Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
a higher salary played a huge part in his resistance of financial abundance. Shifting his feelings would have shifted the
energy of the word “deserve” into the positive.
Taking control of your manifesting power boils down to
identifying the negative patterns and the words you use that
represent them. We all have our own unique life story that
has been shaped by our personal experiences and perceptions
of those experiences, but we can shift our view of the past at any time we choose.
Maximize Your Manifesting Power 99
Does your personal word list—whether thought, written,
or spoken words—reflect more of your past experiences,
present circumstances, or future desires? Your honest answer
to this truth-revealing question will show you what you’re
manifesting in your life through the power of words.
A client who had a childhood full of poverty and verbal,
physical, and sexual abuse came to see me because she was
tired of struggling to succeed. Life seemed harder for her,
and she complained that she had to fight for everything she
had. Throughout our session, she repeatedly used the word
“fight” to relay her challenges. The word “fight” vibrates to
the base energy of the 5, the freedom of expression number.
When 5 is in the negative, it can be power-seeking, dominat-
ing (Hitler’s date of birth added to 5), and erratic. One of the things she prided herself on was that everything she did have, she accumulated all on her own. She was a tough girl and
had too much pride to ask for help in any way. I showed her
that by using the word “fight” so frequently, she was literally creating more scenarios of struggle and hardship. I suggested
she begin replacing the word “fight” with the word “work”
whenever she could. “Work” is the frequency of the 22/4. As
the master builder number (more on master numbers in
Chapter 10), it is a hard-working, stable, foundation number
but also carries the supportive, cooperative, and harmonious
double-2 energy. For my client, the word “work” replaced the
erratic and dominating word “fight” and replaced it with an
energy that said she was willing to put in the effort but
wasn’t opposed to receiving support and cooperation where
appropriate, thereby attracting less isolated struggling. About
100 Maximize Your Manifesting Power
six months after our session, through shifting her words and
thus her viewpoint of her life, she manifested the opportu-
nity to move to a different city with a better job. She could
now support herself and her son without having to “fight” to
achieve everything.
C H A P T E R 8
Words that Changed the World
Words have started and ended wars, built and destroyed na-
tions, created peace, saved lives, launched life-changing
movements, formed musical or literary masterpieces, and
brought clarity or misunderstanding to people and situations
for centuries. The power of words is unmatched in terms of
human expression. No other form of communication has the
ability to profoundly affect and drastically change both our
inner and outer world like words.
Words can make or break a situation. Timing is every-
thing, and it’s another reason why we should choose our
words wisely. We’ve all experienced saying the wrong thing
at the wrong time or the right thing at the right time. Some
words spoken we regret, while others we cherish as fond
memories. Some words seem to stick with us even longer
than the memory of the experience itself, and we are forever
102 Words that Changed the World
changed by them. Most often it is a result of a painful or
traumatic experience. Think back to your first experience
with a bully who embarrassed you with hurtful words; you
can probably vaguely recall the experience visually, but you
will most certainly and quickly be able to recall the mean
words that were said to you. Most mothers can matter-of-
factly tell you what their child’s first word was, but may not be able to precisely describe the experience. Coma patients
can often recall words spoken to them while unconscious.
The effect of words on the psyche can be powerful and last-
ing; their energetic signature can leave a lasting mark on our psyche in both positive and negative ways.
There’s no question that words are powerfully transfor-
mative and are responsible for many life-changing events on
both personal and global levels. The vibration of a word is a
highly personalized experience. Each person interprets and
assimilates a word’s energy differently, based on their unique energetic frequency and patterns. A word that cuts like a
knife for one may roll off the back of another.
Those who are in a place of great power or influence
have a greater responsibility to choose their words wisely. Instead of affecting just a few, they affect the masses and have the power to change the trajectory of the world with a single
word. Kings, queens, world leaders, activists, inventors, scientists, CEOs, and celebrities have the ability to change a mass belief, sway common opinion, or start a worldwide trend
using nothing but their words. Throughout history, world
leaders and revolutionaries have shaped the world through
words, and their linguistic legacy lives on today. Language is
Words that Changed the World 103
often taken for granted, its tremendous power going unrec-
ognized. If you want to change your life and possibly the
world, look to the words you are using every day because
they are the missing link to manifesting all that you desire.
To get you started on the road to shaping your own life
using the manifestation power of words, let’s examine some
of the words that have left a lasting mark on the world, and
why they did. There are endless examples and only a handful
are listed here, but this list will give you a window into the powerful force of words in the hands of those who truly recognize their power. Through reading these words of wisdom
by great leaders, scientists, and pioneers, you will hopefully recognize you are also a powerful creator in your own life
and your tool is the power of words.
Words that Launched a Movement
“Make love, not war.”
This slogan was used in the 1960s by those opposing the Viet-
nam War. It caught on like wildfire and became the tagline
for the hippie movement. The key words in this phrase that
afford it such word power are “make,” “love,” and “war.”
“Make” vibrates to the 3, which is the number of unity;
“love” is the humanitarian number 9; and “war” is 6, the
number of creativity and human labor as well as pessimism,
criticism, and judgment in the negative. It’s plain to see why this slogan caught on so quickly and had a lasting effect
during wartime. It is a very unifying (3), humanitarian (9),
and creative visionary energy (6).
104 Words that Changed the World
“I have a dream.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.
This phrase was from a seventeen-min
ute public speech b
Martin Luther King, Jr. deli
vered on August 28, 1963, in which he called f
or racial equality and an end to discrimina
tion. T
he speech, from the steps of
the Lincoln Memorial
during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was
a defining moment of the American civil rights movement.
The key words in this phrase pack a powerful punch of ide-
alism, responsibility, inspiration, and optimism. “Have” is the 9
energy with its idealistic, ambitious, and responsible essence.
“Dream,” as the positive and sunny 3, is the number of unity,
inspiration, and imagination; not only is it a 3, it actually adds to 12 first before reducing to 3 (1+2=3), and 12 is considered the whole and complete number in numerology. “Dream”
joins the pioneering and driven 1 with the peaceful, coopera-
tive, and harmonious 2 to create the number of unity—the 3.
This phrase stands out in Dr. King’s pivotal speech because, on an energetic level, it brings hope, inspiration, optimism, and a sense of unity as well as placing the creative manifesting power (3) back into the hands of the people.
“Knowledge is power.”—Francis Bacon
This sentence is found in the works of Francis Bacon and has
become a catchphrase associated with the belief that knowl-
edge is fundamental in terms of our advancement and growth
as a society. “Knowledge” has 6 energy, the creative visionary number; “power” has 5 energy, the heart-centered freedom of
expression number. Together they energetically send the mes-
sage that with knowledge, we have the creativity and visionary
Words that Changed the World 105
capability (6) as well as the freedom (5), and therefore, power, to achieve anything.
Words that Changed Our Perception
“All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same
tree.”—Albert Einstein
“Branches” and “same” give this quote its lasting effect.
“Branches” holds the energy of the 7, which represents the
deep, philosophical, truth-seeker essence; “same” has the root vibration of 3, the number of unity. Not only does this quote
translate literally into saying religion, art, and science come from the same source, it energetically translates that way as
“Time is money.”—Benjamin Franklin
Time and money are two things that the civilized world has
paired together for a long time, yet interestingly enough,
from an energetic standpoint, they couldn’t be more differ-
ent. “Time” is a 2 vibration, the number of peace, harmony,
and cooperation; “money” is a 9 vibration, the number of
ambition, idealism, and responsibility. One represents more
spiritual qualities (2) while the other more ego-dominated
qualities (9). If we look at the previous century, the 9 ruled the show, creating a level of advancement and achievement
in all areas of society that is unmatched in any other time period. Everyone had at least one 9 in their date of birth as
well, giving each person born in the 1900s the drive, determi-
nation, and ambition of this active mind-plane number.
When we turned the page into the twenty-first century, the
106 Words that Changed the World
ambitious 9 was replaced by the cooperative 2 energy, and
sure enough, cooperation-based ideology, such as the Green
movement, has swept in.
Benjamin Franklin was “right on the money” with his
phrase “time is money”; our cooperative efforts (2) as a society allowed us to achieve great levels of success and achievement
(9), including monetary accumulation. The downside to
phrases like Franklin’s is that they create a negative societal belief or thought pattern. In Franklin’s quote, money is more
precious than time, and we should sacrifice our time for mon-
etary gain.
“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for
mankind.”—Neil Armstrong
The world was captivated and in awe of the moon landing, but
even after the visions of that event faded in our minds, the first words from the lips of the first man on the moon still live on vividly. The important words in this phrase are “man” and
“mankind.” These two words focus on “me” as a single entity
and “we” as a whole. Broken down, “man” is a 1 vibration, the
isolated and more ego-based energy; “mankind” is the 3 en-
ergy, the number of inspiration, imagination, and unity. We
are a micro (1) of the macro (3), or a piece of the whole.
The common thread with all of these life-changing phrases is
the shift in perception that they create. When you hear words
that seem to stir something inside and a feeling of resonation washes over you, it is the energy of the words shifting an energetic pattern within you.
C H A P T E R 9
Role Playing with Words
Throughout history, many word labels have been given to
various common roles or states of existence like mom/dad,
teacher/student, king/queen, master/servant, god/goddess,
parent/child, leader/follower, lover/fighter, winner/loser,
man/woman, friend/enemy, daughter/son, heaven/earth,
war/peace, good/evil, hero/villain, etc. These labels
emerged at various times and for various reasons, but what
do they really mean from an energetic standpoint?
Ever wonder why it’s the social norm to call your parents
Mom and Dad? Like the origin of language, which is still
under debate, the origin of the titles we automatically assign to parental figures remains somewhat of a mystery as well.
One of the most universally accepted roles is that of mom or
dad. Depending on the language spoken, the pronunciation
may be different, but the meaning is very similar throughout
108 Role Playing with Words
many cultures and races. Most of us associate our parental
figures with unconditional love, support, and gentle leader-
ship; in the energetic sense, that’s just what these titles radi-ate.
The perfect image of a mom is that of love, tenderness, and
nurturing. The word “mom” is the frequency of the 5, the