Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
termined, and hands-on.
Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,
skeptical, and loner.
Top Positive and Negative Words 183
Gratitude (6)
“Gratitude” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. Having or ex-
pressing gratitude utilizes the visionary qualities of the
6. You experience gratitude for all that you have,
whether good or bad and without question or judg-
ment, as you know it is all for the greater good or bigger
picture. In the negative, “gratitude” takes on a pessimis-
tic and judgmental flavor, dipping into the negative side
of the 6; “I’m grateful for this experience but …”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Great (6)
“Great” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. The visionary “big-
ger-picture” energy of the 6 affords “great” its vast and
grand energy; “It was so great to finally meet you in per-
son!” In the negative, the pessimistic and judgmental 6
creates doubt in the impressive “great”; “She wasn’t that
great, I’ve seen better.”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
184 Top Positive and Negative Words
Grow (9)
“Grow” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” When you grow on any
level, whether mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or phys-
ically, you are changing by moving forward. In the nega-
tive, the judgmental, critical, and narrow-minded
energies of the 9 take center stage, creating more obsta-
cles to surpass in order to be able to move forward and
grow; “It’ll take me forever to grow out of this habit.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 185
Happy (3)
“Happy” vibrates to the 3, the intellectual number of imagination, memory, unity, and inspiration.
When you feel happy, you are living through the imagi-
native, inspirational, and sunny 3 energy. As the number
of unity, the 3 produces a feeling of completeness, en-
joyment, and satisfaction with whatever you are happy
about. In the negative, that happy feeling is elusive due
to the self-doubting, self-critical, and overanalyzing qual-
ities of the 3; “I’ll never be happy again.”
Positive: analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensi-
tive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative: critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-criti-
cal, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
Harmony (4)
“Harmony” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. To live in
harmony is to be balanced with all things within you
and without. In the positive, harmony comes from
within through the balanced stability of the 4 energy;
“There is nothing but harmony in my world.” In the
negative, harmony is sought in outer, physical, or mate-
rialistic sources; “There won’t be a sense of harmony in
my life until I find my soul mate.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
186 Top Positive and Negative Words
Healed (8)
“Healed” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As
the most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link to
the spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and
completeness. In the positive, the manifesting and
doubtless powers of the 8 are tapped, creating deep and
lasting healing. In the negative, an external or superficial
search for sources of healing is attempted but no exter-
nal avenues can produce the same depth of healing that
occurs when healing takes place on the soul level.
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Ideal (4)
“Ideal” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. The hardworking
and enduring positive 4 energy strives to be “ideal” in a
broader sense with less focus on being the best or ideal
for selfish reasons; “My ideal job would allow me to find
a balance between work and family life.” In the negative,
“ideal” becomes perfection-seeking and materialistic,
taking on the self-absorbed 4 quality; “My ideal partner
would have to be into everything I enjoy or it would
never work out.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Top Positive and Negative Words 187
Incredible (9)
“Incredible” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is re-
sponsible for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” “Incredible” relies on the
big-dreamer 9 energy to take it over the top into extraor-
dinary territory; “That’s incredible! You finished it in re-
cord time.” In the negative, the judging, opinionated,
and critical 9 deflates “incredible”; “Sounds incredible,
but hardly believable.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
188 Top Positive and Negative Words
Inspire (9)
“Inspire” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” When you inspire some-
one, you infuse them with the positive qualities of the
9—the idealistic, ambitious, big-dreamer energy. In the
negative, you aim to inspire others by sharing your opin-
ion of what you think they should be or do.
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 189
Invigorating (1)
“Invigorating” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.
The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other num-
ber so it is a stand-alone energy. As the number of new
beginnings and trailblazer energy, “invigorating” is alive
with stimulating energy; “Taking the scenic route home
is always so interesting and invigorating. We should do it
more often.” In the negative, the aggressive, egocentric,
and overly driven 1 says for something to feel invigorat-
ing, it has to strive to be bigger and better; “It’s invigorating to always surpass my sales goal each week.”
Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-
tious, determined, and pioneering.
Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-
sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.
190 Top Positive and Negative Words
Invincible (9)
“Invincible” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is re-
sponsible for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” The ambitious, deter-
mined, and idealistic 9 gives “invincible” its unshakable
determination to conquer. In the positive, the humani-
tarian 9 takes ego out of the equation, the desire to be
invincible reserved for broader goals and visions; “When
it comes to my charity work and winning a marathon to
raise money, I’m invincible.” In the negative, the judging
and criticizing 9 knocks the pegs out from under “invin-
cible”; “She seems invincible now, but her days are num-
bered in that sport.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 191
Kind (2)
: “Kind” vibrates to the 2, the number of intu-
ition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. As
the gentle, sensitive, peaceful, harmonious, and cooper-
ative 2, to be kind is to be the essence of the 2 in its pur-
est form; “She is such a kind and thoughtful person.” In
the negative, the whiny and passive codependent 2
makes “kind” appear clingy and needy rather than gen-
erously supportive; “He’s always been so kind to him
but never to me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Joy (5)
“Joy” vibrates to the 5, the number of the heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of expression”
energy. “Joy” is a higher state of happiness, full of free-
dom, passion, and flexibility to express your emotions
without hindrance. In the positive, “joy” is the epitome
of all the 5 energy holds. In the negative, the dominat-
ing, uncertain, and withdrawn qualities of the 5 prevent
the uninhibited expression of “joy” and its true nature.
Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,
withdrawn, and moody.
192 Top Positive and Negative Words
Live (3)
“Live” vibrates to the 3, the intellectual number of imagination, memory, and inspiration. The 3 also represents unity or coming together. As the inspirational and
imaginative number, when you truly live, you are living
an inspired life imagined by you; “Live like there’s no to-
morrow.” In the negative, your ability to live becomes in-
hibited by the self-doubting, critical, and indecisive energy
of the 3; “When will I ever get to live my life the way I
want to?”
Positive: analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensi-
tive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative: critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-criti-
cal, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
Top Positive and Negative Words 193
Love (9)
“Love” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsible
for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous
century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at
least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most active
mental number, the highest change vibration, and consid-
ered the “big dreamer.” It also represents the beginning
and end of a cycle and, in some cultures, the 9 is referred
to as the complete number. In the case of “love,” the 9
brings truth to the saying, “love is all there is.” In the positive, “love” is unconditional, selfless, humanitarian energy.
In the negative, judgmental and critical opinions place
conditions on “love.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Magic (6)