The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (14 page)

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number of the heart and emotions representing freedom of

expression. The mom has traditionally been viewed as the

one to care for the young.

The father figure in the family is often painted as the

leader or head of the household in many cultures. He is usu-

ally the breadwinner, the “hunter,” and the disciplinarian.

The word “dad” vibrates to the number 9, the idealistic, am-

bitious, humanitarian energy. As we discussed in Chapter 8, 9

is responsible for the vast amount of achievement and suc-

cess during the 1900s, as everyone had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is a leadership energy, but less about

preaching from the mountaintop and more about getting in

the trenches with the people. Many movies, TV programs,

and books have depicted “mom” and “dad” in this light for

years, making it somewhat of a socially accepted vision of

our parental figures.

There is an alternative side to these roles; not all parents

fit the positive side of their roles as a loving and nurturing mom or a dad who is a gentle leader, humanitarian, and disciplinarian. The negative sides of the 5 and 9 portray a very different version of “mom” and “dad.”

Role Playing with Words 109

The 5 in the negative indicates “mom” is detached,

moody, power-hungry, and freedom-seeking. The 9 in the

negative indicates “dad” is critical, judgmental, opinionated, and narrow-minded. Depending on your personal experiences with your own parental figures, you might resonate

with either the positive side or the negative side of these parental roles. Was “mom” the typical domestic goddess or was

she a working mother who wasn’t home as much as you

wanted her to be? Was “dad” the gentle yet firm shoulder to

lean on or the extra-strict and critical disciplinarian?

Regardless of your upbringing or your parents’ influence,

the labels of “mom” and “dad” have an energetic effect on

the way you perceive those roles. Your experiences that in-

cluded and continue to include those labels/roles play a part

in molding and shaping your reality. The energetic frequency

you hold for the label of “mom” or “dad” can be relayed to

your relationship with your children, friends, or intimate

partners. Do you view “mom” and “dad” in the positive or


Labels Shape Our Present and Future

The words you use to label others or yourself also have a sig-

nificant impact on how you view your own roles and the

roles of others. Even using a nickname or getting married

and taking on your spouse’s last name energetically shifts

your frequency and thus your role in life.

When parents name a child at birth, they are placing a

title or label on the child for life, unless the individual chooses to change it. Our name shapes us in terms of how we express

110 Role Playing with Words

our personality and as a label is more an outer piece of our

energy or external influence.

It’s common to hear someone say, after getting a name

wrong, “Sorry, you look like a Lisa.” We associate certain

traits and characteristics with common labels and there is

more to it than just familiarity. The energy these labels hold are patterns we subtly recognize on an intuitive level. A label can set the tone of a relationship.

Let’s briefly examine the remaining label examples listed

at the beginning of the chapter to get a better idea of how labels affect how we view certain roles and individuals.


We all have memories of teacher/student relationships,

probably both good and bad. How did these role labels im-

pact our experiences during those formative years? “Teacher”

vibrates to the 33/6 energy, which is actually the master

teacher number. It combines the intelligent and inspirational

double 3 with the creative expression and visionary number 6

to inspire (3) the student to see the bigger picture (6). The

master numbers are written in their full forms before reduc-

ing to a single digit, as they hold a special frequency as a

guiding energy.

“Student” is also a master number, the master builder,

22/4. The 22/4 combines the intuitive double 2 with the en-

during, progressive, foundation-building 4 to make “student”

a receptive and open (2) yet hard-working energy (4).

Role Playing with Words 111


Many cultures throughout the centuries have had kings and

queens, and the image most of us have of these labels or

roles is that of dictator or ruler. In the negative, that image isn’t far from the truth as these labels vibrate to the 5 and 8, the most dominating and power-hungry energies in the negative.

“King” is the 5, the number of the heart/emotions repre-

senting freedom of expression. In the negative, the 5 is pow-

er-hungry, moody, and detached. Hitler, although not a king

per se, was a powerful dictator who fully lived through his

main essence as the 5 (his date of birth adds to 5), but used the negative side of the 5.

“Queen” is the 8, the number of confidence, wisdom,

and independence. In the negative, the 8 is bossy, dominat-

ing, greedy, selfish, attention-seeking, and detached. Do you

imagine a queen to be a wise and independent leader or a

selfish and dominating diva?


vibrates to the master builder number 22/4. A master can be a gentle leader in the positive, pulling from the intuitive and sensitive influence of the double 2 combined with

the enduring and progressive foundation of the 4. Yet in the

negative, it can be an impatient, materialistic, and self-ab-

sorbed leader.

“Servant” holds the energy of the 9, the selfless humani-

tarian willing to go the extra mile for anyone as it seeks to be
112 Role Playing with Words

of service. The faithful servant is indeed the unselfish, idealistic, and ambitious 9.


“God” is a profound energy, regardless of religious beliefs. It carries a particularly powerful frequency that explains the essence and purpose of the word precisely. “God” means differ-

ent things to different people, but for the purpose of this

example, we will approach the meaning of “god” as being

the macro and we are all a micro or a piece of the macro


Although it is always the base energy (numbers 1–9) that

matters in terms of discovering the main energetic frequency

of any word, person, or thing, in the case of the word “god,”

it is important to examine the frequency of the sum before

reducing as well. “God” vibrates to the 17/8. The 8 is of wis-

dom and independence, but upon closer examination, the

17/8 paints the story of what “god” truly is. It combines the

verbal self-expression of the 1 with the deep and philosophi-

cal truth-seeker 7 to form the 8, which is the number of wis-

dom. As a micro of the macro, we are here to use our ability

to verbally self-express (1) the truths of the divine (7) for the purpose of sharing knowledge and wisdom (8) to facilitate

our soul’s evolution.

“Goddess” is the master number 10, also called the earth-

guide energy. The 10 combines the energies of heaven and

earth as 1 is the first physical-plane number and 0 is the symbol of the infinite or spiritual awareness. A goddess has long been thought of as the embodiment of the spiritual realm or

Role Playing with Words 113

the supernatural in physical form, especially in Greek my-



“Parent” vibrates to the 2, which is the number of intuition,

sensitivity, harmony, support, and cooperation. A parent is

meant to protect, provide, and guide a child as it grows, and

the 2 energy matches this definition perfectly.

“Child” is the 9 frequency, which is the number of ambi-

tion, idealism, and responsibility, but is also big-dreamer energy. “Child” as the 9 energy is impractical and needs

guidance to keep on track with idealistic big dreams.

The 2 and the 9 energies are completely opposite vibra-

tions in many ways. The ambitious 9 is all about progress, de-

termination, and achievement and the supportive 2 aims for

peace, cooperation, and harmony.


How many times have you heard the question, “Are you a

leader or a follower?” “Leader” is the determined, ambitious,

and idealistic humanitarian 9 energy, while “follower” is the

seeker of truth number 7. “Leader” resonates with the black-

and-white justice-seeking qualities of the 9, while “follower”

seeks the answers without rather than within (7 lacks a sense

of inner self-trust in the negative). So, are you a leader or a follower?

114 Role Playing with Words


Are you a lover or a fighter? “Lover” embodies the selfless

humanitarian 9 traits, driven only for others and putting

themselves last. “Fighter” holds the essence of the trailblazing, pioneering, driven, new-beginnings number 1, the stand-

alone, isolated number indivisible by any other number. It is

a sole survivor, not needing anyone or anything to feel whole

and complete.


“Winner” reflects the dualistic side of the 2 energy. In the

negative, the 2 flips from peaceful, harmonious, supportive,

and cooperative energy to expressing a more separated and

dualistic frequency. “Winner takes all” is a common phrase

and reflects the negative 2 energy at work. By this definition, to be the winner is to do it alone. From a positive viewpoint,

“we’re all winners” is the frequency of the supportive 2.

“Loser” is the pessimistic, whiny, doubtful, and judgmen-

tal 6 energy in the negative, as in the phrase “sore loser.” In the positive, the creative visionary 6 sees beyond the current situation, assessing from a broader viewpoint; “loser,” then,

gains an optimistic tone that is much less bleak and self-de-

feating than the pessimistic worry-wart 6. “You’re not a loser, that game just isn’t your thing.”


In the caveman days, men were the hunters and women were

the gatherers. “Man” is the pioneering, trailblazing, driven,

and overachieving 1, which is the first physical-plane number.

Role Playing with Words 115

“Woman” is the inspirational, imaginative, and analytical 3,

which is the first mind-plane number. Traditionally, the man

has been seen as being physical-based while the woman has

been considered the mental-based partner.


A friend is someone who is supportive, cooperative, harmo-

nious, and sensitive; incidentally, that’s exactly what the word

“friend” means on an energetic level as the number 2. The 2

is a gentle, supportive energy. Behind every great leader,

you’ll typically find a 2; this is what we all want when it

comes to a friend.

An enemy is quite the opposite of the gentle and support-

ive 2. “Enemy” vibrates to the 8, the assertive and indepen-

dent number. In the negative, the 8 is detached, bossy,

dominating, and selfish. If you’ve ever had an enemy, you

know the negative qualities of the 8 fit the bill.


This pair of labels is an intriguing combination, as both resonate with the inspirational, imaginative, and unifying 3 en-

ergy. As the number of unity, “daughter” and “son” both

represent the coming together of a man and woman to cre-

ate a child. With both being the same frequency, it confirms

that neither one is better than the other and both are reflec-

tions of unity. When parents speak these labels to their children, the underlying tone or energetic message is a reminder

of what they have created through their coming together.

116 Role Playing with Words


“Heaven” and “earth” are two labels that are a bit different

from the previous ones we’ve explored in this chapter be-

cause they don’t represent people but rather places or things.

Still, it is worth examining these kinds of labels, as it can show you what outlook you hold on them.

“Heaven” personifies the number 10, which literally car-

ries both the physical (earth) and the spiritual (heaven). The first physical-plane number (1) joins forces with the symbol

of the infinite or spiritual awareness (0) to create the fre-

quency of the earth-guide number 10. Both the word

“heaven” and the meaning of its energetic vibration of the 10

bring more validity to the belief that there is an intangible world of spirit beyond the physical. The phrase “heaven and

earth collide” rings true here.

Earth is the most active physical-plane number 7, repre-

senting what we are here on earth to do: actively create in

the physical through personal experience. The 7 is the teach-

ing/learning number and the truth-seeker energy. The pur-

pose of the 7 is to gather wisdom and knowledge to reveal

the deeper truth through the acts of personal experience. It is a popular belief in the metaphysical community that we are

here to attend this “earth school” as a means of gaining expe-

riences for the purpose of our soul’s development. The ener-

getic meaning of the word “earth” aligns with this theory.

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