Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (24 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Two hours later……



We are all climbing on our bikes and the women are out saying their good-byes. My daughters come over and give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. They give me a look and I return it in understanding. I will be bringing their mother home to them. They both look strong and after what they have been through I’m impressed. The walk over to their men and I see them whispering to each other. They give kisses that a father shouldn’t have to witness. Ever! At the same time, I’m grateful that they are here and I’m able to witness it. Prez is up front with the Prez’s from the other charters and then VP’s and then all the enforcers, and then me and Tic and behind us is my girls men. I’m glad they are close by at least I can keep an eye on them while ridin’. We are dropping the bikes off at VP’s auto shop and picking up our rides. He has several SUSV’s and trucks and a van that we all loaded up while waiting for the other’s to show. The only thing we have to do is jump into the vehicles. It only took us twenty minutes to reach the shop and park our bikes in the bays. I’m glad VP has a booming business so there is enough room. We each hop into our designated vehicles and start our ten-hour journey to the Shady Creepers hideout that Cassidy gave us directions to. This is gonna be an extremely long drive, not because of the hours but because I want my family away from these fuckers!


 It feels like it took us days to get to their hideout, it isn’t easy to get to. It is hidden in the country and we had to take a back road to get to it without being seen. It was a road that had been closed down years ago and hasn’t been used since. You can definitely feel it through your entire body as the vehicles jerk around. It’s a good thing we had this mapped out ahead of time and drove nothing but four-wheel drive vehicles. That’s the only way we’re able to take this road. We stop about a mile and half away from our destination and get the bombs and ammo ready. We all bundle up with supplies and get our night vision goggles on. The sun is already setting and we decided the dark was our best option. We would be able to see and hopefully they wouldn’t detect us. On the satellite map, we saw four lights and Spidey along with our other MC Snipers are gonna take those out. Then we go in with complete darkness and cut the electricity to building where our goggles will go to complete the vision. We will see everything clear as day and they won’t see shit!


Forty-five minutes later we start making our way toward our enemies. They will be meeting their maker tonight. Most of our guys have never killed before, I don’t see them holding back they are fueled by anger over our family being targeted. My family! My wife, daughters and mother and even my brother. I have lost one and I will not lose anymore. I lived twenty years without Ashton and my daughters, I will not lose another second without her. If I have to become a one man army that is exactly what I will dish out. No one knows my wrath, mess with mine and I will fuck yours up.


We all move as one unit, which is surprising considering we have never done anything like this before. Especially with other clubs. I’m impressed by our smoothness and ability to not attract attention as we prepare for battle. Prez signals for the Sniper’s to take out the lights, and they do at the same exact time. The lights disappear causing it to be pitch black out here. We all switch our goggles on for outdoor night vision and start making our way to our assigned entrances. There are only two prospects outside, they are taken care of swiftly by two of the “Lost Spirit” members. They were manning the entrance, I’m glad we found the back road so we came in undetected. We get the call from Bomber that he has tapped into the electric box and is ready to cut power when we are good to go. Prez gives him the all clear and we watch as the building loses all lights. “Lights out motherfuckers,” Tracker says behind me and I can’t help the twitch of a smile that appears on my face. There is nothing like having your Brothers take your back. We move inside opening the doors as quietly as we can and holding it open for the one moving in behind you. That worked until a couple started coming to go out and check on the outside fuse box. I looked to see who was by the door as the assholes passed by me not even realizing who was there. When I saw Ravage and War from the “Throwdown Riders”, I knew those boys leaving were not going to have an easy death. Those boys liked to make you feel your death. Rumors do not lie when it comes to those two boys. They literally enjoy feeling life fade in their hands.


I turn to make my way further into the room and find another room attached I turn to go that way and stop dead in my tracks. I see Ashton sitting in some fuckers lap with no goddamn clothes on. And the son of a bitch doesn’t care that the lights are off. He is licking all over her neck and rubbing on her tits. My woman is frozen in fear and there are tears leaking down her face. I’m shaking I’m so pissed. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I hear Prez whisper to me to go get my girl and kill the son of a bitch and that is exactly what I do! I SEE RED! I go pull my girl from his arms. He looks around confused and screams for someone to find his new toy his son brought him. I whisper to Ashton “Don’t worry baby, it’s me just hold on to my waist and get behind me.” She doesn’t say anything but does as I ask. I pick up my Beretta and aim right between the fuckers eyes and squeeze the trigger. It hits him dead between the eyes. Night, night Lucifer, its back to hell for you. I hear Tic screaming my name and turn and see he has my Mom and her friend with him. I see Ashton’s clothes on the floor by the stage they have set up and I grab them and help her into them. I tell Tic to take the women to someone outside for safety so we can take care of the members inside. I look around and the Brothers all have the situation under control. We line the guys up on their knees and take care of them execution style. We really wanna play with them and teach them a lesson, but we also want to get outta here and back to our compound. Take care of business and disappear. We have searched everywhere and haven’t found Muscle, which is making us uneasy and wanting this shit over with and back on the road. Once we have them all taken care of Tracker sets up the bombs and we head back to the rides. Then he sets them off. We turn and watch as the sky lights up from the explosion followed by smoke. We get into the vehicles and head home. We all try calling the ladies, we had no one to leave behind we needed all men for this mission not knowing what we were walking into. We got no answers so we tried the compound phone and still no answer. We all start worrying. All of the women are there thank goodness none of the Kids are around. We kick it into a higher gear and speed up as fast as we can.



Meanwhile at the clubhouse……




We were pissed off at the men, using sex and their authority to manipulate us was not fair. That is what we are all speaking about at the Moment. Don’t get me wrong we all love sex with our men, but seriously we wanted some payback to for what we have been through. Sadie is at the dartboard throwing those darts as hard as she can while she is screaming at it like it is Tumbler. We are all encouraging her telling her to “tell it like it is!” I’m sitting on top of the bar drinking a Cherry Dr. Pepper and encouraging the women to get it out before the men make it home. Riley is sitting on the arm of the couch listening Mom talk about Kid and me as babies. Then out of the blues someone snatches me by my hair and I feel a blade on my neck. Cassidy is as white as a sheet, sitting in the recliner facing me. Mom and Riley look pissed. Sadie’s mind seems like it's racing a million miles an hour. Riley speaks to my assailant “Muscles’, that isn’t funny. Put the knife down.” Muscle! Dammit, why does this shit have to happen to me? I cannot overpower this juice head! Riley starts to move closer to us and Muscle speaks to her. “That’s right Riley, come here. This shit is all your dad's fault. Come here and I'll let your friend go." Riley keeps inching closer and she is keeping eye contact with Muscles’. I sure hope she knows what she is doing. She makes her way to him and he pulls out a .45 and shoots Riley and she falls to the floor in a puddle of blood. Our phones start going off, but none of us can answer them, we don’t even try. He looks at Cassidy and calls her over. She hesitates, then looks at each of us and walks right to him. He puts her in the same position I was in and whispers something to her. She turns to us and says “its ok, everything will be okay.” Then she lets Muscle lead her out the door. She just saved all of our lives. She sacrificed herself for us. Now, what?


I don’t know who that motherfucker thinks he is, but I will avenge her death………


The End



To be continued.........









I am dedicating this book to the two people who have believed in everything I have done since the day I was born....Pepaw and Memaw


My grandparents raised me during a rough time for both of my parents. They jumped in feet first and never even had second thoughts. They lived in an extremely rough neighborhood so my Memaw came out of retirement so she could send me to private schools. Refusing to let me be hurt or influenced by gang activity in Dallas, TX. My Pepaw became a stay at home parental figure, taking me to school, making lunches to going on field trips and carting me and friends around. There are no greater people I have met to this day who even compare in my eyes.


I use to write romance mini stories for my Memaw, she use to tell me to believe in myself because she knew I was talented...lol. Belief is a powerful drug to a teenager and she is and will always be my hero.


To my grandparents R.I.P and thank you for never giving up on me and pushing me away when I needed someone. Love you always and forever and will miss you until the day I join you.









First and foremost I want to thank my husband Greg for standing beside me during this dream, loving and supporting all of my crazy ideas. My in-laws Patricia and Ray for sacrificing and living with us to help with this transition. Your support has meant the world to me. My brother in law B.J who became my errand runner when I ran out of materials or supplies. Making sure I ate and went to the doctor even when I didn't want to.  My mother Cheryl...I love you to the moon and back, thank you for always believing in me. My sister Kaci who has always been my biggest confidant and supports me in everything I do. My son's Colton, John and Thomas who are my biggest supporters and the loves of my life. My niece and nephews who make me feel loved every time I am in their presence. Along with my brother-n-law Brandon who doesn’t always think I’m crazy.


My friends who have supported me Amanda Smith...thank you for always being there. My friend Lindsey Pate who believed in my dream for me before I did...love ya girl. Sarah Brooks who with an active two-year old at home tried her best to edit for me. We didn't quite make it, maybe next one.


My Authors who encouraged me and pushed me when I was ready to give up, Kay Renee has been my biggest support and inspiration. Dawn Martens, Cora Brent, A.C Bextor, Layla Wolfe, Jordan Marie, Glenna Maynard, S Blue Remy, Needa Warrant...best thing that happened to me on Facebook is meeting this woman. Author Annelise Reynolds, Author Colbie Kay, Author Ellie R. Hunter, Author Sapphire Knight, Bijou Hunter, Chantal Fernando, Joanna Blake, Kathleen Kelly, Leslie Wilder, Sabrina Paige, Shelly Morgan, Sherri Crowder, Winter Travers...you have all been so amazing to me through this journey. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough.


Kori and Vera as well as Author Colbie Kay who acted as my editors and advisers….Thank you sooo much!


My acting P A...Michelle Bigioni Slagan who helped me out of the goodness of her heart. There was nothing in all of her work for her benefit. She kept me writing by keeping my other stuff running for me. I love ya girl, not many have hearts like yours. It has been an honor calling you my friend.


My Author page allies who have been there and commented every time I needed one……Thank you for all that you have given.


My Facebook supporters who have become some of my closest and dearest friends. Kori Toth-Gray who took it upon herself to pimp me whenever she could.  Vera Quinn who promoted me and was an encouragement through the entire process. If it wasn't for these two I wouldn't have pursued this dream....Thank you ladies!


Some friends on Facebook who have also made a difference for me and held my hand during some rough times I need to give a shout out to.....Andrea De Palma Florkowski, whenever I needed a helping hand was always there to offer hers. Jacqui Leigh Jones stepped right in and pushed me toward my goal, thank you. Nancy Cagle keeping a smile on my face. Tammie Smith...she is amazing...not sure what else to say other than if you need anything she is definitely the go to girl. Terra Oenning and Olivia Bermejo Grochowski...thanks for every offer you make to help me. Danena Freeman who I call my reading brain buddy, thank you for originally pushing me into this and believing in me.


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