreshing and unique take on the numbers compared to

other numerologists they had met with. I stuck with this title for some time because it fit who I was in theory, but more

often than not, despite being well received by most, I felt the need to explain what that title meant. I realized it was my

own perception of the word “intuitive” that created uncer-

tainty or uneasiness. Being a very practical person, I wasn’t

completely comfortable shouting from the rooftop that I was

psychic. I really didn’t want to be envisioned as a “crystal ball psychic.” In hindsight, I understand it wasn’t just my uneasiness with being an intuitive, it was the fact that there was

more to my path and purpose than I knew at the time. My

title didn’t quite feel right because it wasn’t who I was truly meant to be.

As a celebrity numerologist, I’ve had the pleasure of trav-

eling the country meeting thousands of interesting, success-

ful, and famous people, revealing profound truths for them

by examining their numerological makeup. It wasn’t my in-

tention in the beginning to become a celebrity numerologist.

The glitz and glam of Hollywood doesn’t appeal to me.

12 Introduction

What intrigues me about the celebrity sector is that they’re

real people with real problems, just like the rest of us, yet they serve as highly visible role models and can literally

change the world with their visibility. That kind of profound

change was the draw for me.

It wasn’t until I had my own spiritual crisis that I finally

figured out that this market was to eventually become my

forte. Although I had built my platform as an intuitive nu-

merologist and on the outside it looked like I was successful

and content, on the inside I felt like I was living adjacent to my real life purpose. I knew the numbers were my gift to the

world but something was amiss and I couldn’t quite put my

finger on it. As the years passed, my platform continued to

grow but I grew emptier inside.

My first celebrity client experience was a radio interview.

I did a numerological profile for a British actor named Treva

Etienne who had been in a long list of high-profile movies

such as
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Black Hawk Down
, and
Bad Boys II
. It was my first experience with seeing firsthand that celebrities had all the same fears, concerns, and challenges as everyone else. Treva connected

with me on the phone afterward and we kept in touch. It was

the start of a friendship I cherish today.

Fast-forward a bit down the road to my first Hollywood

red-carpet party, to which Treva’s publicist had invited me.

With my VIP bracelet, I danced, drank, partied like a celeb-

rity, and even gave my business card to a few celebrities. The next day I couldn’t shake the empty feeling I had. I wondered

Introduction 13

whether this was the crash celebrities feel after they come

home to take off their “mask” of who people think they are.

I really admired Treva’s tenacity to live in truth. Unlike

much of Hollywood, he was adamant that he would never

stoop below his truth level to achieve success. A pivotal con-

versation we had a couple of years ago stuck with me and

ended up being the catalyst that helped me take the neces-

sary steps to embrace who I was meant to be.

I confided in Treva, who is black, that my father was also

black. I never really knew my father and had only met him

once, but growing up in a small town with an almost entirely

white population, having a black father was like a dirty little secret I protected at all costs. In my young mind, I believed it was somehow wrong to be of mixed descent. I saw firsthand,

throughout my school years, the very few mixed-race chil-

dren being picked on and singled out. I never did hear any

child openly remark about another child’s racial origins, but

being an extremely perceptive and intuitive child, I came to

my own conclusions and decided this was part of myself I

could never truly acknowledge on any level—until I met


Treva sat me down and told me that if I was ever to be

content and happy, I had to live my truth—every single piece

of it. I respected his opinion and, on my plane trip home, I

couldn’t think of anything else. He was right, so very right, and I knew it. Embracing who I truly was on all levels, including the parts of myself I had denied all those years, was of the utmost importance. It was pivotal to my success and

14 Introduction

happiness and every fiber of my being was telling me what I

had to do next.

Thankfully, my husband and I follow the same yearly en-

ergetic cycles (personal year cycle) and he was feeling just as restless and discontent as I was. We had hit rock bottom on a

spiritual level and there was only one option—to find our

truth. We took the leap and sold our house, most of our be-

longings, fit what we could in a five-by-eight trailer, and set out across Canada in search of ourselves. I dropped my

work, my titles—everything. I was suddenly nothing and no

one. I couldn’t spend another day being someone who didn’t

feel quite right.

Sitting in the driveway of our house on closing day with

nothing but our clothes and a few sentimental belongings left

to our name, reality came crashing down. It was both scary

and exhilarating. We had no idea who we were anymore or

where we were going.

After traveling three-quarters of the way across the coun-

try, we decided to stop in Calgary, Alberta because I had a

good friend there. From the moment we arrived, synchronic-

ity kicked into high gear and we knew we were right where

we needed to be.

Within three weeks of settling in, CTV News, a national

media outlet in Canada, called me out of the blue to be a

guest. After the first appearance, they called me twice more

within a three-month span. I still have no idea how they

found me or how they even knew I was in town. From there

it was a snowball effect; more media appearances, a flurry of

celebrity clients, and coincidental connections with all the

Introduction 15

right people that propelled me fast and hard into the num-

bers again, taking me to new heights.

But this time it was different. I had stepped back into the

numerologist role but had yet to fully embrace my old title.

This was an opportunity to reinvent and rebrand myself in

alignment with my truth. Knowing I wanted to continue to

work the numbers and work with celebrities because of their

ability to affect others on a broad scale, the choice was clear: I was a celebrity numerologist. Not only that, but at this

point I had earned the title of “celebrity” in my own right.

For the first time in my life, I could stand tall in this new

image of myself, knowing this was my truth and who I was

meant to be. No longer did I have to explain myself or try to

convince someone to believe in me. Most importantly, for

the first time in my life, I had no secrets to hide. I finally embraced myself in my totality.

That one-word change—intuitive to celebrity—made all

the difference on an inner and outer level and has changed

the trajectory of my life. I now have clients from major mov-

ies and TV shows such as the Twilight Saga’s
Breaking Dawn
The Big Bang Theory
, and
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of
the Black Pearl
; I also work with a Hollywood stylist, a celebrity judge, and an NBC director. I’m considered an expert in

my field, a regular and sought-after guest on national media

outlets. I also own the rapidly growing online radio and TV

network, Authentic You Media.

I share this not to brag, but to show that the power you

put behind a word can assist you in manifesting your dreams.

A word has to resonate with you and be in alignment with

16 Introduction

what is true to you in order to manifest what you desire. Like my own example highlights, this is particularly true when it

comes to who you believe you are.

In the more than ten years I’ve been working with the

numbers, I have had the privilege of helping guide the lives

of thousands of people from all walks of life. I don’t take lightly the honor and responsibility of assisting in the shaping of decisions and choices that not only mold an individu-

al’s destiny but ultimately our global destiny. One of the

main reasons I fell in love with numerology as a branch of

the metaphysical is that it is a mathematical science. The

level of accuracy is unmatched compared to other branches

of metaphysics like astrology, tarot, and the like. When you

work with numbers, there are no gray areas. In numerology,

a number either matches an energetic pattern or it doesn’t.

I firmly believe that there are deeper truths we are all

meant to know and our soul is constantly guiding us to them.

It is in following the signs from the unseen spirit world (or

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