The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (2 page)

BOOK: The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
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your reality.

Marie D. Jones, bestselling author of
Destiny Vs. Choice: The
Scientific and Spiritual Evidence Behind Fate and Free Will
(New Page Books, 2011) and
The Resonance Key: Exploring the Links
Between Vibration, Consciousness, and the Zero Point Grid
(New Page Books, 2009).



You might have already read books on the law of attraction

and feel like you have the steps down to a science. Do you

find it never seems to work the way it should? Why do you

think that is? The basics of this law are simple: what you send out to the universe, via your thoughts and intentions, you get back. Sounds like a piece of cake, but it’s easier said than

done. Most experts say your biggest hang-up is in doubting

the process. However, the source of that doubt may be from

an unsuspecting source—your words.

You speak, write, and think in words, but it’s important to

choose the right words. Negative words or words that don’t

resonate with your vibration are like energetic junk food.

Creating the life you desire is more than just sending your

wish list off to the universe. You can’t manifest a life of joy and abundance if you’re sending out the vibration of lacking

and doubt through the words you choose. To be effective,

word you use needs to make you feel good.


2 Introduction

The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
is a guidebook for creating the life you’ve been dreaming of. This guide takes you through the

process of using the creative power of words to transform

your life. You will learn to uncover and eliminate negative

vocabulary on all levels and replace it with positive, personalized lingo that will help you to thrive.

This book examines each word from three perspectives.

The first perspective is the word’s dictionary definition—

what does the word mean to you and from a societal point of

view? The second perspective is through numerology and

numbers highlighting the frequency or vibration of a word

from an energetic standpoint: Is it a positive or negative

word? What is it energetically adding to or subtracting from

the life you desire? The third perspective is based on the science of the law of attraction: Is the word’s vibration in alignment with what you envision for your life? How can you shift

your frequency through the words you choose to use in

order to start attracting something different and more desir-


Several books have touched on the vibrations of words,

but interestingly, very few have delved deep into words’ ener-

gies. The controversial book
Messages from Water
by Dr. Masaru Emoto (Hado Publishing, 1999) was the first of its kind

to delve into the topic of the energetic power of language.

Emoto’s book is based on his scientific research demonstrat-

ing the effects of positive and negative words on water.

When a word was spoken, written, or thought and directed

at the water, the water responded by forming varying sizes

Introduction 3

and shapes of crystal clusters. His research and book have be-

come very widely known, stirring up both curiosity and criti-

cism around the world.
Messages from Water
offers evidence of the power of words from an energetic standpoint but

stops short of showing us how we can practically apply these

incredible findings to our own lives. This book you now have

in your hands continues where Dr. Emoto left off, providing

both further evidence of the vibration of words and how to

effectively harness their powerful energy in practical and do-

able ways.

Before you delve into the book, I wish to clarify what nu-

merology and the law of attraction are, as they are the un-

derlying bases of the book. Numerology is the science of

numbers from an energetic standpoint (not in the mathemat-

ical sense). The metaphysical community has believed for

millennia that the world and everything in it is energy, and in recent decades the scientific community has made strides to

prove this theory. Quantum physics has discovered that the

base of an atom is not matter, but frozen light particles of

energy. As the late Noble Peace Prize-winning physicist,

David Bohm, wrote in his book,
Wholeness and the Implicate
the universe is a sea of energy. Bohm saw the fundamental activity of nature as light; matter is not solid, but

rather condensed light. In other words, atoms—the basis of

all matter—are comprised of frozen or slowed light particles


Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and philosopher in

the late 500s BCE, became known as “the Father of Num-

bers.” He discovered through his study of numbers that all

4 Introduction

things had a basis in number. Much of the knowledge of Py-

thagoras and information about his life was documented cen-

turies after his death, so the accuracy of his work and

theories has been questioned. One of the main pieces we

know about Pythagoras is that he had a Mystery School

where he taught that nothing could exist without numbers.

He believed that mathematics formed the basis of all things

in existence and that numbers were the essence of creation.

Based on the findings of Pythagoras, every number in ex-

istence is created from the base numbers 1–9, which are the

numerical figures that form the basis of numerology. Draw-

ing upon the theory that all things are energy at their core,

numbers are also energy and can represent the energy pat-

terns within and around us.

What is energy exactly? The mainstream scientific defini-

tion is that energy is “the ability to do work.” There are two kinds of energy: “k
inetic energy (ener
gy of
motion) or po-

tential energy (stor
ed energy of position)”2; an example of kinetic energy would be wind or running water while an example of potential energy would be static electricity.

In quantum physics, string theory takes the definition of

energy a step further: “All objects in our universe are com-

posed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes

(branes) of energy.”3 This description of energy explains that all things are energy at their base, which is precisely why

there is such power in all things. Even numbers and words

have an energetic basis with the “ability to do work,” as the

widely accepted scientific definition of energy says. For this reason, words and numbers have an energetic effect on us.

Introduction 5

In recent years, there has been overwhelming demand for

information on numbers because many across the globe are

seeing repeating number sequences, such as 11:11. This phe-

nomenon has yet to be fully explained, but there are many

theories in the metaphysical community presenting the idea

that numerical patterns, like 11:11, are the codes of creation being revealed to those paying attention. These theories indicate that numbers are the language of the universe, and these

numbers have the ability to reveal to us who we are, what

we’re here to do, and how to do it. Think of numbers as spir-

itual DNA. Anything in the world can be reduced to a base

number or energetic frequency of 1–9. This base number

code can tell you the spiritual or energetic essence of a person, place, or thing. This includes words, of course, which is the method through which this book is able to reveal the

powerful energies of the words you choose to use and the

impact they have on your own essence and the world around


This book is the culmination of my work with numbers

and numerology and also my passion for words as an avid

writer since I was a child. I want to share with you my per-

sonal journey with numbers and words and the connection

between the two. I had the privilege of experiencing some-

thing early in life that I now consider a gift. It allowed me a brief window into the soulful world of spirit that not everyone has the opportunity to glimpse. At the age of four, I

went through a near death experience (NDE) that sparked

my curiosity for the unseen spirit world.

6 Introduction

My mother was visiting her friend and I was playing with

her sons down the hall. The boys and I were sharing a box of

Gobstoppers candy when I suddenly began to choke on one.

They thought I was joking and wouldn’t let me out of the

room for what seemed like an eternity. The room started to

appear as though I was viewing it through a distorted bubble.

By the time they let me out, I was barely clinging to life. The last thing I remember before passing out was making it into

the hallway where my mother caught me in her arms.

My lips were blue, I wasn’t breathing, and I was lying

limp in my mother’s arms. I remember vividly the experi-

ence of watching my mother, from outside my body, franti-

cally attempting to remove the candy from my throat. The

whole experience lasted for maybe three minutes, but the

most prominent thing that stands out from that day was the

incredible sense of calm and peace surrounding me after I

left my body. As I watched the scene like a bystander, I felt no fear, anxiety, or sadness, just a profound sense of tranquility I’ll never forget as long as I live.

There’s another piece to this story that further solidifies

my belief that there is more to life than what we can see with our human eyes. Standing on either side of me during that

experience, while I was outside my body, were two beings

made of white light. To this day, I still can’t say for sure who or what they were, but I do know that they had no definitive

shape and were the most brilliant white light I have ever seen.

As bright as it was, it was not hard on my eyes or overpower-

ing in any way. The enormous amount of serene energy and

love emanating from them was a feeling unsurpassed in the

Introduction 7

human world. No love on earth can compare to the love I felt

these beings had for me. I felt safe, loved, and totally at peace.

After that experience, I noticed I was more aware of the

subtle aspects of life. I knew about people, places, or things that I had no reasonable cause for knowing. I had seemingly

random premonitions or visions. This continued throughout

my childhood and into my early twenties until the next pro-

found experience came that would officially mark my align-

ment with my life purpose.

About ten years ago, at the age of twenty-four, I suddenly

began to dream in numbers every single night. I had always

been a vivid dreamer because of my heightened connection

to the spiritual realm, but this was something I had never ex-

perienced before. Over the course of several weeks, I filled a notepad with number messages that showed up in my

dreams. License plates, house numbers, street signs, numbers

on doors, on rocks, and even on people—you name it, I saw

it in my dreams. Each dream would produce several numbers

or number sequences. I had no idea what they meant or why

I was having these crazy number dreams but I was deter-

mined to find out.

One book I picked up on the subject of numbers was Do-

reen Virtue’s
Angel Numbers
(Hay House, 2005). It produced a complete
for me, because it explained the meanings of number sequences, which, astonishingly enough, were precise answers to the challenges I was currently facing in my

life. There was no doubt that they were guiding messages di-

recting me toward my purpose. The spiritual realm was com-

8 Introduction

municating with me, through numbers, that it was time for

me to step onto my path.

Sparking my interest for more, I dove headlong into re-

searching numbers on the Internet. Numerology kept com-

ing up over and over again when I attempted to seek more

information on the deeper meanings of numbers. I followed

the breadcrumbs and began studying numerology, and every-

thing began to click. I quickly picked up numbers’ meanings

and numerological formulas, learning the basics and then

some in just a matter of weeks. In hindsight, I realized num-

bers were my thing—my gift and my purpose. Even as a

child, I had an uncanny knack for remembering phone num-

bers and other series of numbers after hearing or seeing

them just once. Fast-forward a few years later, I was traveling from coast to coast sharing the powerful messages and

knowledge I had discovered through numbers. I was hooked,

to say the least.

Everyone who took one of my courses or had a private

session with me said the same thing: “You light up when you

talk about numbers.” It became an insatiable passion that

took me deeper into my path and purpose.

Uncovering the energetic meaning of a word through the

numbers came a bit later. The more I traveled and met peo-

ple from different walks of life, from the average Joe to fa-

mous movie stars, the more I noticed that those who were

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