The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (26 page)

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termined, and hands-on.

Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,

skeptical, and loner.

222 Top Positive and Negative Words

Ashamed (6)

“Ashamed” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. In the negative,

“ashamed” is focused on the people-pleasing qualities of

the 6; “I’m so ashamed of what I said; I’ll never be able

to show my face in this town again.” In the positive,

“ashamed” is able to see the bigger picture as the vision-

ary 6, softening the devastating blow; “I’m not ashamed

of my actions because I know it was the right thing to

say at the time.”

Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-

ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.

Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,

people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.

Avoid (6)

“Avoid” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. Steering clear of

judgment and criticism, “avoid” is concerned with what

other people might think as the negative 6 energy; “I

know I can’t avoid them forever, but I can sure try.” In

the positive, the visionary 6 can see that to avoid is to

stall and hinder a necessary resolution for the benefit of

the broader picture; “I’m just beating around the bush, I

can’t avoid her anymore.”

Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-

ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.

Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,

people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.

Top Positive and Negative Words 223

Awful (9)

“Awful” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsible

for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous

century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at

least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most active

mental number, the highest change vibration, and consid-

ered the “big dreamer.” In the negative, “awful” is critical,

judgmental, and opinionated without knowing any or all

of the facts; “Isn’t it awful what she said to him?” In the

positive, “awful” is ambitious, idealistic, and humanitar-

ian; “I’m sure it isn’t that awful, I think I’ll try it.”

Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-

tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.

Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black

and white, and narrow-minded.

224 Top Positive and Negative Words

Awkward (9)

“Awkward” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-

ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous

century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at

least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most active

mental number, the highest change vibration, and consid-

ered the “big dreamer.” In the negative, the black-and-

white, right-and-wrong, perfectionist, critical 9

contributes to the uncomfortable feeling of “awkward.”

When you feel awkward, you are self-conscious of your

perceived imperfections; “That was so awkward! I felt so

out of place with that elite group of women.” In the posi-

tive, the humanitarian side of the 9 strives to rectify “awk-

ward,” softening its perfectionist view; “There’s no need

to feel awkward, we’re all family.”

Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-

tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.

Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black

and white, and narrow-minded.

Top Positive and Negative Words 225

Bad (7)

“Bad” vibrates to the 7, the deep, philosophical, teaching and learning, truth-seeker energy. In the negative, the 7 vibration carries a deep sense of distrust of

the self and others, not based on any outer facts or in-

formation; “I just know something bad is going to hap-

pen.” In the positive, pulling from the deeper

truth-seeking energy that is the 7 in its true form, “bad”

benefits from the deep sense of inner trust that comes

from tapping into your truth; “I’m sure it won’t be as

bad as it seems.”

Positive: wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, de-

termined, and hands-on.

Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,

skeptical, and loner.

Beaten (2)

“Beaten” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In

the negative, the dualistic, opposing, separated energy

of the 2 gives “beaten” its defeated undertone; “I was

beaten at the marathon.” In the positive, “beaten” relies

on the supportive and cooperative 2 traits shifting the

feelings of defeat to a sense of being supported and not

alone, even when faced with potential defeat or loss; “I

will not be beaten down or subdued.”

Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-

portive, and harmonious.

Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,

passive, and hypersensitive.

226 Top Positive and Negative Words

Belittle (4)

“Belittle” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. In the negative,

you belittle someone from a materialistic or physical and

self-absorbed standpoint, focusing on what you have

that they don’t; “She’s not fit for our team with such an

obvious lack of sophistication.” In the positive, a more

practical and balanced view is taken, based on the posi-

tive qualities of the 4; “That was unacceptable to belittle

her in front of her friends.”

Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-

anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.

Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-

ification, and self-absorbed.

Betray (8)

“Betray” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As the

most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link to the

spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and com-

pleteness. To betray is to deceive or be disloyal; living

through the negative qualities of the 8, “betray” becomes

detached, selfish, and greedy; “If you betray me, you’ll

pay for it.” In the positive, the wise and assured energies

take over, creating a deeper view of “betray”; “I’m sure

there’s a good reason for her to betray me in this way,

considering she’s always been honest with me in the


Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-

festing, assured, and loving.

Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,

and attention-seeking.

Top Positive and Negative Words 227

Bitter (2)

“Bitter” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In

the negative, the dualistic, opposing, separated energy

of the 2 gives “bitter” its detached and divided stance;

“She’s bitter about the breakup because he cheated on

her.” In the positive, “bitter” translates into a softened

outlook from the cooperative and harmonious 2 energy;

“I’m not bitter because I know she meant well.”

Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-

portive, and harmonious.

Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,

passive, and hypersensitive.

Blame (6)

“Blame” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. In the negative,

“blame” judges and is critical and pessimistic; “He’s to

blame, I just know it.” In the positive, the visionary and

nurturing sides of the 6 come forth and instead of point-

ing fingers, leaves the door open for the bigger picture

to be viewed; “No one is really to blame here.”

Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-

ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.

Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,

people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.

228 Top Positive and Negative Words

Burden (1)

“Burden” vibrates to the 1, the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy. The 1 is the only

number not divisible by any other number, making it is a

stand-alone energy. As an isolated number, 1 in the nega-

tive believes “burden” is something to bear alone, playing

the victim; “He’s such a burden but there’s no one else to

take care of him but me.” In the positive, the overly

driven, egocentric, and aggressive 1 views a burden as

something to overcome or discard if it becomes too inhib-

iting; “She’s a burden to my company and I’m going to

have to cut her loose.”

Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-

tious, determined, and pioneering.

Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-

sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.

But (7)

“But” vibrates to the 7, the deep, philosophical, teaching and learning, truth-seeker energy. In the negative, “but” is used to express distrust of the self or others

when you are not centered in your truth; “I wanted to

join in but I was afraid they wouldn’t like me.” In the

positive, when trust is incorporated into “but,” it dis-

plays a knowing or truth from within; “I didn’t have the

same level of credentials as the other candidates, but it

didn’t matter, I knew I was worthy of that award.”

Positive: wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, de-

termined, and hands-on.

Negative: stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant,

skeptical, and loner.

Top Positive and Negative Words 229

Can’t (2)

“Can’t” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In

the negative, the dualistic, opposing, or separated en-

ergy of the 2 gives “can’t” its uncertain, codependent,

and passive tone; “I can’t do this!” In the positive, “can’t”

leans toward the balanced, intuitive, and supportive

traits of the 2; “They say I can’t do this, but I’m sure

going to try.”

Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-

portive, and harmonious.

Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,

passive, and hypersensitive.

Challenge (4)

“Challenge” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. In the negative, the impatient and instant gratification-seeking 4

gives rise to losing steam quickly when it comes to tak-

ing on a challenge; “I’m not sure I can weather this chal-

lenge.” As the physical energy considered the number of

the “doer,” in the positive sense, “challenge” is all about

doing in the physical sense and putting one’s nose to the

grindstone to get the job done; “I’m up for the chal-


Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-

anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.

Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-

ification, and self-absorbed.

230 Top Positive and Negative Words

Cheated (1)

“Cheated” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.

The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other num-

ber so it is a stand-alone energy. Appearing as the sepa-

rated loner, the negative 1 takes being cheated personally

and seeks revenge or rectification; “She cheated me out

of a chance at the top position in the company and I can’t

let her get away with that.” In the positive, the 1 seeks to

overcome being cheated through its qualities of ambition,

determination, and action; “She cheated me out of the

opportunity to speak at that event, but there will be other

events and other opportunities.”

Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-

tious, determined, and pioneering.

Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-

sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.

Chaotic (5)

“Chaotic” vibrates to the 5, the number of the heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of expression” energy. In the negative, “chaotic” is exhibiting

the uncertain and erratic 5 energy that is moody and un-

predictable; “My life is so chaotic right now and it’s very

stressful to cope with.” In the positive, the freedom-seek-

ing and flexible 5 thrives on chaotic situations; “My life is

chaotic, but I like it that way. It keeps things interesting.”

Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-

dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.

Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,

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