The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire

BOOK: The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
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Publication date: December 2013

Price: $15.99 U.S.; $18.50 CAN

Pages: 312

Trim size: 53/16" x 8"

ISBN: 978-0-7387-3664-8

Original trade paperback

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About the Author

(to come)

Use the Vibration of Language

to Manifest the Life You Desire

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Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire

2013 by Michelle Arbeau. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First Edition

First Printing, 2013

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ISBN: 978-0-7387-3664-8

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Llewellyn Publications

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Printed in the United States of America

Other Books by This Author


Foreword . . . xiii

Introduction . . . 1

Chapter 1: The Gift of Language and Your

Conscious Choice for Change . . . 19

The Law of Attraction 20

The Basics of Language 24

Deciding to Change 28

Angelic Word Power 29

Chapter 2: The Progression and Forms

of Communication . . . 35

The Basics of How We Think in Words 35

Speech and Writing 37

Thought 38

Chapter 3: Determining the Vibration of a Word

through the Language of Numbers . . . 41

What is Energy? 41

The Three Planes of Existence 43

Decoding the Language of Energy Through Numbers 45

Converting Words to Numbers 47

Contractions 55

Names 55

Base Number Meanings 1–9 60

x Contents

Chapter 4: Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words . . . 65

Choose Your Words Wisely 65

Creating Your List 67

Changing the List 72

Chapter 5: Practice Makes Perfect! . . . 77

Rule 1: Positive Equals Positive 78

Rule 2: Post-It! 79

Rule 3: Hit Repeat 79

Rule 4: Broaden Your Horizons 80

Rule 5: Buddy Up 80

Rule 6: Climb the Charts 81

Rule 7: Become a Wise Sage 82

Chapter 6: Personalized Affirmations

that Really Work . . . 85

Step 1: Identify Your Negative Patterns 87

Step 2: Choose the Right Words to Change Your Pattern 88

Step 3: How Do You Want to Rewrite Your Story? 91

Chapter 7: Maximize Your Manifesting Power . . . 93

Recognizing Doubt-Filled Words 94

Considering Your Feelings 98

Chapter 8: Words that Changed the World . . . 101

Words that Launched a Movement 103

Words that Changed Our Perception 105

Chapter 9: Role Playing with Words . . . 107

Mom/Dad 108

Labels Shape Our Present and Future 109

Contents xi

Teacher/Student 110

King/Queen 111

Master/Servant 111

God/Goddess 112

Parent/Child 113

Leader/Follower 113

Lover/Fighter 114

Winner/Loser 114

Man/Woman 114

Friend/Enemy 115

Daughter/Son 115

Heaven/Earth 116

War/Peace 117

Good/Evil 117

Hero/Villain 118

Names and Nicknames 118

Coincidence or Intuition? 123

Chapter 10: Advanced Words 101 . . . 125

The Three Energetic Components of a Word 125

Hate 127

Love 128

Truth 129

The Pure Energies 130

The Master-Number Frequencies 131

Brand Power 132

Cities, States, and Countries 134

Naming Intangible Objects 137

Different Languages 138

xii Contents

Chapter 11: Star-Studded Word Power . . . 145

Celebrity Stylist, Carrie White 146

Steve Allen, Founder and Owner of Steve Allen Media 148

Ricky Powell, NBC Director and The Happiness Guy 150

Treva Etienne, Actor and Director 153

Conclusion . . . 157

Top Positive and Negative Words . . . 161

Top Positive Words 162

Top Negative Words 220

Glossary . . . 281

Recommended Reading . . . 283

Endnotes . . . 285



“Change Your Words, Change Your Reality”

—Marie D. Jones

“In the beginning was the word …”

One does not have to follow a particular religious tradi-

tion to see the power of the spoken word in major belief sys-

tems. Spiritual masters have always known that words have

the ability to create … and destroy. Some of the most beloved

quotes, sayings, and proverbs speak of this creative power,

urging us to choose our words wisely and align our words to

our actions; the law of the universe is one of vibration, resonance, and attraction.

What we say is what we see.

What we tell ourselves over and over again becomes our


Ancient and indigenous cultures alike understood that what

you named a thing was as critical as the thing itself. Aboriginal

xiv Foreword

cultures sang things into existence by naming them. We, at

birth, are given a special “identity” through our names. Like

numbers, the chosen language of the universe, words have a se-

cret and hidden power to shape and mold physical reality itself.

How little do we understand this power and how rarely do we

use it to our advantage.

I have written a number of books that explore the power

of numbers, words, and symbols and how they influence our

perception of the world around us. In
The Resonance Key: Exploring the Links Between Vibration, Consciousness, and the Zero
Point Grid
(New Page Books, 2009), my coauthor Larry Flax-man and I examine how sound has been a creative force

throughout history, associated with everything from the build-

ing of great edifices like the pyramids to healing the body of illness with various resonances and frequencies. In
The Trinity
Secret: The Power of Three and the Code of Creation
(New Page Books, 2011), I explore how the law of attraction works and

why what we speak becomes what we attract, good or bad. In

The Déjà vu Enigma: A Journey Through the Anomalies of Mind,
Memory, and Time
(New Page Books, 2010), I discuss at length the power of the word, both written and spoken, to create,

heal, and even kill. You can pray someone into healing or you

can curse someone into illness and even death … if you truly

believe in the power of words.

What we say to others, and even more importantly what

we say to ourselves, has a resonance, a vibrational frequency

that is put out into the world. This frequency lingers and has a far greater effect than we imagine. Words of love inspire

and empower. Words of hate destroy and diminish. Experi-

Foreword xv

ments with water crystals and plants have shown that what

we say literally changes the physical and molecular form of

that at which we direct our words. Words have won wars,

caused great chaos, lifted nations up from devastation, urged

on champions, and both united and divided populaces.

Once we establish that words are far more than just a

form of communication, we need to look at how they can be

used to make our lives better. For what good is knowledge if

it cannot be applied to our own individual day-to-day lives for the purpose of growth, enlightenment, and improvement? In

The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest
the Life You Desire
, author and celebrity numerologist Michelle Arbeau has created a powerful guide to examining

how we use and even abuse words, as well as how we can

teach ourselves to make better choices when it comes to how

we talk to ourselves, others, and even the world around us.

Everything we think and speak is a cause with an effect. In

order to improve the effects in our lives, we must improve

the causes, and although we may not have control over ev-

erything we encounter in life, we do have control over the

words we choose and the thoughts we think.

Michelle’s understanding of the profound nature of num-

bers, words, and symbols makes her the perfect teacher to

present these amazing lessons in shaping your reality through

shifting your vibrational frequencies, and it’s all so simple. If you change your words and thoughts, you change your reality.

Yet the action steps often intimidate people into never making those changes, which is why a book like this is so inspiring and empowering. Someone has done the hard work for us and can

xvi Foreword

now share the knowledge, techniques, and lessons that will get us from where we are to where we want to be.

Language is at the root of humanity’s understanding and

expression of itself. Our history as a species is a story we all tell ourselves, collectively adding to it as time progresses.

Likewise, each person’s individual history is an ongoing story.

By looking into the root of language we can see into the past

and peer into the future, yet none of that matters if we can-

not find a way to make language and the words we speak

work for us in the present. None of that matters if the stories we tell ourselves hold us back from a full expression of who

we are and why we are here.

It all comes down to this: If you want to manifest more

happiness, joy, prosperity, health, and blessings, you must

change the way you think, speak, write, and express. If you

want to express your fullest self and find your purpose and

your destiny, you must change your vibration. If you want to

truly live an authentic life, you must change your beliefs.

You must change your

Changing your words will transform you and, in turn,

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