Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
feeling of being defeated; “I’ve been defeated at my own
game. I’m done for now.” In the positive, the free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible 5 turns “defeated”
into a reason to bust free and create again; “I may be de-
feated at this stage but there’s nothing stopping me from
trying other avenues.”
Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,
withdrawn, and moody.
Deficient (3)
“Deficient” vibrates to the 3, the intellectual number of imagination, memory, and inspiration. The 3
also represents unity or coming together. In the nega-
tive, the self-doubting, self-critical, and overanalyzing 3
manifests being deficient in anything and everything; “I
was always deficient in confidence, a painfully shy
child.” In the positive, the inspirational and unity-driven
3 wants anything deficient to be corrected and balanced;
“Even though I’m deficient in a sense of direction, I al-
ways get to where I’m going eventually!”
Positive: analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensi-
tive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative: critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-criti-
cal, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
Top Positive and Negative Words 241
Demand (5)
“Demand” vibrates to the 5, the number of the heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of expression” energy. In the negative, the power-hungry,
dominating, and bossy 5 will make a demand to exert
power or control; “I demand you treat me with respect.”
In the positive, the freedom-seeking and passionate 5
may demand and be assertive for the purpose of protect-
ing freedom but does so in a loving and sensitive way;
“The only thing I demand in this relationship is space to
do the things I love.”
Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,
withdrawn, and moody.
Depressed (5)
“Depressed” vibrates to the 5, the number of the heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of expression” energy. The negative 5 is moody and withdrawn,
which is the essence of “depressed”; “I’m so depressed
right now, I can’t believe I’m stuck in a situation I swore
I’d never be.” In the positive, the loving, sensitive, and
freedom-seeking 5 strives to avoid or eliminate ruts like
the state of depression as it is a freedom-squashing en-
ergy; “I can’t let this experience keep me depressed and
miserable. It’s just not my nature to be this way.”
Positive: loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, free-
dom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative: uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy,
withdrawn, and moody.
242 Top Positive and Negative Words
Deserve (6)
“Deserve” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. In the negative,
“deserve” is about whether or not you are worthy of
something, relying on the critical, pessimistic, and judg-
mental qualities of the 6; “You don’t deserve my respect
with that behavior.” In the positive, “deserve” takes a
broader approach, focusing on the optimistic and for-
ward-thinking energy of the 6 in the positive; “If you’re
willing to put in the effort, you deserve the recognition.”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Despair (9)
“Despair” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous
century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at
least one 9 in their date of birth. The critical, right-and-
wrong outlook of the negative 9 is quick to bask in misery
and despair if things don’t go as envisioned, playing the
role of victim; “The breakup was so unexpected. I’m in
such a state of despair over it.” In the positive, the unself-
ish humanitarian aims to pick up despair and put a smile
on its face; “Don’t despair. Things are looking brighter
every day.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 243
Destructive (2)
“Destructive” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, 2 is an unpredictable and destructive force as
the contrasting, uncertain, and hypersensitive energy;
“She gets incredibly self-destructive when he’s not around.
He’s become her crutch.” In the positive, the balanced,
cooperative, sensitive, and harmony-seeking 2 wants to
cure any destructive energy; “Please put some thought
into what you say to her. She’s very fragile and your com-
ments are destructive.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
244 Top Positive and Negative Words
Detest (1)
vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.
The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other num-
ber so it is a stand-alone energy. In the negative, the ag-
gressive, egocentric, and overachieving 1 outlook is to
detest anything that doesn’t align with its self-focused
morals and beliefs; “I detest stupidity in any form.” In the
positive, “detest” is less applied for the purpose of judging
others and used more for personal motivation factors.
However, it is one of those words that can still carry a
hint of negativity, even in the positive; “I detest myself
when I let my diet slip. I’m not myself, even with just a
few extra pounds.”
Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-
tious, determined, and pioneering.
Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-
sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.
Top Positive and Negative Words 245
Difficult (9)
“Difficult” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is respon-
sible for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. Something is dif-
ficult to the opinionated, judgmental, and nar-
row-minded negative 9 when a person, place, or
situation does not match the rigid ideals of the 9; “He
makes a mountain out of a molehill and is always so dif-
ficult to deal with.” In the positive, the softer humanitar-
ian energy shines through using the big-dreamer energy
in a more loving way; “She’s not as difficult as she seems;
cut her some slack.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
246 Top Positive and Negative Words
Disappointed (6)
“Disappointed” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. In the negative,
“disappointed” is a reflection of the doubting and peo-
ple-pleasing 6; “She’s disappointed in me, I know it.” In the
positive, the visionary steps forward to shine a light on the
bigger picture; “I’m not disappointed in you, because I
know you tried your best and that’s all that really matters.”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Directionless (8)
“Directionless” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As
the most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link to
the spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and com-
pleteness. In the negative the 8 is out of alignment with its
truest nature as the wise and confident number. A feeling
of being directionless occurs when we are cut off from
that deeper wisdom within; “After I lost my job last month,
I’ve been feeling so directionless. I’m not sure what my
next chapter is.” In the positive, the wise and assured 8
breathes hope into “directionless”; “At the moment, I’m di-
rectionless, but I know something is just around the cor-
ner for me, I can feel it.”
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Top Positive and Negative Words 247
Discontent (4)
“Discontent” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. The impatient and restless 4 in the negative causes discontent
without the stamina to solve it; “I’m so discontent in my
life, but I don’t know where to begin to change it. I’m
overwhelmed.” In the positive, the progressive, endur-
ing, and practical 4 uses the discontentment as fuel to
keep moving forward; “Whenever I’m feeling discontent
in any way, I know it’s time to take action on some
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Doubt (2)
“Doubt” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, the dualistic, opposing, or separated en-
ergy of the 2 casts doubt on a person or situation; “I se-
riously doubt she’s going to win the race.” In the
positive, the separate and opposing energies are replaced
by a viewpoint based on intuition, sensitivity, and coop-
eration; “I never doubted you, not even for a moment.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
248 Top Positive and Negative Words
Down (2)
“Down” vibrates to the 2, the number of intu-
ition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. The
uncertain, codependent, and hypersensitive 2 doesn’t
have to look far for something to bring it down; “I feel
so down when you’re not near me. You’re my drug.” In
the positive, the balanced, sensitive, supportive, and co-
operative 2 makes an effort to find a harmonious resolu-
tion; “I know you’re feeling down now but wait until
you get the call. It will be good news.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Drained (1)
“Drained” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.
The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other num-
ber so it is a stand-alone energy. When the 1 is in the neg-
ative form, it lacks its ambitious, determined, and
pioneering qualities. “Drained” channels a lack of these
very qualities; “I’m so drained lately. I don’t know how to
get my energy back.” In the positive, the initiating, ac-
tion-seeking, and ambitious 1 vibration is motivated to
overcome any symptoms of being drained; “I’m usually
drained after a group meeting but I’ve learned that a little
quiet time fixes me right up again.”
Positive: verbal self-expression, initiate, action, ambi-
tious, determined, and pioneering.
Negative: aggressive, egocentric, overly driven, self-ab-
sorbed, overachieving, and single-focused.
Top Positive and Negative Words 249
Dread (5)
“Dread” vibrates to the 5, the number of the
heart, emotions, and compassionate “freedom of ex-
pression” energy. When the 5 is in a negative space, it
brings forth the qualities of uncertainty, moodiness,
being withdrawn, and avoidance. These are reflected in
the word “dread”; “I dread the first day of school tomor-
row with this terrible haircut.” The positive, flexible, and
freedom-seeking 5 not only doesn’t feel dread to the
same degree as the negative 5, there may even be a sense
of excitement about conquering the unknown; “I’m ner-