Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (10 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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I call letting her know I’m running late, she answers on the first ring and says she was catchin' up on homework and is ready. I 'm wantin' to learn what this girl is about; I’m wantin’ to learn what makes her tick.



***********Detective Maddox: ************


This guy is loony! I know the Rage Ryderz boys, there is no way King, Sniper, Kid, and Tumbler went and kidnapped his wife and daughters. I’m very close to losing my patience. I tell him that I know these men personally, I even went to school with their Sargent at Arms, and Enforcer of the clubs and have met the rest of the clubs. I offer to drive out to the clubs and speak to his wife and daughters. Which just manages to turn this guy into a basket case. He starts screaming at me “Don’t you understand you stupid Leo! Those fucking bikers have probably threatened my family; they are not going to talk to you willingly. I need to go with you so they feel safe. You have to take me with you.” Interesting, not too many calls us LEO, that catches my interest. This Justin is full of shit; don’t know what kind of games he is playing with me. I tell him “I’m sorry Mr. Richardson. Unless one of the ladies tells me personally without interference from you or one of the Rage Ryderz that they are being held against their will, there is nothing I can do for you. Now if you excuse me, I will go to their compound and pull the women aside and ask them individually what has them there with having no contact with you since last night.” Mr. Richardson looks at me with a look of desperation that lets me know he doesn't want me speaking with them. “That is alright Detective Maddox I will go and talk with my family on my own. I appreciate all of my tax dollars being put to good use. It is a shame I will have to let all of my friends know that I cannot even get an escort to a compound to rescues my family. Have yourself a wonderful day Detective, and I will not be making a formal complaint, so there is no need for you to be following up.” Then he turns around and walks right on out of my office. If he thinks I will not be calling Ghost and asking a few questions of my own, he is more psychotic than I’m even giving him credit for. I pick up my phone dialing Ghost number, he picks up “Ghost here speak”. I chuckle to myself, leave it to Ghost to get right to the point. “Ghost, Detective Maddox here I wanted to talk to you, I had an unusual visitor this morning do you have a sec?” I then proceed to tell him about my visitor and conversation with said visitor. Needless to say, his voice became reticent as he said “Roger that” and hung up on me. I may need to be keeping an eye on Mr. Richardson, or he may become a missing person. I press my intercom for Jessa Bradshaw (who happens to be the sister of the twins of the Rage Ryderz) She is my go-to girl here at the office. When I’m in need of a file put together on someone. I inform Jessa I need everything she can find on Justin, confidentially, and I want it as soon as possible. Then I hang up the intercom and wonder if I made the right decision letting Ghost know. I have a bad feeling and I’m worried for this guy’s family.





Last night was an evil nightmare I couldn’t wake from. I know Alexander can’t stand me. I only care about my sister and mother; they are the reason I never gave up and always stayed no matter how he treated me. Sadie always thought I would end up resenting her for her dad’s actions, she always did everything she could to make my life as enjoyable as possible. If I was grounded to my room, she would stay home. She'd come to my room and keep me from being lonely. Justin would strip me of my books and e-reader, she would sneak hers to me. The hand me down’s that he would hand to me, Sadie would bring me things to wear with those. She would turn them into beautiful outfits. How can you resent someone who's always making sure I’m happy? As for the car, so what. It got me away from that house, I was happy no matter how it looked. It ran, the problems were minor repairs. I hardly had to pay for repairs either. I would go to get my car from the garage, unable to pay the bill because either my mother or sister had already paid.


Laying here it dawns on there is a thick, muscular and a much-tatted arm laying across my stomach. I turn around and see Kid lying there sound asleep. I have always been shy around him I have never had a chance to truly study him. His eyelashes are long, they almost touch his cheek bones. He is muscular and strong, every time he speaks his voice is low and husky. His voice manages to do funny things to me. My body starts to tingle and my vagina starts to weep in need of him. He only has to say my name, and my pussy quivers and I saturate my panties. I have been with other men, none of them has ever affected my body, mind and souls the way Kid has. I have had very satisfactory sex and even with great orgasms. Something tells me Kid would have me quivering and unable to pay attention to position or even how my body looks at the time. I hear stirring across the room and lose my train of thought.


I notice Tumbler getting up removing his arms carefully from around my sister. The way he is admiring her gives me goosebumps. They have played a game of cat and mouse for a few months now. Sadie has uncertainty, but Tumbler is not going to wait for her to make her mind up. He leans over and kisses her on her temple, she stirs long enough to rearrange her pillow. He looks at me and smiles noticing me watching him. He whispers "good morning", and I wink at him and he gives me a smile. We have always teased him and Travler about being supermodel gorgeous. The smile he just gave me made him even more so in my eyes. Maybe because I know it’s my sister that put it on his face. “Good morning Riley, I was going to grab some coffee. I know how Kid takes his, how do you and Sadie take yours? I want to get y'all's morning started out right by getting caffeine. I have a feeling you’re going to need to be attentive for the conversation with your Mom.”


“Thank you Tumbler, we take it with two scoops of sugar and spoon of creamer. I would like to talk to you while it's the two of us. I’m all for you and Sadie together, don't let her push you away. She hasn’t allowed herself to be with anyone. It's because she was scared not to be home and keep an eye out for Mom and me. She will come around to you, I can see the way she looks at you. She thinks I don’t notice it, but I do, and she does want to be with. She uses her sexual innuendos in a playful manner hoping it will keep you interested until she gets the courage to go for it.” He looks at me with a shocked look on his face. Shakes his head ok, there's a glint of happiness in his eyes as he heads for the door.


Kid squeezes my hip. “You’re right Riley. Tumbler is perfect for your sister. I know he has cared for her from day one, and those feelin's have grown." Sitting up in the bed he continues. "Riley, I’m not usually a relationship kind of guys, and I’m not too good with words. I have to tell ya, I care about ya Riley. Am I in love with ya, no I’m not? Not sayin' that to hurt ya baby, I’m trying to say is you hold a piece of my heart. I want us to take a chance on a relationship.” Give him a chance, it’s not that I don’t want to I do. Kid is not a one woman kind of man, can I share him to keep him happy? I’m not the model type I have seen him with. I look at him and see him shifting around waiting for my response. Knowing I need to respond to his question I say, “Kid you've been a dream since I saw you on your Harley in your parent’s driveway. I have also seen you around with so many women. They are all beautiful, and I’m average at best. My body isn't a size 3, I have curves. I can’t see you being satisfied with only me, I don’t see me being the sharing kind of woman. You need someone who wouldn’t cut your dick off then throw it in the grinder if you cheat.” I wasn’t able to look at his face, I was scared of what I would see. I was looking into my lap, playing with the blanket we slept with last night.


I felt the bed shift, thinking he was leaving. I was surprised when he leaned over me, and placed his index finger under my chin, and raised my face where I had no choice but to look at him. The words out of his mouth next should have shocked me. “I’m sorry Riley, I said I’m not good with words, I must’ve said that wrong. In your head ya thought I was givin' ya a choice. I should’ve said, Riley after last night you're mine, and you're not gettin' away. Last night provided what I've been battlin' between my heart and head. That is no matter how worried we are of ruining' our friendship, this between us is happenin'. Riley, I don’t fight something hard and decide it's what I want just to fuck it up. I’m not saying I won’t fuck up, hell we both know me. I’m saying that you need to learn to trust me, to build confidence in us too. I’m not going to go find a fucking whore and rosin the one thing that feels right? Understand all of this Riley?” Son of a bitch, I don’t know if I want to slap his ass or jump in his arms.


He takes control, not giving me a chance to reply. Laying me down on the bed and laying on top of me. His top half even with mine, his bottom half between my legs. His eyes are staring into mine, he leans down and we share a soft kiss. It quickly builds to a heated, fiery kiss that leaves me burning all over. We had been deep in our kiss for a long time memorizing each other. We were into our kiss until the quiet was broken, by Sadie's excited screaming “it’s about fucking time!” Kid raises up his head still looking at me and smiled with an incredible smile that light up his eyes up. “That was unbelievable Riley; we'll be doing that a lot.” Kid said and then sat up and helped me. I look over at my sister to see Tumbler and she have coffee in their hands, and more on the end table. Thank you, coffee gods! I never survive mornings without it. I hand over Kid’s coffee and then moaning as I take a few sips of mine. He whips his head around with eyes wide open staring at me. I notice Skylar bouncing into the room. She yells “There you guys are, I’m supposed to tell you that your Mom and Wasp took off last night. They will be back this morning, dad wants you two to give them a chance to explain everything to you."


Sadie opening her mouth and says “I guessing Wasp must’ve been Mom's old love she hasn't gotten over. I hope she knows we won't be upset or hurt over it. I just want to see Mom happy, and I know Riley does too. My dad has never made her happy, and sometimes I feel like he is holding something over her head that kept her with him. She didn’t love him, I never once heard her tell him she did. Hell, he was my dad, I didn’t love him. How can you love someone who hurts your sister and best friend? I love you Riley, but he has damaged your trust in everyone but me. Kid and you can make each other stronger, and you’re going to make each other better people. I feel in my heart, you two were meant to find each other.” I taught myself not to cry, never giving Justin the satisfaction. I can feel my eyes becoming misty, and I didn't want the tears to fall. I had cried enough last night, I don’t want to cry at the drop of a pin. I look at her and say “Sadie, I appreciate the words, but I think you should listen to that advice. Tumbler has been waiting for you to get your shit together. He has been in front while still having your back. He's a good man; maybe it’s time to stop worrying so much about me and Mom, and do something for you.” Sadie looked down at the ground in thought. Skylar just couldn’t help herself. She had to have her say. “Both of you have been hiding behind Justin and your Mom for too long. You both deserve a chance at living and being happy. I know you both are scared but look at me and Ryder. I wasn't sure of having a relationship with him. Our parent’s best friends and, my brother and Ryder are best friends. It took months for Ryder to convince me to give us a chance and look at us now; he is the best thing that ever happened to me.”


Skylar is right, that means she is going to gloat. I watch Sadie looks up at Tumbler, in a shaky voice ask him. “Are you interested in more than friendship with me Tumbler?” Bikers are anything but subtle that was proven by Tumbler. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up where she was standing in front of him. “Sadie this is the only time this comes out of my mouth so listen close, understand? Swear to god woman, you make me stay in the friend category any longer, and I’m going to take you caveman style. We're gonna disappear until you agree you belong to me. Do I need to make myself clearer or do you now understand the type of relationship I want with you?” Holy fucking shit! I can’t believe that came from Tumbler’s mouth. Sadie looks at him with a blank face, I can’t tell what she is thinking. She jumps up in Tumbler’s arms and wraps her own around his neck, her legs went around his waist. I think she is trying to give him a tonsillectomy with her mouth. I think she understands what he had to say. Kid comes and stands behind me, I could almost swear he is sniffing me. I turn in his arms as he lays another pantie melting, scorching kiss on me that has a moan leaving my mouth.


Sky squeals catching me off guard and I look to check on her and see Ryder carrying her fireman style over his shoulder. I guess we know where they're gonna be, I return my attention back to my kiss and enjoy it for a little longer. Then Kid breaks the kiss and says to me “I know we should hold off, I know you have a lot in your head right now. Fair warning right now Riley; I’m not going to wait too long to feel you around me, squeezing me and giving yourself to me. I can guar- an- damn- tee you this, you need to get right with that Riley; it’s me letting you wrap your head around us. Make peace with whatever is goin' on with your Mom. The six of us will always have each other’s backs. Never doubt that."


I brush my thumb over his lower lip memorizing his mouth. I look into his eyes and say to him “okay Kid, let’s do this. I don’t know how everything is going to turn out just promise me if things go wrong you'll still be my friend and have my back. I don’t trust many, so the fact that I was able to trust you says a lot to me. I will always be loyal to you and your family. Thank you for seeing me as someone who is more than just the mistake that happened and see the woman I can be. You don’t know what that means to me.” He looks at me strangely and then says. “Riley, I don’t know all that happened with that son of a bitch, or what he has led you to believe, but you’re worth everything. I know you look in the mirror and see the same woman I see. You mentioned curves earlier, women are meant to have curves. A man doesn’t want a woman so thin she could break. I want a woman who can sit bitch on my bike and hold on to me and mold her soft body into mine. Last night when I was holding you in my arms I was completely satisfied. You and I were made to fit each other perfectly. I love every minute of watching your body when you move around a room; you capture every man's attention with your beauty.” I swear when she gets over this ordeal I’m gonna spank her ass if she keeps puttin’ herself down.  

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