The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (15 page)

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Role Playing with Words 117


“War” is the creative visionary number 6. In the negative, the 6 is critical, pessimistic, and judgmental. The negative 6 loses sight of the bigger picture or purpose and becomes narrow-minded and critical. “War” holds the essence of the neg-

ative 6.

“Peace” is all about unity as the inspirational, imagina-

tive, and unifying 3. In fact, “peace” adds to 21 before reducing to 3 (2 + 1 = 3), representing the intuitive, sensitive,

harmonious, and cooperative 2 joining together with the pio-

neering, trailblazing, achieving, and new-beginnings energy

of the 1.


“Good” is the compassionate, loving, heart-centered, and

freedom-seeking 5. In the positive, 5 seeks to make use of the loving energy it holds by being of service in some way. Those

people, places, or things considered good are often thought

of as pure of heart or a “feel-good” energy. “He’s a good per-

son, through and through.”

“Evil” is the intelligent, imaginative, and inspirational 3.

The phrase “evil genius” is a perfect representation of what

the label “evil” stands for. In the negative, the 3 is self-doubting, self-critical, critical of others, and acts mentally superior.

Those people, places, or things classified as “evil” usually

have a dark and negative side associated with them that is

fraught with insecurities like self-doubt and criticism. “She’s just pure evil and treats everyone horribly.”

118 Role Playing with Words


Heroes are depicted in many movies, books, and stories as

those who are called to action in a selfless way, coming to our rescue in a time of need. “Hero” adds to 10 before reducing

to 1 (1 + 0 = 1) giving a sense of spiritual depth to the pioneering, trailblazing, and driven isolated 1 while 0 is the symbol of the infinite or spiritual awareness. A hero typically acts alone (1) but is selflessly acting for the purpose of helping someone, which is where the power of the 0 deepens the he-ro’s call to action beyond just the physical pull of the number 1 as the first physical-plane number.

“Villain” vibrates to the distrustful, detached, hesitant,

skeptical, and stubborn 7 in the negative. The villain is usu-

ally highlighted as the “bad guy” in the storyline. However,

given the positive side of the 7, which is the trust-filled truth-seeker, it shows that the “bad guy” isn’t pure evil and can

have a good side, too.

Names and Nicknames

Whether you like your name or not, it seems that being

named is one of those haphazard events life over which we

have no control; our parents choose names to suit us or to

fulfill the promise of a namesake. Regardless of how we ac-

quired our name, there is more to a name than its face value.

Names represent our personality and how the world sees

us. The frequency of a name gives an immediate energetic

first impression of who we are and what we have to offer the

world. In my own practice, I have had clients who felt

Role Playing with Words 119

strongly at a certain point in their life to change their name or tweak it to a new variation. Most often, it was because

they were going through a shift in their path and wanted to

align their name with their life purpose. One woman

changed her name from Leah to Lia, and the vibration suited

precisely the transition in career that she was about to make.

She didn’t make the connection at first on a conscious level,

but felt the strong desire to change her name. Once we sat

down and examined her name further, it was clear that the

change was necessary. The change made a huge difference in

assisting her transition from one career to her heart’s calling.

Many people use nicknames as a replacement for their own

name or the names of others in their life, often created as a pet name or to simplify the name. William becomes “Bill” or

“Will” and Joseph becomes “Joe” or “Joey”; how does that

change the frequency of the name and how it affects the over-

all energy or essence of the person labeled with it?

Words as names can hinder or help us on our path; it’s

important to not forget about these pivotal words in life. If

you’ve always felt a strong desire to change your name but

have resisted the urge until now, it might be time to recon-

sider. Here’s a prime example from a client of mine in Bev-

erly Hills, California who felt like she had a new lease on life after changing her last name:

Until last year, I never really thought much about a

name or my name in particular. It was last October,

just before I was about to speak live in front of an au-

dience for the very first time. I was at dinner with my

120 Role Playing with Words

parents. I remember being so excited that I was going

to speak because it was a big deal for me; I had always

been “shy, until I got to know someone,” and it was

only a couple of months before that dinner I started

to come out of my shell.

Unfortunately, my parents didn’t share that same

excitement. As I was out to dinner with them, happily

talking about how honored I felt to be asked to speak

and how amazing it made me feel, the bomb dropped.

My parents stopped me dead in my tracks telling me

they didn’t approve of the topics I spoke about pub-


I was stunned and at first I didn’t really know what

to say. I recovered quickly, finding my voice and re-

sponded, “Mom and Dad, I am forty-eight years old

and at this point in my life I really don’t need your ap-

proval. You are entitled to your feelings. I believe that

when I speak about what has happened to me person-

ally, I open the door for others to feel they are not

alone, and therefore I am going to continue because I

am not ashamed of my life. If my story helps one per-

son to not feel alone or to open up, then I know I have

done my job.”

After that conversation, I was at dinner with a very

close friend one night discussing how I felt discon-

nected to my last name, Stern, because I felt it was

angry, rigid, and strict, none of which I wanted to be.

She brilliantly stated, “Why don’t you drop your last

name and use your middle name instead?” I had never

Role Playing with Words 121

even thought about that. In fact, I never even used my

middle name. As I thought about it further, after din-

ner that night, I decided that’s exactly what I was

going to do. The next day I changed ALL my profiles

on the web, got new business cards, and started going

by Bonnie Gayle.

Based on the numbers, Bonnie Stern was a dicta-

tor-like energy and Bonnie Gayle was a heartfelt

healer. After hearing that, I knew I was exactly who I

was supposed to be. It took me forty-eight years to

get there and I’m so grateful I did! As they say, “every-

thing happens for a reason.”

Another great example that involves the use of a nickname

or self-imposed label came from one of my clients who is a

coach. Her friend and client named Graham always identi-

fied himself as, “It’s only Graham”:

With each phone call or voice mail message, my

friend Graham would consistently add the word

“only” or “just” to his identity. Over time, amongst

our circle he became known as “only Graham,” differ-

entiating him from any other Graham. Who needs

last names when this Graham added his own prefix of

unworthiness? Each time he minimized his existence

by emphasizing “only” or “just,” he limited his size,

importance, and value to himself, to others, and in

the world, as if he sighed the smallness of his being.

122 Role Playing with Words

Reaching my breaking point of witnessing Gra-

ham’s lack of confidence, I stuck my foot in in ways

you can with friends when the timing feels “right.”

Okay, so the coach in me spoke a little more emphati-

cally than the average friend might, but I did so with

loving compassion. He got my point. Within days, he

began stumbling at first to catch himself in his “on-

ly-ness” and “just-ness.” He checked every time these

words touched his lips, even when they were used to

describe something unrelated to him. For a while he

cut them off completely, as if nothing could be “only”

or “just.” To this day, he still raises an eyebrow when

he hears anyone use these words, in secret celebration

of his refreshed deserve-ability.

Graham’s transformation of confidence all these

years later is remarkable: his professional success, his

healthy romantic relationship, and his role as a loving

father. Yet, subtle to those who know him well, what

is most impressive is his solid posture. He walks more

upright, claiming each stride as his own. His broad

smile and wide eyes welcoming the world toward

him, and leaving “only” and “just” in his wake.

In this case, Graham added the prefix or label of “only,” but what does this word add to, or rather subtract from, his energy? “Only” adds to 21 and reduces to 3 (2 + 1 = 3). In the

negative, the 3 lends the energy of self-doubt, self-criticism, and indecisiveness. In essence, Graham was giving away his

personal power by energetically telling others he wasn’t

Role Playing with Words 123

worth their time. “Just,” the other label he frequently used,

adds the distrusting, skeptical, and loner qualities of the 7. In both cases, the labels weren’t allowing him to own his personal power. If you recall from earlier chapters, the scientific definition of the law of attraction says when an electron lowers its frequency, it gives off or discharges energy. Through the law of attraction, Graham was manifesting situations and

circumstances that facilitated the giving away or “discharg-

ing” of his personal power. When he dropped the negative

labels “only” and “just,” he stopped lowering his frequency

by discharging his personal power.

Coincidence or Intuition?

Is it just a coincidence that these labels were chosen and that their dictionary meanings match exactly the vibrations they

hold on an energetic level? Or is it that when we choose a

name, title, or label, we are intuitively sensing the energetic patterns flowing within and around us?

Now that you’ve read through some examples, check it

out for yourself! It’s time to examine your own world for the

various names, titles, and labels you encounter in your own

life. Make a list of the most common ones you use and flip

back to the word conversion chart in Chapter 3 to decipher

their energetic frequency to reveal what impact they may be

having in your life. If you find that any of them are working

through negative energy, it may be time to drop that label

and choose a positive one. Dig a little deeper with them if

necessary; as in the example of “peace”
above, examine the two-digit sum before reducing it to a single digit. This allows
124 Role Playing with Words

you to see what other vibrations the word or label carries,

giving you a crystal-clear energetic definition.

A good place to start this process would be to analyze any

nicknames or pet names you apply to yourself or your loved

ones. Do you call your daughter “princess” or your friend

“pal”? It’s time to take a closer look at what these and the

other labels in your life are adding to (or subtracting from)

your energy within and around you. Additionally, it would be

good to also understand the effect those labels have on the

people and things to which you are applying these labels.

Your ability to positively creative the life you envision for

yourself depends on understanding the effects of the words

you assign to yourself and your surroundings.

C H A P T E R 1 0


Advanced Words 101

The Three Energetic Components of a Word

Back in Chapter 3, “Determining the Vibration of a Word

through the Language of Numbers,” we briefly discussed

how words can be working with up to three energies or fre-

quencies. For example, “hate” is the 16/7 vibration, “love” is 18/9, and “truth” is 27/9. Examining these additional energies can reveal much more about the frequency the word

holds and more precisely details how you can work with it.

Although the main essence (final sum reduced to a single

digit) of a word is the most important energy, the sum before

reducing to a single digit can further direct you in terms of

whether the word has a natural tendency to be more positive

or negative.

Using the word “hate” for example, which adds to 16/7,

carries the 1, 6, and 7 energies within its makeup. The outer


126 Advanced Words 101

number (1) is the word’s greatest strength (positive) and the

inner number (6) is its greatest weakness (negative).

“Hate” is a very volatile change energy, and not just be-

cause the main essence of the word is the truth-seeker num-

ber 7. The inner and outer numbers paint a more detailed

picture of why this word is energetically stripping. The

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