Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
Star-Studded Word Power 153
Chapter 10); however, “Happiness Guy” is the positive,
truth-seeking, deep, and philosophical 7, highlighting that we must live our truth to be truly happy. To be truly happy, we
must discover and live our truth as Ricky has, even in the
midst of unhappiness. Using this title, Ricky not only rep-
resents his own path and what he did in his own life to find
happiness, but he also sends out the energetic message that
he can help others find their own truth and begin living it as well.
Treva Etienne, Actor and Director
I first met Treva Etienne on a radio show where I did a live
numerological profile on him. He was not only my first offi-
cial celebrity client, it was also the start of a very special and pivotal friendship for me—one I didn’t expect to happen.
After the radio interview, Treva called me to thank me for
the reading and to say how accurate and insightful it was for
him. I could sense his genuineness and we ended the conver-
sation by saying we would keep in touch. I knew it wasn’t
just a nicety; he meant what he said.
We have indeed kept in touch over the years, and it is a
friendship I value greatly. One of the things I admire about
him is his belief that we each need to live our truth, not anyone else’s, in order to be truly happy and content. Although
Treva has had a multitude of roles in major motion pictures,
television shows, and commercials over the years and is an
accomplished actor and director, he has always been firm in
his outlook that he refused to step outside what he feels is
true to him in order to succeed. Many Hollywood stars sell
154 Star-Studded Word Power
their souls to make it on the big screen. Yet Treva is a perfect example of how living in alignment with what feels right to
you will always get you to exactly where you need to be in
life, whether it is by the actions you take or the words you
choose to speak. No compromises necessary:
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” has fol-
lowed me all my life. I have been in challenging situa-
tions where that phrase has propelled me to keep
moving onward and don’t look back to slow me
A few years back, I sold a TV comedy show to a
new network that was looking for a new comedy idea
like mine. I was brought in to create my production
team, cast the show with comedians, and work on the
pilot. If they liked the pilot and the network gave the
green light, I was to do thirteen episodes. I shot the
pilot and everyone loved it, so I was set to shoot the
full thirteen. Instead, I discovered that the production
company and my hand-picked producer had con-
spired to compensate another director to whom the
production company owed money. They gave the
other director the thirteen-episode job and told me
that I wasn’t good enough. This news—two days be-
fore Christmas—was devastating, and I felt the be-
trayal of my friend whom had agreed to keep the
news from me in order to keep her producer job that I
had fought hard to get for her.
Star-Studded Word Power 155
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” kept
going through my head. I believed in myself, and I
went on to win a best short film award with HBO and
another best short film award at the Hollywood
Scarefest film festival for another film I wrote and di-
I continue to live my life with that phrase and
share it with friends and people I meet who forget
they always have the power, strength, and choice to
keep moving forward and believe in their destiny.
As you can see, through all of the amazing examples in this
chapter of star-studded word power, the rich and famous are
just like the rest of us, creating what they desire in the exact same way. No matter who you are or what your list of accomplishments might be, the words you choose to think,
speak, and write have a powerful influence on your life, mo-
ment by moment, and they are constantly shaping your des-
The key words in the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes
you stronger” are “kill” and “stronger.” Even though they are
opposing words based on their dictionary meanings, “kill”
and “stronger” are both 8 frequencies. However, like Ricky’s
example above, these two words add to the truth-seeker
number 7 (8 + 8 = 16 and 1 + 6 = 7). Those double 8 wis-
dom-filled words combine to allow Treva to find the deeper,
more significant truth in his experiences through the 7 en-
ergy. It urged him to look beyond the superficial to the
greater picture or deeper truth inherent in the situation and
his life.
That’s a wrap, folks! You now have all the tools, knowledge,
and steps to change your life using the energy of words. The
goal of the book was to create a more mindful view of the
words you choose to use based on the knowledge that they
can also influence what you create and how. The words you
use are creating and shaping your reality moment by mo-
ment; choose them wisely.
The power of words and their profound ability to shape
our destiny is often the most overlooked, yet is one of the
most vital pieces in consistently and successfully applying the law of attraction. If your life isn’t going the way you imagined it to be, look no further for the solution than the words you use every day. The golden rule of the energetic world is
that all things are energy, including words. Think of energy
as a medium you can mold and shape as you desire. Each
word has a positive and negative side, yet there are no “good”
or “bad” words—only positive or negative vibrations. How
158 Conclusion
you choose to use those vibrations—whether thought, spo-
ken, or written—is the deciding factor in what you want to
create in your world. Remember, it is as much the word vi-
brations themselves as it is the energy and feeling you put behind them. If you focus on the negative side of a word, your
life will reflect that negativity on some level.
The recommended reading section at the end of the book
will get you started on the journey. But for the information
in this book to truly work manifesting magic in your life,
you’ll want to add your personal style and flavor by creating
your own unique list using the word conversion chart in
Chapter 3. Use notebook or folder to keep all your word lists
in the same place for easy reference. Like any transforma-
tional program, it has to resonate with you or you won’t stick with it to create lasting change. Your success boils down to
what you believe to be true in your world. Words can have all
the power or none of it, depending on the energy you give
them. The choice is all yours.
As you take inventory of your words and exchange some
or all for new ones, remember that some things are just
meant to be, especially when it comes to names and labels.
Go with your gut in the end, even if a name or label vibra-
tion appears not to be a match for you on an energetic level.
It may be that you need that name for various “hidden” rea-
sons or to accomplish an important life lesson. You might
never know the full reason behind why you need certain
words or labels in your life, but you can go with how you feel about it. As I always say, if it feels good, do it! Aim for your
Conclusion 159
gut to be the driving force behind changing any words in
your vocabulary. Manifesting in the positive is supposed to
feel good. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so have fun on your
word journey and happy manifesting!
Top Positive and Negative Words
This section lists some of the words that changed the minds
of many throughout history. You now have them at your fin-
gertips, and you are able to use them to shape your own life
as you wish. This section is meant to serve two functions: 1)
to help you rewrite your personal jargon list in the positive, and 2) to act as a reference or guide going forward.
The positive word list contains fewer examples in the
word descriptions than the negative words list, as imagining
and creating is easier with a positive word than a negative
one, despite the fact that the average personal jargon list contains more negative words than positive. The following lists
can be added to and expanded; there are many more positive
and negative words in existence that might deserve some
spotlight. Feel free to add to the lists or create one that is entirely your own. The words you choose to include in your
daily life need to completely resonate with you in order to
manifest the life you truly want.
162 Top Positive and Negative Words
Top Positive Words
Absolutely (6)
“Absolutely” vibrates to the 6, the number of
creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. When used in
the positive, “absolutely” produces a feeling of certainty
with whatever it is used in reference to. The 6 affords the
ability to see the bigger picture as connect-the-dots vi-
sionary energy. In the negative, as in “absolutely not,” it
can create feelings of judgment, pessimism, and criti-
cism, which are the opposing traits of the creative vi-
sionary 6 vibration.
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Abundant (8)
“Abundant” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As
the most active soul-plane number and the energy of
confidence, the 8 in the positive doesn’t doubt, naturally
allowing for the flow of abundance to come into our
lives. In the negative, the 8 energy turns greedy, domi-
nating, and selfish—not the kind of abundant energy
that is sustaining and fulfilling long term.
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Top Positive and Negative Words 163
Achieve (8)
“Achieve” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As the
most active soul-plane number and the energy of confi-
dence, 8 in the positive doesn’t doubt, allowing you to
achieve success readily and easily, believing wholeheart-
edly that you can achieve what you set out to accomplish.
In the negative, “achieve” turns to the egocentric qualities
of the 8, aiming to achieve a selfish, dominating, and
greed-filled agenda.
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Agree (9)
“Agree” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible, humanitarian number. The 9 is responsible
for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous
century as everyone had at least one 9 in their date of
birth. The 9 is the most active mental number, the highest
change vibration, and considered the “big dreamer.” The
black-and-white, right-and-wrong energy of the 9 gives
“agree” its finality. When you “agree,” you are making a
decision; “I agree to side with you.” In the negative,
“agree” is more demanding, pulling from the opinionated
and judgmental side of the 9; “I can’t agree with you on
that one, I just don’t see it that way.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
164 Top Positive and Negative Words
Alive (4)
“Alive” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. Considered the number of the “doer,” it provides the word “alive” with the
extra physical exertion to soar on all levels. To feel “alive”
is to feel grounded in the physical, feeling capable of
going after your goals and dreams. In the negative, 4 is
materialistic and self-absorbed in the physical plane. Feel-
ing “alive” then manifests in the negative side of the 4 as
seeking gratifying physical activities like drugs, alcohol,
sex, shopping, or other physical-based pleasures.
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Amaze (1)
“Amaze” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.
The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other num-
ber, so it is a stand-alone energy. When we amaze through