Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
This is a terrific example of how words can be both posi-
tive and negative. Flipping back to the definitions at the end of the chapter, we see that 9 is the “idealistic humanitarian.”
Humanitarian energy wants nothing more than to fix prob-
lems, but most of us use the word “problem” in a negative
way. When we start phrases with “the problem is,” we’re
drawing upon the negative qualities of the 9, such as opinion-
ated and judgmental. Alternatively, responding with “no
problem!” sends the energy into the positive.
The word “hate” is a strong word by the dictionary defi-
nition, and the vibrational meaning is “distrust.” Converting
it to numerical values, H = 8, A = 1, T = 2, E = 5, we come
to the base sum of 8 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 16. Converting to a single
digit: 1 + 6 = 7. The number 7 is the truth-seeker number; in
the negative, it is a very distrusting and skeptical energy. If the word “hate” is thought, spoken, or written, it packs a
powerful punch in a very negative way. When we speak or
are spoken to using the word “hate,” we feel violated or
stripped of our power. As the number of truth, 7 is harsh and
raw in the negative form.
As you can see, the power in a word is all in how you use
it. Language is a powerful manifesting tool, and like any tool, you need to know how to use it properly to achieve the results you want. Words are the missing piece in the law of at-
traction. Imagining what we want and holding that vision is
only a part of the process in manifesting the life we desire.
54 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
Like attracts like, and if you’re going through your day eject-ing negative word vibrations out into your energetic sur-
roundings, you will attract more negative energy. If your
sights are set on a gorgeous house in the hills but several
times a day you catch yourself saying, “the problem is …”
your problem is putting a dark lens over your vision.
Now that you’ve got a handle on how to convert a word
to its energetic form, it’s time to go a bit more in depth with the numerical meaning. To keep it simple, we converted
“live,” “problem,” and “hate” to their final single-digit form, but there is more to the “energetic stew” of a word. The sum
we arrived at before reducing to a single-digit number gives
us an even more intimate view of what we’re truly manifest-
ing when we think, speak, or write a word.
“Live” adds to 21 before reducing to 3 and is written as
21/3. The 2 and the 1 add more energetic flavor to the word.
The positive 2 is peaceful, supportive, and cooperative; the
negative 2 is codependent and dualistic. The positive 1 is a
leader or pioneer and is success-driven, but the negative 1 is egotistical, oppressive, and isolated. How we use “live” determines which sides of the 2 and 1 are most prominent (the
positive or negative traits). When you add the 2 and 1 ener-
gies to the base energy of 3, the plot thickens, because the 2
and 1 are quite opposite energies, each with their own strong
dualistic energies within them. So what does it mean to
“live” from an energetic standpoint? You can be the inspira-
tional (3), cooperative and supportive (2) leader or pioneer
(1); or you can be the self-doubting (3), codependent and ego-
tistical (1) loner.
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 55
Each word can have up to three energetic flavors, as we
saw with the first three examples. “Live” has the energies of
the 2, 1, and 3 (21/3); “problem” has the 3, 6, and 9 (36/9);
and “hate” has the 1, 6, and 7 (16/7). When analyzing a word,
optimally you’ll want to note the meanings of all the num-
bers in the sum; for now, until you master the steps, the final single-digit sum will give you a good understanding of what
you’re manifesting.
A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spo-
ken forms of a word, syllable, or word group, created by
omission of internal letters. Some examples of contractions
are “shouldn’t,” “couldn’t,” “can’t,” “won’t,” and “don’t.”
Even though these contractions are comprised of two differ-
ent words, the energy of the words merged creates a new en-
ergy and a separate word vibration. The combined
contraction “couldn’t” holds a different energetic vibration
than the separate words “could not.” If you normally use
“couldn’t” rather than “could not,” the combined contrac-
tion is the word you need to explore further.
Many cultures place a high importance on the name chosen
at birth. For example, many Native American cultures and
Chinese culture take names very seriously, but for different
reasons. Names are very important in Chinese culture and
are chosen carefully to ensure they bestow luck and wealth.
In Native American cultures, names are usually chosen by
56 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
the elders of the tribe and come to them in many different
forms such as characteristics of the person being named,
dreams that the elder may have, or the name of a family
member who has died. In some tribes, it is deemed that two
people in the same tribe cannot share the same name. Once
the person with that name has died, then the name can be
used again.
Your first name, last name, and birth names are import-
ant words in your life that should not be left out. Names are
words, too, and because a name is a word used regularly, it
affects your energy in a multitude of ways. Names in gen-
eral, whether given to a person, place, or thing, are import-
ant on an energetic level and can affect the energetic tone
you’re sending out to the world.
Even if your birth name is not used every day, you carry
its frequency with you from your birth. In numerology,
names are thought of as your “mask,” or how the world sees
you through the expression of your personality. Although
your full birth name (first, middle, and last given name) is
rarely used except on things like legal or official documents
and financial interactions, it carries an underlying vibration that represents your truest personality expression. Think of it as an energetic stamp you’re given at birth. When you meet
someone, your name vibration is one of the first energetic
interactions they will have with you. What is it saying to
them about you?
Your professional name is an energy used in your career
or work life. People you interact with in a professional sense think of you through the vibrational frequency of your first
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 57
and last name together. Depending on the career field, a
stronger or softer name may be better or worse. Writers will
often abbreviate their names with initials in combination
with their last name or use a pen name, often due to a gut
feeling or because another writer has a similar name and they
want to be unique. If you’re struggling in your career and
there is no obvious outer reason, look to the name energy
you are putting out there. A tweak like adding or subtracting
an initial may allow you to appear in a completely different
My own name change was a pivotal time for me. I mar-
ried my husband ten and a half years ago when I was six
months’ pregnant with my daughter. I don’t follow any par-
ticular religious belief system and I’ve never been big on conformity, so getting married wasn’t something that was high
on my agenda. At the time, I was one of those people who
thought of a marriage license as a useless piece of paper or an unnecessary technicality.
It was just before I discovered the numbers and numerol-
ogy, so I was unaware of the significance the name change
would bring for me. There was no doubt about my relation-
ship with my husband and whether or not we would be to-
gether; we decided to marry not for us but more for the sake
of our unborn daughter. I struggled with the idea of taking
on my husband’s name because to me it meant losing my
identity. In hindsight, it was perfectly timed and exactly the energetic shift I needed.
My maiden name is Beek, which, when converted to its
numerical equivalent, is the base number 5. My married
58 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
name, Arbeau, has a base energy of 3. From a professional
standpoint and in terms of my life purpose, my maiden
name didn’t fit the role I was about to step into as a numerologist. My first name is a 4 frequency; when added to my
maiden name, the result is a 9 (4 + 5 = 9).
My pre-numerologist self was indeed a 9, the number of
ambition, idealism, responsibility, and big-dreamer energy. At the time, I was working in human resources in the corporate
world at a major bank, climbing the corporate ladder and
dreaming of a better life than the nine-to-five grind. At the office, a coworker had nicknamed me “tell it like it is Michelle” because I was always the one to cut through the of-
fice politics and call out the elephant in the room. After I had my daughter, I decided I wouldn’t be returning to the corporate world and my name change had a big part in steering
the helm toward this new direction I was headed.
My first name added together with my new married
name was a 7 (4 + 3 = 7). The 7 is the number of truth or the
truth-seeker, and it reflected exactly whom I was but had yet
to fully embrace at the time. As I was at the office, I was the truth-seeker, the deep and philosophical one who wanted to
get to the bottom of whatever was presented in front of me.
This, from day one, has been what numerology is all about
for me—revealing the underlying truth in all things. The very
name change that I initially resisted was the catalyst to align with my calling.
Whether you’re Debbie, Donald, Kim, Bill, or Sara, what
does your name say about your personality expression? Your
first name is the name spoken most often, and it has the most
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 59
energetic clout of all name combinations. The more a word
is spoken, the more energy it is transmitting into your world.
Your first name’s vibration is a strong representation of how
others see you on a day-to-day basis. A strong name vibra-
tion, such as the wise, independent, and assertive 8, can help you stand out as a leader while a softer name with the supportive and cooperative 2 vibration will highlight that you
are supportive and harmonious. Your name will attract the
energies it sends out.
Parents need not worry that they have chosen the wrong
name for their child. It’s very rare to find a person whose
name vibration does not suit their energy. If you are a new
parent or a parent-to-be, you can take a look at the names
you’ve chosen and I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised that you’ve chosen well. More will be discussed on the topic of
names and nicknames in Chapter 9.
Now that you’ve got the basic knowledge of what it
means to convert a word to its energetic form, you can access
the deeper meaning of any word.
In Chapter 4, we’ll begin the process of rewriting your
personal jargon into the positive and choosing your Top-Ten
Positive Power Words by using the Top Positive and Negative
Words reference section at the back of the book to give you a
firm grasp on the vibration of the words you speak and how
they can significantly affect your potential in all areas of life.
You can’t rewrite your life and truly manifest your vision
until you completely understand the tool (word vibrations)
you’re using to create it.
60 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
Below are the 1–9 base number meanings that will serve
as your reference for the energetic meaning of the words you
convert with the word conversion chart in this chapter. All
things, including words, can be reduced to these 9 base en-
ergy patterns based on the theories of the “father of num-
bers” himself, Pythagoras.
Base Number Meanings 1–9
1: The Pioneer
One (1) is the first physical-plane number. It governs our
communications skills and verbal self-expression through the
ego. It is the only complete number, representing our divine
expression through the physical. As the number most linked
to ego, it is a driven and active energy, seeking achievement
and success. It is also the number of new beginnings.
Positive Keywords:
verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambitious, determined, and pioneering.
Negative Keywords:
aggressive, egocentric, over-driven, self-absorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.
2: Supportive Guide
Two (2) is the first soul-plane number. It represents our dualistic nature as spiritual beings in a physical body. The 2 represents our need to find balance between these two opposing
sides of ourselves. The 2 is the number of intuition, sensitivity, and cooperation.