Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
“Undeniably” vibrates to the 8, the number of
wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation.
As the most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link
to the spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and
completeness. The 8 energy is doubtless in the positive.
“Undeniably” is also doubtless because it is the 8 vibra-
tion, the number of confidence and wisdom; “You are un-
deniably correct, no doubt about it.” In the negative,
“undeniably” favors the 8 qualities of selfishness, domina-
tion, and attention-seeking, looking to always be right
and fighting to prove it; “You know I’m undeniably right
and I can prove it.”
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Top Positive and Negative Words 213
Unique (6)
“Unique” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. When you look
beyond face value, utilizing the visionary 6 energy in the
positive, you can see the unique qualities in all and ap-
preciate them as part of the whole picture; “She’s
unique and her actions are very admirable.” In the nega-
tive, “unique” is more about standing out and playing
the people-pleaser; “My talents in this industry are
unique; you won’t find a better salesman.”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Unsurpassed (4)
“Unsurpassed” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. The enduring, solid, stable, and loyal 4 wins the race and gives “un-
surpassed” the energy to go the distance, earning an A
for effort; “The level of customer service at that hotel is
unsurpassed in the industry.” In the negative, it is all
about acquiring an unsurpassed achievement level for
materialistic and self-absorbed reasons; “Thanks to the
tweaks I had done to my car recently, it’s unsurpassed
on the track.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
214 Top Positive and Negative Words
Valuable (4)
“Valuable” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. Something
is valuable when it adds to your life’s foundation in some
way. In the positive, the things that you consider to be
most valuable are the pieces of your life’s foundation
that are priceless and intangible (memory, life lessons,
etc.). In the negative, the adding of something valuable
to your foundation is focused on gaining from a more
physical or materialistic viewpoint.
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Vibrant (5)
“Vibrant” vibrates to the 5, the number of the heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of expression” energy. When you feel vibrant, you are alive
with the “freedom of expression” energy of the number
5. In the positive, there is no agenda, just the sensation
of vitality in your own energy. In the negative, “vibrant”
seeks to dazzle or shine more brilliantly than someone
or something else, stepping into the dominating and
power-hungry side of the 5 vibration; “I feel so vibrant
today” or “I’m as vibrant at fifty as most twenty-some-
things are.”
Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,
withdrawn, and moody.
Top Positive and Negative Words 215
Whole (9)
“Whole” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous
century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at
least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most active
mental number, the highest change vibration, and consid-
ered the “big dreamer.” To be whole is to have all pieces
of the “pie” present and intact. In the positive, the 9 en-
ergy is unselfish and humanitarian, facilitating a view of
yourself as whole regardless of your present state or cir-
cumstances; “We all have flaws, but I am whole and com-
plete as I am now.” In the negative, your view of the
whole vision of yourself is faced with the judging and
critical opinions of the 9 vibration; “I’ll feel whole and
complete when I lose these last 5 pounds.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
216 Top Positive and Negative Words
Winner (2)
“Winner” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the positive, the cooperative, supportive, and sensitive 2
qualities state that we are all winners, regardless of who
or what we are. In the negative, the dualistic nature of
the 2 stands front and center, stating that there is no
gray area when it comes to being a winner—you either
are or you aren’t. The 2 in the negative highlights its hy-
persensitive and passive nature, causing you to compare
your flaws to those you perceive to be more of a winner
than you.
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Wise (2)
“Wise” vibrates to the 2, the number of intu-
ition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the positive, “wise” draws from the wellspring of intu-
ition and sensitivity of the 2; “You can already tell, even
at this age, that she’s wise beyond her years.” In the neg-
ative, the 2 is displayed as seemingly separate and uncer-
tain, detaching from the intuitive voice within. Instead
of a strong sense of knowing, “wise” defends itself as
the hypersensitive 2; “Listen kid, you may be smart but
I’m wise.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Top Positive and Negative Words 217
Wonderful (1)
“Wonderful” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy. The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other
number so it is a stand-alone energy. For something to
be wonderful, it has to better than the norm. With the
pioneering 1 in the positive, “wonderful” is sure to rise
above the average; “What a wonderful surprise! I’ve
never experienced that before.” In the negative, “won-
derful” seeks to be in the spotlight with the egocentric
and overachieving 1; “I think I did a wonderful job if I
do say so myself.”
Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-
tious, determined, and pioneering.
Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-
sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.
218 Top Positive and Negative Words
Wow (7)
“Wow” vibrates to the 7, the deep, philosophical, teaching and learning, truth-seeker energy. As the truth-seeker, the 7 brings the “wow” factor. When you apply
“wow” to anything, it is an awe-filled vibration because
you are in amazement at some piece of new knowledge
or experience; “Wow, I never knew that about her.” In
the negative, instead of amazement and wonder, “wow”
has an undertone of the distrustful and skeptical 1;
“Wow, there had better be a good reason for this atti-
tude, missy.”
Positive: wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, de-
termined, and hands-on.
Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,
skeptical, and loner.
Yes (4)
“Yes” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. When you say yes to
something and mean it, you are drawing from the solid,
practical, and balanced foundation energy of the 4. Your
“yes” is grounded firmly in reality. In the negative, “yes”
takes on the impatient and instant-gratification energies
of the 4, creating an impulsive “yes” lacking certainty;
“I’ll say yes to anything fun!”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Top Positive and Negative Words 219
Zest (7)
“Zest” vibrates to the 7, the deep, philosophical, teaching and learning, truth-seeker energy. As the most
active physical-plane number, in the positive the 7 takes
you on a search for truth by living life through personal
experience. The relentless searcher, the 7 energy has a
“zest” for life; “I’ve got a newfound zest for life now that
I’m back to creating my artwork.” In the negative, the
feeling of “zest” is sought out more for materialistic and
physically gratifying reasons rather than experiencing life
for the personal truths it reveals; “I’ve got more zest in my
step when my pocket is full of money and I’m headed out
for a night on the town.”
Positive: wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, de-
termined, and hands-on.
Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,
skeptical, and loner.
220 Top Positive and Negative Words
Top Negative Words
Afraid (3)
“Afraid” vibrates to the 3, the intellectual number of imagination, memory, and inspiration. The 3 also
represents unity or coming together. In the negative,
“afraid” feeds completely off the self-doubting, self-criti-
cal energies of the 3; “I’m afraid I’ll never find true
love.” In the positive, the imaginative and inspirational
energies of the 3 vibration lift the fears associated with
being afraid; “I’m not afraid of a challenge, I welcome
Positive: analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensi-
tive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative: critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-criti-
cal, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
Alone (2)
“Alone” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, the dualistic, opposing or separated energy
of the 2 gives “alone” its isolated feeling. When divided,
2 creates a double 1, the isolated stand-alone number;
“I’m all alone in this world.” In the positive, “alone” re-
lies on the supportive and cooperative 2 traits shifting
the feelings of isolation to a sense of being supported
even when alone; “I can do this alone.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Top Positive and Negative Words 221
Angry (2)
“Angry” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, the intuitive and sensitive side of the 2 is
clouded and you are unable to clearly see the reasons be-
hind what has caused you to be angry; “Don’t even talk
to me; I’m so angry with you right now.” In the positive,
“angry” loses its steam quickly, softened by the coopera-
tive, harmonious, and intuitive 2; “I can’t stay angry at
you; I know you didn’t mean it.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Anguish (7)
“Anguish” vibrates to the 7, the deep, philosophical, teaching and learning, truth-seeker energy. As the
most active physical-plane number, 7 in the negative
seeks to suffer alone with its distrustful, stubborn, and
hesitant qualities; “I’m going through such anguish over
this breakup and I don’t have anyone to turn to who un-
derstands.” In the positive, the 7 is determined to un-
cover the reasons behind such anguish; “I’ll help her get
to the bottom of her anguish. She deserves to be happy.”
Positive: wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, de-