Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
Foundation study, on average we process up to sixty thousand
The Progression and Forms of Communication 37
thoughts per day, which is more than we could ever express
verbally.10 It depends on the person how many of these
thoughts are positive or negative, but the great news is that
you have control over which one is more dominant. You can
instantly and drastically change your life for the better just by catching yourself in the act of negative mental chatter and
shifting it into the positive. Talk about serious mind control!
Speech and Writing
Now that you know the basics of how we think in words and
the effects it can have on our day-to-day life, let’s examine the two most commonly known forms of language: speech and
Verbal communication has been around since the time of
the cavemen, but in only the last few thousand years have
those verbal sounds been expressed in the form of words or
language. No scientist has been able to pinpoint the exact date of the creation of language, but science is in agreement that it is a relatively new form of expression. Writing has been
around since the cavemen days in the form of illustrations and symbols, but the written word is a newer form of expression.
It’s no surprise that we’ve witnessed an explosion in
terms of the progress of civilization around the same time
language entered the scene. Taken at face value, we can
safely assume language lessened misunderstandings and mis-
communications, allowing ideas to be exchanged and acted
upon readily and easily. But what about our personal creative
power that was achieved when we could apply words and
38 The Progression and Forms of Communication
meanings to everything in life? With language came the gift
of becoming the creator of our own reality.
Some of us express ourselves better through speech and
others through writing, but both are powerful. When we
read a love letter or hear our favorite love song, each has the potential to move us emotionally. It is the vibration of the
words—not the method of delivery—that affects us on an en-
ergetic level.
Whether we think, speak, or write a word, its vibration
never changes. Theoretically, a word has the same impact on
our energy regardless of how it is expressed—or does it?
What if we said verbally to our partner “I love you” versus
writing it on a piece of paper? Obviously the effects of the verbally expressed love would be more powerful because
we’re able to add in body language, tone of voice, and other
cues that add to the energetic effect of those three words. As humans, we are also visual beings; our experience is constantly being shaped by our perception.
Which form of language is most powerful? Which one do we
focus on first to begin shifting our lives from negative to positive? Although it’s clear that the spoken word can be much
more energetically profound in a social situation, when it
comes to our personal inner evolution, words in the form of
thought are by far our most prized life-transforming tool.
From an energetic perspective, words in the form of
thought affect us first. This is because we process many more
thoughts in the form of words per day than we speak, but also
The Progression and Forms of Communication 39
because thoughts originate within us and have a ripple effect
outward in our reality. For example, if a repeating thought you hold is “I’m not worth it,” then it isn’t long before others start treating you poorly, too. Based on the scientific definition of the law of attraction, we attract people, places, things, and situations that bring about experiences matching the same fre-
quency at which we are vibrating, just like atoms that are
polarized as positive or negative. If you are sending out negative thoughts and feelings that you are unworthy, you will ex-
perience a reality where you are unworthy.
The spoken word affects those around you more directly
because, unless they’re telepathic, others can’t hear what
you’re thinking. If you say to someone “I hate you,” your
hate-filled frequency is immediately permeating their ener-
getic field with a negative vibration. The written word re-
sides somewhere in between the two. When we write
something, there is so much room for interpretation by the
reader that it is the least predictable of all three forms of language in terms of how it will affect us. Whether we write a
letter to our child or a resignation letter to a difficult boss, there is an undertone of feeling that goes into every word
through the choice and phrasing of the words used. One per-
son may read paragraph of words and get a totally different
meaning or feeling than another. It certainly brings new
meaning to “reading between the lines.”
We’re in the midst of the technological age where more
and more of our language expression is nonverbal. Texts,
e-mails, and the Internet are edging us toward a society dom-
inated by the written word. Language is evolving, and it is no
40 The Progression and Forms of Communication
coincidence that this is happening now. There is a more posi-
tive overtone to becoming less verbally outspoken now; as a
result, many of us have recognized our most powerful mani-
festation tool is thought. Is the move to a less verbally out-
spoken society a natural progression? Does it indicate that
we are evolving on a soul level, becoming more aligned with
the spiritual self that communicates nonverbally? The answer
The future of the expression of language is to continue to
move away from the spoken word, tipping the scales toward a
world where writing is the primary means of communication.
The good news is that it takes more conscious thought to
write than it does to speak words. The techno age really
doesn’t have to destroy the brains of our teens after all. All jokes aside, what this means for us globally is that we are
now putting more thought and energy into our language ex-
pression. Not everyone is using this expression positively—
yet. Viewed from a broader perspective, we are in the
primitive stages of transitioning from predominately verbal
to nonverbal communication. At the moment, most of it is
instinctual and physical (or ego-based), but we are in the
learning stages. As we move deeper into this shift away from
the spoken word, we will begin to see the written word being
used more positively on a regular basis. Mindless texts and
chatroom banter will pave the way for a much deeper com-
munication connection between souls. We must learn to
walk before we can run.
C H A P T E R 3
Determining the Vibration of a Word
through the Language of Numbers
What is Energy?
In the eyes of the scientific community, the widely accepted
and quoted definition of energy is “the capacity of a physical system to perfor
m work”.s Based on this def
inition, there are two main forms of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy. These two categories of energy represent what many
of us think of when we hear the word “energy.” Electricity,
moving water, a windmill, and a battery cell are all forms of
the two main types of energy as seen through the eyes of tra-
ditional science.
From a metaphysical vantage point, since Einstein discov-
ered the relativity theory, it has been accepted that matter is a form of energy. Energy is made up of molecules rotating or
42 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
vibrating at various rates of speed. In the physical world,
molecules rotate at a very slow and constant rate, causing the physical world to appear solid. The slower the speed, the
more dense or solid the matter appears to be. In the meta-
physical or spiritual world or ethereal dimension—where
things are freer and less dense—the molecules vibrate at a
much faster rate of speed. To the average person, a word is
merely an inanimate thing that we use to communicate with
others; most of the time, we’re completely unaware that the
words we choose are constantly and continually shaping our
existence every time we use them because they are also en-
ergy: energetic frequencies or patterns.
Language has fascinated mankind for centuries and many
have attempted to shine a light on its secrets. In recent years, words have taken on new meaning with the popularity of the
law of attraction, which says, “What you think about, you
bring about.” There is a trend toward becoming much more
conscious of the words we use and how we use them, but
we’re still flying blind. Using words at face value (definition only) is like taking a pill because it looks tasty even though we have no idea what it will do to us. We need to know what
that pill (or word) is made of and how it will affect us.
Even if you’ve never heard of the law of attraction before,
knowing which words resonate with you on an energetic level
can assist you in pinpointing destructive vocabulary. This alone can quickly shift your life into the positive.
Science has taught us that energy vibrates and follows
patterns. It can be molded, redirected, converted, and trans-
formed. As an intangible force, there is endless creative po-
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 43
tential in the realm of energy because it takes many forms.
In a world where the building blocks of life are made of en-
ergy, words carry their own unique energetic patterns and
vibrations. We are constantly shaping our reality with the en-
ergetic vibration of the words we speak, think, and write.
The old childhood rhyme “stick and stones may break my
bones, but words will never hurt me” is a good representa-
tion of society’s belief that words are just words. Knowing
the vibration of a word gives us the power to understand the
impact it has on us. Is your everyday jargon more like an art-
ist’s gentle sculpting tools or weapons of mass destruction?
Let’s find out!
The Three Planes of Existence
Before we go deeper into the vibration of a word, it is first necessary to look at the three planes of existence here on
Earth to clarify how a word might affect both our inner and
outer world. The New Age and metaphysical communities
believe that we are spiritual beings in a physical body and
have three levels through which we operate or express with
our physical form. These are the mind plane, the soul plane,
and the physical plane.
The mind plane encompasses our intellectual processes
like thought, creativity, dreams, phobias or fears, imagina-
tion, and memory. Words that work through or trigger the
mind-plane faculties are some of the most powerful words,
as thought is the primary tool used in creating and shaping
goals, dreams, and desires.
44 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
The soul plane includes both the emotional and spiritual
activities within your being. Love, hate, anger, rage, passion, lust, bliss, and peace are just some of the feeling sensations processed through the soul plane. Operating within the
boundaries of the soul plane allows you to put emotions be-
hind your desires to accelerate and heighten your manifest-
ing powers. Words that trigger or touch the soul plane
energies are just as powerful as the words working with the
mind plane. The emotional and soulful energies are the fuel
in your manifestation engine, fueling the thoughts you begin
with on the mind plane.
In order for a word to have manifestation power in our
lives, we must give it power through thought and feeling.
When a young child says a profane word, it usually remains
neutral because the child is likely unaware of the word’s definition. When an adult speaks a negative word, it can have all
sorts of feelings behind it, such as anger, guilt, or fear, depending on the speaker’s experiences. Knowing both the dic-
tionary meaning of a word and its vibrational definition can
show you precisely what you’re manifesting through the
power of words.
The third level of existence is the physical plane. Believe it or not, despite it being the most tangible, it is the least powerful in terms of manifesting your reality. This is considered the “doing” plane enveloping all of your physical sensations
like touch, smell, hearing, taste, sight, physical pain, sensuality, and more. Most words that activate physical sensory stim-
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 45
ulation are first processed through the mind plane and soul
Now that you’re familiar with the way that the unseen
world of energy operates within the three planes of exis-
tence, let’s move on to how energy can be represented
through the vibration and definition of the universal lan-
guage of numbers.
Decoding the Language
of Energy through Numbers
Imagine words as melodies you sing and each letter as a note.