Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (12 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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My life was on pause, waiting for you to come back. The longer you were gone, the worse things emotionally became for me. I closed myself off and had to leave the MC, it was gettin' to where I couldn’t look at them and not hate them for sending me on that runs. I ended up movin' to El Paso with my Mom, I had to get as far away as I could from the memories. At least my Mom helped ease some of the pain. I lived a painful existence while you were gone; I hurt every day, not one day went by I didn’t wonder boost where you were, and if you were still alive.” Knowing Wasp has gone through this hurts to hear. I go to continues my story, worried about Sadie “Justin changed our names legally and got a marriage license. Then I had a husband to keep safe and live with another I despised. I also knew I had to keep Justin, who became Justin happy. I was afraid of what would happen to Riley if he was unhappy. Then around three weeks after Justin took me I figured out I was pregnant. For some reason, this made Justin ecstatic. He wanted to pull it off that you were his Sadie, and he was present every step of the pregnancy. I learned later that due to an accident, he was unable to have children. He was around for you from day one Sadie; I believe it made it possible to form an attachment to you, he missed all that with Riley. He also knew Riley was Wasps' world, he resented her for it. He had an opportunity to one-up his brother. His daughter that Wasp didn’t even know existed. I was mad that he wouldn’t let Riley have the same last name as me and her sister. When I said something to him, was the first time he hit me. He never hit me in front of you girls, I’m grateful for that, I did learn fast how to keep out of his way.


I know you must resent me for not getting us out. I just never had the opportunity, or the information I needed. I'd no clue if your dad would be safe if I left, or if he would hurt one of you, girls, to get back at me. I just wouldn’t take a chance on one of you getting hurt. I hated when you would look at me; it hurt that I disappointed you as a Mom, but I had to keep you safe. As a mother; I could care less what happened to me, I had one thought at all times, keeping you out of his line of fire. Safety first, your disappointments last was my mantra, all of your life. I would say it every morning when I woke up and every night as I laid my head on my pillow. I only hope you understand the position I was in and think about the decisions I had to make for us all. I know you probably think I should have reached out, but don't know how far Justin’s reach is. If he could get his hands on classified papers, what else is he capable of?


 I've told your dad I think I should go back so I can keep all of you safe, but he won’t let me. I’m worried that with us all gone who he is going to go after. I can’t take it if one of you gets hurt and I could have prevented it.” Wasps’ body starts shaking, not with humor, but there's anger raging through him. He turns to me and says “What part of none of my girls are getting hurt by my brother again were you not understanding. My take from our conversation is that my daughters and you have been through enough dammit; I don’t like it! It stops now Ashton; I can’t take anymore! The guys and I will figure out how to take care of this. You and our girls are going to stay happy and safe! I want to get to know my family and have you back in my life. Please stop trying to find reasons to sacrifice yourself and leave!”


Wasp stood up and went to the window, looking out into the empty park. Sadie and Riley got up and walked over to their dad, they were hand in hand as taking tiny steps. I sat and watched as the girls shyly walked over to him. They looked up at him Sadie to his left and Riley from his right. They each took a hand and came around to his front they leaned in pulling him into a hug. He relaxed into them, he was kissing the tops of their heads and whispering how happy he was to have them. These three are my reason for existing, without them I don’t care about anything. I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Sadie girl looks for me around her father’s side and then holds out her hand for me to come and join them. I stand and walk to my family hoping Wasp isn't so angry he doesn’t welcome me into the fold. I step next to Wasp, he turns to me with a smile and mouths “I love you” and pulls me into the arms of my family. Last night during our conversation, we talked about being together again. He was nervous about the girls accepting him. Looks like our daughters are taking to him quickly; he is such a loving man I can see why, it's easy to love him. Many years ago I learned that Wasp is two men; the family man and a mean son- of- a- bitch.


Riley looks up at her dad with tears in her eyes and says “So, I had a dad who wanted me”? Wasp looked at his daughter with love in his eyes and shook his head yes. Then lowered his lips to her forehead and gave her a kiss, his lips lingering as he took our daughter in. Sadie grabbed her sister’s hand and squeezed it, Riley turned and looked at her sister with a smile. The first one I have seen that looked real, her face was glowing. I then began crying silently with tears coming down my cheeks, in happiness for my daughter. Riley needed this much more than any of us did. I lived a life with two short years of knowing love, my poor Riley only knew of love from me and Sadie, she received it the only way I could give her.


Riley asked, “I know you need to take care of Justin, but are we going to get time as well. Kid and I decided this morning to try at a relationship as well, so I need to make some time for us. I know, you and Mom need time to. Could I be a little selfish and ask for some father and daughters time for Sadie and me.” Wasps answer was “Wouldn’t have it any other way”. Sadie was deliriously happy in her father and sisters arms. I knew Justin had ruined her view of him after what he had done, I’m glad she doesn’t have to think of him as her father anymore. Life was looking up for my girls and me; I couldn’t help thinking about how long Justin would let it stay that way without taking away everything.







We were getting impatient and nervous waiting for our girls, they were in the media room with their parents. We knew they were finding out Wasp was their dad and I was worried about Sadie learning this information. Her Mom let her believe Justin was her dad, now to have her world turned upside down. I want to get my hands on that motherfucker, Justin, I want to tear him limb from limb! We know he didn’t succeed in raping Riley. Kid was worried about her wellbeing last night, we tried to give the girls a relaxin' evenin'.


Trying to not pace holes into the floor, Kid and I play a couple games of pool. That wasn’t taking the worry off our girls, so we go outside and get into a conversation with our Brothers. Prez is talking about the fire marshal coming out to investigate our clubs to make sure it's up to standards. We have gotten a good talkin’ to from the fire marshal concerning our dorm conditions. It's unheard of, and really not done where Brothers sleep in clubhouses. Ours Prez and VP were homeless as Kids and refuse to see any of us without options. Most of the Brothers have taken advantage of the situation, including me, but Prez doesn’t care as long as we all have somewhere to lay our heads at night.


Finally three hours after we left the girls with their parents, they come out and come right up and cuddle into our arms. I could tell my baby had been crying, so I pulled her chin up so she had to look into my eyes. I look into those gray eyes of hers and she smiles answering my unasked question. Ours friendship we built has helped in this phase of our relationship, it's as we can read each by looking into each other’s eyes. It amazes me the connection I feel with her; the first time I saw her, something inside of me told me she was meant to be mine. Now that I have her I will hold on to her with every bit of power my body and mind holds. “How are you Sadie girl? Do you wanna get out of here for a little bit? We can just go for a ride on the bike or go grab some food, it's up to you baby.” Sadie looks at me her eyes shining with happiness, I give her a smile, a real and genuine smile. "I want to just be with you, so whatever you feel like doing is what I want to do.” When my girl says this to me, I felt like I was on top of the world. I sound like a pussy, I better never say any of this out loud, and my Brothers would never let me live it down. Their memories are long and unforgiving.


I grab her hand taking her to my other baby and grab an extra helmet from the storage room. “Sadie girl, I say we let the open road lead us where it wants. I say we just follow where it takes us. I would love to spend some time with you, just the two of us. We've never had time to do that, there's always others with us. I want you all to myself, how do you feel about that baby girl?” She gives me the biggest smile and it lights up her face, she says, “Lead the way, bad boy!”


As we're settled on the bike, and start to put our helmets on. I hear my name called, I look up and see Wasp coming. When he reaches me he says, “Take good care of my baby Tumbler, I just got her, I will kill you if something happens to her.” I look into his eyes and see his concern, I tell him honestly. “Wasp as long as she is with me I will lay my life down before anything happens to her. I will let you threaten me this one time, don't do it again!” I hear Sadie gasp, I look behind me to see her eyes watering. I grab her thigh thinking her dad caring means a lot to her. Then she grabs me and lays the hottest kiss on me, it immediately gives me a hard on. I've never been so hard that I could drive through steel, but here I am. She pulls away and I’m looking directly into her eyes. She says, “Thank you, I always dreamt of a man caring about me enough like this.” I look at her and make sure she sees how serious I am. I tell her, “Sadie they're not just words to me, nothing comes from my mouth that isn't “trust” got it?” Sadie shakes her head yes and posts her helmet on. I turn to do the same, forgetting Wasp was standing there waitin' for me. I look at him and he gives me a head nod, which is as much approval as I’m goin’ to get at this point, I accept it and start my baby.


I come to the gate, which Malibu’s is tending, and he lets us out. I decide not to go through town so I make a left to take us to Downtown Dallas. There are more restaurants and more stuff to do there. I take us to the West End; we have a choice of Spaghetti Warehouse and Hooters, and Sadie surprise me by choosing Hooters. I have never had a date choose Hooters, most women are insecure by the women's uniforms and choose to go anywhere else. The hooter girls wear itty bitty orange shorts where their ass cheeks hang out, and a white shirt they tie up, it has Hooters spelled out and an owl symbol across their tit's.


I’m  excited in many ways, knowing my Sadie girl is secure enough to go with me inside Hooters has a huge smile on my face. My woman is hot, and she looks a hell of a lot better than any of these women anyway. She's wearing skin tight skinny jeans that hang off her hips with a wide black belt, a spaghetti strapped black tank top that leaves a little midriff showing off that sexy stomach of hers. She has on motorcycle boots that go over her jeans, they have silver buckles going all the way up the outside. She's left her long golden blond hair down, it's windblown, and but looks perfect and makes her look sexier than hell. Damn, I need to stop analyzing my baby’s looks or I’m gonna need to find a spot in an alley and have her now!


As we are seated our waitress comes to take our drink order and she is openly flirting with me, I’m getting nervous that Sadie is going to get upset. Once again, she surprises me, saying to the waitress “He’s hot isn’t he? I’m one lucky bitch! I get to go home and strip him bare; ride him until he’s dried up, limp and so satisfied, he won’t want to perform for anyone else. I’m lucky he chose me over all the women out there huh?" I’m not sure what look is on my face, but I’m in shock. My girl is looking at me with a snicker looming in the background. I knew my girl was a scrapper, and sassy, but I've never heard her be possessive. She has just sealed her fate rather she knows it or not, and I've made a decision. She's keeping her word, the shit she just spewed to the waitress is happenin'! Tonight! I’m not waiting any longer to claim mine, she has my dick so wound up, needing her sweet pussy.


“Sadie you owe me that sweet pussy of yours, I’m harder than steel due to that little show of yours. There's no one else to take care of this issues, it's all yours now baby girl. Tell me you're not gonna leave me like this.” She smirks at me then says “As soon as we finish our meal; pay the check, and you get us out of here, I will take care that issues for you biker boy.” Then she winks at me and smiles playfully at me. That's all it takes, I called the waitress over and tell her we'd be taking our food to go. Sadie was laughing so hard at me by this point she had tears running down her cheeks. She made a restroom break and by the time she made it back to the table, I had our food, paid our bill, keys in my hand ready to roll. I grabbed her hand as she made it to the table and hauled our asses out of there.


When we reach my bike, I stop dead in my tracks and look at Sadie. I don't want our first time together to be at the damn clubhouse. “Sadie girl do you have a key to the house you're going to share with Skylar?” She gives me a mischievous smirk and shakes her head yes while raising her eyebrows up and down. I love her teasing me; it makes me feel like we can play around with each other comfortably, she trust me enough to be herself. No games played or getting to know each other awkward Moments. We can just relax and be us. I jump on my bike and hold out my hand so I can help Sadie on the bike, she smiles giving me a warm smile that's for lovers. We make it back to the house in no time at all (due to my lead foot I’m sure) and I’m disappointed to see two bikes already in the driveway. Kid and Ryder must have had the same thoughts. Time alone with their women, damn this is bullshit! Sadie looks at me and tells me "sweetie don’t worry we will say our quick hello’s and be on our way to the room." I love the banter we’ve had goin’ on so I attempt to keep it going by saying, “What’s the matter baby girl, do you need some cock to take care of that weeping pussy of yours.” She gives me her playful stink eye and stomp marches herself up the walkway, opens the door, plants her feet in a dead stop. That immediately posts me on alert and I jog up the walkway and pull her behind me thinking there is danger in the house. I was absolutely not thinkin’ I would need some eye bleach the Moment I looked inside.

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