Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (4 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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WTF did my sister just say? She is going to find someone else for Riley. She is my sister! What a backstabbing bitch! She has never betrayed me or tried to hurt me before what the fuck! I have to leave so I walk down the hall to my room and do what any man of my age would do. I pick up the phone to call the only person who has always been there for me. I called my Mom! I’m explaining everything to my Mom. How Skylar is talking shit and trying to ruin my chances before I even have an opportunity to decide what it is I want, and my Mom loses it. It is somewhere between hysterical laughter and scolding me for hurting Riley. What has happened to my family? Next thing I know my dad picks up the phone and all he says is "coffee 10 am Donna’s Diner and do not be late." Click, phone line dead. Fuck me! I take a shower, have a couple shots of Jack and set my alarm. I’m sure I’m not going to like tomorrow’s coffee with dad.


I wake up in the morning to a bunch of naked people lying around with alcohol bottles everywhere. I wake up a prospect who has some skanky bitch laying on him. I tell him to get up and get the Babes up and get the clubhouse back in order. Preferably before the officers arrive or he is in for a world of hurt that day because they will make him pay for it.


Twenty minutes later I find myself in the diner with my parents listening to a story that has me ready to kill Alexander and make sure he never sees Riley or Sadie again. Fuck Elizabeth what kind of Mom is she and why would she have a drunken night with my Mom and confess about hers and Riley’s abuse. They may not think he is abusing Sadie, but the control he has over every aspect of her life is just as much abuse. The emotional and verbal abuse my beautiful Riley has had to endure hurts to think about! It is on constant repeat in my head. I pick up the phone and under the table shoot a text to my sister asking if she could, please make time to see me. I know she’s mad at me, she’s the only one I trust when it comes to these two. I know Tumbler will have Sadie because he cares for her. He will be good for her, I know it will be like my parents and Ryders parents relationship. The love and respect each other, the never leave an argument unsettled and always say I love you. Of course, Ryder and Skylar are on their way of making that perfect couple as well. If anyone can help me see the man I need to be for Riley, it would be my sis.




Last night was horrible! I cannot believe my sister actually feels that way about herself. My dad can be a real asshole when it comes to my sister. I have no idea why Mom even puts up with it. Your children are always supposed to be your number one priority. From now on if my Mom is not going to put Riley’s needs first, and stand up for her then I am. Somebody has to stand up for my sister and start making her feel like she is worth it and has friends who love and accept her for who she is. I want her to have a normal life instead of just existing and making sure everyone else is content and happy. My sister's one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, she just doesn't see it. I don't understand how she can look in the mirror and look at herself and not see it. That's it! This is not normal, and I’m saying no more! Mom and Dad can take away my money for school, and they can take away my new car. I’m putting my foot down as soon as dad gets back in town. Riley is respectful to him even though he talks and treats her as if she is the worst thing that ever happened. My sister is going to be dealt with as I’m from this point on, or there's no more me being here; he can lose both of us.


Skylar is getting her own place in a week, and it has two extra bedrooms. She has told her King will let us move in as is if it is necessary to Riley’s emotional wellbeing. I look at my sister daily, and I see a piece of her dying every day. Her vibrancy is all an act; it is not real, and I know she does it for all of us who loves her, so we do not worry about her. Skylar has mentioned conversations with me regarding the reasons for her dad wanting her in her own space. Her dad does not want her living at the clubhouse anymore with Ryder. It’s not that he wants her and Ryder to not be together or even live together. He loves Ryder like a son and has accepted that they are going to be together, and Ryder will never let Sky go. Hell, we can all see that he is possessive and very protective of her and has even gone toe to toe with Kid and Prez where it comes to her. I believe they both respect him for doing that. They came up with a deal, Ryder is to be at the clubhouse when he is needed, and will still have to take care of club business as it comes up. Her dad would prefer that Ryder is with her at night. He doesn’t like the idea of her having no protection in the home. While not on club business, he can stay at the house with Skylar. I have a feeling Ryder will not be taking many overnight runs.


The thing is, Sky does not want to live alone with just her and Ryder. She has me to asked Riley if she would be willing to move in with us. I have not told Riles yet, I was afraid that if I told her she would leave without me. I know how much she loves Skylar and how miserable she is here. Especially due to the fact dad wants her out and is not being quiet about it, but is holding school and my car over my head. Forget it, I can get a used car with my savings and will work to save the money and go back to school later. I can still work the internship at the physical therapy office, it doesn’t pay much but would still work towards my credits as on-site learning. While all of these thoughts are running through my head, I decide to shoot a text off to Sky;


    Me: Hey Sky was thinking about your offer. Can we still move in?


    Sky: I thought you were not going to say anything to Riles yet?


    Me: I wasn't, but last night was the last straw for me!


    Sky: What else happened?


    Me: Just what I told you, but I can't take it anymore!


    Sky: I get the key tonight! When do you want to do this?


    Me: Before the parents get back so dad can't stop me!


    Sky: I have dinner plans with Kid then we can start!


    Me: I will tell Riles the plans and then pack! Yay :-)




After I finished texting Sky, I take a quick shower. I really needed to do something with all of this hair! It is too long to do anything with; it is driving me crazy! I sit and look and wonder what I would look like with my hair cut a little past my shoulders. Since it hits the middle of my back, I also wonder how Tumbler would feel if I cut it. My sister and I both have blond hair, where hers is platinum my blond and has more of a golden highlighted type hue. Mine tangles so easily, where Riles is lucky, hers is always silky and smooth. Of course, hers is straight with a little wave and mine has some curl to it. Fuck it, I’m just going to pull it up into a messy bun. As soon as I tell Riles we are moving we will spend the day packing and it will just get in my way. While I’m looking in the mirror attempting to fix my hair, I’m note mine and Riles differences. Dad is always saying how beautiful and I’m and how far the apple fell and ran from the tree where it comes to Riley. I always do this ever since I found out we have different dads. I don't see how we look so much alike considering neither of us looks like our Mom. Where Riley has, silver/gray eyes mine are gray minus the silver glow. They're very close in color; my dad has pale icy blues eyes, and my Mom has green eyes. Dad says I get my eyes from my grandmother. (I never met her since she passed before I was born.) It's very confusing for me since Riley, and I do not share the same grandmother. All of our features are alike. Almost exact as a matter of fact. I have always thought this was strange, but my science teacher in high school told me I was ridiculous. Families could share features the more they lived together, and a lot of it was most likely my imagination. This always gets to me, considering we have different biological fathers. I just can’t accept all the other explanations people have tried to bullshit me with. It sometimes makes me wonder if I have a different dad also. I mean it could be possible if you think about it. I really want to get a DNA sample from my dad. What would I say? (Hey dad, I don't think you’re really my dad either, could you stick out your tongues and say aah?)


I sit back and think. If he wasn't my father then why does he treat me so different? I’m going to drive myself crazy if I do not get this out of my head and try to get this day started. Enough of this. I finish getting dressed in some tights and a loose shirt with my sports bra. No shoes, I hate when my feet get sweaty, and with running back and forth I have a feeling I'll be sweating pretty good. Since I'll be home packing and no one will be here to be checking up on me, and Tumbler won’t be here to impress there's no need. I’m so glad I got a pedicure done last week! Now that drives me crazy. I can't stand to look at my feet, and they look as if I never take care of them. I head out of my room and to the other side of the hallway and knock on Riley’s door. I can hear her singing. Whenever she tries to escape from the reality of her life, she plays this damn song. Dirty Dancing made her believe that the not so beautiful woman can get the guy no one thinks would give her the time of day. Damn, she must be thinking of Kid. She must be on her Dirty Dancing marathon stage again. I open her door and the sight before me is fucking hilarious. I can't help but laugh so hard my stomach begins to ache. She may need this to escape, but it is still funny as shit to watch her dance and sing it, plus I want her laugh and forget the bullshit. She didn't hear me enter so I slam the door open and sing in my loudest and playfully off key voice I possibly can. “Had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you.” My sister screamed and jump she landed on her ass really fucking hard! Holy shit, “Riles are you ever going to stop swooning over Patrick Swayze”? Riley glared at me as if I have lost my mind and says sarcastically. “No, never, he was my first crush he will always be my hot dancing lover!"


We are laughing when my Mom comes in to tell us she is off to the club to have a girl’s day and will be playing tennis with my dad’s business associates wives. “I hope you girls understand that sometimes you have to put priorities first, and unfortunately shopping is not one of them. Alexander called, and he will be home sometime tomorrow. “You know, you have to stand by your man and all”…yuck! “I really hope you girls are on your best behavior Alexander been extremely stressed lately, and I need you to make things easier around here instead of stressing him out. “Mom blows us a kiss and turns to leave. As soon as I hear the door close, Riley mutters under her breath that "he isn’t my dad. He’s the man that would love to see me dead and gone than ruin his precious family." My heart broke a little more so I ask her “Riley can we have a conversation?” "Sure," Riley says concerned with seeing the tears I’m holding back “What’s going on Sadie? Is everything alright”? Leave it to my sister to think she needs to recuse me from something. My sister shows me every day how much she loves me; this is one of her ways. I just hope what I’m fixing to do for her, for us, will show her that I want to do the same for her. I know if I’m ever in trouble she will do everything she can to help me. Especially if it'll cease the problem in the house with my dad. Riley says there is enough of that going on with her just existing. (Another reason I hate my father) Who hates their wife’s child just for their existence? Riley, Sky and I are close. There's a reason, it is because we are not just sisters we are best friends the three of us. Sky is not blood, but she is our sister. The day I met Sky is the day that everything changed for Riley and me. Her family welcomed us, and now they love us more than our own does. Her parents have helped us through some tough choices we would have never gone to Mom or my dad for. Don't get me wrong Mom loves us, I know she does, but something is going on, and I wish I could figure out what it is. I think she's been in survival mode for so long that it's all she knows. I think my dad abuses Mom I just can't prove it.


I look at Riles and smile letting her know I’m fine. “No Riley nothing is wrong! I actually want to do something for us. I want to do something so we can both feel safe and be happy for once. Would you listen to me and think before you make a decision, please?" I take a breath and look at Riles to make sure she is paying attention to me. We both sit on her bed and face each other. "Sky is moving into a three-bedroom house her dad has and he had been thinking of selling. He has decided that there is a better use for it. He wants Skylar and Ryder to move in since they are practically living together at the clubhouse. The thing is, he also does not want her alone when Ryder is out of town on club runs or taking care of the Garage. There are times when he has to leave to get parts, since they work on vintage bikes and cars, the parts they get are so expensive they can't be shipped. Most of that is due to insurance that means they have to go pick the parts up themselves. Ryder and his dad are picky on how they are transported. Since his dad is the VP, he can't always take off." I hope I’m selling this to Riles, I want us out before dad makes it home. "I was hoping that we could get the hell out of this house! I’m not comfortable living here anymore Riles. I have an awful feeling, and I also want out of my dad’s thumb. I want to live Riley without fear of what dad is going to threaten me with. I want to have my own life and make decisions. We both know how much Tumbler means to me. I would like to see where that goes, and you and I both know dad will do everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. I don’t just have strong feelings for him, Riley! He makes me want to try new things and he makes me smile all the time. I want to experience things through his eyes. He may be my one, but I'll never know as long as dad has control over me. Please, say you will come and live with Skylar and me?" I get off the bed and bend on my knees on the floor. I put the prayer sign in front of me in a begging notion. "Please! Riles, we want you with us what do you say”?

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