Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (16 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Kid and I are standing away from the Detective and CSU team, but not far enough that we can’t pay attention to what is going on. I hear one of the guys call out to the Detective saying they found a tape recorder under the passenger side front tire, in the firewall. Why someone would put a tape recorder there is beyond my frame of thinking. I see Wasp walk up to the Detective, I hear him say that he and Alexander used that as a means to get messages to each other that was their secret place. That was their thing from a young age if they needed to warn each other about something at home. Interesting, but that's a thought for another day. Right now, I want to know what the fucking message is. The Detective puts on his rubber gloves and takes the recording device from the CSUS guy and presses play. Everyone goes silent as we listen for the device to start. Then Justin’s voice begins to talk, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.


Recording device; Justin’s voice:
Brother, I bet you're a happy man right now having your woman back in your arms. Don’t worry I've kept her pussy nice and warm for you, waiting for the day you could have it back. You see, I didn’t take Ashton just because I was attracted to her, although I have to admit it helped for the last twenty years. I took her because Taylor was still young and needed a mother to help with those terrible tantrums years. If I had to raise her on my own, I would end up marking her beautiful skin with punishment. I treated her the way I did for the last twenty years because I was training her for her buyer. You see brother, I had someone who was once very close to you become infatuated with your daughter even at such a young age. He decided she was meant for his son, but wanted her away from your influence. The MC lifestyle was something he couldn’t bear touching her. He also asked me to make sure she didn’t come to him a virgin. So I let her have those boyfriends. I saw the way they looked at her and knew it was just a matter of time until the deed was done.


The awful night the girls tried to move out I wasn’t going to rape our dear Taylor, she is my blood after all. I just needed to make sure she wasn’t a virgin before I took her away as my property until he was ready for her. He's watched her through the years and is even now more impressed with her beauty. He used to sit on our street and watch for her to come and go from the house. He wanted to show his boy how beautifully she was growing up. I didn’t treat her like shit because I hated her, oh no I treated her like that because his business acquaintances are not friendly, and he wanted her to be able to handle them gracefully. Until at least he could take them out privately. I won’t even tell you who helped me set the whole thing up and helped keep me hidden in plain sight for the last twenty years. Oh, how I hope I get to see your face though when you figure out who all was involved. You can’t trust your friend’s dear brother, but you really can’t trust those who you have given it to wholeheartedly either…(Justin laugh’s evilly) 


Now, Sadie's the only one I've felt even the slightest bit of guilt and love for. She came into this world calling me Daddy, in my eyes she was mine. When I took Taylor, I just couldn’t leave her there with that foul-mouthed Skylar they've made friends with. I do, however, feel horrible that my associate shot her. I didn't sanction or order it. He's paying the price for that mistake at the Moment. I'll have him at a destination when I feel like it and let your club get him and your retribution. Now on another matter, you have my associate Tazer, I’m guessing you guys figured out he was feeding me information. This wasn’t about you brother this was about other family matters. Anyways, if I don't have him back in twenty-four hours and I'll know if he is followed, I have security and cameras like it’s the White House. I'll disappear with the girls and never make contact again. If he's not back then, Riley will not be the only sister with a master. She's so beautiful my Sadie. I could have her sold quickly for a couple million dollars overseas. You know they love to fuck the shit out of white girls, but they don’t take care of them. Did you know that most of the women sold overseas hardly ever make it to the six-month mark? I sure would hate for that to happen to my sweet girl. You can tell those biker boys who have been keeping company with the girls, they need to find someone who will fit into their lifestyle more anyway. The girls are too needy and always wanting attention. It would have eventually driven them crazy anyway and they would have left the girls without a second thought. At least this way they don't have to go through dramatic breakups. If I have Tazer back in twenty-four hours, I will send Sadie back to her Mom. If not, I have told you what the price will be. I really do hope you and your club make the right decision. Until then brother, give Ashton a big kiss from me and tell her I will miss the drunken sex she used to give me. She was wild under the influence of alcohol. Well, I guess at some point you will figure that out for yourself. This most likely will be the last time you receive communication from me brother. Have an excellent life. (Justin chuckles at his last comment sarcastically) I know you will give Ashton and Sadie the best of everything. Do not be sad brother I’m giving you back the better of the two. Riley really is more submissive than Sadie so you see her training went well. She will, for the most part, be treated decently. If it makes you and Ashton feel better, I will from time to time see her and be able to see that she is alive. Well, I guess I’m done taunting you, but it has been so much fun after twenty years. Bye. (Silence)


Then all hell broke loose as Kid threw, punched, and used every cuss word he had ever heard. Then the shock wore off of from listening to the device and watching Kid lose it, Ashton passed out. Wasp caught her and the let loose a scream of a tormented father and husband. Once she recovered, we headed to the hospital dragging the Detective with us along with the recorded message so all the Brothers could hear. This will start a war unlike any of us have ever known. We're the ones who stay legal and legit. We usually do nothing to dirty our hands. This is one time we will join our sister charters and make an exception to that rule. We all want revenge and we all want blood on our hands. None of us more than Wasp. I can see it in his eyes nothing will hold him back from avenging his family. Not even his Brothers or Prez and VP and Ashton looks like she'd be right there with him. We will all have to support and stand behind him or turn our backs. I will never turn my back on a brother, I will especially not turn my back on this situation. I want everyone involved dead, a slow, excruciating painful death. It’s time to make a plan and it’s a good thing that the other guys will be here tomorrow. I hope they aren’t thinking of taking a break. I believe it will be a meeting, planning and executing. (Literally)I will not rest until I have Sadie in my arms.







What the fuck is going on? Why do I feel so funny, I hurt but not as bad as I should? I remember being broadsided and the airbag going off. That airbag stung like a son of a bitch, I remember the stench. I feel a little pain, but mostly I feel like I’m coming off a high. I try to assess my condition with what little training I have. (From my health courses for my physical therapy license) My limbs are sore and achy, but nothing feels broken. I try slowly moving my body first my feet, then hands and ever so slowly making it up to my head. When I’m satisfied, I start sitting up slowly, rolling to my side and using my arms to help lift me up, then I slide my legs over the side of the bed. The right side of my head is tender, it must have made some impact with the car. I think the airbag was my saving grace.


At that realization, I start to look around. I panic immediately at what I see, I know exactly who has me, and this can’t be good. My photos, nick knacks, e-reader and school books are all here. These items were left behind in boxes, they weren’t grabbed in a hurry leaving the house the night Riley and Mom were attacked. Oh god, Riley! Skylar! What has Justin done to them? Are they alright? It's at that thought I hear a very loud scream, I would know that voice anywhere, Riley! I start running to the three doors in this room in a panic trying to find a way out of here to get to her. The first two I try to open, one being a bathroom and the other a closet. The third door is locked and assuming that's my way out I start beating on the door screaming.


After screaming for what feels like hours I know he's not coming to let me out. I start searching for something to break my way out, I go through my things hoping I have a screwdriver, anything. I’m sitting in my closet going through my boxes, hoping I had thrown something in it. I hear the lock being opened, I quickly stand and walk out of the closet expecting Justin. Who I see shocks the shit out of me, Tiffany? She's the head nurse of the pain management side of the clinic where Skylar and I work. (We make you better clinic) She better be here to make me better alright! Or I’m going to kick her scrawny ass! “What the fuck are you doing here Tiffany? And where the hell is Justin?” I ask her angrily. She lifts her nose at me and says. "Your father's on a phone call at the Moment and asked me to administer your Demerol for pain. He's finally come to his senses and left your pathetic mother for me, we're going to be taking care of you. He told me how she and that biker gang ran into you, hurting you and your sister and killing your poor friend. One of their own “disgusting” how you and your sister were involved with them is beyond comprehension.” It's time to educate miss bitch of why. “Possibly because my real father is a member of that club, and my boyfriend! Justin kidnapped us! You do know he’s a fucking liar, his real name is Justin Bates you freak. For your own safety, you should get me and my sister out of here before they kill you with Justin for what he did to us.” I hiss.


Tiffany looked at me with disgust. Justin and this shrew deserved each other, they're both ugly, ignorant assholes! “You’re a liar Sadie! I've been dating your father since you started working at the clinic, he's told me about your mother’s alcohol problem. You and your sister lying, causing him all kinds of problems. It’s a good thing he loves you. I told him he should wash his hands of you, but the poor man loves you too much. He's found professionals who are willing to help both of you. He's on the phone with them now. You and your sister need to appreciate your father, now hold still for your shot!” Fuck this bitch she isn’t getting anywhere near me with that needle. I don’t trust her or Justin worth shit. I start fighting Tiffany and am about to escape when Justin grabs me by the arm. He gives me the smile of the devil. "Hello, my beautiful little girl. It’s time to take your shot so you’re not in pain." Glaring at me as he says this through gritted teeth. I start to squirm trying to get out of his grip when I feel the needle enter my hip, Tiffany inserts the medication. “Well, Fuck!” I’m thinking as Justin and the shrew help escort me back to the room. I slur yell at Justin that he best not hurt my sister. He laughs evilly at my threat and grabs Tiffany by the hand and tells her to follow him, he's horny. Oooh, that’s disgusting, mental picture not needed. I lay there and start getting that floating sensation and I start to pray:


“Dear Lord,

I know I do not often pray, and I’m sorry the first time I do is because I’m in trouble. The thing is, my sister and my best friend Skylar along with my new family the Rage Ryderz. Help Riley and I make it out of this situation unharmed and lead us to our family. Watch over Tumbler and Kid, help them find wisdom in decisions while trying to find us. Don’t let what Tiffany said about Skylar be true, whatever Justin and his partner did, let it be healable. I don’t think Riley and I can go home without her there. Ryder'd never survive her loss, he loves her so. King and Lina would never get past the loss of their daughter and the club would never be the same. I leave her in your care and love to protect her against the evil of what she's fighting. Let Justin see the error of his ways, or Tiffany to see past his lies. Help us the best way you see fit.

Thank you, hear my pleas for help and my families’ welfare."


After praying for my friends and family, I felt my eyes drifting shut. I fell asleep fighting it as hard as I could.


I felt myself waking from a deep sleep, fingers running through my hair like my sister does when I’m upset. I must be dreaming, what a beautiful dream I don’t want to wake. I hear Riley’s voice; “It’s okay to wake up Sadie, I don’t know why Justin decided to give us some time together, but he told me to make the most of it. He was acting like it would be our last time, so if it is I want to make sure I get to say to you what I need.” I wake up easier hearing her voice. I open my eyes and see she's actually there. Did she just say that she thinks this is the last time we'll see each other? “Why do you think this is the last time we'll see each other Riley?” She sighs and lays down on the bed next to me. “I told you it was the way he said it, he didn't say the exact words. He told me to make it count. I don’t know how much time we have, let me get through this, okay?” I shake my head and look into her eyes as we both roll to look at each other. “Tell Mom I don’t hate her, I've always loved her and knew deep down she was doing what she had to. For Wasp, tell him I was so happy I got the chance to meet him. I only knew him for a short time, but I felt love for him regardless. This is so hard! Skylar, tell her it's now her job to be the sister she was meant to be, and I love her. She'll always be my sister in my heart. Tell the club thank you for accepting me for me and never expecting anything in return." She stops a minute to breathe deeply and stop the tears. "Tell Tumbler and Ryder that I expect them to treat the two of you like queens, and never hurt you. Finally for Kid” Riley has tears running down her face, as she said Kid’s name it's with heartbreak and longing. I started to cry with her. “Pleaasse" she whimpered to me. "Tell him I love him so much, I know we weren’t together long. I loved him long before then. Tell him only miss me for a short time, to allow himself to heal. Tell him I said he has a right to be happy, and to let someone else love him one day. He deserves it.” She is sobbing, I hold her and we cry in each other’s arms.

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